Journal of Regional Science
2000 - 2025
Current editor(s): Marlon G. Boarnet, Matthew Kahn and Mark D. Partridge From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 65, issue 2, 2025
- Geographic Differences in the Effect of Immigration on the Native Wage Distribution: Evidence from Italian Provinces pp. 313-323

- Stefano Fusaro and Enrique López‐Bazo
- Stay Hungry, and Stay Calm in Upbeat Time: Local Leaders' Early‐Life Famine Experience and Housing Sector Development in China pp. 324-338

- Linke Hou, Pinghan Liang and Siyuan Lyu
- The Uneven Effect of Airbnb on the Housing Market: Evidence Across and Within Italian Cities pp. 339-377

- Raffaele Congiu, Flavio Pino and Laura Rondi
- The Core‐Periphery Model Under Additively Separable Preferences pp. 378-402

- Congcong Wang, Dao‐Zhi Zeng and Xiwei Zhu
- Identifying and Mapping Industrial Districts Through a Spatially Constrained Cluster‐Wise Regression Approach pp. 403-428

- Jacopo Canello, Francesco Vidoli, Elisa Fusco and Nicoletta Giudice
- The Effect of Natural Disasters on Inbound Tourism: Synthetic Control Evidence From Italy pp. 429-445

- Federica Antonaglia, Elina De Simone, Lorenzo Dorato, Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta and Mauro Pinto
- Bridging Innovation Distances: High‐Speed Rail and Patent Agency Utilization in China pp. 446-470

- Xiaokang Wu and Jinping Yu
- Estimating National and Foreign Trade Elasticities Using Generalized Transport Costs pp. 471-496

- José L. Zofío, Jorge Díaz‐Lanchas, Damiaan Persyn and Javier Barbero
- The Heterogeneous Effects of EU Structural Funds: A Spatial VAR Approach pp. 497-517

- Sergio Destefanis and Valter Di Giacinto
- The Role of Resident‐Place Identification in Mediating Consumption Localism and Mobility Intentions pp. 518-534

- Thomas Leicht, Massimo Giovanardi, William Darler and Mihalis Kavaratzis
- Organized Crime, Corruption, and Economic Growth pp. 535-560

- Tamara Fioroni, Andrea Mario Lavezzi and Giovanni Trovato
Volume 65, issue 1, 2025
- Out‐of‐area home purchase and U.S. internal migration pp. 5-24

- Minghao Li, Pengfei Liu and Chuan Tang
- The geography of intergenerational mobility in Norway: Labor market diversity, career opportunities, and gender pp. 25-42

- Lena Magnusson Turner and Terje Wessel
- Electoral consequences of globalization for social democratic parties across European regions pp. 43-74

- Michal Mádr
- The empirical evidence of digital trends in more disadvantaged European Union regions in terms of income and population density pp. 75-111

- Anna Garashchuk, Fernando Isla‐Castillo and Pablo Podadera‐Rivera
- Temperature fluctuations, climate uncertainty, and financing hindrance pp. 112-134

- Qingyang Wu, Muhammad Shahbaz and Ioannis Kyriakou
- Network versus spatial proximity and firm innovation: The case of the R&D service sector pp. 135-155

- Ekaterina Turkina, Anthony Frigon and David Doloreux
- The impact of government support on rural grocery stores—A regression discontinuity approach pp. 156-188

- Cecilia Hammarlund and Martin Nordin
- Amazon deforestation and CO2 emissions: A macroeconomic approach using the GVAR pp. 189-220

- Luccas Assis Attílio
- All (economic) politics is local: Voting responses to localized price shocks during the great recession pp. 221-257

- Ron Cheung and Rachel Meltzer
- Spatial inequality in unsolved crimes: Evidence from small neighborhoods pp. 258-283

- Nils Braakmann, Bahadir Dursun and Diego Zambiasi
- Time is the enemy: The speed of proximity‐based knowledge diffusion pp. 284-308

- Alessandra Perri, Francesco Rullani, Elisa Giuliani, Elisa Sabbadin and Raffaele Oriani
Volume 64, issue 5, 2024
- Migration and natives' inequality: Evidence from Italian local labor markets pp. 1511-1544

- Giuseppina Gianfreda and Giovanna Vallanti
- Linearizing nonlinear gravity models: Biased BvOLS versus unbiased alternatives pp. 1545-1573

- Peter Egger and Michael Pfaffermayr
- Place‐based tax incentives and minority employment: Evidence from the New Market Tax Credit Program pp. 1574-1595

- Anil Rupasingha, Alexander Marré and Josemari Feliciano
- The effects of fuel subsidies on regional income distribution through smuggling pp. 1596-1621

- Hosein Joshaghani, Mohammad Morovati, Saeed Moshiri and Nima Rafizadeh
- Determinants of tourist employment in Brazilian microregions: A dynamic panel data approach pp. 1622-1646

