Real Estate Economics
1973 - 2025
Current editor(s): Crocker Liu, N. Edward Coulson and Walter Torous From American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2025, volume 53, articles 1
- Alcohol consumption and the value of community pp. 6-36

- Xiaoyu Zhang and Yunqi Zhang
- “Connect” me! Social networking in commercial real estate pp. 37-66

- Eren Cifci and Alan Tidwell
- Do immigrants equally benefit from rent control? pp. 67-100

- Xun Bian, Ruoyu Chen and Hanchen Jiang
- Shopping around: Empirical analysis of borrower comparison shopping and mortgage prices pp. 101-133

- Kristoffer (Kip) Jackson and Garrett T. Senney
- The lasting impact of historical residential security maps on experienced segregation pp. 134-163

- Daniel Aaronson, Joel Kaiyuan Han, Daniel A. Hartley and Bhashkar Mazumder
- Road to net zero: Greenness of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and California Green Building Standards Code in the multifamily sector pp. 164-203

- Jamie Chung, Michael Cusumano, Dongshin Kim and Abraham Park
2024, volume 52, articles 5
- Zero‐price effect and consumer welfare: Evidence from online classified real estate service pp. 1165-1196

- David Ash and Danny Ben‐Shahar
- Property management technology adoption in the short‐term housing rental market pp. 1197-1225

- Sophia Göppinger, Jaime Luque and Gianluca Marcato
- Housing sales and construction responses to COVID‐19: Evidence from shelter‐in‐place and eviction moratoria in the United States pp. 1226-1262

- S. Sayantani
- From vacancy to verdancy? The impact of land options on the timing of vacant lot investment pp. 1263-1307

- Desen Lin
- Combining machine learning and econometrics: Application to commercial real estate prices pp. 1308-1339

- Marc Francke and Alex van de Minne
- Chinese exclusion? Agent response in the market for owner‐occupied housing pp. 1340-1372

- Andrew Hanson and Zackary Hawley
2024, volume 52, articles 4
- Neighborhoods in the 21st century: What do we know, and what do we still have to learn?: AREUEA Presidential Address pp. 997-1019

- Ingrid Gould Ellen
- Improving search efficiency in housing markets using online listings pp. 1020-1044

- Tien Foo Sing and Yiheng Zou
- Houston, you have a problem: How large cities accommodate more housing pp. 1045-1074

- Anthony Orlando and Christian L. Redfearn
- Housing prices, costs, and policy: The housing supply equation in Ireland since 1970 pp. 1075-1102

- Maximilian Günnewig‐Mönert and Ronan Lyons
- Housing leverage, home value, and retirement pp. 1103-1139

- Xun Bian, Zhenguo Lin and Feifei Zhu
- Homebuyers’ geographic proximity as a predictor of future housing price growth pp. 1140-1158

- Hayoung Kim
2024, volume 52, articles 3
- Prisms of Possibility: Biographically situated insights on the transformative potential of sustainable affordable housing pp. 585-595

- Diana Hernández
- How will US households adjust their housing behaviors in response to climate change? pp. 596-617

- Jenny Schuetz
- When climate meets real estate: A survey of the literature pp. 618-659

- Justin Contat, Carrie Hopkins, Luis Mejia and Matthew Suandi
- Climate risk in mortgage markets: Evidence from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma pp. 660-686

- Pedro Gete, Athena Tsouderou and Susan Wachter
- Climate change and commercial real estate: Evidence from Hurricane Sandy pp. 687-713

- Jawad M. Addoum, Piet Eichholtz, Eva Steiner and Erkan Yönder
- Heterogeneity in the recovery of local real estate markets after extreme events: The case of Hurricane Sandy pp. 714-752

- Ingrid Gould Ellen and Rachel Meltzer
- The color of water: Racial and income differences in exposure to floods across US neighborhoods pp. 753-793

- George C. Galster, Joshua Galster and Karl Vachuska
- Valuing public transit: The L‐train shutdown pp. 794-842

- Becka Brolinson
- Investment incentives of rent controls and gentrification: Evidence from German micro data pp. 843-884

