American Political Science Review
1906 - 2025
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Volume 119, issue 1, 2025
- Endogenous Colonial Borders: Precolonial States and Geography in the Partition of Africa pp. 1-20

- Jack Paine, Xiaoyan Qiu and Joan Ricart-Huguet
- Legislative Effectiveness in the American States pp. 21-39

- Peter Bucchianeri, Craig Volden and Alan E. Wiseman
- Selecting Out of “Politics”: The Self-Fulfilling Role of Conflict Expectation pp. 40-55

- Eric Groenendyk, Yanna Krupnikov, John Barry Ryan and Elizabeth C. Connors
- Late Homesteading: Native Land Dispossession through Strategic Occupation pp. 56-70

- Douglas W. Allen and Bryan Leonard
- The Liar’s Dividend: Can Politicians Claim Misinformation to Evade Accountability? pp. 71-90

- Kaylyn Jackson Schiff, Daniel S. Schiff and Natália S. Bueno
- Territorial Autonomy and the Trade-Off between Civil and Communal Violence pp. 91-107

- Andreas Juon
- The Effect of Judicial Decisions on Issue Salience and Legal Consciousness in Media Serving the LGBTQ+ Community pp. 108-123

- Christine M. Bailey, Paul M. Collins, Jesse H. Rhodes and Douglas Rice
- Why Seeing Is Not Believing and Why Believing Is Seeing: On the Politics of Sight pp. 124-134

- Pablo P. Castelló
- The Effect of Protesters’ Gender on Public Reactions to Protests and Protest Repression pp. 135-151

- Martin Naunov
- The Distributive Politics of Grants-in-Aid pp. 152-164

- Leah Rosenstiel
- An Insurgent Mood: Lorraine Hansberry on the Politics of Home pp. 165-178

- Begüm Adalet
- Wages for Earthwork pp. 179-192

- David Myer Temin
- An Empire of Development: American Political Thought in Transnational Perspective pp. 193-207

- Begüm Adalet
- Partisanship and Political Socialization in Electoral Autocracies pp. 208-223

- Natalie Wenzell Letsa
- From Protest to Child-Rearing: How Movement Politics Shape Socialization Priorities pp. 224-239

- Allison P. Anoll, Andrew M. Engelhardt and Mackenzie Israel-Trummel
- Navigating Potential Pitfalls in Difference-in-Differences Designs: Reconciling Conflicting Findings on Mass Shootings’ Effect on Electoral Outcomes pp. 240-260

- Hans J. G. Hassell and John B. Holbein
- Leaders but Not Authorities? Gender, Veterans, and Messages about National Security pp. 261-276

- Jonathan D. Caverley and Yanna Krupnikov
- Explaining Rural Conservatism: Political Consequences of Technological Change in the Great Plains pp. 277-299

- Aditya Dasgupta and Elena Ramirez
- Breaking the Mold: Normative Hybridity as the Key to Contemporary “Non-Western” Political Theorizing pp. 300-313

- Elena Ziliotti
- Muddying the Waters: How Perceived Foreign Interference Affects Public Opinion on Protest Movements pp. 314-331

- Wilfred M. Chow and Dov H. Levin
- Bureaucratic Representation and Gender Mainstreaming in International Organizations: Evidence from the World Bank pp. 332-348

- Mirko Heinzel, Catherine Weaver and Samantha Jorgensen
- Reducing Prejudice toward Refugees: Evidence That Social Networks Influence Attitude Change in Uganda pp. 349-367

- Jennifer M. Larson and Janet I. Lewis
- On Accountability and Hierarchy pp. 368-383

- Jonathan Bendor and Piotr Swistak
- I’m from the Government, and I’m Here to Help: Public Perceptions of Coercive State Power pp. 384-401

- Jessica Blankshain, Lindsay P. Cohn and Danielle L. Lupton
- Corruption and Co-Optation in Autocracy: Evidence from Russia pp. 402-419

- David Szakonyi
- Strategies of Green Industrial Policy: How States Position Firms in Global Supply Chains pp. 420-434

