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History of Economic Ideas

2002 - 2016

Current editor(s): Riccardo Faucci, Nicola Giocoli, Roberto Marchionatti

From Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa - Roma
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Mario Aldo Cedrini ().

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Volume 12, issue 3, 2004

The 1844 Railway Act: A Violation of «laissez-faire» Political Economy? pp. 7-24 Downloads
Mark Bailey
Sidney and Beatrice Webb: Towards an Erhical Foundation of the Operation of the Labour Market pp. 25-49 Downloads
Guglielmo Forges Davanzati and Andrea Pacella
On Some Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Theories of Endogenous Money: A Structuralist View pp. 51-83 Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
Ibn Khaldun and the Neoliberal Model pp. 85-109 Downloads
Adil H. Mouhammed
Besomi on Harrod: A Review pp. 111-116 Downloads
Carlo Panico
Jochen Runde and Sohei Mizuhara (eds), The Philosophy of Keynes Economics. Probability, uncertainty and convention, London and New York, Routledge, 2003, pp. xiv+274 pp. 117-119 Downloads
Tiziano Raffaelli
Samuel Bowles, Microeconomics - Behaviour, Institutions, and Evolution, Princeton and New York, Princeton University Press-Russel Sage Foundation, 2004, pp. xi+584 pp. 119-123 Downloads
Marco Novarese
Pierre Force, Self-interest before Adam Smith. A Genealogy of Econo-mic Science, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 263+ bibliogr.+index pp. 123-125 Downloads
Keith Tribe
John B. Davis, The Theory of the Individual in Economics. Identity and Value, London-New York, Routledge, 2003, pp. vii+216 pp. 125-129 Downloads
Sergio Cremaschi
John Mills, A Critical History of Economics, Basingstoke and New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp. xii+226 pp. 129-132 Downloads
Arndt Christiansen
Christos Baloglou, The Ancient Greeks on Economic Risks and their Avoidance, Athens, Academy of Athens, 2004 (Bureau of Economic Researches: Studies, 2), pp. 220 pp. 132-133 Downloads
George M. Korres
Daniela Parisi and Daniela Borello (eds), Catalogo del fondo librario Achille Loria, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2003, pp. xxviii+170 pp. 133-134 Downloads
Giulia Bianchi
Allen Oakley, Reconstructing Economic Theory: The Problem of Human Agency, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2002, xi+234 pp. 134-137 Downloads
John Davis
Phyllis Deane, The Life and Times of J. Neville Keynes. A Beacon in the Tempest, Cheltenham-New York, Edward Elgar, 2001, pp. xvii+315 pp. 137-141 Downloads
Carlo Cristiano

Volume 12, issue 2, 2004

Frederick Allen and the Future of Capitalism pp. 7-28 Downloads
John E. King
The Turning Point in Keynes's Theoretical Development. From «A Treatise on Money» to the «General Theory» pp. 29-50 Downloads
Toshiaki Hirai
Mini-Symposium: Economists in Parliament. The Italian Experience (1861-1922) pp. 51-78 Downloads
Massimo M. Augello, Piero Barucci, Tommaso Fanfani, Guido Melis and Marco Guidi
Really Returning to Marx's «Capital». A Reply to Robert Albritton pp. 79-84 Downloads
Michael A. Lebowitz
Marx's Value Theory and Class Struggle. A Rejoinder to Lebowitz pp. 85-88 Downloads
Robert Albritton
On the History of Trade Principles and Politics (with Present-Day Polemics) pp. 89-95 Downloads
Stephen Meardon
On the «Bitter Quarrel» between Economics and Its Enemies pp. 97-106 Downloads
Sandra J. Peart
Duncan K. Foley, Unholy Trinity: Labor, Capital, and Land in the New Economy, The Graz Schumpeter Lectures, London and New York, Routledge, 2003, xi+98 pp. 107-111 Downloads
David Levy
Liah Greenfeld, The Spirit of Capitalism, Nationalism and Economic Growth, Harvard, Harvard University Press. 2001 pp. 111-114 Downloads
Patrik Aspers
Shaikh M. Ghazanfar, Medieval Islamic Economic Thought: Filling the “Great Gap” in European Economics, London, Routledge, 2003, pp. xv+284 pp. 114-115 Downloads
J. Patrick Gunning
Dan Friedman and Alessandra Cassar (eds), Lab – An intensive course in experimental economics, London, Routledge, 2004, pp. xiv+233 pp. 116-119 Downloads
Marco Novarese
Jean-Pierre Potier and Donald A. Walker (eds), La correspondance entre Aline Walras et William Jaffé, Paris, Economica, 2004, pp. 134 pp. 119-120 Downloads
Fiorenzo Mornati
Leonidas Montes, Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of Some Central Components of His Thought, Houndmills and New York, Palgrave, 2004, pp. xii+186 pp. 120-123 Downloads
Anthony Brewer
Giulio Palermo, Il mito del mercato globale. Critica delle teorie neoliberiste, Roma, manifestolibri, 2004, pp. 215 pp. 123-125 Downloads
Ian Steedman
Bryan Fields, The Catholic Ethic and Global Capitalism, Aldershot (Hampshire), Ashgate Publishing, 2003, pp. xvi+278 pp. 125-127 Downloads
Rodney Wilson
Stephen F. Frowen (ed.), Economists in Discussion: The Correspondence Between G. L. S. Shackle and Stephen F. Frowen, 1951-1992, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. xviii+385 pp. 127-129 Downloads
Charles McCann

