International Economics
2010 - 2022
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2015, issue 144
- Product market regulation and wage premia in Europe and North America: An empirical investigation pp. 1-28
- Sebastien Jean and Giuseppe Nicoletti
- Africa: Out of debt, into fiscal space? Dynamic fiscal impact of the debt relief initiatives on African Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) pp. 29-52
- Danny Cassimon, Bjorn Van Campenhout, Marin Ferry and Marc Raffinot
- Does exchange rate volatility hurt domestic consumption? Evidence from emerging economies pp. 53-65
- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Ali Kutan and Dan Xif
- The determinants of trade agreements in services vs. goods pp. 66-82
- Matthew Cole and Amélie Guillin
- Revisiting the Fisher parity consistency for the Swiss economy around the modification of the National Bank?s monetary policy strategy pp. 83-94
- David Neto
- Banking union: Mind the gaps pp. 95-115
- Adrien Béranger and Laurence Scialom
- Estimating household responses to trade reforms: Net consumers and net producers in rural Mexico pp. 116-142
- Guido Porto
2015, issue 143
- Euro area structural convergence? A multi-criterion cluster analysis pp. 1-22
- Delphine Irac and Jimmy Lopez
- Does financial openness explain the increase of global imbalances before the crisis of 2008? pp. 23-35
- Jamel Saadaoui
- Trade spillovers on output growth during the 2008 financial crisis pp. 36-47
- Jean-Sébastien Pentecôte and Fabien Rondeau
- Transmission of real exchange rate changes to the manufacturing sector: The role of financial access pp. 48-69
- Anubha Dhasmana
- A simple model of the juggernaut effect of trade liberalisation pp. 70-79
- Richard Baldwin and Frederic Robert-Nicoud
- Capital inflows, exchange rate regimes and credit dynamics in emerging market economies pp. 80-97
- Robin Boudias
2015, issue 142
- Economics of global interactions: Introduction to the special issue pp. 1-3
- Nicola Coniglio and Hubert Jayet
- Welfare implications of free trade agreements under Bertrand and Cournot competition with product differentiation pp. 4-14
- Yasushi Kawabata and Yasuhiro Takarada
- International integration with heterogeneous immigration policies pp. 15-31
- Nicola Coniglio and Kenji Kondoh
- Competitiveness-shifting effects and the prisoner?s dilemma in international R&D subsidy wars pp. 32-49
- Armando Garcia Pires
- Service costs and economic welfare pp. 50-59
- Hiroshi Kurata
- Do firm–bank relationships affect firms’ internationalization? pp. 60-80
- Riccardo De Bonis, Giovanni Ferri and Zeno Rotondi
- Is labor flexibility a substitute to offshoring? Evidence from Italian manufacturing pp. 81-93
- Andrea Presbitero, Matteo Richiardi and Alessia Amighini
- Multinationals in Sub-Saharan Africa: Domestic linkages and institutional distance pp. 94-117
- Lucia Perez-Villar and Adnan Seric
- Remittances and incentive to migrate: An epidemic approach of migration pp. 118-135
- Claire Naiditch, Agnes Tomini and Christian Ben Lakhdar
- Wage expectations of illegal immigrants: The role of networks and previous migration experience pp. 136-151
- Rezart Hoxhaj
- Illegal trade in natural resources: Evidence from missing exports pp. 152-160
- Pierre-Louis Vézina
2015, issue 141
- Capital flows and asset prices: Empirical evidence from emerging and developing economies pp. 1-14
- Hiroyuki Taguchi, Pravakar Sahoo and Geethanjali Nataraj
- Interest burden and external finance choices in emerging markets: Firm-level data evidence from Malaysia pp. 15-33
- Muhamed Zulkhibri
- On the use of singular spectrum analysis for forecasting U.S. trade before, during and after the 2008 recession pp. 34-49
- Emmanuel Sirimal Silva and Hossein Hassani
- Fiscal austerity, growth prospects, and sovereign CDS spreads: The Eurozone and beyond pp. 50-79
- Chunming Yuan and Tanu J. Pongsiri
- The “mother of all puzzles” at thirty: A meta-analysis pp. 80-96
