Michael Polanyi on creativity
Agnès Festré and
Stein Østbye
Revue d'économie industrielle, 2021, vol. n° 174, issue 2, 89-116
We can know more than we can tell. In this paper we discuss how Polanyi applied his tacit knowledge concept to approach creativity. As a first step, Polanyi?s epistemological position is briefly discussed. Then his conceptualisation of tacit knowledge is presented, followed by a discussion of how Polanyi relates tacit knowledge to creativity in general and creativity in science in particular. We argue that Polanyi not only was a theoretician on creativity, but also a very creative educator aiming to communicate widely using film as medium, thereby, increasing legitimacy of science. We also argue that tacit knowledge is relevant in modern economics through the link to creativity and innovation, using endogenous growth theory as the showcase. Classification JEL : B20, B25, O31.
Keywords: creativity; methodology; tacit knowledge; education by the eyes; endogenous economic growth; Polanyi (Michael) (search for similar items in EconPapers)
JEL-codes: B20 B25 O31 (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Date: 2021
References: Add references at CitEc
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