European Economic Review
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): T.S. Eicher, A. Imrohoroglu, E. Leeper, J. Oechssler and M. Pesendorfer From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 174, issue C, 2025
- Unit cost expectations: Firms’ perspectives on inflation

- Brent H. Meyer and Xuguang Simon Sheng
- More effort with less pay: On information avoidance, optimistic beliefs, and performance

- Steffen Huck, Nora Szech and Lukas M. Wenner
- Global value chains and the Phillips curve: A challenge for monetary policy

- Anna Florio, Daniele Siena and Riccardo Zago
- Market competition and the adoption of clean technology: Evidence from the taxi industry

- Raúl Bajo-Buenestado and Miguel Ángel Borrella-Mas
- On explaining why the (human) world is rich

- Bart J. Wilson
- Greenflation: Empirical evidence using macro, regional and sectoral data

- Luca Bettarelli, Davide Furceri, Loredana Pisano and Pietro Pizzuto
- Fiscal tightening and skills mismatch

- Konstantinos Mavrigiannakis, Andreas Vasilatos and Eugenia Vella
- Monetary policy interactions: The policy rate, asset purchases, and optimal policy with an interest rate peg

- Isabel Gödl-Hanisch, Ronald Mau and Jonathan Rawls
- Do equal employment opportunity statements encourage racial minorities? evidence from a large natural field experiment

- Andreas Leibbrandt and John A. List
- Institutional diversity and innovative recombination

- Nathan P. Goodman, Otto Lehto and Mikayla Novak
Volume 173, issue C, 2025
- Deposit market concentration and monetary transmission: Evidence from the euro area

- Stephen Kho
- Make-up strategies with incomplete markets and bounded rationality

- Michael Dobrew, Rafael Gerke, Sebastian Giesen and Joost Röttger
- The dynamics of automation adoption: Firm-level heterogeneity and aggregate employment effects

- Laura Bisio, Angelo Cuzzola, Marco Grazzi and Daniele Moschella
- Recourse and (strategic) mortgage defaults: Evidence from changes in housing market laws

- Alin Marius Andrieș, Anca Copaciu, Radu Popa and Razvan Vlahu
- Rehabilitating futures: Assessing the effects of correctional employment-focused programs on recidivism and employment

- M. Antonella Mancino
- Resolving puzzles of monetary policy transmission in emerging markets

- Jongrim Ha, Dohan Kim, M. Ayhan Kose and Eswar S. Prasad
- Strategic parental investments in a competitive marriage market

- V. Bhaskar, Wenchao Li and Junjian Yi
- Preying on the young: Intergenerational conflict, rent seeking and growth

- Ilias Boultzis
- Coasian equilibria in sequential auctions

- Qingmin Liu, Konrad Mierendorff and Xianwen Shi
- Status classification by lottery contests

- Aner Sela
- The wealth of working nations

- Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Gustavo Ventura and Wen Yao
- Reallocation, productivity, and monetary policy in an energy crisis

- Boris Chafwehé, Andrea Colciago and Romanos Priftis
- Introduction to the special issue on rethinking macroeconomic policy in times of turmoil

- Juan J. Dolado and Evi Pappa
- Explaining institutional technology

- Jason Potts, Kurt Dopfer and Bill Tulloh
- Monetary–fiscal interaction and the liquidity of government debt

- Cristiano Cantore and Edoardo Leonardi
- Exporters, multinationals and residual wage inequality: Evidence and theory

- Sarah Schroeder
- Delegation of learning from multiple sources of information

- Angelos Diamantopoulos and Arina Nikandrova
- Growth and adaptation to climate change in the long run

- Simon Dietz and Bruno Lanz
Volume 172, issue C, 2025
- Portfolio flows and household portfolios

- Dominik Boddin, Daniel te Kaat, Chang Ma and Alessandro Rebucci
- Firms and economic performance: A view from trade

- Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Gino Gancia
- Global public goods, fiscal policy coordination, and welfare in the world economy

- Pierre-Richard Agénor and Luiz A. Pereira da Silva
- Faster bank runs

- Oz Shy
- Time-varying stock return correlation, news shocks, and business cycles

- Norbert Metiu and Esteban Prieto
- Populism’s original sin: Short-term populist penalties and uncertainty traps

- L. Guillermo Woo-Mora
- Cousins from overseas: How the existing workforce adapts to a massive forced return migration shock

- Lara Bohnet, Susana Peralta and João Pereira dos Santos
- Automation and the fall and rise of the servant economy

- Astrid Krenz and Holger Strulik
- An introduction to the european unemployment problem: Past trajectory, present dilemmas and future policies

- Nauro F. Campos, Vera Z. Eichenauer and Jan-Egbert Sturm
- Motivated political reasoning: On the emergence of belief-value constellations

- Kai Barron, Anna Becker and Steffen Huck
- Decentralization in Autocraties

- Emmanuelle Auriol and Anaïs Dahmani-Scuitti
- Long shadow of the U.S. mortgage expansion: Evidence from local labour markets

- Aruni Mitra and Mengying Wei
- Temptation-driven preferences: A resolution to New Keynesian anomalies

- Marco Airaudo
- The invisible family load and the gender earnings gap in Kenya

- Sveva Vitellozzi, Francesco Cecchi and Chiara Rapallini
- Global spillovers of taxation in the online advertising market. Theory and evidence from facebook

- Andrea Lassmann, Federica Liberini, Antonio Russo, Ángel Cuevas and Rubén Cuevas
- Disinformation for hire: A field experiment on unethical jobs in online labor markets

- Alain Cohn and Jan Stoop
- House prices, endogenous productivity, and the effects of government spending shocks

- Rasmus Bisgaard Larsen, Søren Hove Ravn and Emiliano Santoro
- Carbon taxation in a global production network

- Jordi Planelles and María-Eugenia Sanin
- Firm entry, endogenous wage moderation, and labor market dynamics

- Andrea Colciago, Stefano Fasani and Lorenza Rossi
- Garbling an evaluation to retain an advantage

- Ascensión Andina-Díaz and José A. García-Martínez
- Does the child penalty strike twice?

- Mette Gørtz, Sarah Sander and Almudena Sevilla
- Doing business far from home: Multinational firms and labor market outcomes in Saudi Arabia

- Alessandra L. González and Xianglong Kong
- How malleable is the aversion to stigmatized work?

- Florian H. Schneider, Martin Schonger and Ivo Schurtenberger
- Persistent slumps: Innovation and the credit channel of monetary policy

- Elton Beqiraj, Qingqing Cao, Raoul Minetti and Giulio Tarquini
- Access to justice and economic development: Evidence from an international panel dataset

- Arnaud Deseau, Adam Levai and Michèle Schmiegelow
- Learning to be rational in the presence of news: A lab investigation

- Joep Lustenhouwer and Isabelle Salle
- Monetary policy transmission under supply chain pressure

- Sebastian Laumer and Matthew Schaffer
- The Key Class in Networks

- Nizar Allouch and Jayeeta Bhattacharya
- Internetization, supplier search, and diversification of global supply chains

- Guobing Shen, Binchao Shen and Ruochen Wu
- Safe spaces for children: School sanitation and sexual violence

- Pei Gao, Aditi Kothari and Yu-Hsiang Lei
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