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Economic History Review

1948 - 2025

Current editor(s): Stephen Broadberry

From Economic History Society
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Volume 78, month 02, 2025

Three centuries of corporate governance in the United Kingdom pp. 3-29 Downloads
John D. Turner
Firm profitability and forced wage labour in Portuguese Africa: Evidence from the Sena Sugar Estates, 1920–74 pp. 30-61 Downloads
Sam Jones and Peter Gibbon
Firm survival and the rise of the factory pp. 62-86 Downloads
Thor Berger and Vinzent Ostermeyer
How not to measure the standard of living: Male wages, non‐market production and household income in nineteenth‐century Europe pp. 87-112 Downloads
Joyce Burnette
Modifying the success story of Sweden: Revised output and labour productivity figures for manufacturing, 1869–1950 pp. 113-151 Downloads
Jesper Hamark and Svante Prado
Anglo–Dutch financial connections and contrasts in the late eighteenth century: The Amsterdam phase of the 1772–3 credit crisis pp. 152-178 Downloads
Stein Berre and Paul Kosmetatos
Nominal wage patterns, monopsony, and labour market power in early modern England pp. 179-206 Downloads
Meredith Paker, Judy Z. Stephenson and Patrick Wallis
Spatial inequality in prices and wages within a late‐developing economy: Serbia, 1863–1910 pp. 207-234 Downloads
Stefan Nikolić
Finance capitalism in industrializing autocracies: Evidence from corporate balance sheets in imperial Germany and Russia pp. 235-265 Downloads
Caroline Fohlin and Amanda Gregg
It's not about the money: New evidence on U.S. reconstruction aid in Italy, 1947–68 pp. 266-294 Downloads
Marco Martinez
African time travellers: What can we learn from 500 years of written accounts? pp. 295-332 Downloads
Edward Kerby, Alexander Moradi and Hanjo Odendaal
Common Land in Britain: A History from the Middle Ages to the Present Day. Angus J. L. Winchester, (Boydell & Brewer, 2024. Pp. 330. 46 B/W illustrations, 19 maps. ISBN 9781837651320, Pbk £25.99) pp. 333-334 Downloads
Tine De Moor
Apprenticeship, Work, Society in Early Modern Venice. Eds Anna Bellavitis and Valentina Sapienza, (Routledge, 2023. Pp. 304. 66B/W illustrations. ISBN 9781032053516 HbK £125) pp. 335-336 Downloads
Patrick Wallis
Crisis and Resilience in the Bristol‐West India Sugar Trade, 1783–1802. Peter Buckles, (Liverpool University Press, 2024. Pp. 232. 17 fig 3. ISBN 981802078831, Hbk. £95) pp. 337-338 Downloads
Emily Buchnea
Slavery, Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution. Maxine Berg and Pat Hudson, (Polity Press, 2023. Pp. 228. ISBN 9781509552689, Hbk £25) pp. 339-340 Downloads
Cameron Bowman
Navigating Nationalism in Global Enterprise: A Century of Indo‐German Business Relations. Christina Lubinski, (Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. 300. ISBN 9781316511282. Hbk. £75) pp. 341-342 Downloads
Marie Huber
Understanding the Private‐Public Divide: Markets, Governments and Time Horizons. Avner Offer, (Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. 200. 18 figures, 4 tables. ISBN 9781108791663, Pbk. £23.99) pp. 343-344 Downloads
John Turner
Review of periodical literature for 2023: (i) 400–1100 pp. 345-351 Downloads
Máirín MacCarron
Review of periodical literature for 2023: (ii) 1100–1500 pp. 352-360 Downloads
Stephanie Emma Brown
Review of periodical literature for 2023: (iii) 1500–1700 pp. 361-370 Downloads
Charmian Mansell
Review of periodical literature for 2023: (iv) 1700–1850 pp. 371-377 Downloads
Karolina Hutková
Review of periodical literature for 2023: (v) 1850–1945 pp. 378-386 Downloads
Tehreem Husain
Review of periodical literature for 2023: (vi) 1945 to present pp. 387-397 Downloads
Meredith Paker

