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FDI, Employment and Economic Growth in Nigeria

John Inekwe

African Development Review, 2013, vol. 25, issue 4, 421–433

Abstract: The study examines the links between Nigerian economic growth, employment and foreign direct investment (FDI) in the manufacturing and servicing sectors between 1990 and 2009. The significant results of the Johansen cointegration technique and the vector error correction model reveal that FDI in the servicing sector has a positive relationship with economic growth while FDI in the manufacturing sector has a negative relationship. FDI in the manufacturing sector has a positive relationship with employment rate while FDI in the servicing sector has a negative relationship with employment rate. Granger causal relationships among these variables exist. In the growth equation, causality runs from growth to FDI in the service sector while growth and FDI in the manufacturing sector have bidirectional causal effect. For the employment equation, unidirectional causality runs from FDI in the service and manufacturing sectors to employment rate.

Date: 2013
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