- Luiz Carlos De Santana Ribeiro, Fernanda Rodrigues Dos Santos, Fábio Rodrigues De Moura, Rosa Lívia Gonçalves Montenegro and Elton Eduardo Freitas
- The role of public social expenditure for mitigating local income inequality: An investigation across spatial scales in Austria pp. 1647-1679

- Tatjana Neuhuber and Antonia E. Schneider
- Unintended distortion of regulating water use: Evidence from China pp. 1680-1711

- Hua Zhong
- Good intentions gone awry: Rail lines and inner‐city development pp. 1712-1735

- Tianshi Sun, Zhicheng Xu, Mingyue Wang and Xiuyan Liu
- The drivers of intra‐ and interregional labor mobility over the industry life cycle of the high‐tech sector pp. 1736-1759

- Jaakko Simonen, Philip McCann, Santtu Karhinen and Rauli Svento
- What contributes to rising inequality in large cities? pp. 1760-1810

- Luis Ayala, Javier Martín‐Román and Juan Vicente-Perdiz
- We're not in dreamland anymore: The consequences of community opioid use on local industrial composition pp. 1811-1831

- W. Scott Langford and Maryann P. Feldman
Volume 64, issue 3, 2024
- From agglomeration to dispersion: How does China's noncapital functions' relief affect regional development? pp. 595-620

- Bo Yuan, Kecen Jing and Yuhai Liu
- The effect of short‐term rentals on local consumption amenities: Evidence from Madrid pp. 621-648

- Alberto Hidalgo, Massimo Riccaboni and Francisco J. Velázquez
- Racing to Zipf's law: Race and metropolitan population size 1910–2020 pp. 649-670

- Ricardo Fernholz and Rory Kramer
- Promoting sustainable and high‐quality economic development in China via regional innovation poles pp. 671-699

- Yu Zheng, Alan Collins and Shujie Yao
- Does size matter? Evidence from municipal splits pp. 700-731

- Gissur Ó Erlingsson, Jonas Klarin and Eva Mörk
- Ethnicity and UK graduate migration: An identity economics approach pp. 732-785

- Sean Brophy
- Do what we did last year, but do not stray too far from the pack: A behavioral public finance approach to municipal cash reserves pp. 786-803

- Kawika Pierson, Jon C. Thompson and Fred Thompson
- Direct and spillover effects of short‐ and long‐term land pricing drivers: Evidence from Italian districts, 1992−2019 pp. 804-839

- Emma Bruno, Rosalia Castellano, Gennaro Punzo and Luca Salvati
- The effects of robots on internal migration: Evidence from China pp. 840-865

- Xiaoyu Bian and Guangsu Zhou
- Working from home, commuting time, and intracity house‐price gradients pp. 866-895

- Jinwon Kim and Dede Long
- The gains from changes in internal trade costs: A quantitative analysis of China pp. 896-930

- Zhilu Che, Jialu Che and Sen Wang
- Local labor market effects of offshoring: Evidence from the US Trade Adjustment Assistance program pp. 931-960

- Hyejoon Im, Yang Shen and Myunghwan Yoo
- In search of key performance indicators of regional competitiveness in the European Union pp. 961-986

- Kamila Borsekova, Samuel Korony and Colin Lawson
Volume 64, issue 2, 2024
- Why do students leave school early in OECD countries? The role of regional labor markets and school policies pp. 277-307

- Julien Bonnet and Fabrice Murtin
- Do municipal unions improve cost efficiency for the social function? A quasi‐experimental endogenous stochastic frontier approach pp. 308-332

- Francesco Vidoli, Fabio Quintiliani, Giorgio Ivaldi, Giorgia Marinuzzi, Francesco Porcelli and Walter Tortorella
- Socioeconomic impacts of Russian invasion of Ukraine: A multiregional assessment for Europe pp. 333-354

- Miguel Ángel Almazán‐Gómez, Carlos Llano, Julián Pérez and Daniel Rauhut
- Is distance really dying? Transportation and knowledge spillovers pp. 355-405

- Siwei Cao, Guangrong Ma and Hao Mao
- Within‐development density and housing prices in Singapore pp. 406-427

- Eric Fesselmeyer, Haoming Liu and Louisa Poco
- Migration and the location of MNE activities: Evidence from Italian provinces pp. 428-461

- Luigi Benfratello, Davide Castellani and Anna D'Ambrosio
- The impact of long‐distance commuting on salaries and employment in host regions in Chile pp. 462-490

- Viviana Carriel, Manuel Pérez‐Trujillo, Marcelo Lufin and Miguel Atienza
- Local employment multipliers for large publicly subsidized firms: Evidence from a synthetic control approach pp. 491-526

- Andrew Hanson and Shawn Rohlin
- Cultural shock of high‐speed rail: Evidence from social trust pp. 527-554

- Fanglin Chen and Zhongfei Chen
- Does inequality migrate? The development of income inequality across German states pp. 555-589

- Oleg Badunenko and Maria Popova
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