Details about Dale Plummer
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Short-id: ppl109
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Journal Articles Software Items
Working Papers
- Using Stata v9 to model complex non-linear relationships with restricted cubic splines
North American Stata Users' Group Meetings 2005, Stata Users Group
View citations (1)
Journal Articles
- 8q24 genetic variation and comprehensive haplotypes altering familial risk of prostate cancer
Nature Communications, 2020, 11, (1), 1-12
- Using density-distribution sunflower plots to explore bivariate relationships in dense data
Stata Journal, 2005, 5, (3), 371-384
View citations (3)
- Exact confidence intervals for odds ratios from case-control studies
Stata Technical Bulletin, 2000, 9, (52)
Software Items
- SENTINEL: Stata module for selecting sentinel variants from SNPs in a case-control study
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- SUBSETBYVIF: Stata module to select a subset of covariates constrained by VIF
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- CHOI_LR_TEST: Stata module to perform Choi's likelihood ratio test
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- UMBRELLA: Stata module to perform O'Brien's Umbrella test
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- RC_SPLINE: Stata module to generate restricted cubic splines
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- SUNFLOWER: Stata module to generate density distribution sunflower plots
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
View citations (2)