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Journal of Multinational Financial Management

1997 - 2024

Current editor(s): I. Mathur and G. G. Booth

From Elsevier
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2005, volume 15, articles 4-5

Editorial pp. 301-301 Downloads
Fariborz Moshirian
Global financial markets integration and Millennium Goals pp. 302-313 Downloads
Fariborz Moshirian
The determinants of mortgage yield spread differentials: Securitization pp. 314-333 Downloads
Benjamin Liu and Michael Skully
U.S. cross-listing and China's B-share discount pp. 334-353 Downloads
Ting Yang and Sie Ting Lau
Can mutual funds characteristics explain fees? pp. 354-376 Downloads
Manuela Geranio and Giovanna Zanotti
An empirical analysis of hedge fund performance: The case of Australian hedge funds industry pp. 377-393 Downloads
Viet Do, Robert Faff and Jayasinghe Wickramanayake
A primer on the exposure of non-financial corporations to foreign exchange rate risk pp. 394-413 Downloads
Söhnke Bartram, Gunter Dufey and Michael R. Frenkel
Another look at factors explaining quality of financial analysts' forecasts: Evidence from the Asian emerging markets pp. 414-434 Downloads
Alain Coen, Aurelie Desfleurs, Jean-Francois L'Her and Jean-Marc Suret
Voluntary disclosure, transparency, and market quality: Evidence from emerging market ADRs pp. 435-454 Downloads
Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti, Aleksandar Sevic and Zeljko Sevic
Asymmetric currency exposure of US bank stock returns pp. 455-472 Downloads
Chu-Sheng Tai

2005, volume 15, articles 3

Market underreaction and predictability in the cross-section of Japanese stock returns pp. 193-210 Downloads
Pascal Nguyen
Determinants of international portfolio investment flows to a small market: Empirical evidence pp. 211-233 Downloads
Eva Liljeblom and Anders Loflund
Momentum and contrarian strategies in international stock markets: Further evidence pp. 235-255 Downloads
Qian Shen, Andrew C. Szakmary and Subhash Sharma
Risk and return in emerging markets: Family matters pp. 257-272 Downloads
Javier Estrada and Ana Paula Serra
The effect of exchange rate fluctuations on multinationals' returns pp. 273-286 Downloads
Jane Ihrig and David Prior
Portfolio allocations and the emerging equity markets of Central Europe pp. 287-300 Downloads
Claire G. Gilmore, Ginette M. McManus and Ahmet Tezel

2005, volume 15, articles 2

Trading behavior and investment performance of U.S. investors in global equity markets pp. 99-115 Downloads
Peggy E. Swanson and Anchor Y. Lin
On the static efficiency of secondary bond markets pp. 117-135 Downloads
Lars Oxelheim and Michael Rafferty
Valuing the flexibility of currency choice in multinational trade with stochastic exchange rates pp. 137-153 Downloads
Snorre Lindset
Mergers in the bond rating industry: does rating provider matter? pp. 155-169 Downloads
Lynnette D. Purda
The international evidence on performance and equity ownership by insiders, blockholders, and institutions pp. 171-191 Downloads
Bruce Seifert, Halit Gonenc and Jim Wright

2005, volume 15, articles 1

Trading externalities and new equity issues in emerging markets pp. 1-13 Downloads
William R. Miles and Robert M. Miller
Foreign exchange exposure, risk management, and quarterly earnings announcements pp. 15-30 Downloads
Niclas Hagelin and Bengt Pramborg
The pricing of global versus domestic seasoned equity offers pp. 31-49 Downloads
Congsheng Wu
Comparisons of short and long hedge performance: the case of Taiwan pp. 51-66 Downloads
Riza Demirer, Donald Lien and David R. Shaffer
The contagious effects of the Asian financial crisis: some evidence from ADR and country funds pp. 67-84 Downloads
Huimin Chung
Denomination of currency decisions and zero-cost options collars pp. 85-98 Downloads
David Vander Linden

