Food Policy
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): J. Kydd From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 131, issue C, 2025
- How helpful are the “hidden costs of food systems” numbers?

- Jonathan Brooks and Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla
- The emerging short-form video platforms improve household dietary diversity of rural residents: Evidence from China

- Qian Yang and Yueji Zhu
- Understanding the barriers to purchasing healthier, more environmentally sustainable food for people living with obesity and varying experiences of food insecurity in the UK

- Rebecca A. Stone, Paul Christiansen, Alexandra M. Johnstone, Adrian Brown, Flora Douglas and Charlotte A. Hardman
- What’s the Buzz? Preferences and perceptions of policies to reduce childhood energy drink consumption

- Aaron J. Staples and Maria Kalaitzandonakes
- Reporting nutritional information on wine packaging: Does it affect consumers’ choices? Evidence from a choice experiment in Italy

- Claudia Bazzani, Riccardo Scarpa, Diego Begalli and Roberta Capitello
- Trade protection via tariff rate quota administration

- K. Aleks Schaefer and Christopher A. Wolf
- Urban food policy councils as politicized spaces: The case of Arusha, Tanzania

- Amber Steyaert, Thomas Kuyper, Joost Dessein and Charlotte Prové
- Much ado about nothing? An empirical analysis of consumer behaviour in the presence of ‘dual food quality’

- Di Marcantonio Federica, Jesus Barreiro-Hurle, Luisa Menapace, Liesbeth Colen, Dessart François J. and Pavel Ciaian
- Assessing consumers’ valuation for Front-of-Package ‘Health’ labeling under FDA guidelines

- Jianhui Liu, Bachir Kassas, John Lai, Di Fang and Rodolfo Nayga
- How does global agricultural research and innovation cooperation influence agricultural R&I system transformation in the South? Evidence from UK-China cooperation

- Bin Wu, Cong Cao, Simon Mosey, Tim Daniell, Peter Noy, Yizhe Cui, Min Rose and Jonathan Snape
- Analysis of the Italian regulatory framework on the welfare of aquatic organisms, with a focus on live crustaceans

- Lara Tinacci, Sara Rota Nodari, Alessio Vitali, Gaetano Liuzzo, Ivan Corti and Andrea Armani
- Cutting VAT rate on food products in a high-inflation environment. Does it work out?

- Krystian Jaworski and Jakub Olipra
- Decompose food price disparities in China: Evidence from wholesale markets

- Qingxiao Li, Jinyang Yang, Xiaoli Yang and Endong Mu
- Corrigendum to ”On the emission and distributional effects of a CO2eq-tax on agricultural goods—The case of Germany” [Food Policy 130 (2025) 102794]

- Julian Schaper, Max Franks, Nicolas Koch, Charlotte Plinke and Michael Sureth
- Coping or hoping? Livelihood diversification and food insecurity in the COVID-19 pandemic

- Ann M. Furbush, Anna Josephson, Talip Kilic and Jeffrey D. Michler
- Promises and uncertainties in the cultivated proteins market: Perspectives from Germany and Brazil

- Germano Glufke Reis, Beatrice de Freitas Martins da Silva, Anna Loraine Hartmann and Terese E. Venus
- Vulnerability of US dairy farms to extreme heat

- Jared Hutchins, Marin Skidmore and Derek Nolan
- Consumer support of policy measures to increase sustainability in food consumption

- Jeanine Ammann, Andreia Arbenz, Gabriele Mack and Michael Siegrist
- Can differentiated value-added tax rates promote healthier diets? The case of Costa Rica

- Maxime Roche
- Machine learning on national shopping data reliably estimates childhood obesity prevalence and socio-economic deprivation

- Gavin Long, Georgiana Nica-Avram, John Harvey, Evgeniya Lukinova, Roberto Mansilla, Simon Welham, Gregor Engelmann, Elizabeth Dolan, Kuzivakwashe Makokoro, Michelle Thomas, Edward Powell and James Goulding
- The effect of food price upsurges on income inequality: The richest win and the poorest lose

- Marta Marson and Donatella Saccone
- Where to buy and what to eat: The relationship between purchasing channels and nutrient intake in Japan

- Ryo Utsunomiya, Tomoaki Nakatani and Yasuhiro Nakashima
Volume 130, issue C, 2025
- Consumer Preferences for Low-Methane Beef: The Impact of Pre-Purchase Information, Point-of-Purchase Labels, and Increasing Prices

- Kelly A. Davidson, Brandon R. McFadden, Sarah Meyer and John C. Bernard
- The Information Value of Geographical Indications

- Marco Costanigro, Magalie Dubois, Azucena Gracia and Jean-Marie Cardebat
- The effect of the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (NBFDS) on consumer preferences and acceptance of bioengineered and gene-edited food

- Vincenzina Caputo, Valerie Kilders and Jayson Lusk
- How to incentivize peanut producers to adopt post-harvest aflatoxin control measures: A field experiment in Haiti

- Phendy Jacques, Stevens Azima and Maurice Doyon
- Public and political acceptability of a food tax shift – An experiment with policy framing and revenue use