- Bentley B. Allan and Jonas Nahm
- What Is Colonialism? The Dual Claims of a Twentieth-Century Political Category pp. 435-448

- Nazmul Sultan
- For Example: How to Use Examples in Political Science pp. 449-461

- John S. Dryzek
- Varieties of Values: Moral Values Are Uniquely Divisive pp. 462-478

- Jae-Hee Jung and Scott Clifford
- The Apocalypse from Below: The Dangerous Idea of the End of the World, the Politics of the Oppressed, and Anti-Anti-Apocalypticism pp. 479-491

- Joe P. L. Davidson
- Gender, Race, and Interruptions at Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings pp. 492-499

- Christina L. Boyd, Paul M. Collins and Lori A. Ringhand
- Do the Effects of Unpopular Supreme Court Rulings Linger? The Dobbs Decision Rescinding Abortion Rights pp. 500-507

- James L. Gibson
- Campaign Finance Vouchers Do Not Expand the Diversity of Donors: Evidence from Seattle pp. 508-516

- Chenoa Yorgason
- Reversion to the Mean, or Their Version of the Dream? Latino Voting in an Age of Populism pp. 517-525

- Bernard L. Fraga, Yamil R. Velez and Emily A. West
- The Causes and Consequences of Refugee Flows: A Contemporary Reanalysis pp. 526-534

- Andrew Shaver, Benjamin Krick, Judy Blancaflor, Xavier Liu, Ghassan Samara, Sarah Yein Ku, Shengkuo Hu, Joshua Angelo, Martha Carreon, Trishia Lim, Rachel Raps, Alyssa Velasquez, Sofia de Melo and Zhanyi Zuo
- Leaders but Not Authorities? Gender, Veterans, and Messages about National Security – ERRATUM pp. 535-535

- Jonathan D. Caverley and Yanna Krupnikov
Volume 118, issue 4, 2024
- In the Eye of the Storm: Hurricanes, Climate Migration, and Climate Attitudes pp. 1593-1613

- Sabrina B. Arias and Christopher W. Blair
- Vigilance as a Practice of Postcolonial Freedom pp. 1614-1627

- Anuja Bose
- The Ambivalence of Alexander Berkman’s Anti-Prison Anarchism pp. 1628-1642

- Nolan Bennett
- What’s Wrong with Neocolonialism: The Case of Unequal Trade in Cultural Goods pp. 1643-1657

- Shuk Ying Chan and Alan Patten
- Why Political Philosophy Should Be Robust pp. 1658-1670

- Alexander S. Kirshner and Jeff Spinner-Halev
- Willing but Unable: Reassessing the Relationship between Racial Group Consciousness and Black Political Participation pp. 1671-1687

- Jasmine Carrera Smith, Jared Clemons, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Miguel Martinez, Leann McLaren and Ismail K. White
- How the Trump Administration’s Quota Policy Transformed Immigration Judging pp. 1688-1703

- Elise N. Blasingame, Christina L. Boyd, Roberto F. Carlos and Joseph T. Ornstein
- Social Media, Social Control, and the Politics of Public Shaming pp. 1704-1718

- Jennifer Forestal
- Democracy and the Epistemic Problems of Political Polarization pp. 1719-1732

- Jonathan Benson
- Judicial Specialization and Deference in Asylum Cases on the U.S. Courts of Appeals pp. 1733-1747

- Maureen Stobb and Joshua B. Kennedy
- From “Chinese Colonist” to “Yellow Peril”: Capitalist Racialization in the British Empire pp. 1748-1762

- Onur Ulas Ince
- “Filling the Ranks”: Moral Risk and the Ethics of Military Recruitment pp. 1763-1777

- Jonathan Parry and Christina Easton
- My History or Our History? Historical Revisionism and Entitlement to Lead pp. 1778-1802

- Nicholas Haas and Emmy Lindstam
- From Social Networks to Political Parties: Indigenous Party-Building in Bolivia pp. 1803-1823

- Mariana Giusti-Rodríguez
- Domestic Distributional Roots of National Interest pp. 1824-1839

- Soyoung Lee
- Descriptive Representation and Party Building: Evidence from Municipal Governments in Brazil pp. 1840-1855

