Canadian Journal of Economics
1968 - 2019
Current editor(s): Zhiqi Chen
From Canadian Economics Association
Canadian Economics Association Prof. Werrner Antweiler, Treasurer UBC Sauder School of Business 2053 Main Mall Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2.
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Volume 13, issue 4, 1980
- Misere de l'economique. (The Poverty of Economics. With English summary.) pp. 539-55

- T. Matuszewski
- Towards a Protected Society: The Politicization of Economic Life pp. 556-77

- Thomas J. Courchene
- The Performance of Canadian Banking pp. 578-93

- George Lermer
- Protection, Real Wages, Real Incomes, and Foreign Ownership pp. 594-614

- David Burgess
- Welfare Optimal Tariff Revenues and Maximum Tariff Revenues pp. 615-31

- John Weymark
- Activite de greve: un test des hypotheses explicatives traditionnelles. (Strike Activity: A Test of Traditional Explanatory Hypotheses. With English summary.) pp. 632-44

- Francois Dussault and Robert Lacroix
- Exhaustible Resources and Cartels: An Intertemporal Nash-Cournot Model pp. 645-58

- A. M. Ulph and G. M. Folie
- Occupational Licensing and Professional Incomes in Canada pp. 659-67

- Timothy R. Muzondo and Bohumir Pazderka
- Simple General Equilibrium and Trade with a Monopsonized Sector pp. 668-82

- James Markusen and Arthur Robson
- Where's My Cheque? A Note on Postal Strikes and the Demand for Money in Canada pp. 683-87

- Allan Gregory and James MacKinnon
- Machinery Import Discrimination: An Index Number Approach pp. 688-94

- E. H. Oksanen and J. R. Williams
- The Henry George Rule, Optimal Population, and Interregional Equity pp. 695-700

- John Hartwick
- Export-Base and Neoclassical Type Models of Urban Growth: A Synthesis pp. 700-711

- A. Guccione and W. J. Gillen
- Import Targets and the Equivalence of Optimal Tariff- and Quota-Structures pp. 711-15

- Arvind Panagariya
- The Correspondence between R. G. Hawtrey and J. M. Keynes on the Treatise: The Genesis of Output Adjustment Models pp. 716-24

- E. G. Davis
Volume 13, issue 3, 1980
- The Effects of Migration on Income: A Micro Study with Canadian Data, 1965-71 pp. 381-406
- E. Kenneth Grant and John Vanderkamp
- Simultaneity and the Demand for Money in Canada pp. 407-20

- Stephen S. Poloz
- Pensions and Retirement Behaviour pp. 421-37

- John Burbidge and A. Robb
- Making a Market: Selling Securities in Atlantic Canada before World War I pp. 438-54

- Christopher Armstrong
- The Distribution of Income and Wealth in Canada in a Lifecycle Framework pp. 455-74

- Ian Irvine
- Private Plot Restrictions in a Collective Farm Model pp. 475-85

- Norman J. Ireland and Peter J. Law
- Uniform Pricing as a Determinant of Location under Conditions of Market Size Variation pp. 486-89

- S. E. Drugge
- Real Disturbances and Exchange Rate Policy: A Correction pp. 489-90

- William M. Scarth
- Urban Size and Unemployment in Canada pp. 490-99

- J. A. Schofield
Volume 13, issue 2, 1980
- Monetary Policy and Chartered Bank Demand Functions for Excess Cash Reserves pp. 189-205

- William R. White and Stephen S. Poloz
- Effective Exchange Rates and Price Ratios over the Long Run: A Test of the Purchasing-Power-Parity Theory pp. 206-30

- Lawrence Officer
- Conditions for Cooperation on Joint Projects by Independent Jurisdictions pp. 231-49

- Robert Jones, P. H. Pearse and A. D. Scott
- Corporate Taxation and Investment: A Synthesis of the Neo-Classical Theory pp. 250-67

- Robin Boadway
- Dogit and Logit Models of Travel Mode Choice in Montreal pp. 268-79

- Marc J. I. Gaudry
- Import Quotas and Macroeconomic Balance in a Simple Dynamic Model pp. 280-95

- James Leith
- Optimal Exchange Market Intervention in a Simple Stochastic Macro Model pp. 296-309

- Don E. Roper and Stephen J Turnovsky
- On Water in the Quota pp. 310-17

- Arye Hillman, Edward Tower and Gideon Fishelson
- The Small Country Assumption in Well-Behaved International Financial Models pp. 317-29

- Thomas J. Finn
- The Determinants of Foreign and Domestic Enterprise Diversification in Canada: A Note pp. 329-39

- Paul Gorecki
- The Political Economy of Effective Tariff Protection in Canada's Manufacturing Sector pp. 340-48

- Ronald S. Saunders
- The Effect of Capital Intensity on the Optimal Rate of Extraction of a Mineral Deposit pp. 349-56

- Harry Campbell
- Schooling and Ability as Earnings Complements pp. 356-67

- J. D. Welland
Volume 13, issue 1, 1980
- Expectations and a Small Open Economy with a Flexible Exchange Rate pp. 1-15

- David A. T. Burton
- Increasing Generalized Correlation: A Definition and Some Economic Consequences pp. 16-34

- Larry Epstein and Stephen M. Tanny
- Notes sur l'utilisation des variables duales en politique economique. (Notes on the Use of Dual Variables in Economic Policy Analysis. With English summary.) pp. 35-45

- Lise Salvas-Bronsard
- Female Labour Supply and Fertility in Canada pp. 46-64

- Geoffrey Carliner, Christopher Robinson and Nigel Tomes
- The Intergenerational Distribution of the Gains from Technical Change and from International Trade pp. 65-81

- Joel Fried
- The Effects of Unanticipated Money Growth on Prices and on Output and Its Composition in a Fixed-Exchange-Rate Open Economy pp. 82-95

- Mario I. Blejer and Roque Fernández
- Monetarism: A Review pp. 96-122

- Douglas Purvis
- Government Enterprise: An Instrument for the Internal Regulation of Industry pp. 125-32

- Richard Harris and Elmer Wiens
- Retention of First-Year Economic Principles pp. 133-35
- R. W. Crowley and D. A. Wilton
- A Note on the Measurement of Benefits of Public Inputs pp. 135-42

- Yoshitsugu Kanemoto
- A Re-Examination of the Permanent Income Hypothesis Using Cross-Section Canadian Data pp. 142-51

- Christopher D. Gerrard
- Increased Unemployment from Capital Accumulation in a Minimum-Wage Model of an Open Economy pp. 152-58

- Richard Brecher
- Minimum Wages and Teenage Unemployment pp. 158-71

- Robert Swidinsky
- On the Specification of the Demand-for-Money Function under Rapid Inflation: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 171-76

- Benjamin Eden and Mario I. Blejer
- Vertically Integrated Multinationals pp. 176-77

- Takao Itagaki