International Review of Law and Economics
1981 - 2024
Current editor(s): C. Ott, A. W. Katz and H-B. Schäfer From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 29, issue 4, 2009
- Graduated penalty scheme pp. 281-289
- Mehmet Bac and Parimal Bag
- Explaining constitutional garrulity pp. 290-303
- Stefan Voigt
- Patent laws and innovation in China pp. 304-313
- Linda Yueh
- Deterrence and avoidance pp. 314-323
- Jacob Nussim and Avraham D. Tabbach
- Excessive spending by firms to avoid accidents: Is it a concern in practice? pp. 324-335
- Klaas van 't Veld and Emma Hutchinson
- The effect of police on crime, disorder and victim precaution. Evidence from a Dutch victimization survey pp. 336-348
- Ben Vollaard and Pierre Koning
- Annullable bonuses and penalties pp. 349-359
- Gerrit De Geest, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci and Jacques J. Siegers
- Industry self-regulation, subversion of public institutions, and social control of torts pp. 360-374
- Peter Grajzl and Andrzej Baniak
- Filtering speed in a Continental European reorganization procedure pp. 375-387
- Nico Dewaelheyns and Cynthia Van Hulle
- Too risk averse to stay honest?: Business corruption, uncertainty and attitudes toward risk pp. 388-395
- Tina Søreide
Volume 29, issue 3, 2009
- Bribes vs. bombs: A study in Coasean warfare pp. 179-190
- Gideon Parchomovsky and Peter Siegelman
- The use of warnings in the presence of errors pp. 191-201
- Sandra Rousseau
- Crime, economic conditions, social interactions and family heritage pp. 202-209
- Paulo Loureiro, Mário Jorge Cardoso de Mendonça, Tito Moreira and Adolfo Sachsida
- Wage differentials and social comparison: An experimental study of interrelated ultimatum bargaining pp. 210-220
- Dorothea Alewell and Andreas Nicklisch
- An optimal anti-drug law enforcement policy pp. 221-228
- Sylvaine Poret
- The influence of bankruptcy law on equity value of financially distressed firms: A European comparative analysis pp. 229-243
- Carlos López Gutiérrez, Myriam García Olalla and Begoña Torre Olmo
- On the joint use of licensing and liability pp. 244-251
- Erik Lenntorp
- Two-tiered entrepreneurship and economic development pp. 252-259
- Peter Leeson and Peter Boettke
- Why are the French so different from the Germans? Underpricing of IPOs on the Euro New Markets pp. 260-271
- Marc Goergen, Arif Khurshed and Luc Renneboog
- Screening accident victims pp. 272-280
- Tim Friehe
Volume 29, issue 2, 2009
- More police, less crime: Evidence from US state data pp. 73-80
- Ming-Jen Lin
- Share repurchase regulations: Do firms play by the rules? pp. 81-96
- Edith Ginglinger and Jacques Hamon
- Why are countries reluctant to exchange information on interest income? Participation in and effectiveness of the EU Savings Tax Directive pp. 97-105
- Peter Schwarz
- Co-evolution of politics and corporate governance pp. 106-114
- Marianna Belloc and Ugo Pagano
- Managerial influence and CEO performance incentives pp. 115-126
- Shijun Cheng and Raffi Indjejikian
- Governance of professional sports leagues--Cooperatives versus contracts pp. 127-137
- Helmut Dietl, Egon Franck, Tariq Hasan and Markus Lang
- On the superiority of damage averaging in the case of strict liability pp. 138-142
- Florian Baumann and Tim Friehe
- An empirical testing of leverage effects via the common distribution network pp. 143-152
- Sangin Park
- Legal damages for losses of chances pp. 153-160
- Urs Schweizer
- Sequential torts and bilateral harm pp. 161-168
- Tim Friehe
- A revised model of unilateral accidents pp. 169-177
- Jacob Nussim and Avraham D. Tabbach
Volume 29, issue 1, 2009
- Deterrence and tax treatment of monetary sanctions and litigation costs pp. 1-7
- Jacob Nussim and Avraham D. Tabbach
- Plea bargaining with budgetary constraints pp. 8-12
- Steeve Mongrain and Joanne Roberts
- The introduction of an appeals court in Dutch tax litigation pp. 13-24
- Jurjen Kamphorst and Ben C.J. van Velthoven
- Some reflections on the economics of prosecutors: Mandatory vs. selective prosecution pp. 25-28
- Nuno Garoupa