Volume 77, month 11, 2024

Putting women back into the early modern economy: Work, occupations, and economic development pp. 1125-1153 Downloads
Jane Whittle
The Neolithic Revolution in the Middle East pp. 1154-1196 Downloads
Robert C. Allen
The 1929 crash of the New York stock exchange as a liquidity crisis pp. 1197-1221 Downloads
Jean‐Laurent Cadorel
The rise and fall of paper money in Yuan China, 1260–1368 pp. 1222-1250 Downloads
Hanhui Guan, Nuno Palma and Meng Wu
Gender and justice: The status of women in Ottoman courts pp. 1251-1281 Downloads
Metin Cosgel, Hamdi Genç, Emre Özer and Sadullah Yıldırım
Neo‐Confucianism and the rise of science and technology in Medieval China pp. 1282-1313 Downloads
Baomin Dong and Bowen Cheng
What happened to the workshop of West Africa? Resilience and decline of handicraft textiles in colonial northern Nigeria, 1911–52 pp. 1314-1335 Downloads
Emiliano Travieso and Tom Westland
Swedish income inequality in 1613 pp. 1336-1361 Downloads
Martin Andersson and Jakob Molinder
Art in times of crisis pp. 1362-1413 Downloads
Géraldine David, Yuexin Li, Kim Oosterlinck and Luc Renneboog
Bonds for the long run? The rate of return on corporate bonds in Belgium, 1838–1939 pp. 1414-1441 Downloads
Kevin Van Mencxel, Jan Annaert and Marc Deloof
Competition, over‐branching and bank failures during the Great Depression: New evidence from Italy pp. 1442-1476 Downloads
Marco Molteni
Corporate taxes, leverage, and investment: Evidence from Nazi‐occupied Netherlands pp. 1477-1508 Downloads
Philip T. Fliers, Abe de Jong and Bert S. van Stiphout‐Kramer
The growth contribution of colonial Indian railways in comparative perspective pp. 1509-1534 Downloads
Dan Bogart, Latika Chaudhary and Alfonso Herranz‐Loncán
Peasants making history: Living in an English region 1200–1540 Christopher Dyer, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. pp. 396. 55 figs and tabs. ISBN: 9780198847212, Hbk. £81) pp. 1535-1536 Downloads
Jordan Claridge
Virtue capitalists: The rise and fall of the professional class in the Anglophone world, 1870–2008 Hannah Forsyth, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023. pp. 317. 12 figs. ISBN: 9781009206488, Hbk $110) pp. 1537-1538 Downloads
Claire E. F. Wright
Silas Burroughs, the man who made Wellcome: American ambition and global enterprise. Julia Sheppard, (Cambridge: The Lutterworth Press, 2022, pp. 344. 35 images. ISBN: 9780718895990, Pbk. £20) pp. 1539-1540 Downloads
Roy Church
Carbon technocracy: Energy regimes in modern East Asia. Victor Seow, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021. pp. 376. 25 figs. ISBN: 9780226826554. Pbk. $27.50) pp. 1541-1543 Downloads
Hiroki Shin
Secret leviathan: Secrecy and state capacity under Soviet Communism. Mark Harrison, (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2023. pp. 372. 9 figs. 23 tabs. ISBN: 9781503628892 $65) pp. 1544-1546 Downloads
Yoram Gorlizki
20th century Britain: Economic, cultural and social change, third edition. Nicole Robertson, John Singleton, and Avram Taylor (eds.), (Abingdon: Routledge, 2023. pp. 402. 70B/W illustrations ISBN 9780367426569, Pbk. £33.99) pp. 1547-1548 Downloads
Ewan Gibbs
Cellular: An economic and business history of the international mobile‐phone industry. Daniel D. Garcia‐Swartz and Martin Campbell‐Kelly, (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2022. pp. 400. 75 figs. ISBN 9780262543927, Pbk $45) pp. 1549-1550 Downloads
Bernardo Bátiz‐Lazo

