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Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

2010 - 2015

From Humboldt-Universitaat zu Berlin
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Volume 54, issue 3, 2015

The Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture in Historical Perspective pp. 2 Downloads
Joachim von Braun and Jan Börner
Welfare Impacts of Modern Peanut Varieties in China pp. 18 Downloads
Wu Huang, Di Zeng and Shudong Zhou
What Determines Adoption of Fertilizers among Rice-Producing Households in Northern Ghana? pp. 21 Downloads
Alexander Wiredu, Manfred Zeller and Aliou Diagne
Examining Returns to Scale in Smallholder Dairy Farms in East Africa pp. 23 Downloads
Ayele Gelan and Beatrice Muriithi
Explaining Marketing Strategies among Bolivian Potato Farmers pp. 24 Downloads
Catherine Larochelle and Jeffrey Alwang

Volume 54, issue 2, 2015

Adoption and Outcomes of Hybrid Maize in the Marginal Areas of India: Annex: Questionnaire pp. 13 Downloads
Prabhakaran T. Raghu, Olaf Erenstein, Christian Böber and Vijesh Krishna
Technical Efficiency in Producing Cashew Nuts in Benin’s Savanna Zone, West Africa pp. 16 Downloads
Pamphile Degla
Characterization and Assessment of Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems in the Humid Tropics of Ethiopia pp. 25 Downloads
Bezabih Emana, Victor Afari-Sefa, Fekadu F. Dinssa, Amsalu Ayana, Tesfaye Balemi and Milkessa Temesgen
Adoption and Outcomes of Hybrid Maize in the Marginal Areas of India pp. 26 Downloads
Prabhakaran T. Raghu, Olaf Erenstein, Christian Böber and Vijesh Krishna
Adoption and Impact of Black Pepper Certification in India pp. 29 Downloads
Priyanka Parvathi and Hermann Waibel

Volume 54, issue 01, 2015

Transaction Costs on the Ethiopian Formal Seed Market and Innovations for Encouraging Private Sector Investments pp. 18 Downloads
Christine Husmann
Governance, Decentralisation and Deforestation: The Case of Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia pp. 24 Downloads
Aritta Suwarno, Lars Hein and Elham Sumarga
How Accessibility to Seeds Affects the Potential Adoption of an Improved Rice Variety: The Case of The New Rice for Africa (NERICA) in The Gambia pp. 26 Downloads
Lamin Dibba, Manfred Zeller, Aliou Diagne and Thea Nielsen
Technical Efficiency and Productivity Differential Effects of Land Right Certification: A Quasi-Experimental Evidence pp. 31 Downloads
Hosaena Ghebru and Stein Holden

Volume 53, issue 4, 2014

Blessing or Evil? Contract Farming, Smallholder Poultry Production and Household Welfare in Kenya pp. 22 Downloads
Priscilla W. Wainaina, Julius J. Okello and Jonathan M. Nzuma
Production Risk, Technology and Market Access in Different Organisational Forms: Evidence from Tatarstan and Oryol pp. 26 Downloads
Ekaterina Gataulina, Heinrich Hockmann and Anton Strokov
The ‘Five Million Hectare Reforestation Program’ in Vietnam: An Analysis of its Implementation and Transaction Costs - A Case Study in Hoa Binh Province pp. 35 Downloads
Tran Thi Thu Huong, Manfred Zeller and Chu Thai Hoanh

Volume 53, issue 3, 2014

Agricultural Production and Economic Growth in Nigeria: Implication for Rural Poverty Alleviation pp. 17 Downloads
Oyinbo Oyakhilomen and Rekwot Grace Zibah
Estimating the Adoption Rates of Two Contrasting Striga Weeds Control Technologies in Kenya pp. 18 Downloads
Backson Mwangi, Gideon A. Obare and Alice Murage
Cotton Production, Land Use Change and Resource Competition in the Aksu-Tarim River Basin, Xinjiang, China pp. 19 Downloads
Michael Kusi Appiah, Til Feike, Alexander Wiredu and Yusanjan Mamitimin
Determinants of Awareness and Use ICT-based Market Information Services in Developing-Country Agriculture: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Kenya pp. 20 Downloads
Julius J. Okello, Oliver Kirui, Zachary M. Gitonga, Georgina W. Njiraini and Jonathan M. Nzuma