- Vera Baye and Valeriya Dinger
- ADUs in Los Angeles: Where are they located and by how much do they raise property value? pp. 885-907

- Jan K. Brueckner and Sarah Thomaz
- Racial and ethnic differences in the financial returns to home purchases pp. 908-927

- Matthew Kahn
- Foreign buyer taxes and housing affordability pp. 928-950

- Andrey Pavlov, Tsur Somerville and Jake Wetzel
- Commercial real estate and air pollution pp. 951-989

- Dragana Cvijanović, Lyndsey Rolheiser and Alex Van de Minne
2024, volume 52, articles 2
- Amazon is coming to town: Sequential information revelation in the housing market pp. 277-323

- Yifan Chen, Sean Wilkoff and Jiro Yoshida
- The effectiveness and consequences of the government's interventions for Hong Kong's residential housing markets pp. 324-365

- Yongheng Deng, Congyan Han, Teng Li and Yonglin Wang
- Low‐rise buildings in big cities: Theory and evidence from China pp. 366-400

- Xiaolun Yu
- Do local governments tax homeowner communities differently? pp. 401-433

- Roland Füss, Oliver Lerbs and Alois Weigand
- Deciphering the U.S. metropolitan house price dynamics pp. 434-485

- Vasilios Plakandaras, Ioannis Pragidis and Paris Karypidis
- Credit supply shocks, home purchase volume, and borrowing behavior pp. 486-513

- James N. Conklin, Haoyang Liu and Calvin Zhang
- Contemporary differences in residential housing values along historic redlining boundaries pp. 514-551

- Aakrit Joshi, Brady P. Horn and Robert Berrens
- Competition, agglomeration, and tenant composition in shopping malls pp. 552-576

- David Leung, Peng Liu and Tingyu Zhou
2024, volume 52, articles 1
- Why do young adults coreside with their parents? pp. 7-44

- Arthur Acolin, Desen Lin and Susan Wachter
- The impact of real estate agents’ expertise on house prices and TOM pp. 45-72

- Lu Fang and Darren K. Hayunga
- Misreporting of second liens in portfolio mortgages and privately securitized mortgages pp. 73-109

- Abdullah Yavas and Shuang Zhu
- House price seasonality, market activity, and the December discount pp. 110-139

- Erling Røed Larsen
- Duration‐dependent transaction tax effects on sellers and their behaviors pp. 140-183

- Yanjiang Zhang, Yong Tu and Yongheng Deng
- Access to public capital markets and bank lending pp. 184-213

- Yongqiang Chu and Daxuan Zhao
- Do opportunity zones create opportunities? The impact of opportunity zones on real estate prices pp. 214-238

- James Alm, Trey Dronyk‐Trosper and Sean Larkin
- Airbnb or not Airbnb? That is the question: How Airbnb bans disrupt rental markets pp. 239-270

- Michael Seiler, Ralph Siebert and Liuming Yang
2023, volume 51, articles 6
- What drives screening incentives in nonbank mortgage originators? pp. 1321-1355

- Rohan Ganduri
- Urban flight: A short‐term phenomenon or long‐term trend? pp. 1356-1375

- Dongshin Kim, Davin Raiha, Youngme Seo and Julia Freybote
- Household portfolio choice before and after a house purchase pp. 1376-1398

- Ran Sun Lyng and Jie Zhou
- Gun‐ownership disclosure and localized home prices pp. 1399-1436

- Michael Seiler and Liuming Yang
- Fighting vacation rental tax evasion through warnings to potential evaders pp. 1437-1466

- Julio López‐Laborda, Jaime Vallés‐Giménez and Anabel Zarate‐Marco
- Face‐to‐face interactions, tenant resilience, and commercial real estate performance pp. 1467-1511

- Chongyu Wang and Tingyu Zhou
- Exciting, boring, and nonexistent skylines: Vertical building gaps in global perspective pp. 1512-1546

- Jason Barr and Remi Jedwab
- Emergence of subprime lending in minority neighborhoods pp. 1547-1583

- Egle Jakucionyte and Swapnil Singh
2023, volume 51, articles 5
- The heterogeneous impact of house purchase limits policy on housing prices: Comparison between elite and non‐elite school district houses pp. 1055-1078