Volume 77, month 08, 2024

From circular to permanent: The economic assimilation of migrants during Spain's rural exodus, 1955–73 pp. 765-795 Downloads
José Antonio García‐Barrero
Rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCAs) in prewar China: Communal finance and the roots of economic development pp. 796-822 Downloads
Matthew Lowenstein
Was there a ‘consumer revolution’ in the Ottoman Empire? pp. 823-848 Downloads
Pınar Ceylan
Driven by crises: Price integration on the grain market in late medieval Flanders pp. 849-872 Downloads
Stef Espeel
The making of paper money in early modern Japan pp. 873-894 Downloads
John D'Amico
The demand for extraterritoriality: Religious minorities in nineteenth‐century Egypt pp. 895-927 Downloads
Cihan Artunç and Mohamed Saleh
‘A new way by her invented’: Women inventors and technological innovation in Britain, 1800–1930 pp. 928-952 Downloads
B. Zorina Khan
Aesthetics for a polite society: Language and the marketing of second‐hand goods in eighteenth‐century London pp. 953-974 Downloads
Bruno Blondé, Alessandra de Mulder and Jon Stobart
Income inequality and export‐oriented commercialization in colonial Africa: Evidence from six countries pp. 975-1004 Downloads
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt, Michiel de Haas and Federico Tadei
Shipping in the London coal trade, 1700‒1860 pp. 1005-1034 Downloads
Peter M. Solar, Oliver Buxton Dunn and Aidan Kane
Rent–wage inequality in Mexico City, 1770–1930 pp. 1035-1056 Downloads
Amílcar E. Challú, Israel García Solares and Aurora Gómez‐Galvarriato
The last free traders? Interwar trade policy in the Netherlands and Netherlands East Indies pp. 1057-1085 Downloads
Pim de Zwart, Markus Lampe and Kevin O'Rourke
Should history change the way we think about populism? pp. 1086-1109 Downloads
Alan de Bromhead and Kevin O'Rourke
The Rise and Decline of England's Watchmaking Industry, 1550–1930. Alun Davies, (Routledge, 2024. pp. 414. 21 B/W images. ISBN 9781032131351, Pbk £39.99) pp. 1110-1111 Downloads
Pierre‐Yves Donzé
The Wealth of a Nation: Institutional Foundations of English Capitalism. Geoffrey M. Hodgson, (Princeton University Press, 2023. pp. 304. ISBN: 9780691247014, Hbk £35) pp. 1112-1113 Downloads
Graham Brownlow
The Rise and Fall of the Italian Economy. Carlo Bastasin and Gianni Toniolo, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. pp. 211. 29 figs. 4 tabs. ISBN 9781009235310, Pbk. £22.99) pp. 1114-1115 Downloads
Anna Missiaia
Public Interest and State Legitimation: Early Modern England, Japan, and China. Wenkai He, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. pp. 320. ISBN 9781009334556. Pbk. £25.99) pp. 1116-1117 Downloads
Jared Rubin
The Financial Markets of Roman Egypt: Risk and Return. Paul V. Kelly, (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2023. pp. vii + 221. 36 figs. 15 tabs. ISBN: 9781802078336, Hbk £76) pp. 1118-1119 Downloads
Gilles Bransbourg
The Soviet Union and the Construction of the Global Market: Energy and the Ascent of Finance in Cold War Europe 1964–1971. Oscar Sanchez‐Sibony, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. pp. 290. 8 figs. ISBN 9781108834544 Hardback £85) pp. 1120-1121 Downloads
Helen Thompson