- Tanushree Goyal and Cameron Sells
- Meritocracy as Authoritarian Co-Optation: Political Selection and Upward Mobility in China pp. 1856-1872

- Hanzhang Liu
- Selecting for Masculinity: Women’s Under-Representation in the Republican Party pp. 1873-1894

- Christopher F. Karpowitz, J. Quin Monson, Jessica R. Preece and Alejandra Aldridge
- Toxic Speech and Limited Demand for Content Moderation on Social Media pp. 1895-1912

- Franziska Pradel, Jan Zilinsky, Spyros Kosmidis and Yannis Theocharis
- Who Gets Hired? Political Patronage and Bureaucratic Favoritism pp. 1913-1930

- Mai Hassan, Horacio Larreguy and Stuart Russell
- Bureaucratic Quality and Electoral Accountability pp. 1931-1950

- Tara Slough
- Moving toward the Median: Compulsory Voting and Political Polarization pp. 1951-1965

- Alexandra Oprea, Lucy Martin and Geoffrey H. Brennan
- Measuring and Modeling Neighborhoods pp. 1966-1985

- Cory McCARTAN, Jacob R. Brown and Kosuke Imai
- Searching for Ecoterrorism: The Crucial Case of the Unabomber pp. 1986-1999

- Sean Fleming
- Can Deliberation Have Lasting Effects? pp. 2000-2020

- James Fishkin, Valentin Bolotnyy, Joshua Lerner, Alice Siu and Norman Bradburn
- How Experiments Help Campaigns Persuade Voters: Evidence from a Large Archive of Campaigns’ Own Experiments pp. 2021-2039

- Luke Hewitt, David Broockman, Alexander Coppock, Ben M. Tappin, James Slezak, Valerie Coffman, Nathaniel Lubin and Mohammad Hamidian
- Reawakening a Revolutionary Party: The Ancient and Modern Princes in Wang Hui’s Political Theory pp. 2040-2053

- Simon Sihang Luo
- “Keep Your Heads Held High Boys!”: Examining the Relationship between the Proud Boys’ Online Discourse and Offline Activities pp. 2054-2071

- Catie Snow Bailard, Rebekah Tromble, Wei Zhong, Federico Bianchi, Pedram Hosseini and David Broniatowski
- An Incomplete Recognition: An Analysis of Political Science Department Statements after the Murder of George Floyd pp. 2072-2078

- Nadia E. Brown, Fernando Tormos-Aponte and Janelle Wong
- Autocratic Policy and the Accumulation of Social Capital: The Moscow Housing Renovation Program – CORRIGENDUM pp. 2079-2079

- Ekaterina Borisova, Regina Smyth and Alexei Zakharov
- The Curious Case of Theresa May and the Public That Did Not Rally: Gendered Reactions to Terrorist Attacks Can Cause Slumps Not Bumps – CORRIGENDUM pp. 2080-2081

- Mirya R. Holman, Jennifer L. Merolla and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister
Volume 118, issue 3, 2024
- Engineering Territory: Space and Colonies in Silicon Valley pp. 1097-1109

- Alina Utrata
- Autocratic Policy and the Accumulation of Social Capital: The Moscow Housing Renovation Program pp. 1110-1130

- Ekaterina Borisova, Regina Smyth and Alexei Zakharov
- Publius’ Proleptic Constitution pp. 1131-1144

- Connor M. Ewing
- Anarchy, Scarcity, Nature: Rousseau’s Stag Hunt and the Arctic Walrus Hunt Compared pp. 1145-1157

- Mark B. Salter
- Anger and Political Conflict Dynamics pp. 1158-1173

- Keith E. Schnakenberg and Carly N. Wayne
- Don’t Look Back in Anger: Cooperation Despite Conflicting Historical Narratives pp. 1174-1188

- Yoshiko M. Herrera and Andrew H. Kydd
- International Rewards for Gender Equality Reforms in Autocracies pp. 1189-1203

- Sarah Sunn Bush, Daniela Donno and Pär Zetterberg
- Litigation for Sale: Private Firms and WTO Dispute Escalation pp. 1204-1221

