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Papers in Regional Science

1955 - 2023

Continuation of Papers in Regional Science.

Current editor(s): Jouke van Dijk

From Wiley Blackwell
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Volume 102, month 08, 2023

Place‐based subsidies and employment growth in rural America: Evidence from the broadband initiatives programme pp. 677-708 Downloads
Anil Rupasingha, John Pender, Ryan Williams, Joshua Goldstein and Devika Nair
The evolution of the Kuznets curve in Canada pp. 709-735 Downloads
Sébastien Breau and Annie Lee
Analysing public debt in the Mexican states: Spatial convergence, regional drivers and policy recommendations pp. 737-760 Downloads
Mihaela Simionescu and Javier Cifuentes‐Faura
Mental health assimilation of rural–urban migrants in developing countries: Evidence from Indonesia's four cities pp. 761-790 Downloads
Rus'an Nasrudin and Budy Resosudarmo
Innovation dynamics and club convergence in innovation activity in China: A temporal perspective pp. 791-816 Downloads
Eduardo Jimenez‐Moro, Panagiotis Piperopoulos, Mario Kafouros and Alan Au Kai Ming
Regional development trap in Turkey: Can relatedness find a way out? pp. 817-850 Downloads
İbrahim Tuğrul Çınar
Examination of related diversification in laggard regions pp. 851-869 Downloads
Kyriakos Drivas, Claire Economidou, Ioannis Kaplanis and Maria Theano Tagaraki
Putting MARS into space. Non‐linearities and spatial effects in hedonic models pp. 871-896 Downloads
Fernando López and Konstatin Kholodilin
How the world really works: The science behind how we got here and where we are going. By Vaclav Smil, Penguin. 2022 pp. 897-900 Downloads
Yu (Marco) Nie

Volume 102, month 06, 2023

Cultural heritage sites, tourism and regional economic resilience pp. 465-482 Downloads
Vinko Muštra, Blanka Škrabić Perić and Smiljana Pivčević
Border Effects on firm's productivity: The role of peripherality and territorial capital pp. 483-506 Downloads
Federico Fantechi and Ugo Fratesi
A holistic approach of the labour productivity slowdown in the regions of the European Union pp. 507-531 Downloads
Maria Tsiapa
Spatial patterns of Cultural and Creative Industries: Creativity and filière behind concentration pp. 533-564 Downloads
Roberto Dellisanti
Changes in spatial discontinuity in settlement patterns in the Czech‐Polish border area: A case study of Těšín Silesia pp. 565-587 Downloads
Daniel Pavlačka, Dominik Kaim, Krzysztof Ostafin and Jaroslav Burian
Urban crisis vs. urban success in the era of 4.0 technologies: Baumol's model revisited pp. 589-612 Downloads
Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello, Camilla Lenzi and Giovanni Perucca
Does external linkage stimulate innovation capacity? The analysis based on “dual‐pipelines” framework pp. 613-633 Downloads
Bangjuan Wang, Weisheng Mao, Junxian Piao and Chengliang Liu
Nonparametric prediction for univariate spatial data: Methods and applications pp. 635-672 Downloads
Rodrigo García Arancibia, Pamela Llop and Mariel Lovatto
Great Minds in regional science, vol. 2 By Peter Batey, David Plane (Eds.), Springer Verlag. 2023. Hardcover price: 145.59. ISBN: 978‐3‐031‐13440‐1 pp. 673-674 Downloads
Roberta Capello

Volume 102, month 04, 2023

Economic resilience and regionally differentiated cycles: Evidence from a turning point approach in Italy pp. 219-252 Downloads
Hasan Engin Duran and Ugo Fratesi
Poverty‐happiness nexus: Does the use of regional poverty lines matter? pp. 253-272 Downloads
Cristina Bernini, Silvia Emili and Maria Ferrante
Convergence heterogeneity at the local level in sub‐Saharan Africa pp. 273-305 Downloads
Matthieu Charpe
Explaining COVID‐19 vaccine uptake: A spatial sociodemographic study in Turkey pp. 307-329 Downloads
Sebastien Bourdin, Sevgi Eda Tuzcu and Esra Satıcı
Tracking the Van: The role of forward linkages in logistics MNEs' location choices across European NUTS 3 regions pp. 331-362 Downloads
Dalila Ribaudo
Creating and maintaining film clusters: Synthetic control method analysis of the enactment and repeal of US state film incentives pp. 363-392 Downloads
Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
A spatial origin‐destination approach for the analysis of local tourism demand in Italy pp. 393-419 Downloads
Salvatore Costantino, Maria Francesca Cracolici and J.Paul Elhorst
Big in the neighbourhood: Identifying local and regional centres through their network position pp. 421-457 Downloads
Chris Jacobs‐Crisioni, Mert Kompil and Lewis Dijkstra
The economics of belonging: A radical plan to win back the left behind and achieve prosperity for all. Martin Sandbu: Princeton University Press, 2020. xix + 282 pp., 18 figures. $24.95 (Hardcover). ISBN 9780691204529 pp. 459-460 Downloads
Gabriel Camară