Volume 77, month 05, 2024

Height and the disease environment of children: The association between mortality and height in the Netherlands 1850–1940 pp. 391-415 Downloads
Björn Quanjer
Stocks and flows: Material culture and consumption behaviour in early modern Venice (c. 1650–1800) pp. 416-443 Downloads
Mattia Viale
Female relatives and domestic service in nineteenth‐century England and Wales: Female kin servants revisited pp. 444-471 Downloads
Xuesheng You
Hot money inflows and bank risk‐taking: Germany from the 1920s to the Great Depression pp. 472-502 Downloads
Natacha Postel‐Vinay and Stéphanie Collet
Numeracy selectivity of Spanish migrants in colonial America (sixteenth–eighteenth centuries) pp. 503-522 Downloads
María del Carmen Pérez‐Artés
International entrepreneurship without investor protection: Evidence from initial public offerings in Belgium before the First World War pp. 523-553 Downloads
Marc Deloof and Ine Paeleman
The legacy of voluntarism: Charitable funding in the early NHS pp. 554-583 Downloads
Bernard Harris and Rosemary Cresswell
From a common empire to colonial rule: Commodity market disintegration in the Near East pp. 584-611 Downloads
Laura Panza
‘The same contract that is suitable for your Excellency’: Immigration and emulation in the adoption of sharecropping‐cum‐debt arrangements in Brazil (1835‒80) pp. 612-643 Downloads
Bruno Gabriel Witzel de Souza
Technical change and the postwar slowdown in Soviet economic growth in a long run perspective, 1885–2019 pp. 644-674 Downloads
Leonard Kukić
Credibility building in the sovereign debt market: Evidence from prewar China pp. 675-702 Downloads
Chun‐Yu Ho and Dan Li
Communism and patricide: Collectivization and domestic violence in 1960s China pp. 703-727 Downloads
Shuo Chen, Yaohui Peng and Danli Wang
Goodbye, Mr. Portugal: Fiscal crisis, constitutional revolution, and the independence of Brazil (1808–22) pp. 728-749 Downloads
Rafael Cariello and Thales Zamberlan Pereira
Pioneers of Capitalism: The Netherlands 1000–1800 Maarten Prak and Jan Luiten van Zanden, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2022. pp. 280. ISBN 9780691229874. Hbk £30) pp. 750-751 Downloads
Jeroen Puttevils
The Making of a Fiscal‐Military State in Post‐Revolutionary France Jerome Greenfield, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. ix+325. 14 figs. 1 tab. ISBN 9781108839679. Hbk. £75) pp. 752-753 Downloads
Tyson Leuchter
Sovereignty Without Power: Liberia in the Age of Empires, 1822–1980 By Leigh Gardner, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. 230. 61 figs. 21 tables ISBN 9781009181105. Hbk £75) pp. 754-755 Downloads
Lloyd Maphosa
An Economic History of the First German Unification: State Formation and Economic Development in a European Perspective. Ulrich Pfister & Nikolaus Wolf (eds.), (Abingdon: Routledge, 2023. pp. 390. 50 figs. ISBN 9781032254838. Hbk £120) pp. 756-757 Downloads
Marvin Suesse
An Exchange Rate History of the United Kingdom: 1945–1992 Alain Naef (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. 200. ISBN 9781108839990. Hbk $110) pp. 758-759 Downloads
Wilfried Kisling
Energy and Power: Germany in the Age of Oil, Atoms, and Climate Change By Stephen G. Gross, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2023: pp. 408. ISBN: 9780197667712, Hbk £35) pp. 760-761 Downloads
Frank Trentmann

