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Brazilian Journal of Political Economy

1981 - 2025

From Center of Political Economy
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Volume 45, issue 1, 2025

Modern services, real exchange rate and economic growth pp. 3-23 Downloads
Wallace Marcelino Pereira, Fabricio J. Missio and Frederico Gonzaga Jayme
Consumer goods and services inflation in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic pp. 24-42 Downloads
Víctor Manuel Cuevas Ahumada and Ignacio Perrotini Hernández
Latin American Structuralists and Inertial Inflation Theories pp. 43-65 Downloads
Hugo C. Iasco-Pereira, André Roncaglia and Marcelo Curado
Global financial orders and credit rating agencies: disruptions and adaptations pp. 66-85 Downloads
Pedro Lange Machado
Technological progress, human capital, and employment rate: an empirical analysis using P-ARDL models from 1960-2019 pp. 86-103 Downloads
Daisy Caroline Nascimento Pereira and Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva
Putnam, Sen, and Smith: A critical reflection on the Neoclassical Economic Theory pp. 104-125 Downloads
Luiz Antonio de Oliveira Lima
Contemporary industrial policy and challenges to South America and Brazil pp. 126-143 Downloads
Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros and Esther Majerowicz
Comparative analysis of different heterodox interpretations about the end of the “Golden Age” of Western capitalism pp. 144-163 Downloads
Luciano Alencar Barros and Carlos Pinkusfeld Bastos
Artificial Intelligence in the development strategy of contemporary China pp. 164-182 Downloads
Célio Hiratuka and Antônio Carlos Diegues
The Eloquent Silence: why are development theories silent about racism? pp. 183-205 Downloads
Silvio Luiz de Almeida and Leda Maria Paulani

Volume 44, issue 4, 2024

Financial instability and climate change: new challenges for central banks pp. 603-619 Downloads
Luiz Henrique Bispo Santos and Eliane Araujo
Reindustrialization in the sustainable development convention pp. 620-636 Downloads
Carmem Feijo, Fernanda Feil and Fernando Amorim Teixeira
A study on the determinants of the real exchange rate misalignments pp. 637-656 Downloads
Francisco Eduardo Pires de Souza and Viviane Luporini
Independence, the 1930s and developmentalism pp. 657-678 Downloads
Ivan Colangelo Salomão and Pedro Cezar Dutra Fonseca
Harrod-Domar Dilemma, Thirlwall’s Law and Green New Developmentalism pp. 679-697 Downloads
Chiara Grazini, Giulio Guarini and José Luis Oreiro
“High-quality” economic development: China’s conciliation between economic growth and environmental sustainability pp. 698-713 Downloads
Gilberto Libanio and Diana Chaib
The BNDES’ role in the Green Economy: institutional framework, disbursements and resource mobilisation (2010-2021) pp. 714-729 Downloads
Camila Franco Bartelega and Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça
Economic complexity and elasticity ratio: a theoretical and empirical approach pp. 730-752 Downloads
André Mellini and Guilherme Jonas Costa da Silva
Growing by decreasing pp. 753-768 Downloads
Andrei Cechin and José Eli da Veiga
Bridging the gap between production and ecology: a multi-regional input-output analysis of current Brazilian and Chinese productive and ecological relations pp. 769-785 Downloads
Jan Klink, Gabriel Santos Carneiro and Bruno Castro Dias da Fonseca
Sustainable development in China: the pathway of decarbonizing the energy mix pp. 786-801 Downloads
Isabela de Oliveira Garcia and Roberto Alexandre Zanchetta Borghi
Considerations on currency reform in Germany after World War II pp. 802-812 Downloads
Judyta Przyluska-Schmitt, Dorota Jegorow and Tamás Szigetvári

