Details about Esther M. Sánchez
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Short-id: psn25
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
- How does knowledge cross borders? French technology transfer and the SOFRE group in the Spain of the Planning, 1959–1976
Industrial and Corporate Change, 2015, 24, (6), 1247-1283
- Foreign Assistance to a ‘Closed Economy.’ The Case of French Firms in Spain, c. 1941–1963
Enterprise & Society, 2013, 14, (3), 606-641
- Un siglo de vidrio francés: Saint Gobain en España, de 1905 a la actualidad
Investigaciones de Historia Económica - Economic History Research (IHE-EHR), Journal of the Spanish Economic History Association, 2011, 07, (03), 395-407
View citations (1)
- The French armament firms and the Spanish market, 1948-75
Business History, 2010, 52, (3), 435-452