Volume 77, month 02, 2024

Legal origins of corporate governance: Choice of law in Egypt, 1887–1914 pp. 3-40 Downloads
Cihan Artunç
Household structure, labour participation, and economic inequality in Britain, 1937–61 pp. 41-59 Downloads
Ian Gazeley, Andrew Newell, Kevin Reynolds and Hector Gutierrez Rufrancos
State of forgiveness: Cooperation, conciliation, and state formation in Mughal South Asia (1556–1707) pp. 60-89 Downloads
Safya Morshed
Fiscal policy under constraints: Fiscal capacity and austerity during the Great Depression pp. 90-118 Downloads
Andrea Papadia
The United Kingdom's disappearing wartime imports 1939–45: A statistical, ideological, and historiographical accounting pp. 119-136 Downloads
David Edgerton
The contribution of enslaved workers to output and growth in the antebellum United States pp. 137-159 Downloads
Mark Stelzner and Sven Beckert
The anatomy of a bubble company: The London Assurance in 1720 pp. 160-184 Downloads
Graeme Acheson, Michael Aldous and William Quinn
Missing girls in Liberal Italy, 1861–1921 pp. 185-211 Downloads
Francisco Beltrán Tapia and Gabriele Cappelli
A safe asset in early modern Castile, 1543–1714 pp. 212-243 Downloads
Víctor M. Gómez‐Blanco
Between voluntarism and compulsion: Membership in mutual health insurance societies in Swedish manufacturing, c. 1900 pp. 244-267 Downloads
Maria Stanfors, Tobias Karlsson, Lars‐Fredrik Andersson and Liselotte Eriksson
‘No commercial activity leaves greater benefit’: The profitability of the Cuban‐based slave trade during the first half of the nineteenth century pp. 268-287 Downloads
Jose Miguel Sanjuan‐Marroquin and Martin Rodrigo‐Alharilla
Can colonial institutions explain differences in labour returns? Evidence from rural colonial India pp. 288-316 Downloads
Jordi Caum‐Julio
The Cambridge Economic History of the Modern World: Vol. I & II.Stephen Broadberry & Kyoji Fukao (eds), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. pp. 512 (vol. I) 572 (vol. II). ISBN 9781107159457 (vol. I) 9781107159488 (vol. II). Hbk £120 (vol. I) £120 (vol. II) pp. 317-318 Downloads
Mark Koyama
Impunity and Capitalism: The Afterlives of European Financial Crises, 1690–1830 By Trevor Jackson, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. pp. xii + 310. 5 figs. 4 tabs. ISBN Hbk. 9781316516287£75) pp. 319-320 Downloads
Pamfili M. Antipa
Banking on Slavery: Financing Southern Expansion in the Antebellum United States By Sharon Ann Murphy, (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2023. pp. 432. 18 figs. 8 tables. ISBN 9780226825137. Pbk $35) pp. 321-322 Downloads
Patrick Luck
Artisans Abroad: British Migrant Workers in Industrialising Europe, 1815–1870 By Fabrice Bensimon, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. pp. 304. 60 figs. 13 tabs. 8 maps. ISBN 978019883584‐4 Hbk. £83) pp. 323-324 Downloads
Jane Humphries
Settling for Less: Why States Colonize and Why They Stop By Lachlan McNamee, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2023. pp. 256. 30 figs. ISBN 9780691237817. bk £30) pp. 325-326 Downloads
Jeanne Cilliers
A Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America, 1960–2017 By Timothy Kehoe and Juan Pablo Nicolini (eds), Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2021. pp. xvii + 569. ISBN Hbk. 9781517911980 Pbk. 9781517911362, pbk $80.00, cloth; $20.00 pp. 327-328 Downloads
Georgina M. Gomez
Review of periodical literature for 2022: (i) 400–1100 pp. 329-334 Downloads
Máirín MacCarron
Review of periodical literature for 2022: (ii) 1100–1500 pp. 335-346 Downloads
Spike Gibbs
Review of periodical literature for 2022: (iii) 1500–1700 pp. 347-354 Downloads
Charmian Mansell
Review of periodical literature for 2022: (iv) 1700–1850 pp. 355-363 Downloads
Karolina Hutková
Review of periodical literature for 2022: (v) 1850–1945 pp. 364-375 Downloads
Tehreem Husain
Review of periodical literature for 2022: (vi) post‐1945 pp. 376-387 Downloads
Meredith Paker
Page updated 2025-03-28