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Details about Jonathan B. Wight

Workplace:Economics Department, Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, (more information at EDIRC)

Access statistics for papers by Jonathan B. Wight.

Last updated 2024-08-09. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pwi224

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Journal Articles


  1. Book Review: Adam Smith’s America: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an Icon of American Capitalism
    The American Economist, 2024, 69, (1), 187-189 Downloads
  2. Why my doctor is a Kantian and my car mechanic is an Aristotelian: bringing marketplace ethics into the classroom
    Advances in Economics Education, 2024, 3, (1), 24-42 Downloads


  1. Book Review: Our great purpose: Adam Smith on living a better life, by Hanley, R. P
    The American Economist, 2020, 65, (2), 344-346 Downloads


  1. Book Review: Where economics went wrong: Chicago’s abandonment of classical liberalism, by Colander, D., & Freedman, C
    The American Economist, 2019, 64, (2), 325-327 Downloads


  1. Antecedents to the crisis: Mandeville, Smith, and Keynes
    International Journal of Social Economics, 2018, 46, (8), 1018-1030 Downloads
  2. Book Review: The infidel and the professor: David Hume, Adam Smith, and the friendship that shaped modern thought by Rasmussen, D. C
    The American Economist, 2018, 63, (2), 272-274 Downloads


  1. The ethics behind efficiency
    The Journal of Economic Education, 2017, 48, (1), 15-26 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Joanna Masel: Bypass Wall Street: A biologist’s guide to the rat race
    Journal of Bioeconomics, 2016, 18, (3), 233-237 Downloads


  1. Economics within a Pluralist Ethical Tradition
    Review of Social Economy, 2014, 72, (4), 417-435 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Paul J. Zak (ed.): The moral molecule: the source of love and prosperity
    Journal of Bioeconomics, 2013, 15, (2), 195-198 Downloads
  2. Sentiments and Motivations in Adam Smith and Vernon Smith
    Forum for Social Economics, 2013, 42, (4), 298-301 Downloads
  3. The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination, by Chrisoula Andreou and Mark White
    Eastern Economic Journal, 2013, 39, (2), 263-265 Downloads


  1. Emotions, natural selection, and rationality
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2011, 77, (1), 1-3 Downloads


  1. Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy
    Southern Economic Journal, 2010, 76, (4), 1137-1140 Downloads


  1. Adam Smith on Instincts, Affection, and Informal Learning: Proximate Mechanisms in Multilevel Selection
    Review of Social Economy, 2009, 67, (1), 95-113 Downloads View citations (6)
  2. Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture
    Review of Social Economy, 2009, 67, (2), 254-258 Downloads
  3. Sociability and the Market
    Forum for Social Economics, 2009, 38, (2-3), 97-110 Downloads View citations (1)
    Also in Forum for Social Economics, 2009, 38, (2), 97-110 (2009) Downloads View citations (2)


  1. D. Levine and A. Rizvi, Poverty, Work and Freedom: Political Economy and the Moral Order, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2005) (Price: $65.00, 159 pp., ISBN 9780521848268)
    Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics), 2007, 36, (1), 163-165 Downloads
  2. The Treatment of Smith's Invisible Hand
    The Journal of Economic Education, 2007, 38, (3), 341-358 Downloads View citations (4)


  1. Adam Smith's Ethics and the “Noble Arts”
    Review of Social Economy, 2006, 64, (2), 155-180 Downloads View citations (5)


  1. Adam Smith and Greed
    Journal of Private Enterprise, 2005, 21, (Fall 2005), 46-58 Downloads View citations (6)
  2. Culture and Prosperity: The Truth about Markets—Why Some Nations Are Rich but Most Remain Poor By John Kay. New York: HarperBusiness, 2004. Pp. xii, 420. $25.95
    Southern Economic Journal, 2005, 71, (3), 683-685 Downloads


  1. The Rise of Adam Smith: Articles and Citations, 1970-1997
    History of Political Economy, 2002, 34, (1), 55-82 Downloads View citations (2)


  1. Risk adjustment and hospital cost-based resource allocation, with an application to El Salvador
    Social Science & Medicine, 1999, 48, (2), 197-212 Downloads
  2. Using Electronic Data Tools in Writing Assignments
    The Journal of Economic Education, 1999, 30, (1), 21-27 Downloads View citations (6)


  1. The Efficiency of Producing Alcohol for Energy in Brazil: Comment
    Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1985, 33, (4), 851-56 Downloads



  1. The kidney market debate: a retrospective on Becker and Elías
    Chapter 16 in Handbook of Teaching Ethics to Economists, 2023, pp 259-277 Downloads


  1. Ethics and Critical Thinking
    Chapter 18 in International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics, 2011 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Ethics in the Mayan Marketplace
    Palgrave Macmillan


  1. Moral Reasoning in Economics
    Chapter 4 in Educating Economists, 2009 Downloads
  2. Teaching Economics
    Chapter 70 in Handbook of Economics and Ethics, 2009 Downloads
Page updated 2025-03-31