Volume 102, month 02, 2023

Government spending and credit market: Evidence from Italian (NUTS 3) provinces pp. 3-30 Downloads
Andrea Cipollini and Francesco Frangiamore
Resilience and economic structure: The case of the Chilean regions during the Asian crises and the Great Recession of 2008 pp. 31-51 Downloads
Cristian Delgado‐Bello, Andrés Maroto Sáchez and Miguel Atienza Ubeda
Dynamic returns to scale and geography in U.S. banking pp. 53-85 Downloads
Anthony J. Glass and Karligash Kenjegalieva
A joint spatial econometric model for regional FDI and output growth pp. 87-106 Downloads
Tamás Krisztin and Philipp Piribauer
Neighbourhood change in Genesee and Kent Counties, Michigan, 1970–2019 pp. 107-127 Downloads
Evelyn Ravuri
Agglomeration effects and unemployment to work: Evidence from French data pp. 129-166 Downloads
Emmanuel Duguet, Yannick L'Horty and Florent Sari
Are riskier cities more compact? An empirical study of the 11 largest census metropolitan areas in Canada, 2016 pp. 167-186 Downloads
Xiaoxuan Sun, Diana Mok and Jinfei Wang
Does the bullet train exacerbate urban shrinkage? Lessons from Japan pp. 187-212 Downloads
Lisha Wang, Jian Wang and Xuepeng Qian
Keeping races in their places: The dividing lines that shaped the American city Edited by Anthony W. Orlando New York and London: Routledge. 2021. 154 pp. ISBN 9780367680374 pp. 213-216 Downloads
Olga Alonso‐Villar

Volume 101, month 12, 2022

Cultural participation in Cultural and Creative Cities: Positive regional outcomes and potential congestion concerns pp. 1245-1261 Downloads
Silvia Cerisola and Elisa Panzera
The effect of cultural and creative production on human capital: Evidence from European regions pp. 1263-1287 Downloads
Filippo Berti Mecocci, Amir Maghssudipour and Marco Bellandi
Productivity advantage of large cities for creative industries pp. 1289-1306 Downloads
Chun‐Yu Ho and Yue Sheng
Beyond productivity slowdown: Quality, pricing and resource reallocation in regional competitiveness pp. 1307-1330 Downloads
Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello and Giovanni Perucca
Tourism and territorial growth determinants in insular regions: A comparison with mainland regions for some European countries (2008–2019) pp. 1331-1382 Downloads
Fabio Mazzola, Pietro Pizzuto and Giovanni Ruggieri
Roads and intra‐national trade: Evidence from Italian regions pp. 1383-1409 Downloads
Marta Santagata
FDI and the growing wage gap in Mexican municipalities pp. 1411-1439 Downloads
J. Eduardo Ibarra‐Olivo and Andrés Rodríguez‐Pose
São Francisco River Transposition Project: Socio‐economic impacts in Brazilian Northeast semi‐arid region pp. 1441-1468 Downloads
Edson Ramos de Medeiros, Terciane Carvalho and Kênia de Souza
New frontiers of policy evaluation in regional science. Edited by Yoshiro Higano N |Lily Kiminami | Kenichi Ishibashi. Volume 52. Series: New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. 412 pp. ISBN 978–981–16–4500–6; ISBN 978–981–16–4501–3 (eBook). pp. 1469-1470 Downloads
Cristina Bernini

Volume 101, month 10, 2022

Better together: Untapped potentials in Central Europe pp. 1051-1085 Downloads
Andrea Caragliu
The impact of preemptive investment on natural disasters pp. 1087-1103 Downloads
Jhorland Ayala‐García and Sandy Dall'Erba
Direct and indirect effects of universities on European regional productivity pp. 1105-1133 Downloads
Emanuela Marrocu, Raffaele Paci and Stefano Usai
Do agglomeration economies affect firms’ returns to training? Evidence based on French industrial firms pp. 1135-1156 Downloads
Yoann Morin and Lionel Védrine
A matter of life and death? Knowledge intensity of FDI activities and domestic enterprise pp. 1157-1179 Downloads
Piers Thompson and Wenyu Zang
An amenity‐based approach to excellent returning scientists' location choice in China pp. 1181-1197 Downloads
Jinliao He, Yanjiao Song, Xianjin Huang and Jingxia Lin
Locating a facility to simultaneously address access and coverage goals pp. 1199-1217 Downloads
Jiwon Baik and Alan T. Murray
A new proposal to model regional input–output structures using location quotients. An application to Korean and Spanish regions pp. 1219-1237 Downloads
José Daniel Buendía Azorín, Rubén Martínez Alpañez and Maria del Mar Sánchez de la Vega
The work of the future. Building better jobs in an age of intelligent machines. David Autor, David Mindell and Elisabeth Reynolds. The MIT Press, 2021. 178 pages, 29.95 US $ ISBN: 9780262046367 pp. 1239-1240 Downloads
Camilla Lenzi
Industry 4.0 and regional transformations, By Lisa De Propris and David Bailey, Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2020, 257 pp. ISBN: 978‐ 0‐ 367‐17841‐3 (hbk) ‐ ISBN: 978‐0‐429‐05798‐4 (ebk) pp. 1241-1242 Downloads
Roberto Antonietti

