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Short-id: pma34
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Working Papers
- The Greek saga: competing explanations of the Greek crisis
Economics Discussion Papers, School of Economics, Kingston University London View citations (2)
- The plan vs. market controversy in the Marxist tradition
Discussion Paper Series, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia
- Greece and the EU: capitalist crisis and imperialist rivalries
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (2)
- Overworked Greeks? Working time trends in Greece
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Reform, Reform the Reforms or Simply Regression? The Washington Consensus' and its Critics
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (1)
- Henryk Grossmann’s Falling Rate of Profit theory of crisis: a presentation and a reply to old and new critics
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Social Structures of Accumulation, Regulation Approach and stages theory
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (1)
- The French Regulation Approach and its Theory of Consumption
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (1)
- Comments on Ben Fine's paper 'Privatisation: Theory with Lessons from the UK'
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Financial Systems and Capital Markets: an alternative view
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany
- Τesting convergence and divergence: the data from Greece
MPRA Paper, University Library of Munich, Germany View citations (2)
Journal Articles
- Comment on Miguel Ramirez's paper, 'Credit, Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy'
Economic Thought, 2019, 8, 63 - 68
- Is Cartelier's Monetary Approach a Convincing Alternative to the Labour Theory of Value? A Comment
Economic Thought, 2017, 6, (2), 45 - 52 View citations (1)
- Contending Economic Theories: Neoclassical, Keynesian and Marxian
Review of Political Economy, 2016, 28, (2), 309-312
- All work and no … pay? Unpaid overtime in Greece: determining factors and theoretical explanations
Industrial Relations Journal, 2014, 45, (1), 39-55 View citations (2)
- Teaching political economy and Marxism at an introductory level: a view from Greece
International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 2013, 4, (3), 282-295
- A Model for the Relationship between Working Time and the Intensity of Labour
Bulletin of Political Economy, 2011, 5, (2), 111-127
- Duration, Intensity and Productivity of Labour and the Distinction between Absolute and Relative Surplus-value
Review of Political Economy, 2011, 23, (3), 421-437 View citations (7)
- Marx's Theory of Money. Modern Appraisals
Review of Political Economy, 2009, 21, (3), 505-507
- Reform, Reform the Reforms or Simply Regression? The ‘Washington Consensus’ and its Critics
Bulletin of Political Economy, 2007, 1, (1), 43-66
- Commodities, Workers, and Institutions: Analytical and Empirical Problems in Regulation’s Consumption Theory
Review of Radical Political Economics, 2003, 35, (4), 485-512 View citations (1)
- The Limits of Regulation
Books, Edward Elgar Publishing View citations (4)
- Troika’s Economic Adjustment Programmes for Greece: Why They Fail Systematically?
Springer View citations (1)
- The Social Structures of Accumulation approach
Chapter 50 in The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics, 2012, pp 316-320
- The regulation approach
Chapter 48 in The Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics, 2012, pp 304-309 View citations (2)
- Privatization: Theory with Lessons from the United Kingdom
Palgrave Macmillan
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