- Yongbin Huang and Hai Hong
- The amenity value of natural views pp. 1079-1107

- Timothy L. Hamilton and Erik B. Johnson
- Recourse as shadow equity: Evidence from commercial real estate loans pp. 1108-1136

- David Glancy, Robert Kurtzman, Lara Loewenstein and Joseph Nichols
- Owner‐occupancy fraud and mortgage performance pp. 1137-1177

- Ronel Elul, Aaron Payne and Sebastian Tilson
- Interpretable machine learning for real estate market analysis pp. 1178-1208

- Felix Lorenz, Jonas Willwersch, Marcelo Cajias and Franz Fuerst
- Industrial tail exposure risk and asset price: Evidence from US REITs pp. 1209-1245

- Jeongseop Song and Kim Liow
- How do institutional investors react to local shocks during a crisis? A test using the COVID‐19 pandemic pp. 1246-1284

- David C. Ling, Chongyu Wang and Tingyu Zhou
- Heterogeneity in property tax capitalization: Evidence from municipalities in Wisconsin pp. 1285-1314

- Sergio Gárate and Anthony Pennington‐Cross
2023, volume 51, articles 4
- School quality as a catalyst for bidding wars and new housing development pp. 785-818

- Crocker H. Liu and Patrick S. Smith
- Risk perception in housing markets: Evidence from a fighter jet crash pp. 819-854

- Walter D'Lima, Timothy Komarek and Luis A. Lopez
- Restricted access: Real estate agent response to client race, ethnicity, gender, and side of market pp. 855-890

- Andrew Hanson and Zackary Hawley
- Redevelopment along arterial streets: The effects of light rail on land use change pp. 891-930

- Kadek Ayu Vergianti Agustini and Sarah West
- Property taxes and rental housing: Evidence from China pp. 931-958

- Chengrui Xiao and Bo Zhou
- Nature of comovements in US state and MSA housing prices pp. 959-989

- Owen Tidwell, Yan (Olivia) Lu, Junsoo Lee and Piyali Banerjee
- Longer term housing market effects of a major US airport closure pp. 990-1010

- Jeffrey P. Cohen, Cletus Coughlin, Jonas Crews and Stephen L. Ross
- Lenders’ pricing strategy: Do neighborhood risks matter? pp. 1011-1047

- Sumit Agarwal, Yongheng Deng, Jia He, Yonglin Wang and Qi Zhang
2023, volume 51, articles 3
- The determinants of office cap rates: The international evidence pp. 539-572

- Jędrzej Białkowski, Sheridan Titman and Garry Twite
- The price effects of greening vacant lots: How neighborhood attributes matter pp. 573-610

- Desen Lin, Shane T. Jensen and Susan Wachter
- The hidden cost of smoking: Rent premia in the housing market pp. 611-629

- Cigdem Gedikli, Robert Hill, Oleksandr Talavera and Okan Yilmaz
- The external cost of prostitution: Evidence from shutting down red light districts in the Netherlands pp. 630-654

- Erasmo Giambona and Rafael Ribas
- The economic effects of real estate investors pp. 655-685

- Carlos Garriga, Pedro Gete and Athena Tsouderou
- The capitalization of metro rail access in urban housing markets pp. 686-720

- Zachary T. Keeler and Heather M. Stephens
- The burgeoning role of iBuyers in the housing market pp. 721-753

- Michael Seiler and Liuming Yang
- Testing machine learning systems in real estate pp. 754-778

- Wayne Wan and Thies Lindenthal
2023, volume 51, articles 2
- The riskiness of outstanding mortgages in the United States, 1999–2019 pp. 279-310

- William Larson
- Who benefits the most? Risk pooling in mortgage loan insurance: Evidence from the Canadian mortgage market pp. 311-337

- Kiana Basiri, Babak Mahmoudi and Chenggang Zhou
- Where is the opportunity in opportunity zones? pp. 338-371

- Alan Sage, Mike Langen and Alex van de Minne
- Uncertainty premia in REIT returns pp. 372-407

