Theoretical and Applied Economics
2006 - 2025
Current editor(s): Mircea Dinu From Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Mircea Dinu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume XXXII, issue 1(642), Spring, 2025
- The impact of agro-food imports from Ukraine on the Romanian market: a post-conflict economic analysis pp. 5-18

- Ionut Laurentiu Petre, Robert Ștefan Sbîrcea, Alina-Oana Chiva and Cristiana-Adriana Costache
- An empirical analysis of foreign trade concentration between Türkiye and Egypt (2005-2023) pp. 19-36

- Abidin Öncel and Aya Kamel
- The three-ways linkages between domestic investment, exports and economic growth: new evidence from Saudi Arabia pp. 37-58

- Sayef Bakari
- Local resilience in the context of digital transition: development policy perspectives from Romania and Moldova pp. 59-70

- Ionut Valeriu Andrei, Maxim Cetulean, Eliza Nicoleta Negoi and Marta Stoian
- Customs unions and trade spillovers: from bilateral agreements to multilateral impact pp. 71-84

- Sharmi Sen and Tonmoy Chatterjee
- The impact of foreign direct investment on carbon emissions in China: a provincial panel data analysis pp. 85-102

- Xuchong Yan
- Quantitative insights into the impact of financial inclusion on economic growth: an econometric evaluation of Arab countries (2011-2022) pp. 103-124

- Abdelghani Kahela, Ouissam Hocini, Mohamed Boulesnam and Kamel Bassour
- The relationship between external factors and economic growth: Differences between the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic from a Granger causality perspective pp. 125-134

- Alexandra Cheptis, Cristina Bejenaru, Miruna-Mihaela Vasilca and Alin-Ioan Vid
- The lasting impact of COVID-19. How the pandemic reshaped human behaviour pp. 135-148

- Raluca Iuliana Georgescu, Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav, Alexandru Dan Coșocariu and Ionuț Valeriu Andrei
- Asymmetric effect of monetary policy on stock market performance in the ECOWAS zone: empirical evidence from the NARDL approach pp. 149-166

- Yao Séraphin Prao and Kouassi Cyrille Kongoza
- The effect of inflation and fiscal decentralization on income inequality in Sumatra Island of Indonesia: a panel data pp. 167-186

- Syahrimi, Anna Yulianita and Ariodillah Hidayat
- Exploring the relationship between the Put Call Ratio and Market Indices: a comparative analysis of S&P 500 and BET pp. 187-210

- Genia-Iulia Țabără
- Macro-economic determinants of financial inclusion: evidence from West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) pp. 211-236

- Djakaria Tou and Mahamadou Diarra
- Tax and macroeconomic framework. The case of Greece pp. 237-250

- Panagiotis Asimakopoulos
- Consumerism and capitalism: dynamic evolution, economic benefits, and ethical challenges pp. 251-266

- Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav and Raluca Iuliana Georgescu
- Macro analysis of linkages between export, import and economic growth: evidence from the Indian economy pp. 289-302

- Athira A and Rajendran S
- From lab to market: how governments and enterprises compose the future of innovation pp. 303-318

- Rareș-Mihai Nițu
- Improving human development in West African countries: do cryptocurrencies matter? pp. 319-334

- Hamidou Ouedraogo
- Romanian knowledge and attitude on sustainability and sustainable clothing: exploring the reliability and validity of a measurement scale pp. 335-348

- Anastasia Cosma, Luminita STANCU (broasca) and Marta Stoian
- Estimating Romania’s potential GDP: a production function and multivariate approach pp. 349-364

- Georgian Dănuț Mihai and Andreea-Mădălina Bozagiu
Volume XXXI, issue Special, Summer, 2024
- Examining the challenges and opportunities of AI integration in the Romanian education system: a case study perspective pp. 9-32

- Silvia-Elena Iacob, Alexandra Constantin and Alexandru Radu Budu
- AI ethical consequences in business and society pp. 33-44

