1989 - 2024
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Volume 5, issue 2, 1993
- Maximin Justice, Sacrifice, and the Reciprocity Argument: A Pragmatic Reassessment of the Rawls/Nozick Debate pp. 157-184

- Stephen W. Ball
- Classical Republicanism and the History of Ethics pp. 185-207

- J. B. Schneewind
- Nature and Natural Authority in Bentham* pp. 209-219

- J. H. Burns
- The Role of America in the ‘Debate on France’ 1791–5: Thomas Paine's Insertion pp. 221-237

- Mark Philp
- Robert Malthus: Christian Moral Scientist, Arch-Demoralizer or Implicit Secular Utilitarian?* pp. 239-253

- Donald Winch
- The ‘Multicultural’ Mill* pp. 255-273

- Charles Lockhart and Aaron Wildavsky
- Helvétius and the Problems of Utilitarianism pp. 275-289

- D. W. Smith
- On Quantities and Qualities of Pleasure* pp. 291-300

- Jonathan Riley
- The Utilitarian Ethics of R. B. Brandt1 pp. 301-310

- Andrew Moore
- Liberal Egalitarianism, Utility, and Social Justice pp. 311-316

- Michael Quinn
- John Stuart Mill, Additional Letters, ed. Marion Filipiuk, Michael Laine, and John M. Robson, (The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. xxxii), Toronto, University of Toronto Press; London, Routledge, 1991, pp. xlii + 325 pp. 317-318

- Maurice Cranston
- Michael Laine, ed., A Cultivated Mind: Essays on J. S. Mill Presented to John M. Robson, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1991, pp. 192 pp. 318-321

- Geraint Williams
- S. L. Hurley, Natural Reasons: Personality and Polity, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. xii + 462 pp. 321-323

- John Charvet
- Wendy Donner, The Liberal Self: John Stuart Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 1991, pp. 229 pp. 323-325

- Henry R. West
- James Mill, Political Writings, ed. T. Ball, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xxxvii + 317 pp. 325-328

- Robert A. Fenn
- Paul Langford, Public Life and the Propertied Englishman, 1689–1798, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, pp. xiv, 608 pp. 328-332

- J. A. W. Gunn
- Thomas Horne, Property Rights and Poverty: Political Argument in Britain, 1605–1834, Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press, 1990, pp.x + 296 pp. 332-333

- Barbara Arneil
- J. R. Dinwiddy, Radicalism and Reform in Britain, 1780 to 1850, London, The Hambledon Press, 1992. pp. xxi + 452 pp. 333-335

- P. J. Marshall
- Jenifer Hart, Proportional Representation: Critics of the British Electoral System, 1820–1945, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992, pp. 320 pp. 335-337

- Ann Robson
- D. Berman, A History of Atheism in Britain, from Hobbes to Russell, London and New York, Routledge, 1990, pp. x + 253 pp. 337-340

- James E. Crimmins
Volume 5, issue 1, 1993
- Could Kant Have been A Utilitarian?* pp. 1-16

- R. M. Hare
- Opinion in Eighteenth-Century Thought: What did the Concept Purport to Explain? pp. 17-33

- J. A. W. Gunn
- Adam Smith and David Hume: with Sympathy* pp. 35-48

- F. L. Van Holthoon
- John Stuart Mill and the Catholic Question in 1825* pp. 49-67

- Bruce L. Kinzer
- Egoism, Obligation, and Herbert Spencer* pp. 69-86

- Martin Wilkinson
- Hume, Bentham, and the Social Contract pp. 87-90

- Jonathan Wolff
- Devlin, Hart, and the Proper Limits of Legal Coercion* pp. 91-107

- Mark S. Nattrass
- Moral Conflict and Political Commitment pp. 109-120

- John Horton
- John Stuart Mill, Miscellaneous Writings, ed. John M. Robson (The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. xxxi), Toronto, University of Toronto Press; London, Routledge, 1989, pp. 1 + 462 pp. 121-122

- F. Rosen
- Conrad D. Johnson, Moral Legislation: A Legal-Political Model for Indirect Consequentialist Reasoning, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. 232 pp. 122-124

- L. W. Sumner
- Max Black, Perplexities: Rational Choice, the Prisoner's Dilemma, Metaphor, Poetic Ambiguity, and Other Puzzles, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1990, pp. ix + 201 pp. 124-126

