Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
2004 - 2024
Current editor(s): Manuel Ammann From: Springer Swiss Society for Financial Market Research Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla () and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 26, issue 4, 2012
- To buy or not to buy? The value of contradictory analyst signals pp. 405-428
- Stefan Kanne, Jan Klobucnik, Daniel Kreutzmann and Soenke Sievers
- International equities listed on the New York stock exchange: does type of issue or date of issue matter? pp. 429-447
- Mark Schaub
- Firm ratings, momentum strategies, and crises: evidence from the US and Taiwanese stock markets pp. 449-468
- Nicholas Rueilin Lee
- Portfolio risk management in a data-rich environment pp. 469-494
- Mohammed Bouaddi and Abderrahim Taamouti
- Simon Lack: The hedge fund mirage—the illusion of big money and why it’s too good to be true pp. 495-497
- Nic Schaub
Volume 26, issue 3, 2012
- Editorial pp. 297-298
- Markus Schmid
- Any regulation of risk increases risk pp. 299-313
- Philip Maymin and Zakhar Maymin
- VIX changes and derivative returns on FOMC meeting days pp. 315-331
- Kevin Krieger, Nathan Mauck and Denghui Chen
- Financial frictions and real implications of macroprudential policies pp. 333-368
- Alexis Derviz
- On the robustness of risk-based asset allocations pp. 369-401
- Thorsten Poddig and Albina Unger
- David Larcker and Brian Tayan: Corporate governance matters—a closer look at organizational choices and their consequences pp. 403-404
- Tanja Artiga Gonzalez
Volume 26, issue 2, 2012
- Editorial pp. 177-178
- Manuel Ammann
- Public information in fragmented markets pp. 179-215
- Andreas Storkenmaier, Martin Wagener and Christof Weinhardt
- Tagging the triggers: an empirical analysis of information events prompting sell-side analyst reports pp. 217-246
- Alexander Kerl, Oscar Stolper and Andreas Walter
- The pricing of idiosyncratic risk: evidence from the implied volatility distribution pp. 247-267
- Stephan Süss
- Spread ladder swaps—an analysis of controversial interest rate derivatives pp. 269-289
- Matthias Muck
- Darrell Duffie: Dark markets, asset pricing and information transmission in over-the-counter markets pp. 291-294
- Sina Marquardt
- Massimo Morini: Understanding and managing model risk: a practical guide for quants, traders and validators pp. 295-296
- Michael Verhofen
Volume 26, issue 1, 2012
- Editorial pp. 1-2
- Manuel Ammann
- Empirical cross-sectional asset pricing: a survey pp. 3-38
- Amit Goyal
- Financial architecture, systemic risk, and universal banking pp. 39-59
- Anthony Saunders and Ingo Walter
- Hostages, free lunches and institutional gaps: the case of the European Currency Union pp. 61-85
- Günter Franke
- Funds of hedge funds: performance, risk and capital formation 2005 to 2010 pp. 87-108
- Daniel Edelman, William Fung, David Hsieh and Narayan Naik
- Hedge funds and optimal asset allocation: Bayesian expectations and spanning tests pp. 109-141
- Wolfgang Bessler, Julian Holler and Philipp Kurmann
- Swiss banking secrecy: the stock market evidence pp. 143-176
- François-Xavier Delaloye, Michel Habib and Alexandre Ziegler
Volume 25, issue 4, 2011
- Editorial pp. 343-344
- Manuel Ammann
- The 52-week high strategy and information uncertainty pp. 345-378
- Hans-Peter Burghof and Felix Prothmann
- Unraveling a puzzle: the case of value line timeliness rank upgrades pp. 379-409
- Nandkumar Nayar, Ajai Singh and Wen Yu
- Co-movement of revenue: structural changes in the business cycle pp. 411-433
- Stefan Erdorf and Nicolas Heinrichs
- Do financial variables help predict the state of the business cycle in small open economies? Evidence from Switzerland pp. 435-453
- Mario Meichle, Angelo Ranaldo and Attilio Zanetti
- Investing in the turn-of-the-year effect pp. 455-472
- William Ziemba
- Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jan Pieter Krahnen, and Marcel Tyrell: Liquidity and Crises pp. 473-475
- Alexander Kohler
- Svetlozar T. Rachev, Young Shin Kim, Michele L. Bianchi, Frank J. Fabozzi: Financial models with Lévy processes and volatility clustering pp. 477-478
- Tobias Nigbur
Volume 25, issue 3, 2011
- Editorial pp. 237-238
- Manuel Ammann
- Google search volume and its influence on liquidity and returns of German stocks pp. 239-264
- Matthias Bank, Martin Larch and Georg Peter
- Do option open-interest changes foreshadow future equity returns? pp. 265-280
- Andy Fodor, Kevin Krieger and James Doran
- The influence of sponsor, servicer, and underwriter characteristics on RMBS performance pp. 281-311
- Andre Guettler, Ulrich Hommel and Julia Reichert
- Beyond payoff diagrams: how to present risk and return characteristics of structured products pp. 313-338
- Martin Wallmeier
- Euan Sinclair: Option Trading—Pricing and Volatility Strategies and Techniques pp. 339-340
- Stephan Süss
- Viral V. Acharya, Thomas F. Cooley, Matthew P. Richardson, and Ingo Walter: Regulating Wall Street—The Dodd-Frank Act and the New Architecture of Global Finance pp. 341-342
- Dustin Schütte
Volume 25, issue 2, 2011
- Editorial pp. 109-110
- Manuel Ammann
- Are directors’ dealings informative? Evidence from European stock markets pp. 111-148
- Kaspar Dardas and Andre Güttler
- Competition in securities markets: the impact on liquidity pp. 149-172
- Michael Chlistalla and Marco Lutat
- Service quality in the private banking business pp. 173-195
- Carsten Horn and Markus Rudolf
- What drives portfolio investments of German banks in emerging capital markets? pp. 197-231
- Christian Wildmann
- Leif B. G. Andersen and Vladimir V. Piterbarg: Interest Rate Modeling pp. 233-236
- Rico von Wyss
Volume 25, issue 1, 2011
- Editorial pp. 1-2
- Manuel Ammann
- On the risk situation of financial conglomerates: does diversification matter? pp. 3-26
- Nadine Gatzert and Hato Schmeiser
- IPO underpricing, signaling, and property returns pp. 27-51
- Fabian Brämisch, Nico Rottke and Dirk Schiereck
- Underpricing and long-run performance of Chinese IPOs: the role of underwriter reputation pp. 53-74
- Chen Su and Kenbata Bangassa
- Efficiency in private banking: evidence from Switzerland and Liechtenstein pp. 75-93
- Johann Burgstaller and Teodoro Cocca
- The search for relative value in bonds pp. 95-106
- Robin Grieves and Steven Mann
- Yuri Kabanov and Mher Safarin: Markets with transaction costs pp. 107-108
- Evert Wipplinger
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