Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
1985 - 2025
Current editor(s): John M. Schaubroeck From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 186, issue C, 2025
- “You knew what you were getting into”: Perspective differences in gauging informed consent

- Rachel Schlund and Vanessa K. Bohns
- The small-world illusion: Overestimating the frequency of in-person interactions with acquaintances

- Nadav Klein
- Pitch imperfect: How investors respond to entrepreneur disclosure of personal flaws

- Lauren C. Howe and Jochen I. Menges
- OBHDP’s adoption of Level 2 Transparency and Openness Promotion guidelines

- Michael D. Baer and Maryam Kouchaki
- When do people claim to know the unknowable? The impact of informational context on overclaiming

- Stav Atir, Emily Rosenzweig and David Dunning
Volume 185, issue C, 2024
- On time or on thin ice: How deadline violations negatively affect perceived work quality and worker evaluations

- David Fang and Sam J. Maglio
- The confrontation effect: When users engage more with ideology-inconsistent content online

- Daniel Mochon and Janet Schwartz
- A Numeracy-Task interaction model of perceived differences

- Daniel Villanova and Mario Pandelaere
- Joining disconnected others reduces social identity threat in women brokers

- Raina A. Brands and Pier Vittorio Mannucci
- Retraction notice to “Don’t stop believing: Rituals improve performance by decreasing anxiety” [Organ. Behav. Hum. Decis. Process. 137C (2016) 71–85]

- Alison Wood Brooks, Juliana Schroeder, Jane L. Risen, Francesca Gino, Adam D. Galinsky, Michael I. Norton and Maurice E. Schweitzer
- The inclusion of anchors when seeking advice: Causes and consequences

- Jessica A. Reif, Richard P. Larrick and Jack B. Soll
Volume 184, issue C, 2024
- Cultural tightness in organizations: Investigating the impact of formal and informal cultural tightness on employee creativity

- Roy Chua, Na Zhao and Meng Han
- Range goals as dual reference points

- Scott Wallace and Jordan Etkin
- When expressing pride makes people seem less competent

- Rebecca L. Schaumberg
- Neuroticism and the sales profession

- Johannes Habel, Selma Kadić-Maglajlić, Nathaniel N. Hartmann, Ad de Jong, Nicolas A. Zacharias and Fabian Kosse
- Does expertise protect against overclaiming false knowledge?

- Stav Atir, Emily Rosenzweig and David Dunning
Volume 183, issue C, 2024
- Advice taking vs. combining opinions: Framing social information as advice increases source’s perceived helping intentions, trust, and influence

- Maxim Milyavsky and Yaniv Gvili
- Secrets at work

- Michael L. Slepian, Eric M. Anicich and Nir Halevy
- Introduction to the special issue: Allyship, advocacy, and social justice to support equality for marginalized groups in the workplace

- Ellen Ernst Kossek, Jamie Ladge, Laura M. Little, Denise Lewin Loyd, Alexis Nicole Smith and Catherine H. Tinsley
- Social inferences from choice context: Dominated options can engender distrust

- Jonathan E. Bogard, Joseph S. Reiff, Eugene M. Caruso and Hal E. Hershfield
- “Abuser” or “Tough Love” Boss?: The moderating role of leader performance in shaping the labels employees use in response to abusive supervision

- Robert B. Lount, Woohee Choi and Bennett J. Tepper
- The credibility dilemma: When acknowledging a (perceived) lack of credibility can make a boast more believable

- Kristina A. Wald, Shereen J. Chaudhry and Jane L. Risen
Volume 182, issue C, 2024
- Allyship in the fifth trimester: A multi-method investigation of Women’s postpartum return to work

- Nitya Chawla, Allison S. Gabriel, Melanie Prengler, Kristie Rogers, Benjamin Rogers, Alyssa Tedder-King and Christopher C. Rosen
- Not all allies are created equal: An intersectional examination of relational allyship for women of color at work

- Barnini Bhattacharyya, Samantha E. Erskine and Courtney McCluney
- Garnering support for social justice: When and why is “yes” likelier for “allies” versus “disadvantaged group advocates”?

