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Details about Charles M. North

Workplace:Department of Economics, Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University, (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Charles M. North.

Last updated 2023-11-07. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pno343

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Journal Articles


  1. An experimental exploration of reasonable doubt
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2023, 212, (C), 873-886 Downloads
  2. Prosecutor plea bargaining and conviction rate structure: evidence from an experiment
    Public Choice, 2023, 196, (3), 299-329 Downloads


  1. Priming the jury by asking for Donations: An empirical and experimental study
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019, 160, (C), 158-167 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Do Students Respond to Their Grades? Evidence from Introductory Finance
    Journal of Economic Insight, 2018, 44, (2), 1-22


  1. Religion, Corruption, and the Rule of Law
    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013, 45, (5), 757-779 Downloads View citations (35)
    Also in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013, 45, (5), 757-779 (2013) Downloads View citations (12)
  2. Robert B. Ekelund Jr., Robert D. Tollison: Economic origins of Roman Christianity
    Public Choice, 2013, 154, (3), 333-335 Downloads


  1. Rainfall or Rainmaking? Lawyers, Courts, and the Price of Mold Insurance in Texas
    Journal of Risk & Insurance, 2012, 79, (3), 817-839 Downloads


  1. Not just guidelines: Pirate codes and the emergence of property rights in The Invisible Hook
    The Review of Austrian Economics, 2010, 23, (3), 307-313 Downloads


  1. The Employment Effects of a “Good Cause†Discharge Standard in Montana
    ILR Review, 2005, 59, (1), 17-33 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Religious Freedom and the Unintended Consequences of State Religion
    Southern Economic Journal, 2004, 71, (1), 103-117 Downloads


  1. Remedies for misrepresentation in applications in the presence of fraudulent intent
    Atlantic Economic Journal, 2001, 29, (2), 162-176 Downloads
Page updated 2024-09-05