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Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis

2010 - 2024

From Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press, UPH, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 8BS UK.

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Volume 15, issue 2, 2024

Efficiency vs. Welfare in Benefit–Cost Analysis: The Case of Government Funding pp. 224-251 Downloads
Zachary Liscow and Cass R. Sunstein
Why Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Social Welfare Function Is Not Society’s Social Welfare Function pp. 252-275 Downloads
W. Kip Viscusi
Renewable Energy Support Through Feed-in Tariffs: A Retrospective Stakeholder Analysis pp. 276-301 Downloads
Majid Hashemi, Glenn Jenkins and Frank Milne
Estimating Lost Dividends from Incomplete Energy Access Transitions pp. 302-334 Downloads
Emily L. Pakhtigian, Marc Jeuland, Subhrendu K. Pattanayak and Jonathan Phillips
Adaptable Tool for Modeling the Benefits and Costs of Substance Use Disorder Recovery Programs pp. 335-350 Downloads
Madison Ashworth, David Johnson and Robin Thompson
An Ancillary Effect of Patient Navigation Following Detox: Fewer Arrests pp. 351-373 Downloads
Robert Rosenman, Carolyn Noonan, Clemma Muller, Rich Maclehose, Jodi Trojan, Erin Poole and Spero M. Manson

Volume 15, issue 1, 2024

Regulators Should Value Nonhuman Animals pp. 1-13 Downloads
Cass R. Sunstein
Valuing a Reduction in the Risk and Severity of Asthma: A Large Scale Multi-Country Stated Preference Approach pp. 14-86 Downloads
Gildas Appéré, Damien Dussaux, Alan Krupnick and Muriel Travers
Open Exceptions: Why Does the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) Exempts RIA and Ex Post Reviews? pp. 87-104 Downloads
Natasha Schmitt Caccia Salinas and Lucas Thevenard Gomes
Policy Diffusion, Environmental Federalism, and Economic Efficiency – How Institutions Influence the Implementation of EU Legislation in Two Nordic Countries pp. 105-127 Downloads
Lena Nerhagen and Johanna Jussila Hammes
The Influence of the Benefit–Cost Analysis on Policy Evaluation in the European Union pp. 128-141 Downloads
Kristina Gogic
Valuing a Reduction in the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Large-Scale Multi-Country Stated Preference Approach pp. 142-162 Downloads
Chris Dockins, Damien Dussaux, Charles Griffiths, Sandra Hoffmann and Nathalie Simon
Mask Mandate Costs pp. 163-191 Downloads
Patrick Carlin, Shyam Raman, Kosali Simon, Ryan Sullivan and Coady Wing
Do Opportunity Costs of Regulations Appropriately Benefit or Inappropriately Burden Disadvantaged Consumers? pp. 192-203 Downloads
Donald Kenkel
A Tale of the Tails: The Value of a Statistical Life at the Tails of the Age Distribution pp. 204-222 Downloads
Thomas J. Kniesner and W. Kip Viscusi
The Health-Augmented Lifecycle Model – CORRIGENDUM pp. 223-223 Downloads
J.P. Sevilla

Volume 14, issue S1, 2023

Save 4.2 Million Lives and Generate $1.1 Trillion in Economic Benefits for Only $41 Billion: Introduction to the Special Issue on the Most Efficient Policies for the Sustainable Development Goals pp. 1-15 Downloads
Bjorn Lomborg
An Investment Case for the Scale-up and Use of Insecticide-Treated Nets Halfway into the SDG Targets pp. 16-54 Downloads
Rima Shretta and Randolph Ngwafor Anye
Improving Learning in Low- and Lower-Middle-Income Countries pp. 55-80 Downloads
Noam Angrist, Elisabetta Aurino, Harry Patrinos, George Psacharopoulos, Emiliana Vegas, Ralph Nordjo and Brad Wong
The Investment Case for E-Government Procurement: A Cost–Benefit Analysis pp. 81-107 Downloads
Erica Bosio, Gavin Hayman and Nancy Dubosse
Benefit–Cost Analysis of Increased Trade: An Order-of-Magnitude Estimate of the Benefit–Cost Ratio pp. 108-135 Downloads
James Feyrer, Vladimir Tyazhelnikov, Benjamin Aleman-Castilla and Brad Wong
Sustainable Development Goal Halftime Project: Benefit-Cost Analysis Using Methods from the Decade of Vaccine Economics Model pp. 136-180 Downloads
Bryan Patenaude, Salin Sriudomporn and Joshua Mak
Benefit–Cost Analysis of Increased Funding for Agricultural Research and Development in the Global South pp. 181-205 Downloads
Mark W. Rosegrant, Brad Wong, Timothy Sulser, Nancy Dubosse and Travis J. Lybbert
Achieving Maternal and Neonatal Mortality Development Goals Effectively: A Cost-Benefit Analysis pp. 206-234 Downloads
Nyovani Madise, Arindam Nandi, Brad Wong and Saleema Razvi
Investing in Nutrition: A Global Best Investment Case pp. 235-254 Downloads
Bjorn Larsen, John Hoddinott and Saleema Razvi
Best Investments in Chronic, Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control in Low- and Lower–Middle-Income Countries pp. 255-271 Downloads
David Watkins, Sali Ahmed and Sarah Pickersgill
The Investment Case for Land Tenure Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cost–Benefit Analysis pp. 272-300 Downloads
Frank F.K. Byamugisha and Nancy Dubosse
A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Increased International Migration of Skilled Labor in Africa and the World pp. 301-336 Downloads
Keith Maskus
One Million Lives Saved Per Year: A Cost–Benefit Analysis of the Global Plan to End Tuberculosis, 2023–2030 and Beyond pp. 337-354 Downloads
Carel Pretorius, Nimalan Arinaminpathy, Sandip Mandal, Suvanand Sahu, Madhukar Pai, Roland Mathiasson and Brad Wong
Sustainable Development Goal Halftime Project: Benefit-Cost Analysis Using Methods from the Decade of Vaccine Economics Model – CORRIGENDUM pp. 355-355 Downloads
Bryan Patenaude, Salin Sriudomporn and Joshua Mak
Best Investments in Chronic, Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control in Low- and Lower–Middle-Income Countries – CORRIGENDUM pp. 356-356 Downloads
David Watkins, Sali Ahmed and Sarah Pickersgill

