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Economic Journal

1969 - 2013

Continued by Economic Journal.

Current editor(s): Martin Cripps, Steve Machin, Woulter den Haan, Andrea Galeotti, Rachel Griffith and Frederic Vermeulen

From Royal Economic Society
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2006, month 11, vol 116

Profiling: Introduction to the Feature pp. F347-F350
Charles Manski
Generalising the Hit Rates Test for Racial Bias in Law Enforcement, With an Application to Vehicle Searches in Wichita pp. F351-F367
Nicola Persico and Petra Todd
Crime minimisation and racial bias: what can we learn from police search data? pp. F368-F384
Jeff Dominitz and John Knowles
Search Profiling With Partial Knowledge of Deterrence pp. F385-F401
Charles Manski
Assessing Racial Profiling pp. F402-F426
Steven Durlauf
Profiling Problems With Partially Identified Structure pp. F427-F440
William Brock
Welfare work Requirements with Paternalistic Government Preferences pp. F441-F458
Robert Moffitt
Profiling in Bargaining Over College Tuition pp. F459-F479
Dennis Epple, Richard Romano, Sinan Sarpaca and Holger Sieg
The Dynamics of Statistical Discrimination pp. F480-F498
Lawrence Blume
The Theory of Corporate Finance pp. F499-F507
D avid W Ebb

2006, month 10, vol 116

Social Networks and Technology Adoption in Northern Mozambique pp. 869-902
Oriana Bandiera and Imran Rasul
The Theory of Human Capital Revisited: on the Interaction of General and Specific Investments pp. 903-923
Anke Kessler and Christoph Lülfesmann
Land Reallocation in an Agrarian Transition pp. 924-942
Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de Walle
Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons pp. 943-968
Jean-Yves Duclos, David Sahn and Stephen Younger
Economic Growth in an Interdependent World Economy pp. 969-990
Roger Farmer and Amartya Lahiri
Are Homeowners Really More Unemployed? pp. 991-1013
Jakob Munch, Michael Rosholm and Michael Svarer
Asymmetry in Procurement Auctions: Evidence from Snow Removal Contracts pp. 1014-1036
Véronique Flambard and Isabelle Perrigne
Inequality Aversion in a Variety of Games - An Indirect Evolutionary Analysis pp. 1037-1056
Werner Güth and Stefan Napel
City Structure, Job Search and Labour Discrimination: Theory and Policy Implications pp. 1057-1087
Harris Selod and Yves Zenou
Risk and Household Grain Management in Developing Countries pp. 1088-1115
Albert Park

2006, month 07, vol 116

Alimony Rights and Intrahousehold Allocation of Resources: Evidence from Brazil pp. 627-658
Marcos A. Rangel
Intergenerational Mobility and Marital Sorting pp. 659-679
John Ermisch, Marco Francesconi and Thomas Siedler
Paycheque Receipt and the Timing of Consumption pp. 680-701
Melvin Stephens
Entry and Strategic Information Display in Credit Markets pp. 702-720
Jan Bouckaert and Hans Degryse
Labour Supply and Saving Under Uncertainty pp. 721-737
Martin Flodén
Is there a Threat Effect of Labour Market Programmes? A Study of ALMP in the Danish UI System pp. 738-750
Lars Geerdsen
On the Early Holocene: Foraging to Early Agriculture pp. 751-772
Nicolas Marceau and Gordon Myers
Aid, Governance and Private Foreign Investment: Some Puzzling Findings for the 1990s pp. 773-790
Philipp Harms and Matthias Lutz
Equity Prices, Productivity Growth and 'The New Economy' pp. 791-811
Jakob Madsen and E Davis
Financial and Capital Markets' Responses to Changes in the Central Bank's Target Interest Rate: The Case of Japan pp. 812-842
Yuzo Honda and Yoshihiro Kuroki
Catalysing Private Capital Flows: Do IMF Programmes Work as Commitment Devices? pp. 843-867
Ashoka Mody and Diego Saravia

