Ecology, Economy and Society - the INSEE Journal
2018 - 2024
From Indian Society of Ecological Economics (INSEE)
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Volume 02, issue 02, 2019
- Seeds of Change: Report from a Conference on “Gender Equality through Agricultural Research for Development”
- Barbara Pamphilon
- Building an Alliance on the Commons
- Harini Nagendra and Rucha Ghate
- Growth and identity: a deadlock? Review of Landlock: Paralysing Dispute over Minerals on Adivasi Land in India by Patrik Oskarsson Canberra: Australian National University Press
- Saroj Giri
- What did ‘Gender’ Mean in Myanmar’s Rural Fishery Communities?
- Sayuri Ichikawa
- Appreciation and Minor Clarification for Kabra (2019)
- Adam Novick
- Estimating Willingness to Pay for Wastewater Treatment in New Delhi: Contingent Valuation Approach
- Vasudha Chopra and Sukanya Das
- Groundwater Extraction, Agriculture and Poverty in Godavari River Basin
- Jeena Srinivasan and Chandra Nuthalapati
- The Current State and Challenges to Advancing Sustainability Science and Education
- Rashid Hassan
- Practicing and Teaching Sustainability under the Shadow of Multiple Hegemonies
- Nitin D. Rai and Sharachchandra Lele
- Sustainability: Challenges in Teaching
- Seema Purushothaman
- Editorial Note: Sustainability Education: The Importance of Diversity
- Harini Nagendra
- Understanding Current Forest Policy Debates through Multiple Lenses: The Case of India
- Sharachchandra Lele
- Science, Uncertainty, and Society: Getting Beyond the Argument Culture to Shared Visions
- Robert Costanza
- Why India needs a Unique Approach to Sustainability
- Ruth DeFries and Ashwini Chhatre
- Sustainability Science Remains a Challenge for Academia
- Kamal Bawa
Volume 02, issue 01, 2019
- A Report on the Fifteenth Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics
- Rajeswari S. Raina
- A Report on the International Biodiversity Congress
- A. Biju Kumar
- Industrialisation in India: the Many Worlds of Discord and Resistance: Review of Industrialising Rural India: Land, Policy and Resistance edited by Kenneth Bo Nielsen and Patrik Oskarsson
- Radhika Krishnan
- An Environmental Basis for Comparing different Histories and Experiences: Review of The Great Convergence: Environmental Histories of BRICS edited by S. Ravi Rajan and Lise Sedrez
- Lanukumla Ao
- Shooting at the wrong target: Review of Post-Growth Thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives edited by Julien-François Gerber and Rajeswari S. Raina
- E. Somanathan
- Tides of Change in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Meera Anna Oommen and Madhuri Ramesh
- Mountain agriculture at a crossroads? Understanding household-level decision-making in rapidly changing socio-economic contexts
- Reinmar Seidler, Rinzi Lama and Poonam Rai
- Response to comments from by C.P. Geevan, Arun Dixit and Chandra Shekhar Silori
- Mihir Mathur and Kabir Sharma
- Importance of Tightly Coupled Equations in Model-ling Grassland Ecological Economics: A response to Mihir Mathur and Kabir Sharma
- Chandanathil P. Geevan, Arun M. Dixit and Chandra S. Silori
- Quantifying Air Pollution Vulnerability and its Distributional Consequences: Some Perspectives from Delhi
- Shivani Gupta, Sukanya Das and M. N. Murty
- Environmental Justice Movements in India: An analysis of the multiple manifestations of violence
- Brototi Roy and Joan Martinez-Alier
- Relocation from protected areas as a violent process in the recent history of biodiversity conservation in India
- Eleonora Fanari
- Discontent, conflict, social resistance and violence at non-metallic mining frontiers in India
- Arpita Bisht
- Ecological Distribution Conflicts in India: Some Insights on the Role of Violence: Editorial
- Joan Martinez-Alier and Brototi Roy
- Ecological Critiques of Exclusionary Conservation
- Asmita Kabra
- Sustainability transitions from an ecological economic perspective
- Inge Ropke
- Environment, Sustainability and Equity
- Kamal Bawa
Volume 01, issue 02, 2018
- A Report on the INSEE Ninth Biennial Conference on Sustainability, Institutions, Incentives: Voices, Policies and Commitments
- Nandan Nawn
- Engaging the Forests and Livelihoods Community: The 3rd Annual FLARE Network Meeting
- Arun Agrawal, Rebecca Rutt and Cristy Watkins
- Envisioning a Just and Sustainable Society: Review of Ashish Kothari and K J Joy (eds.). 2017. Alternative Futures: India Unshackled, Authors Upfront: New Delhi
- Harsh Dobhal
- The Forest Game: Field Experiments as a Means to Understand and Influence Mental Models
- Vinita Rodrigues, Liya Thomas and Sanoop V.