2004, volume 14, articles 4-5

Editorial pp. 303-303 Downloads
Fariborz Moshirian
Elements of global financial stability pp. 305-314 Downloads
Fariborz Moshirian
Why do global firms use currency swaps?: Theory and evidence pp. 315-334 Downloads
Gautam Goswami, Jouahn Nam and Milind M. Shrikhande
The evolution of financial analysts' forecasts on Asian emerging markets pp. 335-352 Downloads
Alain Coen and Aurelie Desfleurs
Contagion: evidence from international banking industry pp. 353-368 Downloads
Chu-Sheng Tai
The intra-industry impact of special dividend announcements: contagion versus competition pp. 369-385 Downloads
Balasingham Balachandran, Robert Faff and Tuan Anh Nguyen
The determinants of capital structure: evidence from the Asia Pacific region pp. 387-405 Downloads
Rataporn Deesomsak, Krishna Paudyal and Gioia Pescetto
Coping with financial spillovers from the United States: the effect of US corporate scandals on Canadian stock prices pp. 407-424 Downloads
Iryna V. Ivaschenko
Prospect theory, analyst forecasts, and stock returns pp. 425-442 Downloads
David Ding, Charlie Charoenwong and Raymond Seetoh
Bank stock volatility, news and asymmetric information in banking: an empirical investigation pp. 443-461 Downloads
Celine Meslier Crouzille, Laetitia Lepetit and Amine Tarazi
The trading dynamics of close-substitute futures markets: evidence of margin policy spillover effects pp. 463-483 Downloads
Michael T. Chng
The intraday stock return characteristics surrounding price limit hits pp. 485-501 Downloads
Jie-Haun Lee and Robin K. Chou

2004, volume 14, articles 3

Scheduled domestic and US macroeconomic news and stock valuation in Europe pp. 201-215 Downloads
Jussi Nikkinen and Petri Sahlstrom
Macroeconomic news announcements and the role of expectations: evidence for US bond, stock and foreign exchange markets pp. 217-232 Downloads
Suk-Joong Kim, Michael D. McKenzie and Robert Faff
On the stability of long-run relationships between emerging and US stock markets pp. 233-248 Downloads
Jian Yang, James W. Kolari and Peter Wibawa Sutanto
International investment in insurance services in the US pp. 249-260 Downloads
Donghui Li and Fariborz Moshirian
Foreign exchange rate exposure of US multinational corporations: a firm-specific approach pp. 261-281 Downloads
Steve P. Fraser and Christos Pantzalis
IPO underpricing in China's new stock markets pp. 283-302 Downloads
Gongmeng Chen, Michael Firth and Jeong-Bon Kim

2004, volume 14, articles 2

Diversifying internationally: disentangling hedging, valuation and capital cost effects pp. 97-103 Downloads
Lloyd P. Blenman
The effectiveness of currency-hedging techniques over multiple return horizons for foreign-denominated debt issuers pp. 105-115 Downloads
Stephen P. Huffman and Stephen D. Makar
Derivatives hedging, geographical diversification, and firm market value pp. 117-133 Downloads
Bengt Pramborg
Corporate diversification and performance: evidence on production efficiency pp. 135-152 Downloads
H. Young Baek
Internationalization, capital structure, and cost of capital: evidence from French corporations pp. 153-169 Downloads
Manohar Singh and Ali Nejadmalayeri
Valuation effects of domestic and international seasoned equity offerings by Canadian cross-listed firms pp. 171-186 Downloads
Lawrence Kryzanowski and Arturo Rubalcava
The incentive effects of executive stock options: evidence from international acquisitions pp. 187-200 Downloads
Dong-Kyoon Kim

2004, volume 14, articles 1

The ex-dividend day behavior of American depository receipts pp. 1-18 Downloads
Larry R. Gorman, Arvind Mahajan and Robert A. Weigand
Value versus growth stocks in Singapore pp. 19-34 Downloads
Jenn Yaw Yen, Qian Sun and Yuxing Yan
The impact of monetary policy candidness on Australian financial markets pp. 35-46 Downloads
Dominic Gasbarro and Gary S. Monroe
The aftermarket performance of initial public offerings in Canada pp. 47-66 Downloads
Maher Kooli and Jean-Marc Suret
Dispersion of analysts' forecasts and the profitability of trading strategies around the preannouncement pp. 67-79 Downloads
Salim Chahine
International equity funds, performance, and investor flows: Australian evidence pp. 81-95 Downloads
David Gallagher and Elvis Jarnecic
Page updated 2024-09-17