- Government expenditure on public order and safety, economic growth and private investment: Empirical evidence from the United States pp. 29-37
- Anthony Glass
- Employment effect of dismissal pay in the presence of judicial mistakes pp. 38-45
- Chun-chieh Huang, Juin-jen Chang and Ching-chong Lai
- Generalized trust and wealth pp. 46-56
- Mehmet Bac
- An empirical analysis of the 2000 corporate tax reform in Germany: Effects on ownership and control in listed companies pp. 57-66
- Anke Weber
- What discount rate should bankruptcy judges use? Estimates from Canadian reorganization data pp. 67-72
- Fabrice Barthlmy, Timothy Fisher and Jocelyn Martel
Volume 28, issue 4, 2008
- How do insolvency codes affect a firm's investment? pp. 227-238
- Julio Pindado, Luis Rodrigues and Chabela de la Torre
- Lesser-included offenses pp. 239-245
- Ram Orzach and Stephen Spurr
- Dueling experts and imperfect verification pp. 246-255
- Kenton Yee
- Harmonization of private law on a global level pp. 256-262
- P. Jean-Jacques Herings and Arnald J. Kanning
- How liable should an exporter be?: The case of trade in hazardous goods pp. 263-271
- Carsten Helm
- Patent litigation insurance and R&D incentives pp. 272-286
- Luigi Buzzacchi and Giuseppe Scellato
- Public goods, taxes, and takings pp. 287-293
- Thomas Miceli
- Client participation in paid sex markets under alternative regulatory regimes pp. 294-301
- Alan Collins and Guy Judge
Volume 28, issue 3, 2008
- Efficiency and fairness: Compensation for takings pp. 157-165
- Paul Niemann and Perry Shapiro
- Optimal agency contracts: The effect of vicarious liability and judicial error pp. 166-174
- Juan Carlos Bisso and Albert H. Choi
- Recent developments in German corporate governance pp. 175-193
- Marc Goergen, Miguel C. Manjon and Luc Renneboog
- On terror, drugs and racial profiling pp. 194-203
- Tomer Blumkin and Yoram Margalioth
- Liability and food safety provision: Empirical evidence from the US pp. 204-211
- Maria Loureiro
- Incentives, criminal defence lawyers and plea bargaining pp. 212-219
- Frank H. Stephen, Giorgio Fazio and Cyrus Tata
- Market segmentation in child adoption pp. 220-225
- Erwin Blackstone, Andrew Buck, Simon Hakim and Uriel Spiegel
Volume 28, issue 2, 2008
- Identifying the socio-economic and demographic determinants of crime across Spanish provinces pp. 89-97
- Paolo Buonanno and Daniel Montolio
- Liability and manufacturer warnings pp. 98-105
- Paul Calcott
- Customary versus technological advancement tests pp. 106-112
- Bruno Deffains and Dominique Demougin
- Investor protection and business creation pp. 113-122
- Ari Hyytinen and Tuomas Takalo
- The joint use of regulation and strict liability with multidimensional care and uncertain conviction pp. 123-132
- Bharat Bhole and Jeffrey Wagner
- Safety regulation vs. liability with heterogeneous probabilities of suit pp. 133-139
- Sébastien Rouillon
- Law of incorporation and firm ownership structure: The law and finance theory revisited pp. 140-149
- Yves Bozec, Stephane Rousseau and Claude Laurin
- Optimal sanctions and endogeneity of differences in detection probabilities pp. 150-155
- Tim Friehe
Volume 28, issue 1, 2008
- On the role of plea bargaining and the distribution of sentences in the absence of judicial system frictions pp. 1-7
- David Bjerk
- Investigating the drugs-crime channel in economics of crime models: Empirical evidence from panel data of the German States pp. 8-22
- Horst Entorf and Peter Winker
- The optimality of contingent fees in the agency problem of litigation pp. 23-31
- Susheng Wang
- Corporate governance and firm performance in Arab equity markets: Does ownership concentration matter? pp. 32-45
- Mohammed Omran, Ali Bolbol and Ayten Fatheldin
- Who wants safer cities? Perceptions of public safety and attitudes to migrants among China's urban population pp. 46-55
- Ingrid Nielsen and Russell Smyth
- Can third-party payments benefit the principal?: The case of soft dollar brokerage pp. 56-77
- Stephen M. Horan and D. Bruce Johnsen
- Heterogeneous physicians, lawsuit costs, and the negligence rule pp. 78-88
- Anja Olbrich
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