- Octavian Dumitru Hera
- Digital shift to education 4.0: a bibliometric analysis pp. 45-62

- Alexandra Constantin
- Performance management paradigms in educational organizations pp. 63-72

- Constanța Popescu and Elena PĂTRAȘCU Suditu
- Considerations on implementing ESG reporting in the Romanian public sector. The role of the Romanian Court of Accounts in ESG audit pp. 73-86

- Teodora Nicoleta Pleșa
- The role of Artificial Intelligence in creating sustainable solutions in the business environment: bibliometric analysis pp. 87-94

- Constanța Popescu, Georgiana-Tatiana Bondac and Ciprian-Constantin Iacob
- Empowering entrepreneurship: the crucial nexus of institutional arrangements and sustainable development pp. 95-112

- Denisa Stroe and Marius-Cristian Pană
- The impact of implementing European-funded projects on the quality of services provided by school organizations pp. 113-118

- Elena Cristina ION (stroe) and Liliana BARBATOSU (marinescu)
- Progress towards sustainable development: the minimum wage outlook in Europe for 2024 pp. 119-126

- Inna Arzhynt and Ada Paierele
- Beyond transactions: investigating consumer behavior in the digital economy pp. 127-134

- Cezara-Georgiana Radu and Elena Roxana Deak
- Shaping the EU map from the fiscal and labour cost approach pp. 135-146

- Maria Bianca Bolboasa, Amalia Cristescu and Madalina Ecaterina Popescu
- Defining economic corridors: explaining the concept of economic corridors and their role in the European economy pp. 147-158

- Rareș-Mihai Nițu, Alexandra Murariu and Bogdan Mihai Frățilă
- Digitization in education: an analysis of trends, benefits and challenges pp. 159-168

- Vlad-Valentin Vîrjan
- Economic inequality influences the trend of sustainability? pp. 169-176

- Silvia Dumitrescu-Popa
- EU transport policy and economic corridors: How EU transport policy affects the development and functioning of economic corridors pp. 177-192

- Rareș-Mihai Nițu, Stefan-Robert Uricaru and Alexandra-Paula Puiu
- Evaluation of the event study in the case of mergers and acquisitions pp. 193-210

- Dragos Bîlteanu and Irina Stancu
- A retrospective of material well-being and quality of life in the last decade pp. 211-228

- Milian Negutoiu
- The socio-economic effects of infertility pp. 229-248

- Mariana-Eliza FOFIRCĂ (gârbea) and Grigore Ioan Piroșcă
- The future of sustainable development pp. 249-256

- Claudiu-Gabriel Stan
- The impact of the European social fund in Romania pp. 257-262

- Irene Ioana Drăghici and Robert Ștefan Uricaru
- Economic change of the energy transition pp. 263-272

- Alexandru Toma
- Romanian public administration’s digitalization within European context pp. 273-280

- Dumitru Gabriel Cristian, Liana Paraschiv and Stana Cristian
- Navigating the intersection of digitalization, pandemic, and business environment. Exploring a proposed framework on the Balkans pp. 281-288

- George Laurențiu Șerban-Oprescu, Edi-Cristian Dumitra and Alexandra-Paula Puiu
- Socio-economic perspectives of the Republic of Moldova in the context of integration into the European Union. Arguments in favor of membership pp. 289-316

- Grigore Ioan Piroșcă, Mihaela Roberta Stanef-Puică and Nicolae Moroianu
- The importance of sustainability in the modern world pp. 317-324

- Maria-Cristina Eremia
- Green human resource management: a new approach to employees for organizational sustainability pp. 325-336

- Bogdan-Mihai Frățilă, Alexandra Frățilă and Sorin Nastasia
Volume XXXI, issue Special, Autumn, 2024
- Particularities of risk in project management in the field of social assistance pp. 9-22

