Details about Willem J. A. van der Geest
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Short-id: pva688
Jump to Journal Articles Chapters
Working Papers
- Appropriate Financial Instruments for Public-Private Partnership to Boost Cross-Border Infrastructural Development-EU Experience
Finance Working Papers, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research View citations (6)
Also in ADBI Working Papers, Asian Development Bank Institute (2011)
- Managing Multinational Infrastructure: An analysis of EU Institutional Structures and Best Practices
ADBI Working Papers, Asian Development Bank Institute View citations (1)
- Envisioning an East Asian Community--the Eu's Perspective and Role
Working Papers, eSocialSciences
Journal Articles
- Shaping factors of EU–East Asia relations
Asia Europe Journal, 2006, 4, (2), 131-149 View citations (1)
- The European Union’s strategic interests in East Asia
Asia Europe Journal, 2006, 4, (2), 129-130
- Book Review: Negotiating Structural Review in Africa by Willem Van Der Geest (ed.), (London, James Currey and Portsmouth, NH Heinemann, 1994.) Structural Adjustment and Beyond in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Rolph Van Der Hoevan and Fred Van Der Kraaij (eds.) (London, James Currey and Portsmouth, NH Heinemann, 1994.)
Journal of International Development, 1997, 9, (2), 306-307
- W. van der Geest (ed.), Negotiating Structural Adjustment in Africa
Revue Tiers Monde, 1996, 37, (147), 750-751
- Managing regional infrastructure: European Union institutional structures and best practices
Chapter 9 in Infrastructure for Asian Connectivity, 2012, pp 301-346
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