Volume 53, issue 2, 2014

Yield Trend Estimation in the Presence of Farm Heterogeneity and Non-linear Technological Change pp. 20 Downloads
Sarah Conradt, Raushan Bokusheva, Robert Finger and Talgat Kussaiynov
Vertical Price Transmission in the International Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chain: Israeli Grapefruit Exports to the EU after Export Liberalisation pp. 22 Downloads
Linde Götz, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel and Yael Kachel
Smallholder Participation in the Commercialisation of Vegetables: Evidence from Kenyan Panel Data pp. 28 Downloads
Beatrice Muriithi and Julia Matz
Official Ethnic Labels and Non-Agricultural Work in Guizhou (China) pp. 28 Downloads
Bente Castro Campos

Volume 53, issue 01, 2014

The Effects of Integrated Pest Management Techniques Farmer Field Schools on Groundnut Productivity: Evidence from Ghana pp. 16 Downloads
Eric Carlberg, Genti Kostandini and Awere Dankyi
Determinants of Income Diversification of Farm Households in the Western Region of Ghana pp. 18 Downloads
Bernard Archibald Senyo Agyeman, Samuel Asuming-Brempong and Edward Ebo Onumah
Application of Coase Theorem to Analyze the Welfare Gain and Loss in a Conflict of Herders’ Damage in Croppers’ Land at the Adamawa Region of Cameroon pp. 24 Downloads
Achille Jean Jaza Folefack
Spatial Dimension of Vulnerability to Poverty in Rural Nigeria pp. 30 Downloads
M.A. Agbaje, F.Y. Okunmadewa, O.A. Oni and B.T. Omonona

Volume 52, issue 4, 2013

Determinants of Child Malnutrition: Empirical Evidence from Kombolcha District of Eastern Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia pp. 16 Downloads
Tadiwos Zewdie and Degnet Abebaw Ejigie
Soil Degradation, Policy Intervention and Sustainable Agricultural Growth pp. 20 Downloads
Joydeb Sasmal and Hans-Peter Weikard
Women, Social Capital and Collective Action – The Case of NERICA Rice Technology in Benin pp. 28 Downloads
Claudia Schroeder, Manfred Zeller and Afiavi R. Agboh-Noameshie
Food Price Volatility in Developing Countries and its Determinants pp. 32 Downloads
Lukas Kornher and Matthias Kalkuhl

Volume 52, issue 3, 2013

Impacts of Weather Variability and Climate Change on Agricultural Revenues in Central Asia pp. 16 Downloads
Alisher Mirzabaev
Determinants of Household Demand for Fresh Fruit and Vegetable in Nigeria: A Double Hurdle Approach pp. 18 Downloads
Kolawole Ogundari and Sadiat Funmilayo Arifalo
Approximating Optimal Numerical Solutions to Bio-economic Systems: How Useful is Simulation-optimization? pp. 20 Downloads
Jan Börner, Steven I. Higgins, Simon Scheiter and Jochen Kantelhardt
Investments of Rural Households in Northeast Thailand and the Future of Small Scale Farming pp. 20 Downloads
Lena Hohfeld and Hermann Waibel

Volume 52, issue 2, 2013

The Impacts of Wage Employment on a Jatropha Plantation on Income and Food Security of Rural Households in Madagascar – A Panel Data Analysis pp. 22 Downloads
Christine Bosch and Manfred Zeller
Impact of Mobile Phone-Based Money Transfer Services in Agriculture: Evidence from Kenya pp. 22 Downloads
Oliver Kirui, Julius J. Okello, Rose A. Nyikal and Georgina W. Njiraini
Impact of Seed Voucher System on Income Inequality and Rice Income per Hectare among Rural Households in Nigeria: A Randomized Control Trial (RCT) Approach pp. 23 Downloads
Bola Amoke Awotide, Taiwo Timothy Awoyemi, Kabir Kayode Salman and Aliou Diagne