- Cătălina Loredana ROGOZEANU (drăghia) and Cezar Braicu
- Food industry in Romania: evolution and particularities pp. 23-32

- Alexandra Țârău, Emil Muntean and Beatrice Gore
- Land fund legislation: one of the elements influencing the economic performance of Romanian agriculture pp. 33-66

- Mihnea-Tudor Orjan
- Evaluating risks in crypto investments using artificial intelligence – Bibliometric analysis pp. 67-74

- Elena Roxana Deak and Cezara-Georgiana Radu
- From policy to practice: digital skills development across EU member States pp. 75-92

- Alexandra Constantin, Edi-Cristian Dumitra and Alexandra-Paula Puiu
- Exploring the nexus between air transport and regional growth in central and eastern European NUTS2 Regions pp. 93-114

- Erzsebet Gál, Graţiela Georgiana Noja and Petru Marin Ştefea
- Integrating digital learning and human capital: pathways to sustainable economic growth in Romania pp. 115-128

- Alexandra Constantin, Alexandra Ioana Murariu and Radu-Alexandru Budu
- Application of machine learning algorithms in economic analysis pp. 129-150

- Mohammad Sadegh Salem
- The education impact on food consumption – an empirical analysis pp. 151-160

- Ina Nimerenco and Ana-Maria Badea
Volume XXXI, issue 4(641), Winter, 2024
- Digitalization and innovation: a regional perspective on their interaction pp. 5-16

- Monica-Mihaela MAER Matei and Andreea-Monica Munteanu
- Assessing the macroeconomic challenges in Romania after the economic and financial crisis pp. 17-30

- Maria-Daniela Tudorache
- Green finance and innovation input: the promoters of carbon neutrality in China pp. 31-52

- Song Gao, Yating Zhu and Adelina DUMITRESCU Peculea
- A simple model of online marketing, production, profit and growth pp. 53-66

- Biswajit Mandal, Labani Roy Chakraborty and Alapan Sanyal
- The relationship of digital payments, macroeconomic variables, and banking stability in developing Asia pp. 67-84

- Meidiana Azzahrah, Ariodillah Hidayat and Liliana Liliana
- Modelling the relationship between inflation and uncertainty with existence of structural break: evidence from Azerbaijan pp. 85-96

- Vugar Rahimov
- Analysis of the global energy resources evolution in the context of the population growth pp. 97-108

- Mădălina-Gabriela Anghel and Ștefan Virgil Iacob
- Assessing the impact of energy and macroeconomic shocks on the Romanian economy: a Bayesian VAR approach pp. 109-118

- Alexandru George Neacșu, Andrei Costin Neacșu, Georgiana Pleșa and Georgian Dănuț Mihai
- Two faces of the same coin: integrated perspectives of public and private debt on the effects of interdependence on financial stability pp. 119-128

- Rareș-Mihai Nițu
- Institutional quality and sustainability: empirical study in 11 MENA countries pp. 129-152

- Salaheddine Sari-Hassoun, Abderrahim Chibi and Sidi Mohamed Chekouri
- The effect of population ageing on savings: a time series analysis for Türkiye pp. 153-164

- Kadir Karagöz
- Workplace economics – How does the Impostor Syndrome affect organisational output? pp. 165-178

- Raluca Iuliana Georgescu, Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav, Ionuț-Valeriu Andrei and Alexandru Coșocariu
- COVID-19 and the labour market: regional shifts of human capital working in technology and employment pp. 179-194

- Teodora-Cătălina Dumitra and Anamaria Beatrice Aldea
- Validity of the environmental Kuznets Curve in Bangladesh under the role of financial development pp. 195-212

- Omor Faruq, Sanaullah Talukder, Evanta Hashem Katha and Mashrura Kabir Shaeba
- The impact of doing business indicators on economic growth in emerging market economies: a cross-sectional analysis pp. 213-226