- Robert Sugden
- Stephen Macedo, Liberal Virtues: Citizenship, Virtue, and Community in Liberal Constitutionalism, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990, pp. 306 pp. 126-128

- Margaret Moore
- Edward F. McLennen, Rationality and Dynamic Choice: Foundational Explorations, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. xiv + 311 pp. 128-131

- Robin Cubitt
- Keekok Lee, The Legal-Rational State: A Comparison of Hobbes, Bentham and Kelsen, Aldershot, Avebury, 1990. pp. ix and 254 pp. 131-133

- Neil Duxbury
- Nicholas Capaldi and Donald W. Livingston, eds., Liberty in Hume's History of England, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, pp. xii + 226 pp. 133-136

- Frederick G. Whelan
- Alison Adburgham, A Radical Aristocrat: The Rt Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Bart., PC, MP of Pencarrow and his wife Andalusia, Padstow, Tabb House, 1990, pp. xviii + 222 pp. 136-137

- D. E. Martin
- Peter P. Nicholson, The Political Philosophy of the British Idealists, Selected Studies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 359 pp. 139-139

- Anonymous
- Diderot, Political Writings, ed. John Hope Mason and Robert Wokler, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xli + 225. - Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, ed Donald Winch, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xxxiii + 392. - Price, Political Writings, ed. D. O. Thomas, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. xxiv + 199 pp. 139-140

- Anonymous
- Josep M. Colomer ed., Bentham, Antología, trans. Gonzalo Hernández Ortega and Montserrat Vancells, Barcelona, Ediciones Península, 1991, pp. 275 pp. 140-141

- Anonymous
- John Yolton, Roy Porter, Pat Rogers, and Barbara Maria Stafford, eds., The Blackwell Companion to the Enlightenment, Oxford, Blackwell, 1991, pp. 581 pp. 141-141

- F. Rosen
Volume 4, issue 2, 1992
- Welfare, Happiness, and Pleasure pp. 199-223

- L. W. Sumner
- Jeremy Bentham and the Real Property Commission of 1828* pp. 225-245

- Mary Sokol
- J. S. Mill's Language of Pleasures* pp. 247-278

- Robert W. Hoag
- Mill's Higher Pleasures and the Choice of Character* pp. 279-297

- Roderick T. Long
- Bentham, Bacon and the Movement for the Reform of English Law Reporting pp. 299-316

- Roderick Munday
- Hardin's Utilitarianism pp. 317-321

- H. A. Bedau
- Bentham, Utilitarianism, and Distribution pp. 323-328

- David Lyons
- W. R. Cornish and G. de N. Clark, Law and Society in England 1750–1950, London, Sweet and Maxwell, 1989, pp. xii + 690 pp. 329-331

- Philip Schofield
- Thomas Reid, Practical Ethics: Being Lectures and Papers on Natural Religion, Self-Government, Natural Jurisprudence, and the Law of Nations, ed. Knud Haakonssen, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1990, pp. xiv + 556 pp. 331-333

- Christopher J. Berry
- James E. Crimmins, ed., Religion, Secularization and Political Thought, Thomas Hobbes to J. S. Mill, London, Routledge, 1990, pp. 202 pp. 333-335

- Gregory Claeys
- Alan Carter, The Philosophical Foundations of Property Rights, Hemel Hampstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989, pp. ix + 150 pp. 335-338

- Andrew Reeve
- David Garland, Punishment in Modern Society, A Study in Social Theory, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1990, pp. 312 pp. 338-340

- Janet Semple
- Judith Shklar, The Faces of Injustice, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1990, pp. 144 pp. 340-342

- Susan Mendus
- John Belchem, Industrialization and the Working Class: The English Experience, 1750–1900, Aldershot, Scolar Press, 1990, pp. 287 pp. 343-344

- Anthony Arblaster
Volume 4, issue 1, 1992
- Well-Being and Value* pp. 1-26

- Jeffrey Goldsworthy
- Utilitarianism and Self-Respect* pp. 27-42

- Geoffrey Scarre
- John Bowring and Unitarianism* pp. 43-79

- R. K. Webb
- ‘The very culture of the feelings’: Poetry and Poets in Mill's Moral Philosophy* pp. 81-104