- Ryan Brutger
- Bloc Voting for Electoral Accountability pp. 1222-1239

- Alicia Dailey Cooperman
- Bureaucratic Quality and the Gap between Implementation Burden and Administrative Capacities pp. 1240-1260

- Xavier Fernández-I-Marín, Christoph Knill, Christina Steinbacher and Yves Steinebach
- Deliberation and Ethical Voting Behavior: Evidence from a Campaign Experiment in Benin pp. 1261-1277

- Leonard Wantchekon and Jenny Guardado
- Does Victim Gender Matter for Justice Delivery? Police and Judicial Responses to Women’s Cases in India pp. 1278-1304

- Nirvikar Jassal
- Financial Crises and the Selection and Survival of Women Finance Ministers pp. 1305-1323

- Brenna Armstrong, Tiffany D. Barnes, Daina Chiba and O’brien, Diana Z.
- From Rents to Welfare: Why Are Some Oil-Rich States Generous to Their People? pp. 1324-1343

- Ferdinand Eibl and Steffen Hertog
- How to Get Coal Country to Vote for Climate Policy: The Effect of a “Just Transition Agreement” on Spanish Election Results pp. 1344-1359

- Diane Bolet, Fergus Green and Mikel González-Eguino
- Instrumentally Inclusive: The Political Psychology of Homonationalism pp. 1360-1378

- Stuart J. Turnbull-Dugarte and Alberto López Ortega
- Making Sense, Making Choices: How Civilians Choose Survival Strategies during Violence pp. 1379-1397

- Aidan Milliff
- Refugee Networks, Cooperation, and Resource Access pp. 1398-1414

- Daniel Masterson
- Representation from Below: How Women’s Grassroots Party Activism Promotes Equal Political Participation pp. 1415-1430

- Tanushree Goyal
- Segregation and the Spatial Externalities of Inequality: A Theory of Interdependence and Public Goods in Cities pp. 1431-1448

- Alice Z. Xu
- Serious Conflicts with Benign Outcomes? The Electoral Consequences of Conflictual Cabinet Terminations pp. 1449-1463

- Florence So
- The Polarizing Effect of Partisan Echo Chambers pp. 1464-1479

- Sara B. Hobolt, Katharina Lawall and James Tilley
- Wealth of Tongues: Why Peripheral Regions Vote for the Radical Right in Germany pp. 1480-1496

- Daniel Ziblatt, Hanno Hilbig and Daniel Bischof
- What Politicians Do Not Know Can Hurt You: The Effects of Information on Politicians’ Spending Decisions pp. 1497-1517

- Ryan Jablonski and Brigitte Seim
- A Group-Based Approach to Measuring Polarization pp. 1518-1526

- Isaac D. Mehlhaff
- Unreported Realities: The Political Economy of Media-Sourced Data pp. 1527-1532

- Sarah E. Parkinson
- Going Local: Public Attitudes toward Municipal Offices of Immigration Affairs pp. 1533-1540

- Tomás R. Jiménez and César Vargas Nuñez
- Heterogeneous Naturalization Effects of Dual Citizenship Reform in Migrant Destinations: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Europe pp. 1541-1548

- Floris Peters and Maarten Vink
- Taking Stock of Solidarity between People of Color: A Mini Meta-Analysis of Five Experiments pp. 1549-1555

- Efrén Pérez, Bianca Vicuña and Alisson Ramos
- Turnout Turnaround: Ethnic Minority Victories Mobilize White Voters pp. 1556-1562

- Stephanie Zonszein and Guy Grossman
- Media Reflect! Policy, the Public, and the News pp. 1563-1569

- Christopher Wlezien and Stuart Soroka
- Testing the Robustness of the ANES Feeling Thermometer Indicators of Affective Polarization pp. 1570-1576

- Matthew Tyler and Shanto Iyengar
- They’re Still There, He’s All Gone: American Fatalities in Foreign Wars and Right-Wing Radicalization at Home pp. 1577-1583

- Richard J. McAlexander, Michael A. Rubin and Rob Williams
- Segregation and the Spatial Externalities of Inequality: A Theory of Interdependence and Public Goods in Cities – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1584-1584

