The Region
1988 - 2012
From Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Jannelle Ruswick ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact ). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2012, issue Dec
- Interview with Elhanan Helpman

- Douglas Clement
2012, issue Sept
- Interview with Janet Currie

- Douglas Clement
2012, issue June
- Interview with Darrell Duffie

- Douglas Clement
2011, issue Dec
- Interview with Esther Duflo pp. 12-22

- Anonymous
2011, issue Sep
- Interview with Daron Acemoglu pp. 19-31

- Anonymous
2011, issue June
- Interview with Ricardo Caballero pp. 30-41

- Anonymous
2010, issue Dec, vol 24
- Interview with Gary Gorton pp. 26-39

- Anonymous
2010, issue Sep, vol 24
- Interview with Thomas Sargent pp. 26-39

- Anonymous
2010, issue June, vol 24
- Interview with Robert Hall pp. 26-37

- Anonymous
- Awash in cash: Why do China's banks hold low-yield U.S. Treasuries? a theory of economic transition pp. 38-47

- Douglas Clement
- Too big to forget pp. 48-49

- Anonymous
2010, issue May, vol 24
- Modern macroeconomic models as tools for economic policy pp. 5-21

- Narayana Kocherlakota
2010, issue June, vol 23
- Failure to communicate? pp. 2-3

- Narayana Kocherlakota
- Federal Reserve liquidity programs: an update pp. 14-25

- LuAnne Pedersen and Niel D. Willardson
2009, issue Dec, vol 23
- Interview with Raghuram Rajan pp. 19-29

- Anonymous
2009, issue Sep, vol 23
- Priorities for the Federal Reserve pp. 2-4

- Gary H. Stern
- Narayana Kocherlakota: the Minneapolis Fed's new president and CEO pp. 5

- Anonymous
- Stern's legacy pp. 7-10

- Arthur J. Rolnick
- Macrostability ratings: a preliminary proposal pp. 12-17

- Ron J. Feldman and Gary H. Stern
- Interview with Paul A. Volcker pp. 19-29

- Anonymous
2009, issue June, vol 23
- Better late than never: addressing too-big-to-fail pp. 2-7

- Gary H. Stern
- Addressing TBTF by shrinking institutions: an initial assessment pp. 8-13

- Ron J. Feldman and Gary H. Stern
- Interview with Kevin Murphy pp. 15-23

- Douglas Clement
- Public-private partnerships: for whom the road tolls? pp. 25-29, 36-39

- Ronald Wirtz
- We beg to differ pp. 30-35, 40-42

- Douglas Clement
2009, issue May, vol 23
- The current financial crisis: what should we learn from the great depressions of the 20th Century? pp. 7-39

- Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba and Timothy Kehoe
2008, issue Dec, vol 22
- Too big to fail: the way forward pp. 2-6

- Gary H. Stern
- Actions to restore financial stability pp. 8-17

- Niel D. Willardson
- Interview with Kenneth Rogoff pp. 18-29

- Douglas Clement
- How to save gas pp. 30-37

- Phil Davies
- Mother and child reunion pp. 38-43

- Douglas Clement
- The labor of a Renaissance man pp. 44-45

- Douglas Clement
2008, issue Sep, vol 22
- Limiting spillovers through focused supervision pp. 2-5

- Gary H. Stern
- The “monster” of Chestnut Street pp. 8-11, 40-46

- Phil Davies
- Christina and David Romer interview pp. 12-22

- Douglas Clement
- Where has all the income gone? pp. 24-29, 50-57

- Terry Fitzgerald
- Creative disruption pp. 30-33, 58-61

- Douglas Clement
2008, issue Jun, vol 22
- Issues in macroeconomic policy pp. 2-6

- Gary H. Stern
- Licentious behavior pp. 8-11, 42-46

- Douglas Clement
- Wanted: Entrepreneurs (just don't ask for a job description) pp. 12-15, 47-50

- Ronald Wirtz
- Interview with James Poterba pp. 16-26

- Douglas Clement
- Laying the foundation pp. 28-32

- Kathy Cobb
2008, issue May, vol 22
- Managing the expanded safety net pp. 4-11

- Ron J. Feldman and Gary H. Stern
- Too big to fail: the hazards of bank bailouts pp. 12-17

- Ron J. Feldman and Gary H. Stern
2007, issue Dec, vol 21
- Addressing the trade-offs: market discipline, stability and communication pp. 2-5

- Gary H. Stern
- Putting a price on carbon pp. 7-9, 24-26

- Phil Davies
- Masters of illusion pp. 10-13, 30-32

- Douglas Clement
- Interview with Eugene Fama pp. 15-23

- Douglas Clement
2007, issue Sep, vol 21
- On public policy and economic education pp. 2-4

- Gary H. Stern
- Are banks really dying this time? pp. 6-9, 42-51

- Ron J. Feldman and Mark Lueck
- The bank that Hamilton built pp. 10-13, 52-55

- Phil Davies
- Has Middle America stagnated? pp. 14-17, 56-59

- Terry Fitzgerald
- Time to remodel? pp. 18-21, 60-62

- Douglas Clement
- Interview with Frederic Mishkin pp. 22-33

- Gary H. Stern
2007, issue Jun, vol 21
- Financial innovation and the Fed pp. 2-4

- Gary H. Stern
- A wealth of notions pp. 6-11, 34-37

- Douglas Clement
- Interview with Christopher Sims pp. 12-21

- Arthur J. Rolnick
- Employee ownership: economic miracle or ESOP's fable? pp. 22-27, 38-43

- Ronald Wirtz
- Reality check

- Douglas Clement
- Everything was a dollar

- Douglas Clement
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