Volume 12, issue 1, 2004

Economic Ideas in the Epistle of James pp. 7-35 Downloads
George Gotsis and Sarah Drakopoulou-Dodd
Hayek and Historical Political Economy pp. 37-65 Downloads
Roberto Romani
Beyond the Market Paradigm: on Keynes's Principle of Effective Demand, and on the Irrelevance of Rigidities for His Explanation of Involuntary Unemployment pp. 67-94 Downloads
Jochen Hartwig
Towards a «New NeoClassical Synthesis»? An Analysis of the Methodological Convergence between New Keynesian Economics and Real Business Cycle Theory pp. 95-117 Downloads
Abdallah Zouache
A Note on the «Obscure» (to Mirowski) Giovanni Vailati pp. 119-121 Downloads
Luigino Bruni
An Unbalanced Eulogy of Classical Macroeconomics pp. 123-130 Downloads
Michael J. Gootzeit
Old and New Growth Theories. An Assestment from Different Perspectives pp. 131-150 Downloads
Fernando del Río and Carlos Ricoy
Jack Birner, The Cambridge Controversies in Capital Theory – A study in the logic of theory development, London, Routledge, 2002, pp. xviii+206 pp. 151-154 Downloads
Tiago Mata
Rick Tilman (ed.), The Legacy of Thorstein Veblen, 3 vols, Cheltenham (UK), Edward Elgar, 2003, vol. i., pp. xxviii+516. vol. ii, pp. xi+638.vol. iii, pp. xi+545 pp. 154-158 Downloads
Malcolm Rutherford
Augusto Graziani, The Monetary Theory of Production, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. ix+176 pp. 158-161 Downloads
Sergio Rossi
James E. Alvey, Adam Smith: Optimist or Pessimist? A New Problem Concerning the Teleological Basis of Commercial Society, Aldershot (UK) and Burlington (VT, USA), Ashgate, 2003, pp. x+323 pp. 161-165 Downloads
Tony Aspromourgos
Steven Kates (ed.), Two Hundred Years of Say’s Law. Essays on Economic Theory’s Most Controversial Principal, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (MA, USA), Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. x+221 pp. 165-167 Downloads
Sylvie Rivot
Jürgen G. Backhaus (ed.), Evolutionary Economic Thought: European Contributions and Concepts, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (MA, USA), Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. ix+217 pp. 167-169 Downloads
Heath Pearson
Tiziano Raffaelli, Marshall’s Evolutionary Economics, London, Routledge, 2003, pp. xiii+178 pp. 169-171 Downloads
Salvatore Rizzello
Kurt W. Rothschild, Die politischen Visionen großer Ökonomen, («Kleine politische Schriften, 224 and 8 portraits»); Bern, Stämpfli Verlag and Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag ag, 2004, pp. 218 pp. 171-173 Downloads
Christian Seidl
Richard Easterlin (ed.), Happiness in Economics, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (MA, USA), Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. xvi+244 pp. 173-178 Downloads
Luigino Bruni
Heinz D. Kurz and Neri Salvadori and others, Classical Economics and Modern Theory: Studies in Long-Period Analysis, London, Routledge, 2003, pp. ix+341 pp. 178-182 Downloads
Tony Aspromourgos
Piero Barucci (ed.), Le frontiere dell’economia politica. Gli economisti stranieri in Italia: dai mercantilisti a Keynes, Florence, Polistampa, 2003, pp. 451 pp. 182-184 Downloads
Roberto Romani
Michael Perelman, The Perverse Economy The Impact of Markets on People and the Environment, New York, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2003, pp. 217 pp. 184-186 Downloads
Robin F. Neill
The Oxford Encyclopaedia of Economic History, editor in chief Joel Mokyr, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press, 2003, 5 vols, pp. xli+538, v+550, v+550, v+553, v+539 pp. 186-188 Downloads
Riccardo Faucci
Nicola Giocoli, Modeling Rational Agents. From Interwar Economics to Early Modern Game Theory, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (MA, USA), Edward Elgar, 2003, pp. x+464 pp. 188-191 Downloads
Hansjörg Klausinger
Page updated 2025-02-15