Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review
2013 - 2017
Current editor(s): Krzysztof Wach, PhD, hab. From Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship at the Cracow University of Economics. EBER Journal Cracow University of Economics Faculty of Economics and International Relations Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship ul. Rakowicka 27 31-510 Krakow Poland. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Piotr Stanek, PhD. (stanekp@uek.krakow.pl). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 5, issue 4, 2017
- Editorial: International Competitiveness pp. 7-9

- Pablo Collazzo Yelpo and Áron Perényi
- Competitiveness, Technology Licensing, and Ease of Paying Taxes: A 30-Country Study pp. 11-34

- Michael Troilo, Michał Zdziarski and J. Markham Collins
- Sustainable Competitiveness: Essential Concepts for Addressing Measurement Challenges pp. 35-60

- Eleanor Doyle and Mauricio Perez-Alaniz
- Education agents as competitiveness enhancers of Australian universities by internationalisation facilitation pp. 61-89

- Anirban Sarkar and Áron Perényi
- The role of relationships in initiating the internationalization process in B2B markets pp. 91-109

- Bartosz Deszczyński, Krzysztof Fonfara and Adam Dymitrowski
- International Competitiveness and the Fourth Industrial Revolution pp. 111-133

- Chen Liu
- RCEP versus TPP with the Trump Administration in the USA and Implications for East Asian Economic Cooperation pp. 135-152

- Sang Chul Park
- Productivity gap: chance or obstacle in absorbing benefits from FDI in host country pp. 153-170

- Liwiusz Wojciechowski
- The Evolution of the Virtuality Phenomenon in Organizations: A Critical Literature Review pp. 171-188

- Mehmet A. Orhan
- Business Environment and Economic Growth in the European Union Countries: What Can Be Explained for the Convergence? pp. 189-204

- Agnieszka Głodowska
- Exploring the Role of Ownership in International Entrepreneurship: How does Ownership Affect Internationalisation of Polish Firms? pp. 205-223

- Krzysztof Wach
Volume 5, issue 3, 2017
- Editorial: International Entrepreneurship: New Perspective in IB Research pp. 7-8

- Agnieszka Głodowska and Krzysztof Wach
- Analysing the Role of Framework Conditions Influencing International Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process pp. 9-29

- Yonni Angel Cuero Acosta, Richard Adu-Gyamfi, Md. Noor Un Nabi and Utz Dornberger
- Antecedents of Accelerated Internationalisation of Polish and Czech Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises pp. 31-48

- Izabela Kowalik, Lidia Danik, Petr Král and Hana Řezanková
- The Role of Strategic Partnerships in the Internationalisation of Small Born Global Firms pp. 49-77

- Paweł Capik and Andreas Brockerhoff
- Determinants of Controlling in Foreign Subsidiaries of MNEs: On the Explanatory Potential of the Institutional Perspective pp. 79-94

- Cezary Kochalski and Magdalena Łuczak-Trąpczyńska
- SME Roles in Modular Value Chains: Perspectives for Growth and Innovativeness pp. 95-117

- Marta Gancarczyk, Jacek Gancarczyk and Joanna Bohatkiewicz
- From Knowledge to Innovation and Back: Empirical Testing of Knowledge-Intensive Industries in Serbia pp. 119-131

- Nikola Radovanovic, Veljko Dmitrović and Nevenka Žarkić Joksimović
- Motivation Factors for Female Entrepreneurship in Mexico pp. 133-148

- Martha Cantú Cavada, Vito Bobek and Anita Maček
- Entrepreneurial Mindset: A Synthetic Literature Review pp. 149-172

- Christiane Naumann
- How Can Blockchain Technology Disrupt the Existing Business Models? pp. 173-188

- Witold Nowiński and Miklós Kozma
- Role of Experience in Customer Self-Congruity to Maintaining Loyalty: A Study on Fashion Store pp. 189-198

- Angga Wijaya
- A Case Analysis on the Adequacy of Work-Life Balance Practices in UK Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises pp. 199-213

- Babatunde Akanji
Volume 5, issue 2, 2017
- Editorial: International Trade & Global Business pp. 7-8

- Agnieszka Głodowska and Marek Maciejewski
- Workers, Firms and Task Heterogeneity in International Trade Analysis: An Example of Wage Effects of Trade Within GVC pp. 9-25

- Aleksandra Parteka and Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
- Trust in Effective International Business Cooperation: Mediating Effect of Work Engagement pp. 27-50

- Małgorzata Chrupała-Pniak, Damian Grabowski and Monika Sulimowska-Formowicz
- Decomposition of Poland's Bilateral Trade Imbalances by Value Added Content pp. 51-69

- Łukasz Ambroziak
- Modelling Energy Security and International Competitiveness: The Export Perspective pp. 71-84

- Honorata Nyga-Łukaszewska and Eliza Chilimoniuk-Przeździecka
- Innovation Forms and Firm Export Performance: Empirical Evidence from ECA Countries pp. 85-99

- Andrzej Cieślik and Jan Michałek
- Motives of Poland's Outward Direct Investments from the Lodz Region: Results of a Direct Study pp. 101-122

- Tomasz Dorożyński, Anetta Kuna-Marszałek and Janusz Świerkocki
- Sources of the Competitive Advantage of Family Enterprises: An International Approach Focusing on China, Nigeria and Poland pp. 123-142