- Komal Chhikara
- The essential role of U.S.-China tensions: a fresh insight into the gold market pp. 227-246

- Meng Qin
- The dispersion of poverty in some Romanian rural areas – good examples of rural localities with the lowest poverty rates pp. 247-260

- Cristina Stroe
- The stability and Growth Pact in Practice: inefficiencies of previous debt rules and the way forward pp. 261-278

- Ionut Jianu and Maria-Daniela Tudorache
- Leaders in disguise: power, perception, and paradox – economics and the fragile authority of politicians pp. 279-296

- Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav and Raluca Iuliana Georgescu
- Investigating the corporate debt and real investment nexus: dynamics and challenges in a shifting financial landscape pp. 297-308

- Bashir Ahmad Joo and Simtiha Ishaq Mir
- The hidden economy revealed: profiling informal workers through random forest classification pp. 309-322

- Maria Cristina Geambasu, Adriana AnaMaria Davidescu, Eduard Mihai Manta and Marina-Diana Agafitei
- The impact of oil price shocks on economic growth in Algeria pp. 323-338

- Hafsa Dib
- The determinants of political instability: the role of mining resources pp. 339-356

- Ahandi Vincent Lompo and Achille Augustin Diendere
- Quantitative easing and its implications for contingent convertible triggers: an analytical perspective pp. 357-373

- Miruna-Mihaela Vasilca, Răzvan Cotescu, Alexandra Cheptiș and Alin Ioan Vid
Volume XXXI, issue 3(640), Autumn, 2024
- Evaluating the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption in developing countries: an institutional theory review pp. 5-14

- Omar Alhato
- Analyzing the impact of oil price fluctuations on economic growth in Algeria: an empirical study pp. 15-36

- Youssouf Hadji and Abdessamed BEN Abderrahmane
- Impact of population cycle on income sharing pattern of a capitalistic society pp. 37-52

- Bishal Routh and Joy Sarkar
- Understanding users' behavioral intention to use artificial intelligence for personal financial management: an innovation diffusion theory approach pp. 53-60

- Muhammed Jisham, Selvaraj Vanitha and Abin John
- Financial stability and monetary policy rules: evidence from Tunisia pp. 61-68

- Dorra Turki and Rima Lajnaf
- The transfer between the spending habits of different generations-a debate between retail and E-commerce pp. 69-78

- Diana-Elena Zidaru
- Planning for economic integration: addressing trade challenges posed by the Ukraine-Russia conflict in Europe pp. 79-98

- Zar Shah, Khalid Zaman and Gul Faraz Khan
- Dynamics of the interplay between economic complexity, governance and economic growth in the BRICS countries: a panel GMM approach pp. 99-118

- Samir Ul Hassan, Joel Basumatary and Biswambhara Mishra
- The relevance of theories of foreign direct investment to mergers and acquisitions in Africa pp. 119-136

- Magdalene Kasyoka Wilson
- The impact of employment in industry on income inequality in Great Britain pp. 137-148

- Daniil Storchevoi
- Structural transformation, poverty, and inequality in emerging countries pp. 149-166

- Nihel Frikha and Foued Badr Gabsi
- How work works for the new generations? pp. 167-176

- Raluca Iuliana Georgescu and Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav
- Assessing the nexus between market openness and economic growth: an emerging market perspective pp. 177-186

- Sana Shawl, Keyur M Nayak and Nissar Yatoo
- The relationship between access to electricity, CO2 emissions, and economic growth in BRICS pp. 187-196

- Xenaneira Shodrokova, Anna Yulianita and Abdul Bashir
- Social aspects of the informal economy: evidence from EU countries pp. 197-210

- Sorina Emanuela Ștefoni, Iulian Viorel Brașoveanu and Ionela Butu
- Tracing the path: testing the environmental Kuznets Curve in Algeria using ARDL bounds testing pp. 211-226

