Economic Journal
1969 - 2013
Continued by Economic Journal. Current editor(s): Martin Cripps, Steve Machin, Woulter den Haan, Andrea Galeotti, Rachel Griffith and Frederic Vermeulen From Royal Economic Society Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley-Blackwell Digital Licensing () and Christopher F. Baum (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2013, month 12, vol 123
- Firearm Background Checks and Suicide pp. 1085-1099

- Matthew Lang
- Who Shrunk China? Puzzles in the Measurement of Real GDP pp. 1100-1129

- Robert Feenstra, Hong Ma, J. Peter Neary and D.S. Prasada Rao
- Salaries and Work Effort: An Analysis of the European Union Parliamentarians pp. 1130-1167

- Naci Mocan and Duha Altindag
- Comparing Corruption in the Laboratory and in the Field in Burkina Faso and in Canada pp. 1168-1187

- Olivier Armantier and Amadou Boly
- The Effect of Ambiguity Aversion on Insurance and Self‐protection pp. 1188-1202

- David Alary, Christian Gollier and Nicolas Treich
- The Impact of Minimum Wages on Labour Market Transitions pp. 1203-1235

- Pierre Brochu and David Green
- Who Pays for it? The Heterogeneous Wage Effects of Employment Protection Legislation pp. 1236-1278

- Marco Leonardi and Giovanni Pica
- The Effects of Retail Regulations on Prices: Evidence from the Loi Galland pp. 1279-1312

- Pierre Biscourp, Xavier Boutin and Thibaud Vergé
- Understanding Trust pp. 1313-1332

- Paola Sapienza, Anna Toldra‐Simats and Luigi Zingales
- Saudi Arabia and the Oil Market pp. 1333-1362

- Anton Nakov and Galo Nuño Barrau
- Does Land Abundance Explain African Institutions? pp. 1363-1390

- James Fenske
2013, month 11, vol 123
- Taste‐based or Statistical Discrimination: The Economics of Discrimination Returns to its Roots pp. F417-F432

- Jonathan Guryan and Kerwin Kofi Charles
- Ethnic Discrimination: Lessons from the Israeli Online Market for Used Cars pp. F433-F468

- Asaf Zussman
- The Visible Hand: Race and Online Market Outcomes pp. F469-F492

- Jennifer Doleac and Luke C.D. Stein
- Upward Pricing Pressure in Two‐sided Markets pp. F505-F523

- Pauline Affeldt, Lapo Filistrucchi and Tobias Klein
- Ringleaders in Larger Number Asymmetric Cartels pp. F524-F544

- Stephen Davies and Oindrila De
- The Distortive Effects of Antitrust Fines Based on Revenue pp. F545-F557

- Vasiliki Bageri, Yannis Katsoulacos and Giancarlo Spagnolo
- Antitrust Penalties and the Implications of Empirical Evidence on Cartel Overcharges pp. F558-F581

- Yannis Katsoulacos and David Ulph
- Resale Price Maintenance: An Empirical Analysis of UK Firms' Compliance pp. F582-F595

- Emanuele Giovannetti and Laura Magazzini
- An Empirical Assessment of the 2004 EU Merger Policy Reform pp. F596-F619

- Tomaso Duso, Klaus Gugler and Florian Szücs
2013, month 09, vol 123
- Is Business Failure Due to Lack of Effort? Empirical Evidence from a Large Administrative Sample pp. 791-830

- Mette Ejrnæs and Stefan Hochguertel
- Everybody Needs Good Neighbours? Evidence from Students’ Outcomes in England pp. 831-874

- Stephen Gibbons, Olmo Silva and Felix Weinhardt
- The Consequences of Teenage Childbearing: Consistent Estimates When Abortion Makes Miscarriage Non‐random pp. 875-905

- Adam Ashcraft, Iván Fernández‐Val and Kevin Lang
- Optimal Monetary Policy in a Model of the Credit Channel pp. 906-931

- Fiorella De Fiore and Oreste Tristani
- Optimal Rules of Thumb for Consumption and Portfolio Choice pp. 932-961

- David Love
- Policy Announcements and Welfare pp. 962-997

- Vadym Lepetyuk and Christian A. Stoltenberg
- The Economic Integration of Forced Migrants: Evidence for Post‐War Germany pp. 998-1024

- Thomas Bauer, Sebastian Braun and Michael Kvasnicka
- Community Nurseries and the Nutritional Status of Poor Children. Evidence from Colombia pp. 1025-1058

- Orazio Attanasio, Vincenzo Di Maro and Marcos Vera‐Hernández
- Benefit Generosity and the Income Effect on Labour Supply: Quasi‐Experimental Evidence pp. 1059-1084

- Alexander Danzer
2013, month 06, vol 123
- The Ins and Outs of Unemployment: An Analysis Conditional on Technology Shocks-super- pp. 515-539

- Fabio Canova, David Lopez‐Salido and Claudio Michelacci
- Gender Differences in Market Competitiveness in a Real Workplace: Evidence from Performance‐based Pay Tournaments among Teachers pp. 540-573

- Victor Lavy
- Identification of Peer Effects with Missing Peer Data: Evidence from Project STAR pp. 574-605

- Aaron Sojourner
- Insurance and Perceptions: How to Screen Optimists and Pessimists pp. 606-633

- Johannes Spinnewijn
- Pop Internationalism: Has Half a Century of World Music Trade Displaced Local Culture? pp. 634-664

- Fernando Ferreira and Joel Waldfogel
- Interim Performance Evaluation in Contract Design pp. 665-698

- Bin R. Chen and Y. Chiu
- Reaction to Public Information in Markets: How much does Ambiguity Matter? pp. 699-737

