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Short-id: pna500
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- Interpretations of Innovation in Rural Development. The Cases of Leader Projects in Lecce (Italy) and Granada (Spain) in 2007–2013 Period
European Countryside, 2018, 10, (1), 107-126
View citations (11)
- Introduction: Human and social capital in rural areas
Studies in Agricultural Economics, 2016, 118, (01), 4
View citations (3)
- Participation of disadvantaged groups and governance in the LEADER and PRODER programmes in Andalucía, Spain
Studies in Agricultural Economics, 2016, 118, (01), 8
View citations (4)
- Prestaciones Asistenciales Agrarias en las Regiones Españolas de Andalucía y Extremadura: diferencias territoriales y perfiles demográficos de sus beneficiarios
Brazilian Journal of Rural Economy and Sociology (Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural-RESR), 2016, 54, (2), 22