Volume 44, issue 3, 2024

Maria da Conceição Tavares pp. 381-384 Downloads
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Alternative policy imagination for anti-toxic Indian development pp. 385-396 Downloads
Amit Bhaduri
The international monetary and financial system and the digital revolution: perspectives for emerging and developing countries pp. 397-420 Downloads
Luiza Peruffo, André Moreira Cunha and Julima da Silva Bichara
Commodity dependence, structural reforms, and commodity trap: South America 1970-2017 pp. 421-441 Downloads
Fernando Isabella
Industrialization and deindustrialization: an empirical analysis of some drivers of structural change in Brazil, 1947-2021 pp. 442-466 Downloads
Hugo C. Iasco-Pereira and Paulo César Morceiro
Fiscal policy transmission mechanisms pp. 467-483 Downloads
Manoel Carlos Pires and Luiz Fernando de Paula
Critical rationalism and institutional change in Hayek pp. 484-501 Downloads
Eduardo Angeli
Industrial policy in Brazil: empirical evidence in a context of structural changes (2007-2020) pp. 502-523 Downloads
Luís Felipe Giesteira, Thiago Caliari and Felipe Orsolin-Teixeira
Internationalization of Brazilian companies: the rise and fall of a state policy pp. 524-544 Downloads
Robson Coelho Cardoch Valdez
Francisco Dornelles’ brief tenure at the Ministry of Finance: The decline of FGV-RJ and the Delfim Boys’ dominance in shaping Brazil’s economic policy pp. 545-562 Downloads
Alexandre F. S. Andrada
The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and India: potential and impediments pp. 563-582 Downloads
Lakshman Chandra Pal
The nature of Central Bank Independence: historical background and rise in the era of financialization pp. 583-599 Downloads
Rodrigo Siqueira Rodriguez

Volume 44, issue 2, 2024

Developmentalist policies in financialized economies: contradictions and impasses of the Brazilian case pp. 215-240 Downloads
Miguel Bruno and Leda Paulani
Long waves of economic growth in Asia and Western Europe, 1950-2020: are there any circularcumulative causation and contradiction aspects? pp. 241-260 Downloads
Bhimo R. Samudro, Yogi P. Pratama, Albertus M. Soesilo, Harry Bloch, Ruhul Salim, Andri Prasetyo and Muhammad B. Sistriatmaja
An analysis of the Chinese inward FDI development and regulation policy and the Five-Year Plans pp. 261-279 Downloads
Tomás Costa de Azevedo Marques and Giorgio Romano Schutte
Developmentalism as historical legacy pp. 280-297 Downloads
Renato Perissinotto
Income transfers and household debt. The advancing collateralization of social policy in the midst of restructuring crises pp. 298-318 Downloads
Lena Lavinas, Eliane Araujo and Pedro Rubin
The political economy of economic policy: industrial entrepreneurs and macroeconomic prices in Brazil (2003-2016) pp. 319-339 Downloads
Pedro Micussi
Chinese global agribusiness project in the Brazilian soybean commodity chain: Historical structures and current actions pp. 340-356 Downloads
Giacomo Otavio Tixiliski
Preschool expansion in Brazil: an analysis of historical determinants pp. 357-376 Downloads
Talita Silva, Thais Barcellos, Guilherme Hirata and João Batista Araujo e Oliveira

Volume 44, issue 1, 2024

A brief history of development theory. From Schumpeter and Prebisch to new developmentalism pp. 5-28 Downloads
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira and José Luis Oreiro
The legacy of Celso Furtado pp. 29-41 Downloads
Paulo Nogueira Batista
The “National Champions” strategy in Brazil. Insights from JBS, VALE and AB-INBEV’ internationalization process (2003-2018) pp. 42-62 Downloads
Dario Clemente
An analysis of the competitiveness of developing countries based on the foreign added value of exports: the use of revealed comparative advantage index for the period 1995 to 2018 pp. 63-83 Downloads
Tatiana Massaroli de Melo and Eneas Gonçalves de Carvalho
When McCloskey meets Latour: changing the perspectives on the debates about Rhetoric in Economics pp. 84-102 Downloads
Mayara S. S. Pires and Ramon Fernandez
From Medieval to Liberal Man: Cycles and Crises of Liberalism – Recent Authoritarian Tendencies pp. 103-124 Downloads
Luiz Afonso Simoens da Silva
Exchange Rate Behavior in the BRICS pp. 125-144 Downloads
Flavio Vilela Vieira and Cleomar Gomes Da Silva
The developmental welfare state in South Korea under globalization pp. 145-167 Downloads
Pedro Barbosa
Value extraction, crowding out, and instability of the financial sector on Colombian productive development pp. 168-188 Downloads
Gonzalo Combita Mora
El Salvador: an analysis of the monetary integration law and the bitcoin law pp. 189-209 Downloads
Sergio Náñez Alonso, Miguel Ángel Echarte Fernández, David Sanz Bas and Cristina Pérez Rico
Page updated 2025-02-07