- Brice Corgnet, Praveen Kujal and David Porter
- Learning by Doing, Short‐sightedness and Indeterminacy pp. 738-763

- Paul Shea
- Time to Cook: Expenditure at Retirement in Spain pp. 764-789

- María José Luengo‐Prado and Almudena Sevilla
2013, month 05, vol 123
- Financial Contagion and Attention Allocation pp. 429-454

- Jordi Mondria and Climent Quintana‐Domeque
- Do Prediction Markets Produce Well‐Calibrated Probability Forecasts?-super- pp. 491-513

- Lionel Page and Robert T. Clemen
2013, month 03, vol 123
- Optimal Bank Capital pp. 1-37

- David Miles, Jing Yang and Gilberto Marcheggiano
- Social Learning and Monetary Policy Rules pp. 38-76

- Jasmina Arifovic, James Bullard and Olena Kostyshyna
- How many types are there? pp. 77-95

- Ian Crawford and Krishna Pendakur
- Testing for Asymmetric Information in Private Health Insurance-super- pp. 96-130

- Pau Olivella and Marcos Vera‐Hernández
- Market Power in the Global Economy: The Exhaustion and Protection of Intellectual Property pp. 131-161

- Kamal Saggi
- World War II, Missing Men and Out of Wedlock Childbearing pp. 162-194

- Dirk Bethmann and Michael Kvasnicka
- Nash‐Bargained Consumption Decisions: A Revealed Preference Analysis pp. 195-235

- Laurens Cherchye, Thomas Demuynck and Bram De Rock
- The Child is Father Of the Man: Implications for the Demographic Transition pp. 236-261

- David de la Croix and Omar Licandro
- Preventing crime through selective incapacitation pp. 262-284

- Ben Vollaard
2013, month 11
- Contributions to Competition Economics: Introduction pp. F493-F504

- Peter Davis and Amelia Fletcher
2013, month 08
- Using and Interpreting Journal Rankings: Introduction pp. F199-F201

- John Hudson and David Laband
- Ranking Journals pp. F202-F222

- John Hudson
- On the Use and Abuse of Economics Journal Rankings pp. F223-F254

- David Laband
- How Should Peer‐review Panels Behave? pp. F255-F278

- Daniel Sgroi and Andrew Oswald
- Peer Effects of Immigrant Children on Academic Performance of Native Speakers: Introduction pp. F279-F280

- David Card
- Non‐native Speakers of English in the Classroom: What Are the Effects on Pupil Performance? pp. F281-F307

- Charlotte Geay, Sandra McNally and Shqiponja Telhaj
- How Immigrant Children Affect the Academic Achievement of Native Dutch Children pp. F308-F331

- Asako Ohinata and Jan van Ours
- Education, Language and Identity pp. F332-F357

- Irma Clots‐Figueras and Paolo Masella
- Two Economists' Musings on the Stability of Locus of Control pp. F358-F400

- Deborah A. Cobb‐Clark and Stefanie Schurer
- Book Review Feature: Public Policy in an Uncertain World: By Charles F. Manski (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2013, pp. 224, $39.95. ISBN: 978‐0674066892) pp. F401-F411

- Guido Imbens
- Response to the Review of ‘Public Policy in an Uncertain World’ pp. F412-F415

- Charles Manski
2013, month 05
- Collective Action in Diverse Sierra Leone Communities pp. 285-316

- Rachel Glennerster, Edward Miguel and Alexander Rothenberg
- Animal Spirits, Financial Crises and Persistent Unemployment-super- pp. 317-340

- Roger Farmer
- Unemployment Insurance, Wage Dynamics and Inequality Over the Life Cycle pp. 341-372

- Paul Bingley, Lorenzo Cappellari and Niels Westergård‐Nielsen
- Uncertainty, Electoral Incentives and Political Myopia pp. 373-400

- Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Gino Gancia
- Housing Wealth and Consumption: A Micro Panel Study pp. 401-428

- Martin Browning, Mette Gørtz and Søren Leth‐Petersen
- Nominal Rigidities, Monetary Policy and Pigou Cycles pp. 455-473

- Stéphane Auray, Paul Gomme and Shen Guo
- Does Experience Make You ‘Tougher’? Evidence From Competition Law pp. 474-490

- Ludivine Garside, Paul Grout and Anna Zalewska
2013, month 02
- Sovereign Debt and Fiscal Policy in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis: Introduction pp. F1-F3

- Matthieu Bussiere
- Fiscal Fatigue, Fiscal Space and Debt Sustainability in Advanced Economies pp. F4-F30

- Atish Ghosh, Jun I. Kim, Enrique Mendoza, Jonathan Ostry and Mahvash Qureshi
- Uncertain Fiscal Consolidations pp. F31-F63

- Huixin Bi, Eric Leeper and Campbell Leith
- Public Debt and Redistribution with Borrowing Constraints pp. F64-F98

- Florin Bilbiie, Tommaso Monacelli and Roberto Perotti
- Sovereign Risk, Fiscal Policy, and Macroeconomic Stability pp. F99-F132

- Giancarlo Corsetti, Keith Kuester, Andre Meier and Gernot Müller
- Deficits, Public Debt Dynamics and Tax and Spending Multipliers pp. 133-163

- Matthew Denes, Gauti Eggertsson and Sophia Gilbukh
- The Impact of Debt Levels and Debt Maturity on Inflation pp. F164-F192

- Elisa Faraglia, Albert Marcet, Rigas Oikonomou and Andrew Scott
- Book Review Feature: Trade and Poverty: When the Third World Fell Behind By Williamson ( Jeffrey G. ) ( Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2011, pp. 320, $35. ISBN: 978‐0‐262‐01515‐8) pp. F193-F197

- Nicholas Crafts
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