Schmollers Jahrbuch : Journal of Applied Social Science Studies / Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
2004 - 2013
Continued by Schmollers Jahrbuch : Journal of Applied Social Science Studies / Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften.
Current editor(s): Gert G. Wagner and Joachim Wagner
From Duncker & Humblot, Berlin
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Volume 133, issue 4, 2013
- Does the Use of Worker Flows Improve the Analysis of Establishment Turnover? Evidence from German Administrative Data pp. 477-510

- Tanja Hethey-Maier and Johannes Schmieder
- Unfair wahrgenommene eigene Entlohnung, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Kündigungsabsicht: Empirische Evidenz auf Basis des SOEPs pp. 511-538

- Felix M. Kersting and Christian Pfeifer
- Erwarteter Bezug von Grundsicherung im Alter: Verhaltensunterschiede und Fehleinschätzungen pp. 539-562

- Bettina Lamla and Martin Gasche
- Regulation und regulatorisches Ausmaß zur Sicherung von Wettbewerbsintegrität ó Eine gütertheoretische Perspektive auf sportliche Positionswettbewerbe pp. 563-594

- Lutz Thieme and Joachim Lammert
- "Familien in Deutschalnd" - FiD pp. 595-606

- Mathis Schröder, Rainer Siegers and C. Katharina Spießss
- The Research Data Centre of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW-FDZ) pp. 607-618

- Sandra Gottschalk
Volume 133, issue 3, 2013
- Hospital Market Concentration and Discrimination of Patients pp. 345-374

- Ralf Dewenter, Thomas Jaschinski and Björn A. Kuchinke
- Mothers' Transitions into the Labor Market under Two Political Systems: Comparing East and West Germany before Reunification pp. 375-408

- Julia Bredtmann, Jochen Kluve and Sandra Schaffner
- Die Beschäftigungsstabilität nach einer dualen Berufsausbildung: Wer startet erfolgreich in das Erwerbsleben? pp. 409-438

- Tanja Buch and Gabriele Wydra-Somaggio
- The Research Data Center Ruhr at the RWI (FDZ Ruhr im RWI) pp. 439-448

- Thomas Bauer, Rüdiger Budde and Sandra Schaffner
- The Ifo Investment Database pp. 449-460

- Thomas Strobel, Stefan Sauer and Klaus Wohlrabe
- Author Identification in Economics,... and Beyond pp. 461-475

- Thomas Krichel and Christian Zimmermann
Volume 133, issue 2, 2013
- Editorial – SOEP 2012: The 10th International Socio-Economic Panel User Conference pp. 117-119

- Jürgen Schupp, Janet Gornick, C. Katharina Spiess and Nicolas Ziebarth
- Factor Shares and Income Inequality. Empiral Evidence from Germany 2002 – 2008 pp. 121-132

- Martin Adler and Kai Daniel Schmid
- Long-Distance Moves and Employment of Women in Dual-Earner Couples in Britain and Germany pp. 133-142

- Philipp M. Lersch
- Is a Temporary Job Better Than Unemployment? A Cross-country Comparison Based on British, German, and Swiss Panel Data pp. 143-155

- Michael Gebel
- Differential Employment Prospects among Atypical Employees: Effects of Type of Contract or Worker Preference? pp. 157-167

- Jan Brülle
- Participation in Continuing Vocational Training in Germany between 1989 and 2008 pp. 169-183

- Alexander Yendell
- The Intergenerational Transmission of Occupational Preferences, Segregation, and Wage Inequality – Empirical Evidence from Europe and the United States pp. 185-202

- Veronika V. Eberharter
- Is Occupational Mobility in Germany Hampered by the Dual Vocational System? The Results of a British-German Comparison pp. 203-214

- Thomas Rhein, Parvati Trübswetter and Natascha Nisic
- Internal Migration of Immigrants: Evidence from Western Germany pp. 215-225