Volume 14, issue 3, 2023

Redistributive Regulations and Deadweight Loss pp. 407-436 Downloads
Daniel J. Hemel
Differences by Race and Ethnicity in Title IX’s Effect on Women’s Health pp. 437-450 Downloads
Delaney Beck, Joni Hersch and W Viscusi
Cost–Benefit Analysis of an “Average” Professional Sports Team or Stadium in the United States pp. 451-477 Downloads
Cristian F. Sepulveda

Volume 14, issue 2, 2023

Seven Recommendations for Pricing Greenhouse Gas Emissions pp. 191-204 Downloads
Arthur G. Fraas, John D. Graham, Kerry M. Krutilla, Randall Lutter, Jason F. Shogren, Linda Thunström and W Viscusi
Distribution and Disputation: Net Benefits, Equity, and Public Decision-Making pp. 205-229 Downloads
Spencer Banzhaf
An Assessment of the Climate Damage Costs of European Short-Lived Climate Forcers pp. 230-250 Downloads
Stefan Åström and Lovisa Källmark
The Welfare Cost of Beijing’s Lottery Policy: Evidence from a Contingent Valuation Survey pp. 251-274 Downloads
Ping Qin, Yifei Quan, Antung A. Liu, Joshua Linn and Jun Yang
Ex Ante Costs Versus Ex Post Costs of the Large Municipal Waste Combustor Rule pp. 275-297 Downloads
Cynthia Morgan and Carl Pasurka
A Test of Hirschman’s Hiding Hand Principle in World Bank-Financed Hydropower Projects pp. 298-317 Downloads
Godwin Olasehinde-Williams and Glenn Jenkins
Assessing Risk, Effectiveness, and Benefits in Transportation Regulation pp. 318-335 Downloads
Deborah Vaughn Aiken and Stephen Brumbaugh
A Benefit–Cost Analysis of Tulsa Pre-K, Based on Effects on High-School Graduation and College Attendance pp. 336-355 Downloads
Timothy Bartik, William T. Gormley, Sara Amadon, Douglas Hummel-Price and James Fuller
When Patients are Assailants: Valuing Occupational Risks in Health Care pp. 356-385 Downloads
Elissa P. Gentry and W Viscusi
The Elasticity of Marginal Utility of Income for Distributional Weighting and Social Discounting: A Meta-Analysis pp. 386-405 Downloads
Daniel Acland and David Greenberg

Volume 14, issue 1, 2023

Inequality and the Value of a Statistical Life pp. 1-7 Downloads
Cass R. Sunstein
Promoting Equity through Equitable Risk Tradeoffs pp. 8-34 Downloads
Thomas Kniesner and W Viscusi
An Equity Blindspot: The Incidence of Regulatory Costs pp. 35-43 Downloads
Caroline Cecot
The Generalized Risk-Adjusted Cost-Effectiveness (GRACE) Model for Measuring the Value of Gains in Health: An Exact Formulation pp. 44-67 Downloads
Darius Lakdawalla and Charles E. Phelps
Distributional weighting and welfare/equity tradeoffs: a new approach pp. 68-92 Downloads
Daniel J. Acland and David Greenberg
All Cancers Are not Created Equal: How Do Survival Prospects Affect the Willingness to Pay to Avoid Cancer? pp. 93-113 Downloads
Anna Alberini, Christoph Rheinberger and Milan Ščasný
When Can Benefit–Cost Analyses Ignore Secondary Markets? pp. 114-140 Downloads
Matthew J. Kotchen and Arik Levinson
Discounting in Natural Resource Damage Assessment pp. 141-161 Downloads
Eric Horsch, Daniel Phaneuf, Chris Giguere, Jason Murray, Cameron Duff and Cole Kroninger
Discounting in Natural Resource Damage Assessment – Erratum pp. 162-162 Downloads
Eric Horsch, Daniel Phaneuf, Chris Giguere, Jason Murray, Cameron Duff and Cole Kroninger
The Net Benefits and Residual Cost from U.S. Border Management of the Initially Inadmissible pp. 163-189 Downloads
Robert Farrow
Page updated 2025-03-27