2006, month 06, vol 116

Monetary policy and the sterling exchange rate pp. F181-F184
David Cobham
The Overvaluation of Sterling Since 1996: How the Policy makers Responded and Why pp. F185-F207
David Cobham
Should Central Banks Target Consumer Prices or the Exchange Rate? pp. F208-F231
Tatiana Kirsanova, Campbell Leith and Simon Wren-Lewis
United Kingdom Inflation Targeting and the Exchange Rate pp. F232-F244
Christopher Allsopp, Amit Kara and Edward Nelson
Wages, Mobility and Firm Performance: Advantages and Insights from Using Matched Worker-Firm Data pp. F245-F285
John Abowd, Francis Kramarz and Sébastien Roux
On The Sustainability of the UK State Pension System in the Light of Population Ageing and Declining Fertility pp. F286-F305
David Blake and Les Mayhew
Where Economics and Philosophy Meet: Review of the Elgar Companion to Economics and Philosophy with Responses from the Authors pp. F306-F325
Peter Boettke, Christopher Coyne, John Davis, Francesco Guala, Alain Marciano, Jochen Runde and Margaret Schabas
Stochastic Volatility: Selected Readings pp. F326-F327
G iuseppe C Avaliere
The European Central Bank - Credibility, Transparency and Centralization pp. F327-F328
A ndreas F Reytag
Exchange Rates Under The East Asian Dollar Standard: Living With Conflicted Virtue pp. F328-F331
D omenico L Ombardi
The Experiment in the History of Economics pp. F331-F332
R oger E. B Ackhouse
Markets from Networks: Socioeconomic Models of Production pp. F332-F333
C olin R Owat
Electricity Deregulation: Choices and Challenges pp. F333-F335
D avid N Ewbery
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything pp. F335-F336
O fer H. A Zar

2006, month 04, vol 116

A Theory of Consumer Boycotts under Symmetric Information and Imperfect Competition pp. 355-381
Robert Innes
Distribution and Growth in an Economy with Limited Needs: Variable Markups and 'the End of Work' pp. 382-407
Gilles Saint-Paul
Has Monetary Policy become more Efficient? a Cross-Country Analysis pp. 408-433
Stephen Cecchetti, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes and Stefan Krause Montalbert
Closed and Open Economy Models of Business Cycles with Marked Up and Sticky Prices pp. 434-456
Robert Barro and Silvana Tenreyro
Money in an Estimated Business Cycle Model of the Euro Area pp. 457-477
Javier Andrés, David Lopez-Salido and Javier Valles
Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy in Emerging Market Economies pp. 478-506
Michael Devereux, Philip Lane and Juanyi Xu
Shocking Escapes pp. 507-528
Bruce McGough
Risk, Return and Portfolio Allocation under Alternative Pension Systems with Incomplete and Imperfect Financial Markets pp. 529-557
David Miles and Aleš Černý
Gender and Say: a Model of Household Behaviour with Endogenously Determined Balance of Power pp. 558-580
Kaushik Basu
Relational Costs and the Production of Social Capital: Evidence from Carpooling pp. 581-604
Kerwin Kofi Charles and Patrick Kline
Commercial Broadcasting and Local Content: Cultural Quotas, Advertising and Public Stations pp. 605-625
Martin Richardson