- Belit Saka
- Returns to Regional Migration: Causal Effect or Selection on Wage Growth? pp. 227-238

- Fabian Kratz and Josef Brüderl
- Gender Differences in Residential Mobility: The Case of Leaving Home in East Germany pp. 239-248

- Ferdinand Geissler, Thomas Leopold and Sebastian Pink
- Explaining Differences Between the Expected and Actual Duration Until Return Migration: Economic Changes pp. 249-261

- Gerard van den Berg and Michèle A. Weynandt
- International Migration as Occupational Mobility: The Case of Germany pp. 263-273

- Dean R. Lillard and Anna Manzoni
- Subjective Well-Being and Air Quality in Germany pp. 275-286

- Maike Schmitt
- The Impact of Educational Fields on Fertility in Western Germany pp. 287-297

- Anja Oppermann
- Ethnic Inequality in Preterm Birth pp. 299-322

- Sten Becker and Carolyn Stolberg
- Third Person Effects in Interview Responses on Life Satisfaction pp. 323-333

- Adrian Chadi
- Does Trust Pay Off? pp. 335-343

- Ruben Bliek de
Volume 133, issue 1, 2013
- What Makes Me See Inequality as Just? pp. 1-21

- Ivo Bischoff, Friedrich Heinemann and Tanja Hennighausen
- Are Tall People Less Risk Averse Than Others? pp. 23-42

- Olaf Hübler
- Anreize der Gesetzgebung zu Arzneimitteln für seltene Leiden – Überlegungen zu Versorgung, Qualität und Effizienz pp. 43-65

- Tristan Nguyen and Karsten Rohlf
- Investitionen in der Krise? Eine empirische Analyse zum Einfluss der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/2009 auf Investitionsanpassungen pp. 67-95

- Von Hans-Dieter Gerner and Jen Stegmaier
- The German Ageing Survey (DEAS) – A Longitudinal and Time-Series Study of People in the Second Half of Life pp. 97-107

- Heribert Engstler and Nicole Schmiade
- Saving and Old Age Provision in Germany (SAVE): Design and Enhancements pp. 109-116

- Michela Coppola and Bettina Lamla
Volume 132, issue 4, 2012
- German “Ordnungstheorie”. From the Perspective of the New Institutional Economics pp. 473-500

- Rudolf Richter
- Effectiveness of Further Vocational Training in Germany – Empirical Findings for Persons Receiving Means-tested Unemployment Benefits pp. 501-526

- Sarah Bernhard and Thomas Kruppe
- Eine wohlfahrtsökonomische Analyse der Übernutzung patentfreier Antibiotika und deren Auswirkungen auf die Verbreitung resistenter Infektionserreger pp. 527-548

- Klaus Kaier
- Exportverhalten in West- und Ostdeutschland – Determinanten und Anpassungsprozesse pp. 549-580

- Sabine Engelmann and Michaela Fuchs
- Einwohnerveredelung im Länderfinanzausgleich: Defizite und ein Alternativvorschlag pp. 581-608

- Tony Mudrack
- The Data Sets of the LMU-ifo Economics & Business Data Center – A Guide for Researchers pp. 609-618

- Christian Seiler
- The German Data Service Center for Business and Organizational Data (DSC-BO) Read More: pp. 619-634

- Susanne Edler, Alexia Meyermann, Tobias Gebel, Stefan Liebig and Martin Diewald
- The BIBB Training Panel – An Establishment Panel on Training and Competence Development pp. 635-652

- Christian Gerhards, Sabine Mohr and Klaus Troltsch
- DemoDiff: A Dataset for the Study of Family Change in Eastern (and Western) Germany pp. 653-660

- Michaela Kreyenfeld, Johannes Huinink, Heike Trappe and Rainer Walke
- The Research Data Centre for Education (FDZ Bildung): Qualitative Data in the Context of a Social Science Triangulation of Methods pp. 661-670

