Details about Pavel Potužák
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Last updated 2019-01-04. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: ppo593
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Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Zero time preference and eternal postponement of consumption
Proceedings of Economics and Finance Conferences, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
- Price Level Stabilization: Hayek and New Keynesians
Proceedings of International Academic Conferences, International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Journal Articles
- Price Level Stabilization: Hayek contra Mainstream Economics
Prague Economic Papers, 2018, 2018, (4), 449-478
- Jaká je optimální míra úspor z pohledu příjemců úroků?
(What is the Optimum Saving Rate from the Perspective of the Receivers of Interest?)
Politická ekonomie, 2017, 2017, (1), 45-61
- Fisher and Mises on Zero Interest: A Reconsideration
Prague Economic Papers, 2016, 2016, (2), 203-220
View citations (3)
- Může být přirozená úroková míra nulová? Neoklasický přístup
(Can the Natural Rate of Interest Be Zero? A Neoclassical Approach)
Politická ekonomie, 2016, 2016, (1), 83-108