The Energy Journal
1980 - 2023
From International Association for Energy Economics
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Volume Volume_9, issue Special Issue 1, 1988
- Petroleum Product Pricing in the Philippines pp. 1-14

- Armando Pestano
- Petroleum Product Pricing in Thailand pp. 15-44

- Piyasvasti Amranand and Tienchai Chongpeerapien
- P.R.C.'s Price Reform and the Trend in Energy Prices pp. 45-70

- Li Zheng and Zhang Jian
- Energy Pricing and Household Energy Consumption in India pp. 71-106

- Ramesh Bhatia
- Asian Petroleum Pricing Policies Revisited pp. 107-125

- Corazon M. Siddayao
Volume Volume24, issue Number 4, 2003
- Hans H. Landsberg and Sam H. Schurr: Reflections and Appreciation pp. 1-16

- Joel Darmstadter
- Energy Policies and Their Consequences After 25 Years pp. 17-49

- Paul Joskow
- The Role of Knowledge: Technological Innovation in the Energy System pp. 51-74

- Robert W. Fri
- Improving Long-Range Energy Modeling: A Plea for Historical Retrospectives pp. 75-92

- Jonathan Koomey, Paul Craig, Ashok Gadgil and David Lorenzetti
- Energy and Economic Development: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge pp. 93-112

- Michael Toman and Barbora Jemelkova
- Book Review - Oil and the Economy: Recent Developments in Historical Perspective, edited by James L. Smith pp. 113-116

- Graham Davis
Volume Volume24, issue Number 3, 2003
- Market Power in International Carbon Emissions Trading: A Laboratory Test pp. 1-26

- Bjorn Carlen
- The Effect of Market Reforms on Structural Change: Implications for Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in China pp. 27-62

- Karen Fisher-Vanden
- Unravelling Trends and Seasonality: A Structural Time Series Analysis of Transport Oil Demand in the UK and Japan pp. 63-96

- Lester C. Hunt and Yasushi Ninomiya
- Trade Liberalization and Carbon Leakage pp. 97-120

- Onno Kuik and Reyer Gerlagh
- U.S. Midwest Gasoline Pricing and the Spring 2000 Price Spike pp. 121-149

- Jeremy I. Bulow, Jeffrey H. Fischer, Jay S. Creswell, Jr. and Christopher T. Taylor
- Book Reviews pp. 151-159

- N/a
Volume Volume24, issue Number 2, 2003
- The LNG Revolution pp. 1-45

- James T. Jensen
- Oil Price Shocks and Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 47-61

- Carlos de Miguel, Baltasar Manzano and Jose M. Martin-Moreno
- The Effect of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) Regulation of Petroleum Product Prices, 1976-1981 pp. 63-93

- Robert P. Rogers
- Are Differentiated Carbon Taxes Inefficient? A General Equilibrium Analysis pp. 95-112

- Brita Bye and Karine Nyborg
- An Econometric Model of Oil and Gas Exploration Development and Production in the UK Continental Shelf: A Systems Approach pp. 113-141

- Alexander Kemp and Sola Kasim
- Book Reviews pp. 143-148

- Peter C. Fusaro and Jeremy Wilcox
Volume Volume23, issue Number 4, 2002
- A Quantitative Analysis of Pricing Behavior in California's Wholesale Electricity Market During Summer 2000 pp. 1-35

- Paul Joskow and Edward Kohn
- Book Review

- N/a
- Petroleum Tax Reform Proposals in Norway and Denmark pp. 37-56

- Diderik Lund
- Micro Econometric Modelling of Household Energy Use: Testing for Dependence between Demand for Electricity and Natural Gas pp. 57-84

- Søren Leth-Petersen
- Energy Price, Environmental Policy, and Technological Bias pp. 85-107

- Abbas A. Taheri and Rodney Stevenson
Volume Volume23, issue Number 3, 2002
- The Economics of a Lost Deal: Kyoto - The Hague - Marrakesh pp. 1-26

- Jean-Charles Hourcade and Frédéric Ghersi
- Oil Price Shocks and the U.S. Economy: Where Does the Asymmetry Originate? pp. 27-52

- Nathan Balke, Stephen Brown and Mine Yucel
- The Capital-Energy Controversy: An Artifact of Cost Shares? pp. 53-79

- Manuel Frondel and Christoph Schmidt
- Pricing Natural Gas in Mexico: An Application of the Little-Mirrlees Rule pp. 81-93

- Dagobert Brito and Juan Rosellon
- Modeling Cournot Competition in an Electricity Market with Transmission Constraints pp. 95-125

- Bert Willems
- Book Review pp. 127-129

- N/a
Volume Volume23, issue Number 2, 2002
- Interfuel Substitution within Industrial Companies: An Analysis Based on Panel Data at Company Level pp. 27-50