- Doris Bambey
Volume 132, issue 3, 2012
- Editorial – KombiFiD – Combined Firm Data for Germany pp. 359-359

- Joachim Wagner
- “Combined Firm Data for Germany” – Possibilities and Consequences of Merging Firm Data from Different Data Producers pp. 361-377

- Elena Biewen, Anja Gruhl, Christopher Gürke, Tanja Hethey-Maier and Emanuel Weiß
- The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Enterprises from Manufacturing Industries: Evidence from a Replication Study pp. 379-392

- Joachim Wagner
- The Quality of the KombiFiD-Sample of Business Services Enterprises: Evidence from a Replication Study pp. 393-403

- Alexander Vogel and Joachim Wagner
- KombiFiD: A First Glimpse of the Bundesbank Data pp. 405-418

- Elena Biewen
- The GESIS Microcensus-Trendfile – A New Database for the Study of Social Change pp. 419-432

- Andrea Lengerer, Julia H. Schroedter, Mara Boehle and Christof Wolf
- The IfM Bonn Founder Panel – Design and Research Potential pp. 433-442

- Rosemarie Kay and Peter Kranzusch
- Biographical Data of Social Insurance Agencies in Germany – Improving the Content of Administrative Data pp. 443-451

- Daniela Hochfellner, Dana Müller and Anja Wurdack
- Multilinks Database on Intergenerational Policy Indicators pp. 453-461

- Wolfgang Keck and Chiara Saraceno
- A Survey of Commercial Cattle Farmers in Semi-arid Rangelands of Namibia on Risk, Management and Sustainability pp. 463-471

- Roland Olbrich, Martin Quaas and Stefan Baumgärtner
Volume 132, issue 2, 2012
- Editorial – Introduction to the Special Issue: Demography, Social Institutions, and Individual Outcomes pp. 147-150

- Ralf K. Himmelreicher and Carsten Schröder
- Demographic Trends in Germany and their Economic Implications pp. 151-174

- Rembrandt Scholz and Carsten Schröder
- Income Mobility – Curse or Blessing? Mobility in Social Security Earnings: Data on West-German Men since 1950 pp. 175-203

- Uwe Fachinger and Ralf K. Himmelreicher
- Employment Biographies of the German Baby Boomer Generation pp. 205-232

- Anita Tisch and Silke Tophoven
- Betting on a Long Life – the Role of Subjective Life Expectancy in the Demand for Private Pension Insurance of German Households pp. 233-263

- Ulrike Doerr and Katharina Schulte
- Redistribution and Insurance in the German Welfare State pp. 265-295

- Charlotte Bartels
- Earnings Inequality – Does the Accounting Period Matter? pp. 297-321

- Lena Mareike Detlefsen
- The Social Costs of Health-related Early Retirement in Germany: Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel pp. 323-357

- Gisela Hostenkamp and Michael Stolpe
Volume 132, issue 1, 2012
- Employed But Still Unhappy? On the Relevance of the Social Work Norm pp. 1-26

- Adrian Chadi
- Using Experiences from the U.S. to Implement Health Savings Accounts in German Statutory Health Insurance pp. 27-52

- Renate Lange and Petra Steinorth
- Die Entwicklung der Ausgaben in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung bis 2050 – bleibende Herausforderung für die deutsche Gesundheitspolitik pp. 53-88

- Sauerland Von Dirk and Ansgar Wübker
- Der Rückgang der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland: Ein Erfolg der Hartz-Reformen oder konjunktureller Effekt? pp. 89-121

- Sabine Klinger and Thomas Rothe
- National Health Data from the Robert Koch Institute pp. 123-140

- Heribert Stolzenberg, Rüdiger Dölle and Bärbel-Maria Kurth
- ALWA-ADIAB – Linked Individual Survey and Administrative Data for Substantive and Methodological Research pp. 141-146

- Manfred Antoni and Stefan Seth