Health Economics, Policy and Law
2006 - 2024
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Volume 19, issue 3, 2024
- The state of American health coverage: the 2022 elections and the Affordable Care Act pp. 292-306
- Mickael K. Gusmano and Frank J. Thompson
- Medical marijuana laws and mental health in the United States pp. 307-322
- Jörg Kalbfuss, Reto Odermatt and Alois Stutzer
- What is a ‘National’ ‘Health’ ‘Service’? A keyword analysis of policy documents leading to the formation of the UK NHS pp. 323-336
- Martin Powell and Iestyn Williams
- Consolidating political leadership in healthcare: a mediating institution for priority-setting as a political strategy in a local health system pp. 337-352
- Emma Bergstedt, Lars Sandman and Ann-Charlotte Nedlund
- Why did England change its law on deceased organ donation in 2019? The dynamic interplay between evidence and values pp. 353-369
- Lorraine Williams, Jennifer Bostock, Jane Noyes, Leah McLaughlin, Stephen O'Neill, Mustafa Al-Haboubi, Paul Boadu and Nicholas Mays
- Emergency care reconfiguration in the Netherlands: conflicting interests and trade-offs from a multidisciplinary perspective pp. 370-386
- Nanne van Velzen, Richard Janssen and Marco Varkevisser
- From speculative to real: community attitudes towards government COVID-19 vaccine mandates in Western Australia from May 2021 to April 2022 pp. 387-406
- Katie Attwell, Leah Roberts and Marco Rizzi
Volume 19, issue 2, 2024
- We need to talk about values: a proposed framework for the articulation of normative reasoning in health technology assessment pp. 153-173
- Victoria Charlton, Michael DiStefano, Polly Mitchell, Liz Morrell, Leah Rand, Gabriele Badano, Rachel Baker, Michael Calnan, Kalipso Chalkidou, Anthony Culyer, Daniel Howdon, Dyfrig Hughes, James Lomas, Catherine Max, Christopher McCabe, James F. O'Mahony, Mike Paulden, Zack Pemberton-Whiteley, Annette Rid, Paul Scuffham, Mark Sculpher, Koonal Shah, Albert Weale and Gry Wester
- A review of heath economic evaluation practice in the Netherlands: are we moving forward? pp. 174-191
- Andrea Gabrio
- Understanding household healthcare expenditure can promote health policy reform pp. 192-215
- Rohan Best and Berna Tuncay
- Ten years of German benefit assessment: price analysis for drugs with unproven additional benefit pp. 216-233
- Katrin Kleining, Jan Laufenberg, Philip Thrun, Dorothee Ehlert, Jürgen Wasem and Arne Bartol
- Pricing of hospital services: evidence from a thematic review pp. 234-252
- Andria J. N. Sirur and Rajasekharan Pillai K
- How reforms hamper priority-setting in health care: an interview study with local decision-makers in London pp. 253-268
- Katharina Kieslich, Clare Coultas and Peter Littlejohns
- New governance of the digital health agency: a way out of the joint decision trap to implement electronic health records in Germany? pp. 269-288
- Tugce Schmitt
Volume 19, issue 1, 2024
- … and in with the new pp. 1-2
- Rocco Friebel and Iris Wallenburg
- Financial risk protection in private health insurance: empirical evidence on catastrophic and impoverishing spending from Germany's dual insurance system pp. 3-20
- Philipp Hengel, Miriam Blümel, Martin Siegel, Katharina Achstetter, Julia Köppen and Reinhard Busse
- Health insurance and fertility among low-income, childless, single women: evidence from the ACA Medicaid expansions pp. 21-45
- J. Sebastian Leguizamon
- Improving access to healthcare in Ireland: an implementation failure pp. 46-56
- Sheelah Connolly
- Strengthening primary health care in China: governance and policy challenges pp. 57-72
- Jiwei Qian and M. Ramesh
- Is the emergency department used as a substitute or a complement to primary care in Medicaid? pp. 73-91
- Alina Denham, Elaine Hill, Maria Raven, Michael Mendoza, Mical Raz and Peter J. Veazie
- Early child health in Africa: do ICT and democracy matter? pp. 92-118
- Gaston Brice Nkoumou Ngoa and Jacques Simon Song
- Globalisation and mental health: is globalisation good or bad for mental health? Testing for quadratic effects pp. 119-150
- Saqib Amin
Volume 18, issue 4, 2023
- Out with the old… pp. 341-341
- Adam Oliver
- Integrated care in a Beveridge system: experiences from England and Denmark pp. 345-361
- Apostolos Tsiachristas, Karsten Vrangbæk, Pamela Gongora-Salazar and Søren Kristensen
- Changing roles of health insurers in France, Germany, and the Netherlands: any lessons to learn from Bismarckian systems? pp. 362-376
- Frederik T. Schut, Cornelia Henschke and Zeynep Or
- Institutional boundaries and the challenges of aligning science advice and policy dynamics: the UK and Canada in the time of COVID-19 pp. 377-394
- Carolyn Hughes Tuohy, Gwyn Bevan and Adalsteinn D. Brown
- Promoting the systematic use of real-world data and real-world evidence for digital health technologies across Europe: a consensus framework pp. 395-410
