Details about Eva Zamrazilová
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Short-id: pza192
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Journal Articles
- Měnová politika: krátkodobá stabilizace versus dlouhodobá rizika
(Monetary Policy: Short-Term Stabilization versus Long-Term Risks)
Politická ekonomie, 2014, 2014, (1), 3-31 View citations (1)
- Měnová politika: staré lekce, nové výzvy
(Monetary Policy: Old Lessons and New Challenges)
Politická ekonomie, 2011, 2011, (1), 3-21
- Česká ekonomika po vstupu do Evropské unie
(The czech economy after its entry into European Union)
Politická ekonomie, 2008, 2008, (3), 291-317
- Přímé zahraniční investice v české ekonomice: rizika duality a role trhu práce
(Foreign direct investments in the czech republic: selected macroeconomic issues)
Politická ekonomie, 2007, 2007, (5), 579-602
- The Puzzle of Czech Economic Growth
Eastern European Economics, 2006, 44, (2), 40-59 View citations (1)
- Czech Economy: First Year after the EU Entry
Prague Economic Papers, 2005, 2005, (3), 195-220
- Česká ekonomika: rok po vstupu do EU
(Czech economy: first year after the EU entry)
Politická ekonomie, 2005, 2005, (5), 579-600
- Czech Economy at the Time of EU Entry
Prague Economic Papers, 2004, 2004, (3), 195-216 View citations (1)
- Perspektivy české ekonomiky po vstupu do Evropské unie
(Perspectives of czech economy after entry to the European union)
Politická ekonomie, 2004, 2004, (5), 579-600
- Czech economy in 2002: record-low inflation
Prague Economic Papers, 2003, 2003, (2), 99-120
- Rok 2002: desinflace v české ekonomice
(Year 2002: disinflation in czech economy)
Politická ekonomie, 2003, 2003, (3), 331-350
- Czech economy at the beginning of 2002: uncertain prospects
Prague Economic Papers, 2002, 2002, (2), 99-120
- Rok 2002: zpomalí česká ekonomika?
(The year 2002 in the czech economy: a slowdown?)
Politická ekonomie, 2002, 2002, (3)
- Czech economy in 2001: catching up again?
Prague Economic Papers, 2001, 2001, (2)
- Česká ekonomika 2001: akcelerace růstu
(Czech economy in 2001: acceleration of growth)
Politická ekonomie, 2001, 2001, (3)
- Czech economy on a way back to growth
Prague Economic Papers, 2000, 2000, (2)
- Czech foreign trade in the nineties: adaptation to developed markets
Prague Economic Papers, 2000, 2000, (4) View citations (1)
- External Imbalance: The Czech Case
Eastern European Economics, 2000, 38, (3), 82-94 View citations (1)
- Česká ekonomika v roce 2000: obrat v tempu růstu
(Czech economy in 2000: a turn toward growth)
Politická ekonomie, 2000, 2000, (3)
- Active employment policy: a chance for czech labour market?
Prague Economic Papers, 1999, 1999, (4)
- Czech economy in 1999: struggling for revival
Prague Economic Papers, 1999, 1999, (2)
- Dlouhodobá nezaměstnanost: další riziko české ekonomiky?
(Long-term unemployment: a new problem of czech economy?)
Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (4)
- Vnější nerovnováha: cena za konsolidaci
(The external imbalance: painful consolidation)
Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (3)
- Česká ekonomika v r. 1999: nesnadná cesta k oživení
(How to revive the czech economy in 1999)
Politická ekonomie, 1999, 1999, (2)
- Czech economy in 1998: risks and challenges
Prague Economic Papers, 1998, 1998, (2) View citations (1)
- Česká ekonomika v roce 1998: možnosti a rizika
(Czech economy in 1998: risks and challenges)
Politická ekonomie, 1998, 1998, (3) View citations (1)
- Czech economy at the beginning of 1997
Prague Economic Papers, 1997, 1997, (2)
- Czech economy at the start of 1996
Prague Economic Papers, 1996, 1996, (2)
- Two Czech crises revisited: pantarhei
Chapter 8 in Financial Cycles and the Real Economy, 2014, pp 114-144
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