- Thomas Bjørner and Henrik Holm Jensen
- Climate Politics from Kyoto to Bonn: From Little to Nothing? pp. 51-71

- Christoph Bohringer
- Will Cross-Ownership Re-Establish Market Power in the Nordic Power Market? pp. 73-95

- Eirik S. Amundsen and Lars Bergman
- The Curious Role of "Learning" in Climate Policy: Should We Wait for More Data? pp. 97-119

- Mort Webster
- Book Review pp. 121-125

- N/a
Volume Volume23, issue Number 1, 2002
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy in the United States: Identifying Winners and Losers in an Expanded Permit Trading System pp. 1-18

- Adam Rose and Gbadebo Oladosu
- The Asymmetric Effects of Changes in Price and Income on Energy and Oil Demand pp. 19-55

- Dermot Gately and Hiliard G. Huntington
- The Discovery Decline Phenomenon: Microeconometric Evidence from the UK Continental Shelf pp. 57-71

- Andrew Pickering
- Early Emission Reduction Programs: An Application to CO2 Policy pp. 73-95

- Ian Parry and Michael Toman
- Le Tarif Vert Retrouve: The Marginal Cost Concept and the Pricing of Electricity in Britain and France, 1945-1970 pp. 97-116

- Martin Chick
- Costs of Atmospheric Fluidized-Bed Combustors for Electric Power Generation pp. 117-132

- Frederick C. Scherr and Jack A. Fuller
- Book Review pp. 133-140

- N/a
Volume Volume22, issue Number 4, 2001
- How Plausible is the Consensus Projection of Oil Below $25 and Persian Gulf Oil Capacity and Output Doubling by 2020? pp. 1-28

- Dermot Gately
- Analyzing California's Power Crisis pp. 29-52

- Ahmad Faruqui, Hung-po Chao, Vic Niemeyer, Jeremy Platt and Karl Stahlkopf
- The Kyoto Protocol: Regional and Sectoral Contributions to the Carbon Leakage pp. 53-80

- Sergey V. Paltsev
- Lifting the Alaskan Oil Export Ban: An Intervention Analysis pp. 81-94

- Charles W. Bausell Jr., Frank W. Rusco and W. David Walls
- Economic Indicators of Market Transformation: Energy Efficient Lighting and EPA's Green Lights pp. 95-122

- Marvin J. Horowitz
- Book Review pp. 123-135

- N/a
Volume Volume22, issue Number 3, 2001
- The Dynamics of Commodity Spot and Futures Markets: A Primer pp. 1-30

- Robert Pindyck
- Adelman's Rule and the Petroleum Firm pp. 31-54

- Robert D. Cairns and Graham A. Davis
- An Analysis of Market Power Mitigation Strategies in Colorado's Electricity Industry pp. 55-78

- David M. Quick and Janis M. Carey
- Uncertainties in Responding to Climate Change: On the Economic Value of Technology Policies for Reducing Costs and Creating Options pp. 79-114

- Demetrios Papathanasiou and Dennis Anderson
- Self-Sufficient Energy Supply for Isolated Communities: Wind-Diesel Systems in the Canary Islands pp. 115-146

- Jose Antonio Carta and Jaime Gonzalez
- The Kyoto Protocol, Emissions Trading and the CDM: An Analysis from Developing Countries Perspective pp. 147-169

- Jyoti P. Painuly
Volume Volume22, issue Number 2, 2001
- Are Regional Oil Markets Growing Closer Together?: An Arbitrage Cost Approach pp. 1-15

- Andrew N. Kleit
- The Impact of Agency Costs on Regulator Compensation and the Size of Electric Utility Commissions pp. 17-34

- Franklin Mixon
- International Comparisons of Sectoral Carbon Dioxide Emissions Using a Cross-Country Decomposition Technique pp. 35-75

- Lee Schipper, Scott Murtishaw and Fridtjof Unander
- Economic Development and End-Use Energy Demand pp. 77-105

- Kenneth Medlock and Ronald Soligo
- The Determinants of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Consumption in Swedish Manufacturing Industry, 1976-1995 pp. 107-126

- Henrik Hammar and Åsa Löfgren
- Book Review pp. 127-128

- N/a
Volume Volume22, issue Number 1, 2001
- Regulatory Remedies to the Common Pool: The Limits to Oil Field Unitization pp. 1-26

- Gary D. Libecap and James Smith
- Oil Production in the Lower 48 States: Economic, Geological, and Institutional Determinants pp. 27-49

- Robert Kaufmann and Cutler J. Cleveland
- Zonal Pricing in a Deregulated Electricity Market pp. 51-73

- Mette Helene Bjørndal and Kurt Jörnsten
- Explaining Cointegration Analysis: Part II pp. 75-120

- David Hendry and Katarina Juselius