- Divya Srivastava, Cornelia Henschke, Lotta Virtanen, Eno-Martin Lotman, Rocco Friebel, Vittoria Ardito and Francesco Petracca
- ‘Nurses are seen as general cargo, not the smart TVs you ship carefully’: the politics of nurse staffing in England, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands pp. 411-425
- Iris Wallenburg, Rocco Friebel, Ulrika Winblad, Laia Maynou Pujolras and Roland Bal
- Fellow travellers in transformative times: a reflection on 21 years membership of the European Health Policy Group pp. 426-430
- Jan-Kees Helderman
Volume 18, issue 3, 2023
- Exploring differences between public and private providers in primary care: findings from a large Swedish region pp. 219-233
- Anna Häger Glenngård
- Successfully changing the mode of regulation in clinical priority setting: how organisational factors contributed to establishing the Norwegian priority guidelines for specialist health care services pp. 234-247
- Irene Aase-Kvåle
- Political determinants of health: (re) examining the role of governance in reducing maternal mortality pp. 248-273
- Chhavi Tiwari, Neha Jain, Srinivas Goli and Parul Puri
- Public health by organizational fix? pp. 274-288
- Albert Weale, David J. Hunter, Peter Littlejohns, Toslima Khatun and Jacqueline Johnson
- Spillover effects of financial incentives for providers onto non-targeted patients: daycase surgery in English hospitals pp. 289-304
- Philip Britteon, Søren Rud Kristensen, Yiu-Shing Lau, Ruth McDonald and Matt Sutton
- Health care reform and financial crisis in the Netherlands: consequences for the financial arena of health care organizations pp. 305-320
- T. S. van Dijk, W. K. van der Scheer, M. Felder and R. T. J. M. Janssen
- The forgotten dimension of integrated care: barriers to implementing integrated clinical care in English NHS hospitals pp. 321-328
- Michele Castelli, Jonathan Erskine, David Hunter and Amritpal Hungin
- What's the ideal World Health Organization (WHO)? pp. 329-340
- Clare Wenham and Sara E. Davies
Volume 18, issue 2, 2023
- Neighborhood inequalities and the decline of infant mortality in São Paulo pp. 111-120
- Michael K. Gusmano, Irina Grafova, Rafael Ayoub, Daniel Weisz and Victor G. Rodwin
- Saving children's lives through interventions: a quasi-experimental analysis of GAVI pp. 121-138
- Admasu Asfaw Maruta and Clifford Afoakwah
- The effects of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax: moving beyond dental health outcomes and service utilisation pp. 139-153
- P. Marcin Sowa and Stephen Birch
- Effects of public long-term care insurance on the medical service use by older people in South Korea pp. 154-171
- Yoon-Min Cho and Soonman Kwon
- Understanding public procurement within the health sector: a priority in a post-COVID-19 world pp. 172-185
- Anna García-Altés, Martin McKee, Luigi Siciliani, Pedro Pita Barros, Lasse Lehtonen, Heather Rogers, Dionne Kringos, Jelka Zaletel and Jan De Maeseneer
- Coping with COVID-19: the role of hospital care structures and capacity expansion in five countries pp. 186-203
- Mirella Cacace, Jan Böcken, Kristin Edquist, Tanja Klenk, Mario Martinez-Jimenez, Uwe Preusker, Karsten Vrangbaek and Ruth Waitzberg
- Health misinformation and freedom of expression: considerations for policymakers pp. 204-217
- João Marecos, Ethan Shattock, Oliver Bartlett, Francisco Goiana-da-Silva, Hendramoorthy Maheswaran, Hutan Ashrafian and Ara Darzi
Volume 18, issue 1, 2023
- Need, demand, supply in health care: working definitions, and their implications for defining access pp. 1-13
- Idaira Rodriguez Santana, Anne Mason, Nils Gutacker, Panagiotis Kasteridis, Rita Santos and Nigel Rice
- Strengthening health system governance in Germany: looking back, planning ahead pp. 14-31
- Tugce Schmitt, Alexander Haarmann and Mujaheed Shaikh
- Just a question of time? Explaining non-take-up of a public health insurance program designed for undocumented immigrants living in France pp. 32-48
- P. Dourgnon, F. Jusot, Antoine Marsaudon, J. Sarhiri and J. Wittwer
- Structuring complexity? A systemic perspective on the implementation of a disease management programme for type II diabetes care in Denmark pp. 49-65
- Karsten Vrangbæk
- Any lessons to learn? Pathways and impasses towards health system resilience in post-pandemic times pp. 66-81
- Benjamin Ewert, Iris Wallenburg, Ulrika Winblad and Roland Bal
- Accelerating integration of social needs into mainstream healthcare to achieve health equity in the COVID-19 era pp. 82-87
- Aparna Kulkarni, Melissa Davey-Rothwell and Elias Mossialos
- Learning lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic pp. 88-103
- Martin Powell
- Learning lessons about lesson-learning: Covid complexity pp. 104-110
- Calum Paton
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