Details about Jonathan B. Wight
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Short-id: pwi224
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Journal Articles
- Book Review: Adam Smith’s America: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an Icon of American Capitalism
The American Economist, 2024, 69, (1), 187-189
- Why my doctor is a Kantian and my car mechanic is an Aristotelian: bringing marketplace ethics into the classroom
Advances in Economics Education, 2024, 3, (1), 24-42
- Book Review: Our great purpose: Adam Smith on living a better life, by Hanley, R. P
The American Economist, 2020, 65, (2), 344-346
- Book Review: Where economics went wrong: Chicago’s abandonment of classical liberalism, by Colander, D., & Freedman, C
The American Economist, 2019, 64, (2), 325-327
- Antecedents to the crisis: Mandeville, Smith, and Keynes
International Journal of Social Economics, 2018, 46, (8), 1018-1030
- Book Review: The infidel and the professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the friendship that shaped modern thought by Rasmussen, D. C
The American Economist, 2018, 63, (2), 272-274
- The ethics behind efficiency
The Journal of Economic Education, 2017, 48, (1), 15-26 View citations (5)
- Joanna Masel: Bypass Wall Street: A biologist’s guide to the rat race
Journal of Bioeconomics, 2016, 18, (3), 233-237
- Economics within a Pluralist Ethical Tradition
Review of Social Economy, 2014, 72, (4), 417-435 View citations (2)
- Paul J. Zak (ed.): The moral molecule: the source of love and prosperity
Journal of Bioeconomics, 2013, 15, (2), 195-198
- Sentiments and Motivations in Adam Smith and Vernon Smith
Forum for Social Economics, 2013, 42, (4), 298-301
- The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination, by Chrisoula Andreou and Mark White
Eastern Economic Journal, 2013, 39, (2), 263-265
- Emotions, natural selection, and rationality
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2011, 77, (1), 1-3
- Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy
Southern Economic Journal, 2010, 76, (4), 1137-1140
- Adam Smith on Instincts, Affection, and Informal Learning: Proximate Mechanisms in Multilevel Selection
Review of Social Economy, 2009, 67, (1), 95-113 View citations (6)
- Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture
Review of Social Economy, 2009, 67, (2), 254-258
- Sociability and the Market
Forum for Social Economics, 2009, 38, (2-3), 97-110 View citations (1)
Also in Forum for Social Economics, 2009, 38, (2), 97-110 (2009) View citations (2)
- D. Levine and A. Rizvi, Poverty, Work and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2005) (Price: $65.00, 159 pp., ISBN 9780521848268)
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), 2007, 36, (1), 163-165
- The Treatment of Smith's Invisible Hand
The Journal of Economic Education, 2007, 38, (3), 341-358 View citations (4)
- Adam Smith's Ethics and the “Noble Arts”
Review of Social Economy, 2006, 64, (2), 155-180 View citations (5)
- Adam Smith and Greed
Journal of Private Enterprise, 2005, 21, (Fall 2005), 46-58 View citations (6)
- Culture and Prosperity: The Truth about Markets—Why Some Nations Are Rich but Most Remain Poor By John Kay. New York: HarperBusiness, 2004. Pp. xii, 420. $25.95
Southern Economic Journal, 2005, 71, (3), 683-685
- The Rise of Adam Smith: Articles and Citations, 1970-1997
History of Political Economy, 2002, 34, (1), 55-82 View citations (2)
- Risk adjustment and hospital cost-based resource allocation, with an application to El Salvador
Social Science & Medicine, 1999, 48, (2), 197-212
- Using Electronic Data Tools in Writing Assignments
The Journal of Economic Education, 1999, 30, (1), 21-27 View citations (6)
- The Efficiency of Producing Alcohol for Energy in Brazil: Comment
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1985, 33, (4), 851-56
- The kidney market debate: a retrospective on Becker and Elías
Chapter 16 in Handbook of Teaching Ethics to Economists, 2023, pp 259-277
- Ethics and Critical Thinking
Chapter 18 in International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics, 2011 View citations (1)
- Ethics in the Mayan Marketplace
Palgrave Macmillan
- Moral Reasoning in Economics
Chapter 4 in Educating Economists, 2009
- Teaching Economics
Chapter 70 in Handbook of Economics and Ethics, 2009
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