Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor” (“C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities Yearbook (CSNIPSSH Yearbook))
2015 - 2023
Current editor(s): Mihaela Bărbieru
From Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor” al Academiei Române
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2023, issue XXIV
- Roman Lamps Discovered at Romula (I) pp. 9-20
- Mircea Negru
- Tools from the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in Oltenia, between Practical and Symbolic use pp. 21-35
- Simona Lazăr
- Cula Cuțui from the Village of Broșteni, Mehedinți County pp. 37-47
- Ileana Cioarec
- The Activity of the “Renaşterea” Priesthood Society from Oltenia, in the Socio-Cultural and Political Context from 1938–1940 and the Establishment of the Social Service Institution pp. 49-68
- Diana-Mihaela Păunoiu
- Shifts and Trends of the Romanian Emigration from Oltenia Region pp. 69-78
- Alexandra Porumbescu
- The Influence of Urban Processes on the Community Spirit in the Municipality of Craiova pp. 79-88
- Gabriel Nicolae Pricină
- Oltenia and the Idea of Regionalization – A Historical Perspective pp. 89-99
- Florin Nacu
- Women Entrepreneurs from Craiova in the Interwar Period pp. 101-113
- Narcisa Maria Mitu
- The Roles the Women Had within the Family, in the Traditional Romanian Society. Considerations of the Feminine Hypostases in the Rites of Passage pp. 115-130
- Anca Ceaușescu
- Measures of Protecting Maternity and Childbirth under the Impact of New Medical Technologies of Assisted Human Reproduction pp. 131-143
- Roxana Cristina Radu
- The Involvement of the Women in the Year-Round Traditional Customs that Promote Health pp. 145-155
- Loredana-Maria Ilin-Grozoiu
- Female Figure and the Idea of Feminity Across Time pp. 157-168
- Ramona Chiribuță
- The USSR’s Foreign Policy and “The Conflict with Finland” in Documents (1939–1940) pp. 169-185
- Marusia Cîrstea
- Communism: Doctrine, Evolution, Political Practices pp. 187-198
- Cezar Avram and Ion-Leone Gavrilă-Ciobotea
- The Army in the First Years of Communization in the Romanian Society pp. 199-209
- Laura Antoaneta Sava
- Political, Economic and Social Options in Interwar Romania pp. 211-228
- Laurențiu Radu
- About the True Beginning of Thought pp. 229-237
- Ion Militaru
- The Nickname – Sanction or Denominative Method pp. 239-252
- Iustina Nica Burci
- Work Identity and Career Perspectives in Flexible Labour Contexts pp. 253-262
- Livia Pogan
- The Symbolic Imaginary of Romanian Charms pp. 263-272
- Gabriela Boangiu
- The Diary of an Officer from Craiova Participating in the First World War pp. 273-287
- Șerban Pătrașcu
2022, issue XXIII
- The Incapacity of the Married Woman in Interwar Romania: from the Issue of Legislative Unification to the Possibility of Practising Advocacy pp. 9-28
- Sevastian Cercel
- The legal status of the Jews in Romania during World War II pp. 29-52
- Cezar Avram
- The Seated Figurines Belonging to Vădastra Culture pp. 53-64
- Simona Lazăr and Sabin Popovici
- 1930. Documents Regarding the Passage of Soviet Warships Through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits pp. 65-74
- Marusia Cîrstea
- The Grounding of the IL-18 Aircrafts of “Tarom” Company and the Informing of the U.S. Legation Head in Bucharest (January-March 1963) pp. 75-87
- Petre Opriș
- The Establishment of Romanian Political Parties after ’89: Appearance, Evolution and Elections pp. 89-98
- Mihaela Bărbieru
- Entrepreneurs from Craiova in the Interwar Period (I) pp. 99-111
- Narcisa Maria Mitu
- The Financial and the Economic Activity of Bond Credit Cooperatives from Interwar Oltenia pp. 113-122
- Georgeta Ghionea
- The Patriotic Spirit of the Bulgarian Army in the First Balkan War presented in the Reports of Major Gheorghe A. Dabija pp. 123-135
- Laura Antoaneta Sava
- Regional Policy Projects (1920-1989) pp. 137-147
- Florin Nacu
- King Carol I and Crown Prince Ferdinand’s Visit to Craiova (1-3 October 1890) pp. 149-159
- Alexandru Cernat
- The Evocation of the War of Independence in Fine Arts and Monuments pp. 161-173
- Cezar Avram and Anca Ceaușescu
- New Lights on the Apocryphal Correspondence Between Seneca and the Apostle Paul pp. 175-188
- Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu
- The Use of “frumos” in Toponymy pp. 189-203
- Iustina Nica Burci
- Considerations on the Influence of the Globalization Phenomenon on Small-sized Communities pp. 205-215
