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Managerial Economics

2007 - 2023

Current editor(s): Henryk Gurgul

From AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management
Contact information at EDIRC.

Bibliographic data for series maintained by Lukasz Lach ().

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2023, volume 24, articles 2

The impact of digitization on corporate controlling and the role of controllers pp. 107-143 Downloads
Jessica Hastenteufel, Max Dorow and Susanne Weber

2022, volume 23, articles 2

Spillovers between European markets pp. 111–130 Downloads
Agnieszka Choczynska

2022, volume 23, articles 1

Development of key performance indicators of capital market-oriented entities in the Prime Standard since the introduction of DRS 20 pp. 7-26 Downloads
Philipp Blumenstein, Robert C. Schmidt and Jessica Hastenteufel
Changes in the quality of bank loan portfolios in EU countries – with the particular case of Poland pp. 27-48 Downloads
Aneta Kosztowniak
Gamified Recruitment: A Way to Win the Talent of Tomorrow? pp. 49-76 Downloads
Hannah Martensen, Malte Martensen and Johannes Asanger
How to define macroeconomic announcement surprises? An example of the impact of US macroeconomic news on stock prices on the Warsaw Stock Exchange pp. 77-98 Downloads
Tomasz Wójtowicz

2021, volume 22, articles 2

The dependencies of subindexes of Stoxx 600 during the Covid-19 pandemic pp. 73-94 Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Robert Syrek
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the German banking industry – a critical analysis of regulatory easing for banks pp. 95-112 Downloads
Jessica Hastenteufel, Anke Haag and Maria Eschenrö der
Forecasting the economic impact of a vacuum tube high-speed transport system in Poland: An input-output approach pp. 113-142 Downloads
Šukasz Lach, Marcin Suder, Rafał Kusa and Joanna Duda

2021, volume 22, articles 1

Climate protection as an opportunity for banks to increase earnings and consumer trust pp. 7-22 Downloads
Sabrina Kiszka and Jessica Hastenteufel
An example to illustrate several aspects of optimization theory in Managerial Economics pp. 23-34 Downloads
Somdeb Lahiri

2020, volume 21, articles 2

Testing for the economic and environmental impacts of EU Emissions Trading System: A panel GMM approach pp. 99-125 Downloads
Piotr Gretszel, Henryk Gurgul, Łukasz Lach and Stefan Schleicher
Low Interest Rates – A Real Threat to German Banks or First-Class Whining?! pp. 127-156 Downloads
Jessica Hastenteufel and Lena Fuchs*
Functional business valuation – The theoretical foundation of argumentation value and its underlying function pp. 157-175 Downloads
Manfred Jürgen Matschke, Gerrit Brösel and Patrick Thielmann

2020, volume 21, articles 1

What do German bank customers want? The importance of customer expectations and the failure of the integral customer advisory service pp. 7-47 Downloads
Jessica Hastenteufel and Sabrina Kiszka
Consumer surplus and budget constrained preference maximization: A note pp. 49-65 Downloads
Somdeb Lahiri
Regulation of the Ukrainian labor market in the context of European integration: system priorities pp. 67-83 Downloads
Oleh Risnyy

2019, volume 20, articles 2

Review of stochastic differential equations in statistical arbitrage pairs trading pp. 71-118 Downloads
Sylvia Endres
Current and future challenges of family businesses pp. 119-132 Downloads
Jessica Hastenteufel and Mareike Staub
Selected methods of studying a college’s image pp. 133-150 Downloads
Katarzyna Kowalska-Jarnot
Pairs trading with the persistence-based decomposition model pp. 151-180 Downloads
Jonas Rende

2019, volume 20, articles 1

The analysis of liberalisation of the electricity market in Slovenia pp. 7-26 Downloads
Štefan Bojnec and Drago Papler
Youth unemployment and crime: an empirical investigation for Turkey pp. 27-42 Downloads
Halil Tunca and Ferda Esin Gulel
Methods of limiting selected risk types in the municipal waste incineration plant pp. 43-56 Downloads
Ewa Kubinska-Jabcon and Mariusz Niekurzak