- Sidahmed Bekhti, Zineddine Gueddal, Kamel Akriche and Roucham Benziane
- Dynamic interactions among selected world stock indices: a VAR approach pp. 227-242

- Tejesh H R and Khajabee M
- Boosting human capital: how the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated agile methodology adoption in software development pp. 243-252

- Andreea Teodora Iacob, Cristian Stana and Radu Alexandru Budu
- Do gold, oil and bitcoins possess safe heaven attributes in times of crisis? Empirical evidence using a wavelet-based time-frequency dependency approach from the pandemic to the Russia–Ukraine crisis pp. 253-266

- Akshay Sakharkar
- Financial contagion and the circular economy paradigm: opportunities and challenges for Romania pp. 267-280

- Ionuț Nica, Ștefan Ionescu, Andreea Radu, Ștefan Cioaric and David Anghel
- The circular economy in Romania: a bibliometric study of innovation and sustainable practices pp. 281-295

- Nora Chiriță, Camelia Delcea, Cristian Ciurea and Irina Georgescu
Volume XXXI, issue 2(639), Summer, 2024
- Performance and risk – a changing and complex relationship for banking business pp. 5-24

- Dan Costin Nițescu, Adina Elena Călin and Eugen-Marian Vierescu
- Impact of inflation and exchange rate on stock market returns in India: An ARDL approach pp. 25-36

- H R Tejesh
- Westphalian order in pan-Arabism culture societies pp. 37-44

- Maria Budeanu
- The generational divide – A debate on technology and the decision-making process pp. 45-66

- Raluca Iuliana Georgescu and Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav
- The trend of FDI inflows and its impact on the Indian economy pp. 67-86

- Sushanta Kumar Tarai, Sudhakar Patra and Dhananjoy Datta
- Effects of exchange relative prices on macroeconomic stability in sub-Saharan African countries pp. 87-106

- Irifaar Some
- Crowding-out, home bias and financial stability in the aftermath of the sovereign debt crisis pp. 107-128

- Alexie Alupoaiei, Matei Kubinschi, Eugen Rădulescu and Alina Zaharia-Rotaru
- Is there convergence or divergence in per capita energy consumption in sub-Saharan African countries? pp. 129-140

- Muhammed Tıraşoğlu
- Financial transformation through digitalisation: India’s dual path of cash and cashless transaction pp. 141-160

- Nasira BANU M., Ibrahim Cholakkal and Abdul AZEEZ N.P.
- Nexus between global financial integration and economic growth: An ARDL approach pp. 161-182

- Mohammad Omar Faruk
- Integration of ESG principles: An initiative for transformation from Linear Economy to Circular Economy pp. 183-196

- Shaheera Banu Z and V. Vimala
- European funds for sustainable transport and economic growth pp. 197-214

- Ana Maria Bocăneală and Alexandra-Elvira Gherasim
- What drives Tunisian economic growth: urbanization or rural development? pp. 215-242

- Sayef Bakari and Malek El Weriemmi
- Impact of crypto currencies on performance of stock returns: Evidence from BRICS countries pp. 243-254

- Sakthivel P. and Rajaswaminathan S.
- Forecasting gold price and inflation for India and US: An analysis of ARIMA and Holt Winters models pp. 255-268

- Mukti Khetan, Vijay Kumar, Kalandi Charan Pradhan, Mohd. Aziz Shaikh and Mohd. Arshad
- ESG Global Score Indicator – The new sovereign rating Case study – European Union pp. 269-278

- Ana Maria (MĂRĂȘESCU) Necula
- Assessing the adoption of corporate social responsibility on developing countries: Case of Jordan pp. 279-288

- Omar Alhato
- ICT and economic growth: Evidence from lower-middle income countries of South Asia pp. 289-302

- Kirti Sanwal and Saba Ismail
- Future of cryptocurrency in India pp. 303-314

- Gaurav Kumar, Bhartendu Singh, Suraj Kumar Samal and Pandav Kumar Chaudhary
- The fintech frontier: Investigating fintech entrepreneurial intentions in the light of fintech awareness pp. 315-324