2006, month 03, vol 116

A Sceptic's Comment on the Study of Economics pp. C1-C9
Ariel Rubinstein
Measuring the Value of a Statistical Life: Problems and Prospects pp. C10-C23
Orley Ashenfelter
Happiness and Public Policy: a Challenge to the Profession pp. C24-C33
Richard Layard
Well-Being, Social Capital and Public Policy: What's New? pp. C34-C45
John Helliwell
The Efficacy of Choice Threats Within School Accountability Systems: Results from Legislatively Induced Experiments pp. C46-C62
Martin R. West and Paul E. Peterson
Does Educational Tracking Affect Performance and Inequality? Differences- in-Differences Evidence Across Countries pp. C63-C76
Eric Hanushek and Ludger Wössmann
Paying for Primary Schools: Admission Constraints, School Popularity or Congestion? pp. C77-C92
Stephen Gibbons and Stephen Machin
Child Support and Partnership Dissolution pp. C93-C109
Ian Walker and Yu Zhu
Consumer Demand and the Role of Labour Supply and Durables pp. C110-C129
Iftikhar Hussain
The Retirement-Consumption Puzzle and Involuntary Early Retirement: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey pp. C130-C148
Sarah Smith
Bank Loans Versus Bond Finance: Implications for Sovereign Debtors pp. C149-C171
Misa Tanaka
Company Dividends and Ownership Structure: Evidence from UK Panel Data pp. C172-C189
Tehmina Khan
Corporate Cross-Holdings of Equity, Leverage and Pensions: Simulation and Empirical Evidence from the UK pp. C190-C208
Kamakshya Trivedi and Garry Young

2006, month 02, vol 116

Feature: IT Diffusion and Industry and Labour-Market Dynamics pp. F1-F9
Bas Weel
Revolutionary Effects of New Information Technologies pp. F10-F28
Gerard van den Berg
The Growth of Network Computing: Quality-Adjusted Price Changes for Network Servers pp. F29-F44
John van Reenen
The Division of Labour, Worker Organisation, and Technological Change pp. F45-F72
Lex Borghans and Bas Weel
New technologies, organisation and age: firm-level evidence pp. F73-F93
Patrick Aubert, Eve Caroli and Muriel Roger
Reforming Public Pensions in the US and the UK pp. F94-F118
Peter Diamond
UK Real-Time Macro Data Characteristics pp. F119-F135
Anthony Garratt and Shaun Vahey
Coalition Theory and its Applications: A Survey pp. F136-F155
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay and Kalyan Chatterjee
Economic Liberalisation. Distribution and Poverty: Latin America in the 1990s pp. F172-F174
Gilberto Libanio

2006, month 01, vol 116

Institutions and the Resource Curse pp. 1-20
Halvor Mehlum, Karl Ove Moene and Ragnar Torvik
Scale Effects in Markets with Search pp. 21-44
Barbara Petrongolo and Christopher Pissarides
Job Search with Nonparticipation pp. 45-83
Paul Frijters and Bas van der Klaauw
A Generalised Model of Monopsony pp. 84-100
Alan Manning
Decentralisation and Accountability in Infrastructure Delivery in Developing Countries pp. 101-127
Pranab Bardhan and Dilip Mookherjee
On the Relation Between Organisational Practices and New Technologies: the Role of (Time Based) Competition pp. 128-154
Philippe Askenazy, David Thesmar and Mathias Thoenig
Gpt-Driven, Endogenous Growth pp. 155-174
Kenneth I. Carlaw and Richard Lipsey
Mistake #37: The Effect of Previously Encountered Prices on Current Housing Demand pp. 175-199
Uri Simonsohn and George Loewenstein
The Neighbourhood is Not What it Used to be pp. 200-222
Oddbjørn Raaum, Kjell G Salvanes and Erik Sørensen
Transaction Costs and the Robustness of the Coase Theorem pp. 223-245
Luca Anderlini and Leonardo Felli
Read My Lips, Watch for Leaps: Preference Equilibrium and Political Instability pp. 246-265
Chaim Fershtman and Aviad Heifetz
The Effect of Discounting on Policy Choices in Inflation Targeting Regimes pp. 266-282
Henry Sgb, Mathan Satchi and David Vines
Nominal Wage Flexibility, Wage Indexation and Monetary Union pp. 283-308
Lars Calmfors and Asa Johansson
Stabilising Properties of Discretionary Monetary Policies in a Small Open Economy pp. 309-326
Alfred Guender
Advantageous Effects of Regulatory Adverse Selection in the Life Insurance Market pp. 327-354
Mattias K Polborn, Michael Hoy and Asha Sadanand
Page updated 2025-03-31