History of Political Economy
1969 - 2019
Current editor(s): Kevin D. Hoover From Duke University Press Duke University Press 905 W. Main Street, Suite 18B Durham, NC 27701. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Center for the History of Political Economy Webmaster (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 51, issue 5, 2019
- Survey of Recent Work in the History of Econometrics: A Witness Report pp. 805-826

- Marcel Boumans
- The Death of Welfare Economics: History of a Controversy pp. 827-865

- Herrade Igersheim
- Income Distribution, Consumption, and Economic Growth in Italy: Kaldor’s Theory versus the Life Cycle Hypothesis, 1960s and 1970s pp. 867-900

- Antonella Rancan
- Jean-Baptiste Say on Free Trade pp. 901-934

- Guy Numa
- Back to Agriculture? Malthus, Torrens, and Ricardo on International Trade and Structural Change pp. 935-955

- Giuseppe Freni, Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
Volume 51, issue 4, 2019
- Five Decades of HOPE pp. 601-669

- Yann Giraud
- Women in the Early Years of the American Economic Association: A Membership beyond the Professoriate Per Se pp. 671-702

- Ann Mari May and Robert W. Dimand
- Malthus on the Desire of Bettering Our Condition and the Vis Medicatrix Reipublicae pp. 731-751

- John Pullen
- On Terry Peach’s Unconvincing “Reconsideration†of Adam Smith’s Theory of Value pp. 753-777

- Roy H. Grieve
Volume 51, issue 3, 2019
- The History of Macroeconometric Modeling: An Introduction pp. 391-400

- Marcel Boumans and Pedro Garcia Duarte
- Lawrence R. Klein and the Making of Large-Scale Macroeconometric Modeling, 1938–55 pp. 401-423

- Erich Pinzon-Fuchs
- The Ordinary Business of Macroeconometric Modeling: Working on the Fed-MIT-Penn Model, 1964–74 pp. 425-447

- Roger E. Backhouse and Beatrice Cherrier
- Empirical Macroeconomics in a Policy Context: The Fed-MIT-Penn Model versus the St. Louis Model, 1965–75 pp. 449-470

- Antonella Rancan
- Bank Behavior in Large-Scale Macroeconometric Models of the 1960s pp. 471-491

- Juan Acosta and Goulven Rubin
- Inference to the Best Model of the Consumption Function pp. 493-513

- Hsiang-Ke Chao
- The Vatican Conferences of October 7–13, 1963: Controversies over the Neutrality of Econometric Modeling pp. 515-534

- Ariane Dupont-Kieffer
- Reacting to the Lucas Critique: The Keynesians' Replies pp. 535-556

- Aurélien Goutsmedt, Erich Pinzon-Fuchs, Matthieu Renault and Francesco Sergi
- A Tale of a Tool: The Impact of Sims's Vector Autoregressions on Macroeconometrics pp. 557-578

- Boris Salazar and Daniel Otero
- How Saline Is the Solow Residual? Debating Real Business Cycles in the 1980s and 1990s pp. 579-599

- Aurelien Saidi
Volume 51, issue 2, 2019
- "Capitalism and the Jews": Milton Friedman and His Critics pp. 193-236

- Jeff Lipkes
- "From Each according to Ability; To Each according to Needs": Origin, Meaning, and Development of Socialist Slogans pp. 237-257

- Luc Bovens and Adrien Lutz
- "The Group": The Making of the Chicago Monetary Tradition, 1927–36 pp. 259-296

- George Tavlas
- The "Riefler-Keynes" Doctrine and Federal Reserve Policy in the Great Depression pp. 297-327

- Judge Glock
- A Tale of Two Critics: Erich Fromm and Tibor Scitovsky on the Consumer Society pp. 329-359

- Viviana Di Giovinazzo
Volume 51, issue 1, 2019
- Craufurd D. W. Goodwin (1934–2017) pp. 1-9

- Kevin D. Hoover
- Interpreters of Economic Ideas: Thurman Arnold (1891–1969) pp. 23-69

- Craufurd D. W. Goodwin
- Maynard Keynes of Bloomsbury pp. 73-76

- Craufurd D. W. Goodwin
- Keynes as Policy Adviser pp. 77-81

- E. Roy Weintraub
- Keynes and Economics pp. 83-88

- Kevin D. Hoover
- Keynes and Hayek pp. 89-94

- Bruce Caldwell
- Craufurd Goodwin: A Historian of Political Economy pp. 95-99

- Neil De Marchi
- Craufurd Goodwin, Storyteller pp. 101-113

- Tiago Mata and Harro Maas
- Craufurd Goodwin as a Historian of Canadian Economic Thought pp. 115-127

- Robert W. Dimand
- Craufurd Goodwin and Duke University, 1955–1970 pp. 129-135

- E. Roy Weintraub
- Craufurd Goodwin: Philanthropy and International Education pp. 137-143

- Michael Nacht
- Craufurd Goodwin as Teacher and Editor pp. 145-153

- Paul Dudenhefer
- Craufurd Goodwin as Graduate Mentor pp. 155-168

- Robert Leonard
- Craufurd Goodwin and Graduate Education pp. 169-172

- Leigh Deneef
- Craufurd Goodwin and Graduate Liberal Studies at Duke University: A Tribute pp. 173-182

- Donna Zapf
- Cosmopolitan Craufurd Goodwin pp. 183-185

- David Warsh
- Craufurd Goodwin: Economist as Collector pp. 187-191

- Kevin D. Hoover
Volume 50, issue 5, 2018
- Writing the History of Development Economics pp. 1-14

- Michele Alacevich and Mauro Boianovsky
- Changing Approaches to Development since 1950: Drawing on Polanyi pp. 17-38

