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Details about Shaka Yesufu

Workplace:English Language

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Last updated 2024-01-06. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.

Short-id: pye154

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Journal Articles


  1. Democratic utopianism: still searching for the truest meaning of democracy
    International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 2023, 12, (8), 310-320 Downloads


  1. The scourge of gender-based violence (GBV) on women plaguing South Africa
    EUREKA: Social and Humanities, 2022, (1), 96-100 Downloads View citations (1)


  1. Deaths of blacks in police custody: a black british perspective of over 50 years of police racial injustices in the United Kingdom
    EUREKA: Social and Humanities, 2021, (4), 33-45 Downloads
  2. Harmonising Road Transport Legislation in the SADC Region for Crime Prevention
    Insight on Africa, 2021, 13, (1), 28-55 Downloads
  3. Human rights and the policing of disorder in South Africa: challenges and future directions
    EUREKA: Social and Humanities, 2021, (3), 72-84 Downloads
  4. The changing landscape of the spaza retail outlet amongst black South Africans
    EUREKA: Social and Humanities, 2021, (5), 12-23 Downloads
Page updated 2024-04-13