Volume 52, issue 01, 2013

Poverty Assessment by Proxy-Means Tests: Are Indicator-Based Estimations Robust over Time? A Study from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia pp. 23 Downloads
Xenia van Edig, Stefan Schwarze and Manfred Zeller
Intensive Commercial Agriculture in Fragile Uplands of Vietnam: How to Harness its Poverty Reduction Potential while Ensuring Environmental Sustainability? pp. 25 Downloads
Alwin Keil, Camille Saint-Macary and Manfred Zeller
Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Indian Dairy Sector pp. 27 Downloads
Ramphul Ohlan

Volume 51, issue 4, 2012

The Patterns of Spread and Economics of a Labor-Saving Innovation in Rice Production: the Case of Direct Seeding in Northeast Thailand pp. 24 Downloads
Sushil Pandey, Nongluck Suphanchaimat and Ma. Lourdes Velasco
Quality of Gum Arabic in Senegal: Linking the Laboratory Research to the Field Assessment pp. 27 Downloads
Gaudiose Mujawamariya, Kees Burger and D’Haese, Marijke
Poverty and Vulnerability Dynamics: Empirical Evidence from Smallholders in Northern Highlands of Ethiopia pp. 32 Downloads
Abrham Seyoum Tsehay and Siegfried Bauer

Volume 51, issue 3, 2012

Is ICT in Agricultural Extension Feasible in Enhancing Marketing of Agricultural Produce in Kenya: A Case of Kiambu District pp. 12 Downloads
Elizabeth Kabura Nyaga
How Mobile Phones Contribute to Growth of Small Farmers? Evidence from India pp. 18 Downloads
Surabhi Mittal and Mamta Mehar
Technical Efficiency of Irrigated and Rain-Fed Smallholder Agriculture in Tigray, Ethiopia: A Comparative Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis pp. 24 Downloads
Gebrehaweria Gebregziabher, Regassa E. Namara and Stein Holden
Investments in Kazakhstani Dairy Farming: A Comparison of Classical Investment Theory and the Real Options Approach pp. 28 Downloads
Dulat Tubetov, Oliver Musshoff and Ulla Kellner

Volume 51, issue 2, 2012

Conceptualising the Effects of Seasonal Financial Market Failures and Credit Rationing in Applied Rural Household Models pp. 21 Downloads
Andrew Dorward
The Effectiveness of Weather-Based Index Insurance and Area-Yield Crop Insurance: How Reliable are ex post Predictions for Yield Risk Reduction? pp. 22 Downloads
Raushan Bokusheva and Gunnar Breustedt
Geographical Indication for Jasmine Rice: Applying a Logit Model to Predict Adoption Behavior of Thai Farm Households pp. 29 Downloads
Chuthaporn Ngokkuen and Ulrike Grote

Volume 51, issue 01, 2012

Weather Risk and Household Participation in Off-farm Activities in Rural Ethiopia pp. 20 Downloads
Abera Birhanu Demeke and Manfred Zeller
The Effectiveness of Dissemination Pathways on Adoption of “Push-Pull” Technology in Western Kenya pp. 21 Downloads
A. W. Murage, Gideon A. Obare, J. Chianu, David Mulama Amudavi, C. A. O. Midega, J. A. Pickett and Zeyaur R. Khan
Investigating Endogeneity Effects of Social Capital on Household Welfare in Nigeria: A Control Function Approach pp. 24 Downloads
Adebusola A. Adepoju and O. A. Oni
Droughts in Syria: An Assessment of Impacts and Options for Improving the Resilience of the Poor pp. 29 Downloads
Perrihan Al-Riffai, Clemens Breisinger, Dorte Verner and Tingju Zhu
Page updated 2025-02-15