Volume 101, month 08, 2022

The role of regions in global value chains: an analysis for the European Union pp. 771-794 Downloads
Lucía Bolea, Rosa Duarte, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Sofía Jiménez and Julio Sánchez‐Chóliz
Proposition for an additional input output multiplier metric to access the value contribution of regional cluster industries pp. 795-809 Downloads
Oluwafisayo Alabi, Karen Turner, Julia Race and Antonios Katris
Regional economic effects of the Ring Road project in the Greater Tokyo Area: A spatial CGE approach pp. 811-837 Downloads
Tomoki Ishikura and Fuga Yokoyama
Manufacturing location patterns in Brazil pp. 839-873 Downloads
Edilberto Tiago de Almeida, Raul Silveira Neto and Roberta de Moraes Rocha
Mapping regional strengths in a key enabling technology: The distribution of Internet of Things competences across European regions pp. 875-900 Downloads
Margherita Russo, Annalisa Caloffi, Ana Colovic, Pasquale Pavone, Saverio Romeo and Federica Rossi
Internal migration and earnings: Do migrant entrepreneurs and migrant employees differ? pp. 901-944 Downloads
Bach Nguyen
The beaten paths effect on patient inter‐regional mobility: An application to the Italian NHS pp. 945-977 Downloads
Paolo Berta, Gianmaria Martini, Daniele Spinelli and Giorgio Vittadini
World City Innovation and Service Networks and Economic Growth pp. 979-999 Downloads
Rene Belderbos, Florence Benoit and Ben Derudder
Impacts of the political incentive for environmental protection on industrial land supply: Evidence from the cadre evaluation system reform in China pp. 1001-1025 Downloads
Fugang Gao, Huub Ploegmakers, Erwin van der Krabben and Xiaoping Shi
Master development, land appreciation, and government finance: Evidence from the Disney project in Shanghai pp. 1027-1046 Downloads
Xiaotong Li, Ying Li, Jinlan Ni and Jia Yuan
The regional economics of technological transformations: Industry 4.0 and servitisation in European regions, By Roberta Capello and Camilla Lenzi, Routledge, London. 2021. 326 pp. ISBN 978–0–36‐767,824‐1, DOI: pp. 1047-1048 Downloads
Lisa De Propris

Volume 101, month 06, 2022

Can regional policies shape migration flows? pp. 515-536 Downloads
Augusto Cerqua, Guido Pellegrini and Ornella Tarola
Spatial heterogeneities, institutions, and income: Evidence for Brazil pp. 537-571 Downloads
William Y. N. Suzuki, Márcio Laurini and Luciano Nakabashi
Skill‐Relatedness and Regional Economic Development in Spain during the International Crisis and the Post‐Crisis Period pp. 573-602 Downloads
Simón Sánchez‐Moral, Mário Vale and F. Alfonso Arellano
Measuring the efficiency of materials management based on data envelopment analysis approach: the case of Polish regions pp. 603-618 Downloads
Aneta Masternak‐Janus
Information communication technology and manufacturing decentralisation in China pp. 619-637 Downloads
Tinglin Zhang, Bindong Sun, Wan Li and Huimin Zhou
The Mediating Role of Urbanization on the Composition of Happiness pp. 639-657 Downloads
Cristina Bernini and Alessandro Tampieri
Shooting down the price: Evidence from Mafia homicides and housing prices pp. 659-683 Downloads
Michele Battisti, Giovanni Bernardo, Andrea Lavezzi and Giuseppe Maggio
Spatial dependence in the technical efficiency of local banks pp. 685-716 Downloads
Carmelo Algeri, Luc Anselin, Antonio Fabio Forgione and Carlo Migliardo
Political competition, spatial interactions, and default risk of local government debts in China pp. 717-743 Downloads
Cong Yu, Linke Hou, Yuxia Lyu and Qi Zhang
Travel mode choice as a representation of travel utility: A multilevel approach reflecting the hierarchical structure of trip, individual, and neighborhood characteristics pp. 745-765 Downloads
Jindo Jeong, Jiwon Lee and Tae‐Hyoung Tommy Gim
A Behavioural Theory of Economic Development: The Uneven Evolution of Cities and Regions, By Robert Huggins and Piers Thompson, Oxford University Press, 2021, £75/$100 hb. 336 pp. ISBN: 978‐0‐19‐883234‐8 pp. 767-768 Downloads
Martijn J. Smit