- Thinking Beyond Fairy Lights and Fountains: Lessons from the Waterscape of Bengaluru
- Hita Unnikrishnan
- Can We Use Delhi’s Air Pollution Crisis to Improve Agriculture?
- Priya Shyamsundar
- Regionalizing Air: On the Possibilities of Transborder Collaborations
- Rohit Negi
- To Tackle Air Pollution, One Needs to be Grounded
- Ashish Kothari
- Air Pollution: Editorial Note
- Vikram Dayal
- Reforming Governance to Solve India’s Water Crisis
- Mihir Shah
- Environmental Flow Concepts and Holistic Applications in River Basin Governance
- Angela H. Arthington
- From a Reductionist Paradigm to a Holistic One: Combining Ecology, Economics, Engineering, and Social Sciences in a Transdisciplinary Framework for Water Governance
- Nilanjan Ghosh
- Editorial Note: Emerging Knowledge Should Prevail in Water Governance
- Jayanta Bandyopadhyay
- Modeling the Economics of Grassland Degradation in Banni, India, using System Dynamics
- Mihir Mathur and Kabir Sharma
- Reading History and Power in Urban Landscapes: The Lens of Urban Political Ecology
- Karen Coelho
- An Integrated Framework for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Around the World
- Jianguo Liu
- Biological Conservation and Economic Theory
- Charles Perrings and Ann Kinzig
- Analysing Human–Nature Interactions: allowing for Multiple Agents and Power Structures
- Kanchan Chopra
Volume 01, issue 01, 2018
- Attributing Vegetation Recovery D uring the Indian Summer Monsoon to Climate Drivers in Central India
- Vikram Chandel and Tejasvi Chauhan
- Would Indian Agriculture Benefit from a Stewardship Model?
- Ravi Prabhu
- Rangeland Conservation, Pastoralist Displacement, and Long-term Implications of a Grazing Ban in the Indian Himalaya
- Rashmi Singh, Kinzong Sherap Bhutia, Tshering Uden Bhutia and Suresh Babu
- Field notes from the Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), Budapest, Hungary, 20–23 June 2017
- Julien-François Gerber
- Report on Duke Kunshan conference on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Citizenship, 22–24 May 2017, Kunshan, China
- Amita Baviskar
- Review of M V Nadkarni. 2017. Parisaranītiśatakam
- Sharachchandra Lele
- Review of Jairam Ramesh. 2017. Indira Gandhi: A Life in Nature
- Radhika Krishnan
- Review of Centre for Science and Environment. 2017. Annual State of India’s Environment—SOE 2017
- Dunu Roy
- Views from below: the economics and politics of water in the Darjeeling Himalayas
- Deepa Joshi
- The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are not an ‘empty space’
- Pankaj Sekhsaria
- Conversations on Forest Conservation: Reconciling rights of Individuals with rights of wild species
- Ullas Karanth
- Conversations on Forest Conservation: Revisiting canons and dogmas in the conservation-versus-human rights debate
- Asmita Kabra
- Conversations on Forest Conservation: Editorial Note
- Vikram Dayal
- Conversations on Climate Change: Fiscal measures when climate negotiations are not feasible
- Thomas Sterner
- Conversations on Climate Change: Reflection on international climate diplomacy
- Nitin Desai
- Conversations on Climate Change: Climate change: the science
- Robert Watson
- Conversations on Climate Change: Editorial Note
- Jagdish Krishnaswamy
- Health externality in terms of respiratory illness-related sick days due to air pollution: evidence from the open cast coal mining region of Odisha
- Tapaswini Nayak and Indrani Roy Chowdhury
- Democracy and the environment: an ecological economics research agenda
- Prakash Kashwan
- On the normalization of dimensioned variables
- Deepak Malghan
- Global population size and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
- Partha Dasgupta
- Institutional economics – the economics of ecological economics?
- Arild Vatn
- Ecology, Economy and Society – the journal of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE)
- Kanchan Chopra