2018, volume 19, articles 2

Prerequisites for successful succession in family company according to its successor pp. 169-185 Downloads
Mariola Dzwigol-Barosz
Exposure of Polish enterprises to risk within business cycle pp. 187-203 Downloads
Izabela Jonek-Kowalska
Odra River in Lower Silesia: probabilistic analysis of flood risk dynamics as part of sustainable development of water management pp. 205-225 Downloads
Lukasz Kuzminski and Arkadiusz Halama
Cluster as place of efficient diffusion of knowledge. Experiences of Lower Silesia pp. 227-249 Downloads
Malgorzata Wachowska
Patterns of technological accumulation in European Union countries pp. 251-269 Downloads
Rafal Wisla

2018, volume 19, articles 1

RIPRAN – one of the best project risk analysis methodologies pp. 7-24 Downloads
Katerina Bockova and Daniel Lajcin
Bank policies towards SME sector in Poland and selected countries worldwide pp. 25-47 Downloads
Joanna Duda and Maciej Wozniak
Impact of ATM location on its profi tability in Malopolskie and Podkarpackie provinces pp. 49-73 Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Marcin Suder
Managing volunteer engagement in reference to empirical research pp. 75-88 Downloads
Tomasz Janik and Ewa Beck-Krala
Descriptive representation about transformation of company by using current technologies and tools for analytical processing and evaluation of diverse data pp. 89-101 Downloads
Gabriel Koman, Martin Holubcik and Milan Kubina
Universal basic income. Theory and practice pp. 103-116 Downloads
Piotr Misztal
Reasons full-time students of economics in Poland undertake jobs pp. 117-131 Downloads
Izabela Ostoj
Cooperation among SMEs in Poland on path to their development pp. 133-152 Downloads
Barbara Siuda-Tokarska

2017, volume 18, articles 2

Does income inequality hamper human capital accumulation in OECD countries? pp. 133-145 Downloads
Jakub Bartak
Importance of copyrights in online society pp. 147-163 Downloads
S³awomir Czetwertyñski
MIDAS models in banking sector – systemic risk comparison pp. 165-181 Downloads
Henryk Gurgul, Roland Mestel and Robert Syrek
Exploring relative instances of exposure in equilibrium of migration processes based on population characteristics pp. 183-199 Downloads
Laszlo Pitlik, Peter Kollar, Zsolt Fulop and Imre Madarasz
Price reversal as potential expiration day effect of stock and index futures: evidence from Warsaw Stock Exchange pp. 201-225 Downloads
Milena Suliga
CAPM applications for appropriate stock pricing – impact of speculation companies pp. 227-245 Downloads
Stanis³aw Urbañski and Iwona Skalna
Human and social capital facing challenges of economic convergence processes in Poland pp. 247-264 Downloads
Ma³gorzata Wosiek

2017, volume 18, articles 1

Entrepreneurial orientation in high-tech and low-tech SMEs in Malopolska region pp. 7-22 Downloads
Mateusz Codogni, Joanna Duda and Rafal Kusy
Spatial contagion between stock markets in Central Europe pp. 23-46 Downloads
Anna Czapkiewicz and Tomasz Wójtowicz
Agricultural income and prices. The interdependence of selected phenomena in Poland compared to EU-15 member states pp. 47-62 Downloads
Andrzej Czyzewski and Lukasz Kryszak
Multi-criteria decision methods for CSR management – literature review pp. 63-86 Downloads
Anna Dos
Trading volume and volatility patterns across selected Central European stock markets from microstructural perspective pp. 87-102 Downloads
Henryk Gurgul and Robert Syrek
Earn-outs to bridge gap between negotiation parties – curse or blessing? pp. 103-116 Downloads
Christian Toll and Jan-Phillipp Rolinck
Page updated 2024-09-07