- Alice Z. Xu
- Democracy, Public Support, and Measurement Uncertainty – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1585-1588

- ‘cassandra’ Tai, Yuehong, Yue Hu and Frederick Solt
- Preventing and Responding to Dissent: The Observational Challenges of Explaining Strategic Repression – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1589-1591

- Emily Hencken Ritter and Courtenay R. Monroe
Volume 118, issue 2, 2024
- State Violence, Party Formation, and Electoral Accountability: The Political Legacy of the Marikana Massacre pp. 563-583

- Daniel de Kadt, Ada Johnson-Kanu and Melissa L. Sands
- Repression and Dissent in Moments of Uncertainty: Panel Data Evidence from Zimbabwe pp. 584-601

- Adrienne Lebas and Lauren E. Young
- Identifying the Rich: Registration, Taxation, and Access to the State in Tanzania pp. 602-618

- Jeremy Bowles
- Bringing in the New Votes: Turnout of Women after Enfranchisement pp. 619-634

- Mona Morgan-Collins
- Buying a Blind Eye: Campaign Donations, Regulatory Enforcement, and Deforestation pp. 635-653

- Robin Harding, Mounu Prem, Nelson A. Ruiz and David L. Vargas
- Patterns of Affective Polarization toward Parties and Leaders across the Democratic World pp. 654-670

- Andres Reiljan, Diego Garzia, Frederico Ferreira Da Silva and Alexander H. Trechsel
- Military Repression and Restraint in Algeria pp. 671-686

- Sharan Grewal
- Movement versus Party: The Electoral Effects of Anti-Far Right Protests in Greece pp. 687-705

- Antonis A. Ellinas and Iasonas Lamprianou
- Regime Support and Gender Quotas in Autocracies pp. 706-723

- Yuree Noh, Sharan Grewal and M. Tahir Kilavuz
- Consolidating Progress: The Selection of Female Ministers in Autocracies and Democracies pp. 724-743

- Jacob Nyrup, Hikaru Yamagishi and Stuart Bramwell
- Drinking Tea with the Neighbors: Informal Clubs, General Trust, and Trustworthiness in Mali pp. 744-763

- Jaimie Bleck, Jacopo Bonan, Philippe Lemay-Boucher and Bassirou Sarr
- Representation and Forest Conservation: Evidence from India’s Scheduled Areas pp. 764-783

- Saad Gulzar, Apoorva Lal and Benjamin Pasquale
- The Composition of Descriptive Representation pp. 784-801

- John Gerring, Connor T. Jerzak and Erzen Öncel
- Global Slavery in the Making of States and International Orders pp. 802-814

- J.C. Sharman and Ayşe Zarakol
- Civilian Protest in Civil War: Insights from Côte d’Ivoire pp. 815-830

- Sebastian van Baalen
- Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves: How Female Combatants Help Generate Gender-Inclusive Peace Agreements in Civil Wars pp. 831-847

- Jakana L. Thomas
- The Right to Hunger Strike pp. 848-861

- Candice Delmas
- Activism versus Criticism? The Case for a Distinctive Role for Social Critics pp. 862-875

- Lisa Gilson
- The View from the Future: Aurobindo Ghose’s Anticolonial Darwinism pp. 876-889

- Inder S. Marwah
- Discrimination Without Traits: From Social Construction to the Politics of Discrimination pp. 890-902

- Diana Popescu-Sarry
- Women Also Know Stuff: Challenging the Gender Gap in Political Sophistication pp. 903-921

- Patrick W. Kraft
- The Geography of Racially Polarized Voting: Calibrating Surveys at the District Level pp. 922-939

- Shiro Kuriwaki, Stephen Ansolabehere, Angelo Dagonel and Soichiro Yamauchi
- Can Racial Diversity among Judges Affect Sentencing Outcomes? pp. 940-955

- Allison P. Harris
- How Partisan Is Local Election Administration? pp. 956-971

- Joshua Ferrer, Igor Geyn and Daniel M. Thompson
- Civic Responses to Police Violence pp. 972-987

