Eastern Economic Journal
1974 - 2007
Continued by Eastern Economic Journal. Current editor(s): Cynthia A. Bansak, St. Lawrence University and Allan A. Zebedee, Clarkson University From Eastern Economic Association Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Victor Matheson, College of the Holy Cross (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 33, issue 4, 2007
- The Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well-Being United States, 1989-2001 pp. 443-470

- Edward Wolff and Ajit Zacharias
- Are Banks Risk-Averse? pp. 471-490

- Yasuo Nishiyama
- Hypothetical and Real Incentives in the Ultimatum Game and Andreoni’s Public Goods Game: An Experimental Study pp. 491-510

- Mark Gillis and Paul Hettler
- Pass-Through of Exchange Rates and Import Prices to Domestic Inflation in Some Industrialized Economies pp. 511-537

- Jonathan McCarthy
- The New Classical Counter-Revolution: False Path or Illuminating Complement? pp. 541-562

- Brian Snowdon
- Reply to: ‘The New Classical Counter-Revolution: False Path or Illuminating Complement?’ pp. 563-565

- Laurence Seidman
Volume 33, issue 3, 2007
- Investigating Dual Labor Market Theory For Women pp. 301-316

- Christine Meyer and Swati Mukerjee
- Inflation and Establishment Turnover pp. 317-341

- Gaetano Antinolfi and David Kaplan
- Taxing Options: Do Ceos Respond To Favorable Tax Treatment Of Stock Options? pp. 343-357

- Martin Gritsch and Tricia Snyder
- The Transition from Welfare to Work pp. 359-373

- Robert Lemke, Robert Witt and Ann White
- Introduction to Symposium on Sports Economics pp. 375-377

- Helmut Dietl and Bernd Frick
- Who Made Who – An Empirical Analysis of Competitive Balance in European Soccer Leagues pp. 379-403

- Leif Brandes and Egon Franck
- Pay-Tv Versus Free-Tv: A Model Of Sports Broadcasting Rights Sales pp. 405-428

- Helmut Dietl and Tariq Hasan
- Career Duration a Competitive Environment: The Labor Market for Soccer Players in Germany pp. 429-442

- Bernd Frick, Gunnar Pietzner and Joachim Prinz
Volume 33, issue 2, 2007
- Decreasing the "Bad" for Mixed Public Goods and Bads: The Case of Public Sculpture pp. 159-176

- Joseph Cordes and Robert Goldfarb
- Explaining the Performance Gap Between Public and Private School Students pp. 177-191

- Kevin Duncan and Jonathan Sandy
- Do Fixed Exchange Rates Fetter Monetary Policy? A Credit View pp. 193-205

- Burton Abrams and Russell Settle
- Diagnosing the Productivity Effect of Public Capital in the Private Sector pp. 207-230

- Chu-Ping Vijverberg and Wim Vijverberg
- The Adjusted Solow Residual and Asset Returns pp. 231-255

- Mark Lee
- Reconciling Consumer Confidence and Permanent Income Consumption pp. 257-275

- K. H. McIntyre
- The Double-Edged Sword of Trade pp. 277-292

- Teresa Cyrus, Lynn Lethbridge and Lars Osberg
Volume 33, issue 1, 2007
- Education and Social Capital pp. 1-19

- John Helliwell and Robert Putnam
- Does El Nino Affect Business Cycles pp. 21-42

- Thanarak Laosuthi and David Selover
- Child Health and Maternal Work Activity: The Role of Unobserved Heterogeneity pp. 43-64

- David Zimmer
- The English-Language Proficiency of Recent Immigrants in the U.S. During the Early 1900s pp. 65-80

- Anthony Mora, Marie Mora and Alberto Davila
- Consensus on Economic Issues: A Survey of Republicans, Democrats, and Economists pp. 81-94

- Dan Fuller and Doris Geide-Stevenson
- An Analysis of Pricing Strategy and Price Dispersion on the Internet pp. 95-110

- Randy Nelson, Richard Cohen and Frederik Rasmussen
- Computers, Learning Outcomes, and the Choices Facing Students pp. 111-124

- Lester Hadsell and Gerald Burke
- Sectoral Employment, Wages and the Exchange Rate: Evidence from the U.S pp. 125-136

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Ida Mirzaie and Ilir Miteza
- Time to Eliminate the Penny from the U.S. Coinage System: New Evidence pp. 139-146

- Robert Whaples
- Pennies, Pricing, and Rounding: Is all the Relevant Analysis In? pp. 147-152

- Raymond Lombra
Volume 32, issue 4, 2006
- What Color is Alan Greenspan's Tie? How Central Bank Policy Announcements Have Changed Financial Markets pp. 571-593

- Aleksandar Murdzhev and Marc Tomljanovich
- Why Do Dancers Smoke? Smoking, Time Preference, and Wage Dynamics pp. 595-616

- Lalith Munasinghe and Nachum Sicherman
- Alcohol Use and Earnings: Findings from a Community Based Study pp. 617-628

- Gokce Soydemir and Elena Bastida
- The Impact of Weight-Based Penalties on Drug Purity and Consumption: A Theoretical Analysis pp. 629-646