- Christophe Tavera, Jean-Christophe Poutineau, Jean-Sébastien Pentecôte, Isabelle Cadoret and Arthur Charpentier
- Dissecting the brains of central bankers: The case of the ECB’s Governing Council members on reforms pp. 97-114
- Hamza Bennani
- Heterogeneous monetary transmission process in the Eurozone: Does banking competition matter? pp. 115-134
- Aurélien Leroy and Yannick Lucotte
- What determines the extent of real exchange rate misalignment in developing countries? pp. 135-151
- Ridha Nouira and Khalid Sekkat
2014, issue 140
- Credit constraints and firm imports of capital goods: Evidence from middle- and low-income countries pp. 1-18
- Dario Fauceglia
- Financial Constraints and Export Participation in India pp. 19-35
- Priya Nagaraj
- Modelling the oil price –exchange rate nexus for South Africa pp. 36-48
- Babajide Fowowe
- Assessment of the global financial crisis effects on energy consumption and economic growth in Malaysia: An input–output analysis pp. 49-70
- Hussain Ali Bekhet and Tahira Yasmin
- Greenhouse gases mitigation potential and economic efficiency of phasing-out fossil fuel subsidies pp. 71-88
- Jean-Marc Burniaux and Jean Chateau
- Structural breaks and the time-varying levels of weak-form efficiency in crude oil markets: Evidence from the Hurst exponent and Shannon entropy methods pp. 89-106
- Walid Mensi, Makram Beljid and Shunsuke Managi
2014, issue 139
- Competitiveness and growth within the CFA franc zone: Does the switch to the Euro matter? pp. 1-18
- Issiaka Coulibaly
- Gender inequality and emigration: Push factor or selection process? pp. 19-47
- Thierry Baudassé and Remi Bazillier
- New revealed comparative advantage index: Dataset and empirical distribution pp. 48-70
- Elsa Leromain and Gianluca Orefice
- Stock dividend ex-day effect and market microstructure in a unique environment pp. 71-79
- Khamis Al-Yahyaee
- Corruption, capital account liberalization, and economic growth: Theory and evidence pp. 80-108
- Takuma Kunieda, Keisuke Okada and Akihisa Shibata
- Business cycle, market power and bank behaviour in emerging countries pp. 109-132
- Zied Saadaoui
- On the inclusion of the Chinese renminbi in the SDR basket pp. 133-151
- Agnès Benassy-Quere and Damien Capelle
- Credit constraints, firm ownership and the structure of exports in China pp. 152-173
- Joachim Jarreau and Sandra Poncet
- The impossible trinity and Krugman?s balance of payments crisis model pp. 174-181
- Partha Sen
2014, issue 138
- Where is the system? pp. 1–27
- Sylvain Benoit
- The emergence of new entrepreneurs in Europe pp. 28–48
- Emilio Congregado, Jose Maria Millan and Concepción Román
- From mutual insurance to fiscal federalism: Rebuilding the Economic and Monetary Union after the demise of the Maastricht architecture pp. 49–62
- Shahin Vallée
- Exchange rate pass-through to import prices in the Euro-area: A multi-currency investigation pp. 63–77
- Olivier de Bandt and Tovonony Razafindrabe
- Monetary policy and the Dutch disease effect in an oil exporting economy pp. 78–102
- Mohamed Benkhodja
2014, issue 137
- Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU's ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island pp. 1-21
- Fabien Candau, Michael Goujon, Jean-François Hoarau and Serge Rey
- The determinants of regional stock market integration in middle east: A conditional ICAPM approach pp. 22-31
- Khaled Guesmi and Frédéric Teulon
- Solvency vs. liquidity. A decomposition of European banks' credit risk over the business cycle pp. 32-51
- Guillaume Vuillemey
- Energy prices and the real exchange rate of commodity-exporting countries pp. 52-72
- Magali Dauvin
- Conventional and Islamic stock price performance: An empirical investigation pp. 73-87
- Fredj Jawadi, Nabila Jawadi and Waël Louhichi
- Predicting exchange rates using a novel “cointegration based neuro-fuzzy system” pp. 88-103
- Behrooz Gharleghi, Abu Hassan Shaari and Najla Shafighi
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