History of Political Economy
1969 - 2019
Current editor(s): Kevin D. Hoover From Duke University Press Duke University Press 905 W. Main Street, Suite 18B Durham, NC 27701. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Center for the History of Political Economy Webmaster (pauldude@duke.edu). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 9, issue 4, 1977
- Pierre-Louis Roederer, Jean-Baptiste Say, and the Concept of Industrie pp. 455-475

- Michael James
- Winners and Losers: Some Paradoxes in Monetary History Resolved and Some Lessons Unlearned pp. 476-489

- Will E. Mason
- Some Conceptual Relationships in Capital pp. 490-503

- Stephen Merrett
- Justum Pretium: One More Round in an “Endless Series†pp. 504-521

- Stephen T. Worland
- The Genesis of Chamberlinian Monopolistic Competition Theory pp. 522-534

- Thomas P. Reinwald
- Some Initial Formulations of the Monetary Growth-Rate Rule pp. 535-547

- George Tavlas
- Marx and Darwin pp. 548-559

- Enrique M. Ureña
- Irving Fisher, F. D. R., and the Great Depression pp. 560-587

- William Allen
Volume 9, issue 3, 1977
- Malthus on Sticky Wages, the Upper Turning Point, and General Glut pp. 303-321

- Louis A. Dow
- Value Theory in the Writings of the Classical Economists, Thomas Hodgskin, and Karl Marx pp. 322-345

- E. K. Hunt
- Richard Jones's Contribution to the Theory of Rent pp. 346-365

- William L. Miller
- Malthus’ Model of General Gluts pp. 366-383

- Salim Rashid
- Ashley's and Taussig's Lectures on the History of Economic Thought at Harvard, 1896–1897 pp. 384-411

- Warren Samuels
- William Forster Lloyd—a non-Ricardian? pp. 412-441

- Richard M. Romano
Volume 9, issue 2, 1977
- Some Neglected Aspects of Alfred Marshall's Economic and Social Thought pp. 161-197

- John K. Whitaker
- The Birth of Léon Walras's Eléments pp. 198-214

- William Jaffé
- Benthamism and the demise of Classical economic Ordnungspolitik pp. 215-236

- Frank Petrella
- Veblen and Schumpeter on imperialism pp. 237-255

- Dale L. Cramer and Charles G. Leathers
- Some Public-Choice Aspects of Hobbes's Political Thought pp. 256-272

- Laurence S. Moss
- John A. Hobson and the Theory of Discriminating Monopoly pp. 273-282

- W. P. Culbertson, Jr. and Robert Ekelund
- On the Origins of the Balanced-Budget-Multiplier Theorem pp. 283-284

- Harold M. Somers
- Response By Walter S. Salant pp. 285-289

- Walter S. Salant
Volume 9, issue 1, 1977
- Ricardo and the Corn Laws: A Revision pp. 1-47

- Samuel Hollander
- Economics, Economists, and Economic Policy: Modern American Experiences pp. 48-88

- William Allen
- Economists and Policymaking 1930–1936: Sweden's Experience pp. 89-121

- C. G. Uhr
- Economics and Economists in the Formation of a Monetary Policy for India, 1873–1893 pp. 122-143

- S. Ambirajan
Volume 8, issue 4, 1976
- New Light on Adam Smith's Glasgow Lectures on Jurisprudence pp. 439-477

- Ronald L. Meek
- Adam Smith's Heavenly City pp. 478-493

- Henry W. Spiegel
- Smith's Growth Paradigm pp. 494-514

- Ralph Anspach
- Adam Smith's Economics of Politics pp. 515-539

- E. G. West
- Customs Unions: Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in Historical Perspective pp. 540-563

- Denis O'Brien
- The Economics of Adam Smith: Professor Hollander's Reappraisal pp. 564-574

- Laurence S. Moss
Volume 8, issue 3, 1976
- Knut Wicksell's “The Two Population Questions†pp. 311-323

- Monica S. Fong
- The Teaching of Monetary Economics in the Early 1900's: Insight into the Development of Monetary Theory pp. 324-340

- Warren Samuels and Andrew Gray
- Bertil Ohlin and the Origins of the Keynesian Revolution pp. 341-366

- Otto Steiger
- Marginalism and Linear Economics East and West pp. 367-379

- Gerhard Tintner and Peter Peek
- Monetary Theory in Ferdinando Galiani's Della moneta pp. 380-399

- Filippo Cesarano
- From the Years of High Theory: Frederik Zeuthen (1888–1959) pp. 400-411

- Hans Brems
- The U.S. Presidential Libraries and the History of Political Economy pp. 412-427

- James L. Cochrane
- Keynes’ Employment Function Reexamined pp. 428-434

- Barbara Henneberry and James G. Witte
Volume 8, issue 2, 1976
- Marx and Contemporary Models of Socialist Economy pp. 151-184

- John E. Elliott
- Marget on the Issue of Inconsistency in the Theories of Prices pp. 185-194

- Will E. Mason
- The a Posteriori Method and the Creation of New Theory: W. C. Mitchell as a Case Study pp. 195-206

- Abraham Hirsch
- James Mill and the Early Development of Comparative Advantage pp. 207-234

- William O. Thweatt
- Ricardo and the Iron Law: A Correction of the Record pp. 235-251

- David Levy
- Hume and Viner on the International Adjustment Mechanism pp. 252-265

- Charles E. Staley
- Dupuit and Marginal Utility: Context of the Discovery pp. 266-273

- Robert Ekelund and Robert Hebert
- A Note on Dupuit's Bridges and the Theory of Marginal Cost Pricing pp. 274-277

- Alan Abouchar
- William Bradford Greene and his System of “Mutual Banking†pp. 278-296

- Bowman N. Hall
- The Rehabilitation of the Peasant Proprietor in Nineteenth-Century Economic Thought: A Comment pp. 297-302

- David E. Martin
Volume 8, issue 1, 1976
- Dramatis Personae as of 1931 pp. 4-6

- Don Patinkin
- Introduction pp. 7-10

- Don Patinkin
- Differences and Similarities: Some General Observations pp. 11-25

- Don Patinkin
- From the Tract to the Treatise pp. 26-32

- Don Patinkin
- The Theoretical Framework of the Treatise: The Fundamental Equations pp. 33-43

- Don Patinkin
- The Theoretical Framework of the Treatise: The Dynamic Analysis, the Quantity Theory, and Wicksell pp. 44-49

- Don Patinkin
- Some Further Reflections on the Fundamental Equations pp. 50-53

- Don Patinkin
- From the Treatise to the General Theory: Criticism and Development pp. 54-63

- Don Patinkin
- From the Treatise to the General Theory: The Development of the Theory of Effective Demand pp. 64-82

- Don Patinkin
- The Theory of Effective Demand in the General Theory pp. 83-94

- Don Patinkin
- The Conceptual Framework of the General Theory: I pp. 95-107

- Don Patinkin
- The Conceptual Framework of the General Theory: II pp. 108-119

- Don Patinkin
- Theory and Policy in Keynes' Monetary Thinking pp. 120-137

- Don Patinkin
- After the General Theory pp. 138-143

- Don Patinkin
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