- Frances Stewart
- Yankee Ingenuity in Theories of American Economic Development, from the Founding to the Closing of the Frontier pp. 41-58

- Stephen Meardon
- Aspects of Indian Economic Thought and the Birth and Poverty of Development Economics pp. 59-75

- Amitava Krishna Dutt
- Sun Yat-sen as a Pioneer of International Development pp. 76-93

- Eric Helleiner
- The Colonial Office and British Development Economics, 1940–60 pp. 97-113

- Keith Tribe
- The Birth of Development Economics: Theories and Institutions pp. 114-132

- Michele Alacevich
- Modernization Theory Never Dies pp. 133-151

- Nils Gilman
- CEPAL, Economic Development, and Inequality pp. 152-171

- Joseph L. Love
- When the History of Ideas Meets Theory: Arthur Lewis and the Classical Economists on Development pp. 172-190

- Mauro Boianovsky
- Measuring Development—from the UN’s Perspective pp. 193-210

- Mary S. Morgan and Maria Bach
- Quantifying Economic Development: Kuznets, Chenery, and the Quantitative Approach to Development Economics pp. 211-230

- Moshe Syrquin
- Models, Measurement, and “Universal Patternsâ€: Jan Tinbergen and Development Planning without Theory pp. 231-248

- Marcel Boumans and Neil De Marchi
- E. F. Schumacher and Intermediate Technology pp. 249-265

- Robert Leonard
- The Counterrevolution in Development Economics pp. 269-285

- John Toye
- From Anxiety to Nonchalance: “Neoclassical Economic Development†from 1950 to 2000 pp. 286-302

- Salim Rashid
- The Making of Behavioral Development Economics pp. 303-322

- Allison Demeritt and Karla Hoff
Volume 50, issue 4, 2018
- Karl Menger as Son of Carl Menger pp. 649-678

- Scott Scheall and Reinhard Schumacher
- Denazifying the Economy: Ordoliberals on the Economic Policy Battlefield (1946–50) pp. 679-707

- Raphaël Fèvre
- The Machine Taxers pp. 709-733

- Gregory R. Woirol
- The Midway and Beyond: Recent Work on Economics at Chicago pp. 735-775

- Douglas A. Irwin
Volume 50, issue 3, 2018
- Professor Donald Norman Winch, 1935–2017 pp. 421-424

- Julia Stapleton and D. P. O’Brien
- The Indeterminate Fate of Sunspots in Economics pp. 425-481

- Beatrice Cherrier and Aurélien Saïdi
- Price Stability and the Origins and Early Influence of the Phillips Curve on British Policy Debates pp. 483-509

- Carlo Cristiano and Paolo Paesani
- The Making of a Constitutionalist: James Buchanan on Education pp. 511-548

- Jean-Baptiste Fleury and Alain Marciano
- Contemporary Historiography of Economics: Editors’ Introduction pp. 551-553

- Till Düppe and E. Roy Weintraub
- Interest Conflicts pp. 555-561

- Till Düppe
- Practices of Using Interviews in History of Contemporary Economics: A Brief Survey pp. 563-570

- Dorian Jullien
- The Method of the Witness Seminar pp. 571-577

- Harro Maas
- Textbooks in the History of Recent Economics: The Case of Samuelson’s Economics pp. 579-585

- Yann Giraud
- Syllabi and Examinations pp. 587-595

- Irwin L. Collier
- Network Analysis in the History of Economics pp. 597-603

- François Claveau and Catherine Herfeld
- The Missing Link: Prosopography in the History of Economics pp. 605-613

- Andrej SvorenÄ Ãk
- Why Historians of Economics Should Tweet pp. 615-621

- Beatrice Cherrier
- Economics—and History—as Communicative Action pp. 623-628

- Tiago Mata
- Following Artifacts pp. 629-634

- Verena Halsmayer
Volume 50, issue 2, 2018
- Edwin B. Wilson and the Rise of Mathematical Economics in America, 1920–40 pp. 229-259

- Juan Carvajalino
- Clower’s Volte-Face regarding the “Keynesian Revolution†pp. 261-287

- Romain Plassard
- Calculation in Kind and Substantive Rationality: Neurath, Weber, Kapp pp. 289-320

- Thomas Uebel
- Benjamin Franklin and Adam Smith: Two Strangers and the Spirit of Capitalism pp. 321-344

- Geoffrey C. Kellow
- A Reexamination of John Stuart Mill’s and William Stanley Jevons’s Analyses of Unpaid Domestic Work: What Prevents Its Inclusion within the Production Boundary pp. 345-371

- Virginie Gouverneur
- Rights, the Distribution of Wealth, and Happiness: Gaetano Filangieri’s Constitutional Ideal of Justice pp. 373-401

- Fabrizio Simon
- Cassel and Fisher on Interest and Opportunity Cost pp. 403-412

- Leland B. Yeager
Volume 50, issue 1, 2018
- From Theories of Human Behavior to Rules of Rational Choice: Tracing a Normative Turn at the Cowles Commission, 1943–54 pp. 1-48

- Catherine Herfeld
- Alfred Marshall on Cooperation: Restraining the Cruel Force of Competition pp. 49-81

- Miriam Bankovsky
- Invented in America: Birth and Evolution of the Cyclically Adjusted Budget Rule, 1933–61 pp. 83-117

- Orsola Costantini
- The Old Economics of Science and the Nonlinear Model of Innovation: The Case of Richard Nelson pp. 119-154

- Matthieu Ballandonne
- The European Payments Union and the Origins of Triffin’s Regional Approach toward International Monetary Integration pp. 155-190

- Ivo Maes and Ilaria Pasotti
- Classical and Catholic Political Economy: A Re-examination of Matteo Liberatore’s Principii di Economia Politica pp. 191-219

- Giacomo Costa
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