- Robert Burrus
- Are Credit Unions Just Small Banks? Determinants of Loan Rates in Local Consumer Lending Markets pp. 647-659

- Robert Feinberg and A. F. M. Ataur Rahman
- Redefining the Monetary Agggregates: A Clean Sweep pp. 661-672

- Barry Cynamon, Donald Dutkowsky and Barry Jones
- In Search of a Fair Bet in the Lottery pp. 673-684

- Kent Grote and Victor Matheson
- Taxation and Ownership Structure in Supplying Foreign Markets pp. 685-698

- Kostas Axarloglou and Frank Meanonr
- Risk-Smoothing Across Time and the Demand for Inventories: A Mean-Variance Approach pp. 699-722

- Richard Farmer
Volume 32, issue 3, 2006
- Presidential Address: Stigler's Lament pp. 381-396

- Alan Blinder
- Nonstandard Work and Child Care Choices of Married Mothers pp. 397-419

- Jean Kimmel and Lisa Powell
- On Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition pp. 421-435

- Richard Carson
- The Shadow Price of Morality pp. 437-456

- Joseph Eisenhauer
- Shared Mental Models, Catch-up Development and Economic Policy-Making: The Case of Germany after World War II and its Significance for Contemporary Russia pp. 457-478

- Joachim Zweynert
- The Linkage Between Public and Private Investment: A Co-integration Analysis of a Panel of Developing Countries pp. 479-492

- Lutfi Erden and Randall Holcombe
- Human Capital Externalities and Private Returns to Education in Kenya pp. 493-513

- Mwangi Kimenyi, Germano Mwabu and Damiano Manda
- Side Payments of Exceptions: The Implications for Equitable and Efficient Climate Control pp. 515-532

- Kristen Sheeran
- Hume and Endogenous Money pp. 533-547

- Maria Paganelli
- Club Objectives and Ticket Pricing in Professional Team Sports pp. 549-560

- Stefan Kesenne and Wilfried Pauwels
Volume 32, issue 2, 2006
- Texas Treasury Warrants, 1861-1865: A Test Of The Tax-Backing Of Money pp. 191-203

- Gary Pecquet and Clifford Thies
- Does Foreign Direct Investment Enhance Labor Productivity Growth in Chile? A Cointegration Analysis pp. 205-220

- Miguel Ramirez
- Analyzing Demand For Disposal And Recycling Services: A Systems Approach pp. 221-240

- Scott Callan and Janet Thomas
- Broadening The Theory Of Aggregate Supply: A "New Critical" Proposal pp. 241-257

- David Laibman
- Asymmetric Effects Of Aggregate Demand Shocks Across U.S. Industries: Evidence And Implications pp. 259-283

- Magda Kandil
- Has Salary Discrimination Really Disappeared From Major League Baseball? pp. 285-297

- Matthew Palmer and Randall King
- The Sexual Division of Labor Within Households: Comparisons of Couples to Roommates pp. 299-312

- Christopher Jepsen and Lisa Jepsen
- Frequency Of Sexual Activity Among Unmarried Adolescent Girls: Do State Policies Pertaining To Abortion Access Matter? pp. 313-330

- Bisakha Sen
- A Voucher Supplement To Existing Anti-Discrimination Programs In The Job Market pp. 331-354

- Neil Garston, Tom Larson and Madhu Mohanty
- Youth Smoking Uptake Progress: Price and Public Policy Effects pp. 355-367

- Hana Ross, Frank Chaloupka and Melanie Wakefield
Volume 32, issue 1, 2006
- Nonlinear bubbles in Chinese Stock Markets in the 1990s pp. 1-18

- Ehsan Ahmed, Honggang Li and J. Barkley Rosser
- Ricardian or Monopoly Rents? The Perspective of Potential Entrants pp. 19-30

- Joseph Shaanan
- A Contingent Valuation of Customer Delay in Medical Services pp. 31-45

- Akbar Marvasti
- Implementing Environmental Regulation: An Inter-industry Analysis pp. 47-66

- Christopher Decker
- The Recent Stock Market Fluctuations and Retirement Income Adequacy pp. 67-81

- Christian Weller
- Firm Incentives for Invention Prizes with Multiple Winners pp. 83-95

- Keith Berry
- Game Theory and Poe's Detective Stories and Life pp. 97-110

- Regis Deloche and Fabienne Oguer
- Introduction to Symposium on Obesity pp. 111-113

- Sara Markowitz
- Modeling Alternative Motives for Dieting pp. 115-131

- Robert Goldfarb, Thomas Leonard and Steven Suranovic
- The Super Size of America: An Economic Estimation of Body Mass Index and Obesity in Adults pp. 133-148

- Inas Rashad, Michael Grossman and Shin-Yi Chou
- Obesity, Cigarette Prices, Youth Access Laws, and Adolescent Smoking Initiation pp. 149-170

- John Cawley, Sara Markowitz and John Tauras
- What is the Economic Cost of Overweight Children? pp. 171-187

- Eric Johnson, Melayne McInnes and Judith Shinogle
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