- Desmond Ang and Jonathan Tebes
- The Long-Term Effects of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Voting Behavior: The “Moving to Opportunity” Experiment pp. 988-1004

- Elizabeth Mitchell Elder, Ryan D. Enos and Tali Mendelberg
- The Slaughter-House Dissents and the Reconstruction of American Liberalism pp. 1005-1019

- Pamela Brandwein
- What Do Americans Want from (Private) Government? Experimental Evidence Demonstrates that Americans Want Workplace Democracy pp. 1020-1036

- Soumyajit Mazumder and Alan N. Yan
- Do Politicians Outside the United States Also Think Voters Are More Conservative than They Really Are? pp. 1037-1045

- Jean-Benoit Pilet, Lior Sheffer, Luzia Helfer, Frederic Varone, Rens Vliegenthart and Stefaan Walgrave
- Endogenous Popularity: How Perceptions of Support Affect the Popularity of Authoritarian Regimes pp. 1046-1052

- Noah Buckley, Kyle L. Marquardt, Ora John Reuter and Katerina Tertytchnaya
- Demographic Regulation and the State: Centering Gender in Our Understanding of Political Order in Early Modern European States pp. 1053-1057

- D’arcy, Michelle
- Misclassification and Bias in Predictions of Individual Ethnicity from Administrative Records pp. 1058-1066

- Lisa P. Argyle and Michael Barber
- Who Shapes the Law? Gender and Racial Bias in Judicial Citations pp. 1067-1074

- John Szmer, Laura P. Moyer, Susan B. Haire and Robert K. Christensen
- Social Capital, Institutional Rules, and Constitutional Amendment Rates pp. 1075-1083

- William D. Blake, Joseph Francesco Cozza, David A. Armstrong and Amanda Friesen
- Introducing HiSCoD: A New Gateway for the Study of Historical Social Conflict pp. 1084-1091

- Cédric Chambru and Paul Maneuvrier-Hervieu
- The Right to Hunger Strike – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1092-1092

- Candice Delmas
- The Effect of Black Congressional Representation on Political Participation – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1093-1093

- Claudine Gay
- Does State Repression Spark Protests? Evidence from Secret Police Surveillance in Communist Poland – CORRIGENDUM pp. 1094-1095

- Anselm Hager and Krzysztof Krakowski
Volume 118, issue 1, 2024
- The Violence of Law-and-Order Politics: The Case of Law Enforcement Candidates in Brazil pp. 1-20

- Lucas Novaes
- Political Responsiveness to Conflict Victims: Evidence from a Countrywide Audit Experiment in Colombia pp. 21-37

- Joan Barceló and Mauricio Vela Barón
- Extraction, Assimilation, and Accommodation: The Historical Foundations of Indigenous–State Relations in Latin America pp. 38-53

- Christopher L. Carter
- Impartial Administration and Peaceful Agrarian Reform: The Foundations for Democracy in Scandinavia pp. 54-68

- David Andersen
- Divided We Unite: The Nature of Partyism and the Role of Coalition Partnership in Europe pp. 69-87

- Hyeonho Hahm, David Hilpert and Thomas König
- Tilly Goes to Church: The Religious and Medieval Roots of European State Fragmentation pp. 88-107

- Anna Grzymala-Busse
- The Political Consequences of Green Policies: Evidence from Italy pp. 108-126

- Italo Colantone, Livio Di Lonardo, Yotam Margalit and Marco Percoco
- From Pluribus to Unum? The Civil War and Imagined Sovereignty in Nineteenth-Century America pp. 127-143

- Melissa M. Lee, Nan Zhang and Tilmann Herchenröder
- War and Nationalism: How WW1 Battle Deaths Fueled Civilians’ Support for the Nazi Party pp. 144-162

- Alexander de Juan, Felix Haass, Carlo Koos, Sascha Riaz and Thomas Tichelbaecker
- Coordinated Dis-Coordination pp. 163-177

- Mai Hassan
- Elite Change without Regime Change: Authoritarian Persistence in Africa and the End of the Cold War pp. 178-194

