Ricerche Economiche
1993 - 1996
Continued by Research in Economics. Current editor(s): P. Gottardi and S. Weber From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 50, issue 4, 1996
- Complements and substitutes in common agency pp. 325-345

- Didier Laussel and Michel Le Breton
- Externality pricing in club economies pp. 347-366

- Suzanne Scotchmer
- Taste-homogeneity of optimal jurisdictions in a Tiebout economy with crowding types and endogenous educational investment choices pp. 367-387

- John Conley and Myrna Wooders
- Incentives and income taxation: the implementation of individual revenue requirement functions pp. 389-400

- Marcus Berliant and Frank Page
Volume 50, issue 3, 1996
- Consumption volatility and income persistence in the permanent income model pp. 223-234

- Mario Forni
- Periodic and chaotic behaviour of a simple R&D model pp. 235-265

- Michael Kopel
- Hopf bifurcation and quasi-periodic dynamics in discrete multisector optimal growth models pp. 267-291

- Alain Venditti
- Research joint ventures in an international economy pp. 293-315

- Massimo Motta
- A Note on G. Bertola and L. Felli (1993) "Job Matching and the Distribution of Surplus"Ricerche Economiche,47, 65-92 pp. 317-319

- Leonardo Felli and Christopher Harris
Volume 50, issue 2, 1996
- Occupational choice and liquidity constraints pp. 105-133

- Thierry Magnac and Jean-Marc Robin
- Three tests for the existence of cycles in time series pp. 135-162

- Fabio Canova
- Unemployment duration models with non-stationary inflow and unobserved heterogeneity pp. 163-172

- Rolf Aaberge
- Has Baumol's Cost Disease disappeared in the performing arts? pp. 173-182

- Bruno Frey
- Unexploited comparative advantages in a differentiated duopoly pp. 183-191

- Paolo Garella
- A trend surface analysis of retail location: an Italian case study pp. 193-208

- Stefania Bertazzon and Enrico Zaninotto
Volume 50, issue 1, 1996
- Index-linked bonds from an academic, market and policy-making standpoint pp. 1-25

- Emilio Barone and Rainer S. Masera
- Long-run equity risk and dynamic trading strategies: a simulation exercise for the Italian stock market pp. 27-56

- Francesco Corielli and Alessandro Penati
- Money, transactions and portfolio choice pp. 57-68

- Pierluigi Balduzzi and Silverio Foresi
- Existence of financial market equilibria with transaction costs pp. 69-77

- Marta Laitenberger
- Portfolio crowding out and inflation pp. 79-91

- Carlo Monticelli
Volume 49, issue 4, 1995
- Redistribution between and within generations in the Italian social security system pp. 317-327

- Onorato Castellino
- National saving and social security in Italy pp. 329-356

- Nicola Rossi and Ignazio Visco
- Totally unfunded vs. partially funded pension systems: the case of Italy pp. 357-374

- Elsa Fornero
- Contribution-based vs. earnings-related retirement pension systems: some policy proposals for Italy pp. 375-403

- Maria Cozzolino and Fiorella Padoa Schioppa Kostoris
- On pension liabilities in Italy pp. 405-428

- Luca Beltrametti
Volume 49, issue 3, 1995
- Editor's note pp. 177-178

- Agar Brugiavi
- Dynamics of demographic development and its impact on personal saving: case of Japan pp. 179-205

- Albert Ando, Andrea Moro, Juan Pablo Cordoba and Gonzalo Garland
- Age and cohort effects in saving and the German retirement system pp. 207-233

- Axel Borsch-Supan
- Individual response to a retirement saving program: results from U.S. panel data pp. 235-254

- Steven Venti and David Wise
- Consumption growth, saving and retirement in the U.K pp. 255-275

- James Banks, Richard Blundell and Sarah Tanner
- Saving and the intra-household distribution of income: an empirical investigation pp. 277-292

- Martin Browning
- Saving and wealth holdings of the elderly pp. 293-314

- Rob Alessie, Annamaria Lusardi and Arie Kapteyn
Volume 49, issue 2, 1995
- Business cycle asymmetries and non-linearities in U.K. macroeconomic time series pp. 97-124

- Terence C. Mills
- Testing the stationarity of economic time series: further Monte Carlo evidence pp. 125-144

- Giuseppe Schlitzer
- Scarcity and prices pp. 145-166

- Aldo Montesano
- Labor market and institutions: is the United States the best of the possible worlds? A review essay: Social Protection versus Economic Flexibility: Is there a Trade-off? Edited by R. Blank. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, in assoc. with NBER. 1994. ix + 376 pp. Training and the Private Sector: International Comparisons. Edited by L. Lynch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, in assoc. with NBER. 1994. ix + 319 pp. Working Under Different Rules. Edited by R. Freeman. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. 1994. xii + 261 pp pp. 167-176

- Daniele Checchi
Volume 49, issue 1, 1995
- Does social security reduce the accumulation of private wealth? Evidence from Italian survey data pp. 1-31

- Tullio Jappelli
- On the non-neutrality and optimality of monetary policy when financial markets are incomplete: a macroeconomic perspective pp. 33-49

- Franck Portier and Jean-Marc Tallon
- Estimating the Cox, ingersoll and Ross model of the term structure: a multivariate approach pp. 51-74

- Andrea Berardi
- Death and the Keynesian multiplier pp. 75-87

- Neil Rankin and Domenico Scalera
- Markets and firms pp. 89-95

- Marina Bianchi
Volume 48, issue 3, 1994
- Social capital as a public good and an oscillatory behaviour pp. 185-193

- Kazuo Nishimura and Makoto Yano
- Policy functions of strictly concave optimal growth models pp. 195-212

- Gerhard Sorger
- The neighbourhood turnpike property for continuous-time optimal growth models pp. 213-224

- Luigi Montrucchio
- Robust chaos in dynamic optimization models pp. 225-240

- Mukul Majumdar and Tapan Mitra
- Saddle point property and Hopf bifurcation in continuous optimal growth models: a Lagrangian approach pp. 241-254

- Pierre Cartigny
Volume 48, issue 2, 1994
- Do anticipated tax changes matter? Further evidence from the United Kingdom pp. 87-108

- Fabio Bagliano
- A further look at consistent conjectures and private provision of public goods pp. 109-121

- Massimo Bordignon
- An Engelian model of growth and innovation with hierarchic consumer demand and unequal incomes pp. 123-139

- Josef Falkinger
- Factor demands and substitution in the Italian manufacturing sector: a dynamic duality model pp. 141-163

- Matteo Manera
- A new route to cyclical strategies in two-dimensional optimal control models pp. 165-173

- Franz Wirl
- On the macroeconomics of transition pp. 175-181

- Renzo Daviddi
Volume 48, issue 1, 1994
- Government Ponzi games and the sustainability of public deficits under uncertainty pp. 1-22

- Leonardo Bartolini and Carlo Cottarelli
- Information, rational beliefs and equilibrium refinements pp. 23-43

- Giacomo Bonanno
- Keynes-Friedman and Keynes-Marx models of monetary growth pp. 45-70

- Peter Flaschel
- Four books on economic methodology pp. 71-83

- Andrea Salanti
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