- Emma Ejelöv, Jonas Nässén, Simon Matti, Liselott Schäfer Elinder and Jörgen Larsson
- Exploring price changes in local food systems compared to mainstream grocery retail in Canada during an era of ‘greedflation’

- Phoebe Stephens, Vicki Madziak, Alyssa Gerhardt and Justin Cantafio
- Signaling quality in informal markets. Evidence from an experimental auction in the Sahel

- Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, Bokar Moussa and Tahirou Abdoulaye
- Variations on the Thrifty Food Plan: Model diets that satisfy cost and nutrition constraints

- Yiwen Zhao, Linlin Fan, Norbert L.W. Wilson, Angélica Valdés Valderrama and Parke Wilde
- CO2-driven crop comparative advantage and planting decision: Evidence from US cropland

- Ziheng Liu
- Maize price Shocks, food consumption and the mediating role of access to market in Ghana

- Edward Martey, Justina Adwoa Onumah and Frank Adusah-Poku
- Can changing the meal sequence in school canteens reduce vegetable food waste? A cluster randomized control trial

- M. Petruzzelli, E. Iori, R. Ihle and M. Vittuari
- Meat taxes are inevitable, yet we seem to shy away from them. But why?

- Sanchayan Banerjee
- Who cares about agriculture? Analyzing German parliamentary debates on agriculture and food with structural topic modeling

- Philipp Mennig
- Diet quality and micronutrient intakes in nutritional value chains: A synthesis and suggestions for further research

- J.V. Meenakshi and Agnes Quisumbing
- Consumer preferences for sugar-sweetened beverages: Evidence from online surveys and laboratory eye-tracking choice experiments

- Yanjun Ren, Qi Liu, Guanzhang Wu and Jens-Peter Loy
- On the emission and distributional effects of a CO2eq-tax on agricultural goods—The case of Germany

- Julian Schaper, Max Franks, Nicolas Koch, Charlotte Plinke and Michael Sureth
- Heterogenous correlates of mechanization use and rural livelihoods in Zimbabwe: A quantile regression analysis

- Hambulo Ngoma, Billy Mukamuri, João Vasco Silva and Frédéric Baudron
Volume 129, issue C, 2024
- Do color-coded Nutrition Facts Panels nudge the use of nutrition information?

- Xuqi Chen, Zhifeng Gao, Lisa House and Yujuan Gao
- Diet and disease: Examining the seasonal determinants of children’s health in Senegal

- Karan S. Shakya, Leah E.M. Bevis and Andrew L. Thorne-Lyman
- Insuring consumption against Shocks: The role of informal savings in Nigeria

- Arouna Kouandou and Inès Pérolde Zeh
- Expanding the phytosanitary exclusion zone for Mexican avocados: Market impacts and unintended consequences

- Irvin Rojas and K Aleks Schaefer
- The transition incentive program and women farmers in the USA

- Valentina Hartarska, Eugene Adjei and Denis Nadolnyak
- Food policy coherence in local government: Who does what and why?

- Rob Kidd and Christian Reynolds
- Potential implications of trade policy shifts after the 2024 U.S. presidential election for the agri-food sector

- Sandro Steinbach, Yasin Yildirim and Carlos Zurita
- Examining purchasing strategies in public food procurement: Integrating sustainability, nutrition, and health in Spanish school meals and social care centres

- Daniel Gaitán-Cremaschi and Diego Valbuena
- Information interventions and willingness to pay for PICS bags: Evidence from Sierra Leone

- Jingru Jia and Paul E. McNamara
- Small wins in practice: Learnings from 16 European initiatives working towards the transformation of urban food systems

- Madhura Rao, Jonathan Luger, Barbara J. Regeer, Cristina Yacoub Lopez, Danielle Wilde, David Wilde, Emel Karakaya Ayalp, Julia Pinedo Gil, Nina Isabella Moeller, Yağmur Özcan Cive and Marjoleine G. van der Meij
- Viewpoint: Toward a sustainable Green Revolution in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of maize and rice

- Keijiro Otsuka, T.S. Jayne, Yukichi Mano and Kazushi Takahashi
- Short food supply chains: The influence of outlet and accessibility on farmer and consumer preferences. Two discrete choice experiments

- Camille Horvath, Martin Koning, Gwenaëlle Raton and François Combes
- How do women’s empowerment metrics measure up? A comparative analysis

- Elizabeth Bageant, Erin Lentz, Sudha Narayanan, Nathaniel Jensen and Watson Lepariyo
- Perspectives on high U.S. retail food prices during 2020–2022

- Metin Çakır, Ana M. Pérez, Shawn Arita, Joseph Cooper and Rebecca Nemec Boehm
- Too much, too soon? Early-maturing maize varieties as drought escape strategy in Malawi

- Uwe Grewer, Dong-Hyuk Kim and Katharina Waha
- Do moral constraints and government interventions promote the willingness and behaviors of food saving among urban residents in China? An empirical study based on structural equation model

- Duo Chai, Shujin Yu and Ting Meng
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