- Marton Lotz, Daniel Ruf and Johannes Strobel
- Tracing the source of liquidity for distressed housing markets pp. 408-440

- Rohan Ganduri, Steven Chong Xiao and Serena Wenjing Xiao
- Top‐floor discounts in residential buildings: Evidence from South Korea pp. 441-469

- Sam Il Myoung Hwang and Leo Ma
- Time‐varying connectedness of metropolitan housing markets pp. 470-502

- James Payne and Xiaojin Sun
- The price‐to‐rent ratio: A macroprudential application pp. 503-532

- Sonia Gilbukh, Andrew Haughwout, Rebecca J. Landau and Joseph Tracy
2023, volume 51, articles 1
- The remote work revolution: Impact on real estate values and the urban environment: 2023 AREUEA Presidential Address pp. 7-48

- Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh
- Canceling the admission priority of private schools enlarges housing price gap in public school districts: Evidence from Shanghai's new admission policy pp. 49-67

- Pengyu Zhu, Yi Zhang and Juan Wang
- Cash to spend: IPO wealth and house prices pp. 68-102

- Barney Hartman‐Glaser, Mark Thibodeau and Jiro Yoshida
- CEO–CFO team optimism: Commercial real estate transactions and REIT performance pp. 103-129

- Piet Eichholtz and Erkan Yönder
- Conflicts of interest and agent heterogeneity in buyer brokerage pp. 130-169

- Lawrence Kryzanowski, Yanting Wu and Tingyu Zhou
- Distressed comps pp. 170-195

- James N. Conklin, N. Edward Coulson and Moussa Diop
- Ethnicity in housing markets: Buyers, sellers and agents pp. 196-232

- Natalya Bikmetova, Geoffrey K. Turnbull and Velma Zahirovic‐Herbert
- Externalities of residential property flipping pp. 233-271

- Lingxiao Li, Abdullah Yavas and Bing Zhu
On this page- 2025, volume 53
Articles 1
- 2024, volume 52
Articles 5
Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2023, volume 51
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years 2022, volume 50
2021, volume 49
2020, volume 48
2019, volume 47
2018, volume 46
2017, volume 45
2016, volume 44
2015, volume 43
2014, volume 42
2013, volume 41
2012, volume 40
2011, volume 39
2010, volume 38
2009, volume 37
2008, volume 36
2007, volume 35
2004, volume 32
2003, volume 31
2002, volume 30
2001, volume 29
1999, volume 27
1998, volume 26
1997, volume 25
1996, volume 24
1995, volume 23
1994, volume 22
1993, volume 21
1992, volume 20
1991, volume 19
1990, volume 18
1989, volume 17
1988, volume 16
1987, volume 15
1986, volume 14
1985, volume 13
1984, volume 12
1983, volume 11
1982, volume 10
1981, volume 9
1980, volume 8
1979, volume 7
1978, volume 6
1977, volume 5
1976, volume 4
1975, volume 3
1974, volume 2
1973, volume 1
On this page- 2025, volume 53
Articles 1
- 2024, volume 52
Articles 5
Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
- 2023, volume 51
Articles 6
Articles 5 Articles 4 Articles 3 Articles 2 Articles 1
Other years 2022, volume 50
2021, volume 49
2020, volume 48
2019, volume 47
2018, volume 46
2017, volume 45
2016, volume 44
2015, volume 43
2014, volume 42
2013, volume 41
2012, volume 40
2011, volume 39
2010, volume 38
2009, volume 37
2008, volume 36
2007, volume 35
2004, volume 32
2003, volume 31
2002, volume 30
2001, volume 29
1999, volume 27
1998, volume 26
1997, volume 25
1996, volume 24
1995, volume 23
1994, volume 22
1993, volume 21
1992, volume 20
1991, volume 19
1990, volume 18
1989, volume 17
1988, volume 16
1987, volume 15
1986, volume 14
1985, volume 13
1984, volume 12
1983, volume 11
1982, volume 10
1981, volume 9
1980, volume 8
1979, volume 7
1978, volume 6
1977, volume 5
1976, volume 4
1975, volume 3
1974, volume 2
1973, volume 1