Volume 101, month 04, 2022

Cultural cities, urban economic growth, and regional development: The role of creativity and cosmopolitan identity pp. 285-302 Downloads
Silvia Cerisola and Elisa Panzera
The local‐level impact of human capital investment within the EU cohesion policy in Poland pp. 303-325 Downloads
Wanda Biedka, Mikołaj Herbst, Jakub Rok and Piotr Wójcik
The relation between the index of economic freedom and good governance with efficiency of the European Structural Funds pp. 327-349 Downloads
Juan Cándido Gómez‐Gallego, María del Rocío Moreno‐Enguix and María Gómez‐Gallego
The role of geographic and cognitive proximity in knowledge networks: The case of joint R&D projects pp. 351-372 Downloads
Viktor Květoň, Josef Novotný, Jiří Blažek and David Marek
The social profitability of rural roads in a small open economy: Do urban agglomeration economies matter? pp. 373-397 Downloads
Clive Bell
Urbanization and COVID‐19 incidence: A cross‐country investigation pp. 399-415 Downloads
Rafael González‐Val and Fernando Sanz‐Gracia
Border cities: Out of the shadow pp. 417-438 Downloads
Christophe Sohn, Julien Licheron and Evert Meijers
The mutual specialization of port and urban functions: The case of France pp. 439-460 Downloads
Mounir Amdaoud, César Ducruet and Marc‐Antoine Faure
The hukou system and selective internal migration in China pp. 461-482 Downloads
Jiantao Zhou and Eddie Chi‐Man Hui
Quantifying walking capability: a novel aggregated index based on spatial perspective and analyses pp. 483-503 Downloads
Hamid Motieyan, Farnaz Kaviari and Nikrouz Mostofi
Introduction to Urban Science: Evidence and Theory of Cities as Complex Systems. By Luís M. A. Bettencourt. The MIT Press, 2021, 468 pages + xxii, ISBN 9780262046008, DOI: pp. 505-508 Downloads
Michael Batty
Just housing. The moral foundations of American housing policy By Casey J. Dawkins The MIT Press, 2021, Paperback, $40.00 X. 336 pp., ISBN: 9780262543071 pp. 509-511 Downloads
Edwin Buitelaar

Volume 101, month 02, 2022

Does a local knowledge base in Industry 3.0 foster diversification in Industry 4.0 technologies? Evidence from European regions pp. 5-35 Downloads
Matteo Laffi and Ron Boschma
The role of inventors’ networks and variety for breakthrough inventions pp. 37-57 Downloads
Niccolò Innocenti, Francesco Capone, Luciana Lazzeretti and Sergio Petralia
New evidence on measuring the geographical concentration of economic activities pp. 59-79 Downloads
Domenica Panzera, Alfredo Cartone and Paolo Postiglione
Price effects of spatial competition in retail fuel markets: the impact of a new rival nearby pp. 81-105 Downloads
Leonardo Cardoso, Carlos Frederico A. Uchôa, Williams Huamani, David Just and Raúl V. Gomez
Worker and firm heterogeneity, agglomeration, and wages in Brazil pp. 107-133 Downloads
Diana Silva and Carlos Azzoni
Willingness for different job mobility types and wage expectations: An empirical analysis based on the online resumes pp. 135-161 Downloads
Lanfang Deng, Hongyi Li and Wei Shi
An exploratory analysis of the interactions between the determinants of migratory flows pp. 163-182 Downloads
Iuliana Mihai and Isabel Novo‐Corti
Does the high‐speed rail network improve economic growth? pp. 183-208 Downloads
Jun‐Teng Ma and Tie‐Ying Liu
An empirical Stock‐Flow Consistent regional model of Campania pp. 209-257 Downloads
Rosa Canelli, Riccardo Realfonzo and Francesco Zezza
A Moran eigenvector spatial filtering specification of entropy measures pp. 259-279 Downloads
Daniel A. Griffith, Yongwan Chun and Jan Hauke
The economic geography of cross‐border migration, Edited by Karima Kourtit, Bruce Newbold, Peter Nijkamp and Mark Partridge, Springer Nature, 2021, 573pp., 4 maps, 50 tables, 73 figures, Index, EUR 139.99, ISBN 978‐3‐030‐48291‐6, DOI: 10.1007/978‐3‐030‐48291‐6 pp. 281-282 Downloads
Naresh Kumar
Page updated 2025-03-28