- Deshani B. Ganegoda, Jigyashu Shukla and Debra L. Shapiro
- Different ally motivations lead to different outcomes: How self-transcendence and self-enhancement values predict effectiveness of self-identified allies

- L. Taylor Phillips, Tamar A. Kreps and Dolly Chugh
- A chorus of different tongues: Official corporate language fluency and informal influence in multinational teams

- Felipe Guzman and B. Sebastian Reiche
Volume 181, issue C, 2024
- Beyond allies and recipients: Exploring observers’ allyship emulation in response to leader allyship

- Zhanna Lyubykh, Natalya M. Alonso and Nick Turner
- Advantaged groups misperceive how allyship will be received

- Hannah J. Birnbaum, Desman Wilson and Adam Waytz
- When loyalty binds: Examining the effectiveness of group versus personal loyalty calls on followers’ compliance with leaders’ unethical requests

- John Angus D. Hildreth
- But what if I lose the offer? Negotiators’ inflated perception of their likelihood of jeopardizing a deal

- Einav Hart, Julia B. Bear and Ren, Zhiying (Bella)
- An ally by any other name: Examining the effects of racial minority leaders as allies for advancing racial justice

- McKenzie C. Preston, Terrance L. Boyd, Angelica Leigh, Richard Burgess and Victor Marsh
Volume 180, issue C, 2024
- When brokers don’t broker: Mitigating referral aversion in third-party help exchange

- YeJin Park, Kelly Nault and Ko Kuwabara
- Promoting and supporting epiphanies in organizations: A transformational approach to employee development

- Erik Dane
- Sincere solidarity or performative pretense? Evaluations of organizational allyship

- Rebecca Ponce de Leon, James T. Carter and Ashleigh Shelby Rosette
- Just be real with me: Perceived partner authenticity promotes relationship initiation via shared reality

- Maya Rossignac-Milon, Julianna Pillemer, Erica R. Bailey, C. Blaine Horton and Sheena S. Iyengar
- Demeaning extrinsic motivation leads to increased perceptions of hypocrisy

- Liuxin Yan, Valentino Emil Chai and Kai Chi Yam
- Reinforcing OBHDP’s mission and our commitment to helping authors produce science of the highest quality

- Mike Baer and Maryam Kouchaki
Volume 179, issue C, 2023
- Curiosity in organizations: Addressing adverse reactions, trade-offs, and multi-level dynamics

- Todd Kashdan, Spencer H. Harrison, Evan Polman and Ronit Kark
- The interplay of gender and perceived sexual orientation at the bargaining table: A social dominance and intersectionalist perspective

- Sreedhari D. Desai and Brian C. Gunia
- On the trajectory of discrimination: A meta-analysis and forecasting survey capturing 44 years of field experiments on gender and hiring decisions

- Michael Schaerer, Christilene du Plessis, My Hoang Bao Nguyen, Robbie C.M. van Aert, Leo Tiokhin, Daniël Lakens, Elena Giulia Clemente, Thomas Pfeiffer, Anna Dreber, Magnus Johannesson, Cory J. Clark and Eric Luis Uhlmann
- Hot streak! Inferences and predictions about goal adherence

- Jackie Silverman, Alixandra P. Barasch and Deborah A. Small
- Going beyond the call of duty under conditions of economic threat: Integrating life history and temporal dilemma perspectives

- Nina Sirola
- Food for thought: How curiosity externalization is fostered through organizational identity

- Nicole Hinrichs, Marc Stierand and Vlad Glăveanu
Volume 178, issue C, 2023
- Unconstructive curiosity killed the cat: The importance of follower political skill and constructive curiosity to avoid leader perceptions of insubordination and unlikability

- Phillip S. Thompson, Mark C. Bolino, Kalan R. Norris and Shu-Tsen Kuo
- (Don’t) mind the gap? Information gaps compound curiosity yet also feed frustration at work

- Vera M. Schweitzer, Fabiola H. Gerpott, Wladislaw Rivkin and Jakob Stollberger
- The entrenchment effect: Why people persist with less-preferred behaviors

- Alicea Lieberman, On Amir and Ziv Carmon
Volume 177, issue C, 2023
- Benevolent friends and high integrity leaders: How preferences for benevolence and integrity change across relationships

- Alexander K. Moore, Joshua Lewis, Emma E. Levine and Maurice E. Schweitzer
- It’s the journey, not just the destination: Conveying interpersonal warmth in written introductions

- Kelly A. Nault, Ovul Sezer and Nadav Klein
- The limits of psychological safety: Nonlinear relationships with performance

- Liat Eldor, Michal Hodor and Peter Cappelli
- Increasing worker motivation using a reward scheme with probabilistic elements

- Adrian R. Camilleri, Katarina Dankova, Jose M. Ortiz and Ananta Neelim
- Experimental studies of conflict: Challenges, solutions, and advice to junior scholars

- Julia A. Minson, Corinne Bendersky, Carsten de Dreu, Eran Halperin and Juliana Schroeder
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