- Daniel Burnstone
- Foucault and Bentham: A Defence of Panopticism pp. 105-120

- Janet Semple
- Bentham on Spanish Protectionism* pp. 121-132

- Pedro Schwartz and Carlos Rodriguez Braun
- Conservatism: A Reply to Ted Honderich* pp. 133-143

- Noel O'Sullivan
- Conservatism Not Much Reconsidered pp. 145-153

- Ted Honderich
- John Stuart Mill, Writings on India, ed. John M. Robson, Martin Moir, and Zawahir Moir (The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, vol. xxx), Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990, pp. lviv + 336 pp. 154-157

- S. Ambirajan
- Geoffrey Scarre, Logic and Reality in the Philosophy of John Stuart Mill, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989, pp. vi + 242. - John Skorupski, John Stuart Mill, London, Routledge, 1989, pp. xvi + 432 pp. 157-160

- Ross Harrison
- John Dinwiddy, Bentham, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. viii + 132 pp. 160-162

- David Lieberman
- Annamaria Loche, Jeremy Bentham e la ricerca del buongoverno, Milano, Angeli, 1991, pp. 260 pp. 162-165

- Marco Guidi
- Roger Bartlett and Janet M. Hartley, ed., Russia in the Age of the Enlightenment. Essays for Isabel de Madariaga, Basingstoke and London, Macmillan in association with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1990, pp. x + 253 pp. 165-167

- Ian R. Christie
- Lawrence Goldman, ed., The Blind Victorian: Henry Fawcett and British Liberalism, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp. 224 pp. 167-169

- William Thomas
- Thomas Baldwin, G. E. Moore, London, Routledge, 1990, pp. 337 pp. 169-172

- Roger Crisp
- Neil MacCormick and Zenon Bankowski, ed., Enlightenment, Rights and Revolution: Essays in Legal and Social Philosophy, Aberdeen, Aberdeen University Press, 1989, pp. 396 pp. 173-176

- Peter Jones
- J. Christman, ed., The Inner Citadel: Essays on Individual Autonomy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990, pp. x + 267 pp. 176-178

- John Charvet
- Timothy Fuller, ed., The Voice of Liberal Learning, Michael Oakeshott on Education, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1989, pp. 169. - Paul Franco, The Political Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1990, pp. 277 pp. 178-181

- Peter Johnson
- Lincoln Allison, ed., The Utilitarian Response, London, Sage Publications, 1990, pp. 256 pp. 181-183

- Daniel Holbrook
- W. L. Twining, Rethinking Evidence, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1990, pp. vii + 407 pp. 183-185

- J. D. Jackson
- S. I. Benn, A Theory of Freedom, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. xiv + 338 pp. 186-187

- P. J. Kelly
- J. Glover, ed., Utilitarianism and Its Critics, London, Collier Macmillan, 1990, pp. ix + 255 pp. 186-186

- P. J. Kelly
- M. Freeden, Rights, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1991, pp. ix + 134 pp. 187-187

- P. J. Kelly
- N. P. Barry, Welfare, Milton Keynes, Open University Press, 1990, pp. ix + 114 pp. 188-189

- P. J. Kelly
- Z. Bauman, Freedom, Milton Keynes; Open University Press, 1988, pp. 106 pp. 188-188

- P. J. Kelly
- A. Morellet, Traité de la propriété e il carteggio con Bentham e Dumont, ed. Eugenio Di Rienzo and Lea Campos Boralevi, Florence, Centro Editoriale Toscano, 1990, pp. cxiv + 158 pp. 189-189

- Maurice Cranston
- Michael Palmer, Moral Problems, A Coursebook for Schools and Colleges, Cambridge, The Lutterworth Press, 1991, pp. 161 pp. 190-191

- F. Rosen
- Knud Haakonssen, ed., Traditions of Liberalism: Essays on John Locke, Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill, Sidney, Centre for Independent Studies, 1988, pp. xxi + 201 pp. 190-190

- F. Rosen
- David Lyons, In the Interest of the Governed: A Study in Bentham's Philosophy of Utility and Law, Revised Edition, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1991, pp. xxii + 153 pp. 191-191

- F. Rosen
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