- Gabriel Nicolae Pricină
- The Integration of Romanian Migrants in the Danish Society pp. 217-226
- Gabriela Boangiu
- Dimensions of Globalization in the Contemporary Era pp. 227-240
- Laurențiu Radu
- Evolutionary Aspects of the Romanian Rural Environment in the Context of Regional Developmenent and European Financial Instruments pp. 241-248
- Alin Ciobanu (Banța)
- The “cula” from Lupoaia, Gorj County pp. 249-257
- Ileana Cioarec
- Via Transilvanica in the Mehedinți County pp. 259-271
- Ioana Mihaela Iamandei
- The Prophylactic and Healing Effect of Woody Plants from the Spontaneous Flora pp. 273-282
- Loredana-Maria Ilin-Grozoiu
- Queen Marie. One Hundred Years after Her Coronation as Queen of Greater Romania (1922-2022) pp. 283-299
- Radu Ștefan Vergatti
- Anniversary Time Thoughts. Professor Petre Gherghe, PhD. turns 75 pp. 301-303
- Simona Lazăr
2021, issue XXII
- King Carol II of Romania in a diplomatic tour. Echoes in the international press (1938) pp. 7-20
- Marusia Cîrstea
- The electoral campaign for the presidential elections from 2004: results, consequence and delimitations pp. 21-30
- Cezar Avram
- Peculiarities of the local elections in September 2020. Analysis on Dolj County pp. 31-40
- Mihaela Bărbieru
- Communal ownership and its role in Dolj co-operative in the first interwar decade pp. 41-48
- Georgeta Ghionea
- The participation of the Regiments from Oltenia to the actions carried out by “Tudor Vladimirescu” Division pp. 49-58
- Antoaneta Laura Sava
- A brief overview on Craiova businesses in the first three decades of the XXth century. Less known foreign merchants pp. 59-70
- Narcisa Maria Mitu
- Zenobie Vasilescu, the last liberal Mayor of Craiova (1945–1947) pp. 71-81
- Șerban Pătrașcu
- The main political ideologies in Oltenia (1920–1989) pp. 83-92
- Florin Nacu
- Russia and the Romanian Independence (1875–1878) pp. 93-103
- Stefan-Cristian Florescu
- The natural person’s anticipated full capacity of exercise as provided by the Civil Code pp. 105-127
- Sevastian Cercel
- Protection against dismissal for pregnant workers, workers who have recently given birth or are breastfeeding under European Union’s law pp. 129-140
- Roxana Cristina Radu
- The appropriate time of the mediator’s intervention in international mediation pp. 141-148
- Dorin-Valeriu Bădulescu
- “The magic of water” in enchantment pp. 149-156
- Ionela Carmen Banța
- Hate, violence and abuse in Roald Dahl’s children’s novels pp. 157-168
- Marta Albu
- Simple toponyms with feminine anthroponomic base in the toponymy from Oltenia pp. 169-180
- Iustina NICA Burci
- Some Remarks on the Correspondence between the Italian Relative Pronoun cui and the Romanian Relative Pronoun care pp. 181-190
- Elena Pîrvu
- The defective existence (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) pp. 191-196
- Ion Militaru
- Harmonizing the Man with the Existence in Nae Ionescu’s View pp. 197-214
- Mihai Popa
- Aspects on Vădrasta culture. The pottery discovered at “La Turn” station pp. 215-227
- Simona Lazăr and Sabin Popovici
- Băbeanu cula from Băbenii de Olteț, Vâlcea county pp. 229-236
- Ileana Cioarec
- Considerations on the role of the old routes in the socialeconomic life of Oltenia pp. 237-248
- Anca Ceaușescu
- The therapeutical value of the medicinal plants in the respiratory diseases pp. 249-256
- Loredana-Maria Ilin-Grozoiu
- Collective Memory and Aristocratic Families in the XIXth and beginning of XXth Centuries in Craiova and Bucharest, Romania pp. 257-272
- Gabriela Boangiu
- The valorization of the Romanian Wine Heritage. Case study: the Oltenia Region pp. 273-292
- Elena Bogan and Ioana Mihaela Iamandei
- Definitory elements of Craiova in the opinions of citizens pp. 293-302
- Gabriel Pricină and Cosmin Mihai Pricină
- Attitudes towards immigrants’ integration in Romania pp. 303-312
- Livia Pogan
- The impact of the health crisis on the Romanian business environment pp. 313-322
- Laurențiu Radu
- Dragoș Vlad Topală, The American military language during the Vietnam war. Elements of psycho-linguistic analysis, Craiova, Universitaria Press, 2020, 314 p. Book review pp. 323-324
- Iustina NICA Burci
- Iustina Nica Burci, On proprietorship. Social peripheral categories. Studies of historic toponymy in Muntenia and Oltenia, Bucharest, Pro Universitaria Press, 2021, 272 p. Book review pp. 325-326
- Cosmin Vilău
- 11th Conference of the Network of Sociology of Art pp. 327-328
- Gabriela Boangiu