Iranian Economic Review (IER)
2005 - 2020
Current editor(s): Dr.Hossien Abbasinejad
From Faculty of Economics,University of Tehran.Tehran,Iran
Contact information at EDIRC.
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Volume 10, issue 3, 2006
- The Relation Between Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty In Iran pp. 1-20

- Mahdiyeh Entezarkheir
- Prerequisites for Effectiveness of Resource Mobility in Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) pp. 21-40

- Yadollah Dadgar
- An Approach for Investment Allocation among Alternative Economic Sectors pp. 41-58

- Nooraddin Sharify
- Corruption and Inequality pp. 59-66

- Esmaiel Abounoori
- Economic Freedom, Economic Growth & Governments Tax Revenue in (MENA) pp. 67-86

- Morteza Sameti and Mahshid Shahchera
- Determining the Degree of Development of the OIC State Members, for Establishing a Common Market pp. 87-125

- Esrafill Kasraie
- Test of Efficiency- Wage Model for Iran's Economy pp. 127-135

- Mansour Khalili Araghi and Ali Souri
- The Relationship between Stock Market and Macroeconomic Variables: a Case Study for Iran pp. 137-148

- Mohsen Mehrara
- Estimating an ECM-AIDS Model for Urban-Area’s Household Expenditure: The Case of Iran pp. 149-158

- Davood Zahedi
- Spatial Distribution of Iranian Population in Canada: A Portrait Using the 2001 Census Data pp. 159-177

- Mehdi Gharakhlou and André Langlois
Volume 10, issue 2, 2005
- History of the Rial and Foreign Exchange Policy in Iran pp. 1-20

- Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee
- Investment in Housing Sector, an Input- output Approach pp. 21-38

- Mansour Khalili -Araghi
- Productivity Improvement and Strategies for State Owned Enterprises pp. 39-55

- Mehdi Jamshidian
- Technology Transfer in Developing Countries, Challenges and Strategies: Case Study of Iran's Auto Industry pp. 57-78

- Aliakbar Nikoueghbal and Hassan Valibeigi
- Structure of Production with Urban–rural Income Inequalities in the Framework of Structural Path Analysis: The Case of Iran pp. 79-109

- Ali Asghar Banouei and Jillian Banouei
- The Welfare Cost of Inflation in Iran pp. 111-117

- Kazem Yavari and Mina Mehrnoosh
- Investment Priorities in Iran's Economic Sectors: Application of Input-Output Table pp. 119-162

- Hossein Pirasteh and Farzad Karimi
- A critical Discussion about Demand for Money Studies in the Iranian Economy (1989-2000) pp. 163-184

- Sayyed Mahdi Mostafavi and Kazam Yavari
- Estimation of the Level and Distribution of Households' Human Capital the Case of Tehran pp. 185-201

- Hossein Abassinejad
- Role Taking Under Financial Risk Decision Making pp. 203-223

- Rahman Khoshakhlagh and Manping Wang
Volume 10, issue 1, 2005
- Regional Trade Integration and Spatial Effects in the Euro-Mediterranean Zone pp. 1-13

- Mozhgan Moallemi and Shekofeh Farahmand
- Plan & Planning in Iran pp. 15-42

- Keramatollah Ziari
- Productivity Improvement and Strategies for State Owned Enterprises pp. 43-60

- Mehdi Jamshidian
- Modeling the Impact of News on volatility: The Case of Iran pp. 65-83

- Mohsen Mehrara and Ghahreman Abdoli
- The Role of Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) between Iran and Malaysia in their Intra industry Trade (IIT) pp. 85-104

- Mehdi Raissi and GholamAli Raissi Ardali
- An Empirical & Theoretical Study about the Effects of Tariff on Economic Growth pp. 105-133

- Alireza Rahimi-Boroujerdi
- Applications of the linear Differential Equations on the plane and Elements of Nonlinear Systems, In Economics pp. 135-149

- Farkhondeh Jabalameli
- Size, Fragmentation, and Inefficiency: A Single-Stage Stochastic Parametric Approach for Wheat Production in Iran pp. 151-162

- Mohammadreza Arsalanbod
- Fiscal Sustainability in Iran: Assessing the Period of 1342-1380 pp. 163-187

- Seyed Javad Pourmoghim
- An Application of the Stochastic Optimal Control Algorithm (OPTCON) to the Public Sector Economy of Iran pp. 189-209

- Ahmad Jafari Samimi and Amir Mansor Tehranchian