- Josef Woldense and Alex Kroeger
- State Terror and Long-Run Development: The Persistence of the Khmer Rouge pp. 195-212

- Donald Grasse
- From Victims to Dissidents: Legacies of Violence and Popular Mobilization in Iraq (2003–2018) pp. 213-234

- Chantal Berman, Killian Clarke and Rima Majed
- Rule Ambiguity, Institutional Clashes, and Population Loss: How Wikipedia Became the Last Good Place on the Internet pp. 235-251

- Sverrir Steinsson
- The Global Resonance of Human Rights: What Google Trends Can Tell Us pp. 252-273

- Geoff Dancy and Christopher J. Fariss
- Imperfect Victims? Civilian Men, Vulnerability, and Policy Preferences pp. 274-290

- Anne-Kathrin Kreft and Mattias Agerberg
- Nietzsche’s Critique of Power: Mimicry and the Advantage of the Weak pp. 291-303

- Thomas Meredith
- Racial Equality and Anticolonial Solidarity: Anténor Firmin’s Global Haitian Liberalism pp. 304-317

- Jared Holley
- Eco-Miserabilism and Radical Hope: On the Utopian Vision of Post-Apocalyptic Environmentalism pp. 318-331

- Mathias Thaler
- Immigration, Backlash, and Democracy pp. 332-344

- Ryan Pevnick
- How Deliberation Happens: Enabling Deliberative Reason pp. 345-362

- Simon Niemeyer, Francesco Veri, John S. Dryzek and André Bächtiger
- Se Habla Español: Spanish-Language Appeals and Candidate Evaluations in the United States pp. 363-379

- Marques G. Zárate, Enrique Quezada-Llanes and Angel D. Armenta
- Diversity Matters: The Election of Asian Americans to U.S. State and Federal Legislatures pp. 380-400

- David Lublin and Matthew Wright
- Dark Parties: Unveiling Nonparty Communities in American Political Campaigns pp. 401-422

- Stan Oklobdzija
- An Outbreak of Selective Attribution: Partisanship and Blame in the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 423-441

- Matthew H. Graham and Shikhar Singh
- Presidential Investment in the Administrative State pp. 442-457

- Nicholas R. Bednar and David E. Lewis
- Contested Killings: The Mobilizing Effects of Community Contact with Police Violence pp. 458-474

- Kevin T. Morris and Kelsey Shoub
- Counterinsurgency Tactics, Rebel Grievances, and Who Keeps Fighting pp. 475-480

- Connor Huff
- The Silenced Text: Field Experiments on Gendered Experiences of Political Participation pp. 481-487

- Alan N. Yan and Rachel Bernhard
- Fathers’ Leave Reduces Sexist Attitudes pp. 488-494

- Margit Tavits, Petra Schleiter, Jonathan Homola and Dalston Ward
- Female Representation and Legitimacy: Evidence from a Harmonized Experiment in Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia pp. 495-503

- Kristen Kao, Ellen Lust, Marwa Shalaby and Chagai M. Weiss
- Evidence of Caste-Class Discrimination from a Conjoint Analysis of Law Enforcement Officers pp. 504-511

- Margaret L. Boittin, Rachel S. Fisher and Cecilia Hyunjung Mo
- Democracy, Public Support, and Measurement Uncertainty pp. 512-518

- Tai, Yuehong ‘cassandra’, Yue Hu and Frederick Solt
- Modeling Spatial Heterogeneity and Historical Persistence: Nazi Concentration Camps and Contemporary Intolerance pp. 519-528

- Thomas B. Pepinsky, Sara Wallace Goodman and Conrad Ziller
- Re-Evaluating Machine Learning for MRP Given the Comparable Performance of (Deep) Hierarchical Models pp. 529-536

- Max Goplerud
- Fixed Effects and Post-Treatment Bias in Legacy Studies pp. 537-544

- Jonathan Homola, Miguel M. Pereira and Margit Tavits
- The Political Consequences of Green Policies: Evidence from Italy—CORRIGENDUM pp. 545-548

- Italo Colantone, Livio Di Lonardo, Yotam Margalit and Marco Percoco
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