Details about Kamila Sławińska
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Last updated 2022-01-08. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: psa1885
Jump to Journal Articles
Working Papers
- Monetary-fiscal policy interactions in the euro area
Occasional Paper Series, European Central Bank View citations (6)
- BEER tastes better in a panel of neighbours. On equilibrium exchange rates in CEE countries
MF Working Papers, Ministry of Finance in Poland
See also Journal Article BEER tastes better in a panel of neighbours. On equilibrium exchange rates in CEE countries, Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Economic Analysis (2014) (2014)
Journal Articles
- Public–private sector wage gap in a group of European countries: an empirical perspective
Empirical Economics, 2021, 60, (4), 1747-1775 View citations (1)
- The initial fiscal policy responses of euro area countries to the COVID-19 crisis
Economic Bulletin Articles, 2021, 1 View citations (6)
- Automatic fiscal stabilisers in the euro area and the COVID-19 crisis
Economic Bulletin Articles, 2020, 6 View citations (10)
- BEER tastes better in a panel of neighbours. On equilibrium exchange rates in CEE countries
Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2014, (34), 209-226
See also Working Paper BEER tastes better in a panel of neighbours. On equilibrium exchange rates in CEE countries, MF Working Papers (2014) (2014)
- Shifting from Labor to Consumption Taxes: The Impact on Tax Revenue Volatility
Gospodarka Narodowa. The Polish Journal of Economics, 2014, (6), 81-101
- Take (health) care of yourself: what international experience predicts about drivers and structure of Polish health expenditure
Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2013, (30), 291-303
- Wykorzystanie uśrednionych modeli bayesowskich do badania czynników wpływających na poziom nierówności dochodowych w wybranej grupie krajów
Collegium of Economic Analysis Annals, 2012, (27), 131-144
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