- Abin John, Selvaraj Vanitha and Muhammed Jisham
Volume XXXI, issue 1(638), Spring, 2024
- The unemployment rate and the future of the employment market in Romania The impact of inflation A study on the Romanian post-pandemic economy dominated by uncertainty pp. 5-14

- Maria Gheorghe and Aureliana Roman
- The importance of resource efficiency indicators in assessing eco-innovation in the European Union countries pp. 15-28

- Lejla Terzić
- Day-of-the-week and weekend effects on stock market returns: an investigation through review of literature pp. 29-42

- Gaurav Kumar and Prof. Bhartendu Singh
- Redefining wine brand engagement through influencer marketing and ephemeral content pp. 43-56

- Anca-Alexandra Ducman
- The analysis of the effects of income inequalities on the at-risk-of-poverty rate in the European Union pp. 57-68

- Maria Berta Belu, Silvana BOBÂRNAT (crivoi), Maria Denisa Vasilescu and Eva Militaru
- Financial anxiety and inflation: a burden for informal workers pp. 69-74

- Vaswati Rudrapal and Puja Das
- India’s global trade potential. A panel gravity model approach pp. 75-94

- Ritu Shekhawat and C.R. Bishnoi
- Drifting away from market efficiency: the presence of the January effect in the U.S. stock market pp. 95-104

- Alexandra Maria Serbu and Theodor Gabriel Trifan
- Marketing ethics – another business-oriented scheme? pp. 105-114

- Raluca Iuliana Georgescu and Dumitru Alexandru Bodislav
- Financial effect of remittances pp. 115-124

- Dana Luiza Grigorescu
- Twitter sentiments and stock indices returns with reference to nifty energy indices of India pp. 125-136

- Sakthivel Santhoshkumar and Murugesan Selvam
- Brazilian soybeans: quo vadis? pp. 137-160

- Mario Antonio Margarido and Frederico Araujo Turolla
- ESG risk rating disagreement: implications on portfolio performance pp. 161-168

- Diana-Mihaela Sandu
- The economic efficiency of waste management policies pp. 169-178

- Rareș-Mihai Nițu
- Microfinance and poverty reduction: an empirical evidence from SAARC nations pp. 179-186

- Samreen Farooq and Prof. S.M. Jawed Akhtar
- Nexus between political federalism, social diversity and human development in India pp. 187-200

- Vivek Jadhav and Dr. Shrabani Mukherjee
- Shaping the digital labor market in the European Union pp. 201-210

- Georgiana-Alina Crisan, Amalia Cristescu and Mădălina Ecaterina Popescu
- Two decades of research on affiliate marketing: a systematic literature review pp. 211-230

- Santroop Tanwar and Prof. Praveen Sahu
- Impact of final consumption, domestic investment, exports, and imports on economic growth in Albania pp. 231-252

- Najwa Akermi, Nadia Ben Yedder and Sayef Bakari
- Resurgence of informal economy in the US amidst of automation pp. 253-270

- Bishal Routh and Joy Sarkar
- Ownership type and technical efficiency of banks in Côte d’Ivoire: parametric and non-parametric evidence pp. 271-294

- Séraphin Yao Prao, Guy-Roland Menzan and Salimata Diabaté
- Evaluation of the event study in the case of mergers and acquisitions pp. 295-312

- Dragoș-George Bîlteanu and Irina Stancu
- Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on FDIs in Romania: a comparative analysis pp. 313-321

- Mădălina-Elena Dragomir and Marta Stoian
- Analysis of the evolution of the net investments and constructions carried out in Romania at the end of 2023 pp. 323-337

- Constantin Anghelache, Mădălina-Gabriela Anghel, Marius-Cristian Răduț and Ștefan Gabriel Dumbravă
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