- Joanna Bednarz, Tomasz Bieliński, Anna Nikodemska-Wołowik and Ade Otukoya
- Strategic Changes in Transnational Corporations as an Adjustment to the Challenges of the 21st Century pp. 143-157

- Magdalena Rosińska-Bukowska
- Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Economic Adaptation: A Critical Analysis pp. 159-176

- Jan Brzozowski
- The Use of Social Networking Sites in Job Related Activities: A Cross-cultural Comparison pp. 177-193

- Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat and Barbara Jankowska
- Human Capital Reporting and Its Determinants by Polish and German Publicly Listed Companies pp. 195-210

- Łukasz Bryl and Szymon Truskolaski
- International Development of German Enterprises on the example of the Wielkopolska Region pp. 211-226

- Magdalena Śliwińska and Rafał Śliwiński
Volume 5, issue 1, 2017
- Editorial: Retailing and Innovation pp. 7-10

- Blazenka Knezevic
- The Impact of Retail Formats on the Development of Food Retailing pp. 11-26

- Sreten Ćuzović, Svetlana Sokolov Mladenović and Djordje Ćuzović
- The Importance of Store Image and Retail Service Quality in Private Brand Image-Building pp. 27-42

- Adi Alić, Emir Agić and Merima Činjarević
- Young Consumers’ Perception of Problems and Usefulness of Mobile Shopping Applications pp. 43-58

- Blazenka Knezevic and Mia Delić
- A Framework of Retailer-Manufacturer Cooperation and Coopetition: Consumer Durable Goods Retailers’ Case Studies pp. 59-76

- Marzanna Katarzyna Witek-Hajduk and Anna Napiórkowska
- Innovative Positioning as a Marketing Tool of Retailers on the Food Market pp. 77-90

- Grażyna Śmigielska and Magdalena Stefańska
- Internationalisation and Innovation Intensities of Polish Manufacturing Firms: A Close Nexus? pp. 91-109

- Tomasz Brodzicki
- Becoming Spatially Embedded: Findings from a Study on Rural Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Norway pp. 111-130

- Mai Camilla Munkejord
- Distinct and yet not Separate: Revisiting the Welfare Models in the EU New Member States pp. 131-149

- Helena Tendera-Właszczuk and Michał Szymański
- Determinants of MNE Activity in Poland: The Case of Firms from EU-15 pp. 151-167

- Andrzej Cieślik
- The Internationalisation of Family Firms: the Role of the Ownership Structure and the Composition of Top Management Team pp. 169-185

- Aleksandra Wąsowska
- Operational Work System Design and Staff Performance in the Nigerian Construction Industry pp. 187-200

- Emmanuel Ejikeme Isichei and Isaac Ayanyinka Ayandele
- Beyond Stability vs. Change Dilemma: Everyday Practices and Routines as Sources of Organizational Life pp. 201-212

- Zofia Patora-Wysocka
Volume 4, issue 4, 2016
- Editorial: Entrepreneurship in the Global Context pp. 7-10

- Maria Urbaniec and Agnieszka Żur
- Innovations and Export Performance: Firm-level Evidence from Poland pp. 11-28

- Andrzej Cieślik, Jan Michałek and Krzysztof Szczygielski
- Identification of Linkages between the Competitive Potential and Competitive Position of SMEs Related to their Internationalization Patterns Shortly after the Economic Crisis pp. 29-50

- Piotr Trąpczyński, Barbara Jankowska, Marlena Dzikowska and Marian Gorynia
- Foreign Market Knowledge and SME’s International Performance: Moderating Effects of Strategic Intent and Time-to-Internationalization pp. 51-66

- Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič
- Organizational Culture and Firms’ Internationalization, Innovativeness and Networking Behaviour: Hofstede Approach pp. 67-92

- Maja Szymura-Tyc and Michał Kucia
- International Entrepreneurship Theory: Past, Present and Way Forward pp. 93-103

- Ikemefuna Allen
- Youth Entrepreneurship in Visegrad Countries pp. 105-121

- Marian Holienka, Anna Pilková and Zuzana Jančovičová
- Student Entrepreneurship in Hungary: Selected Results Based on GUESSS Survey pp. 123-139

- Andrea S. Gubik and Szilveszter Farkas
- Metaphors of Entrepreneurship among Polish Students: Preliminary Research Findings pp. 141-151

- Michał Chmielecki and Łukasz Sułkowski
- Work-life Balance Decision-making of Norwegian Students: Implications for Human Resources Management pp. 153-170

- Remigiusz Gawlik and Gorm Jacobsen
- The Changing Structure of Retail Industry: Case Studies on Competitive Advantage of Small Companies in Croatia pp. 171-187

- Blazenka Knezevic, Dora Naletina and Mate Damić
- Special Economic Zones as Growth and Anti-growth Poles as Exemplified by Polish Regions pp. 189-212

- Hanna Godlewska-Majkowska, Agnieszka Komor and Magdalena Typa
- Organizational Dysfunctions: Sources and Areas pp. 213-223

- Jacek Pasieczny and Beata Glinka
Volume 4, issue 3, 2016
- Editorial: Advancing Research in Entrepreneurship pp. 7-9

- Agnieszka Żur and Maria Urbaniec
- Entrepreneurship and Economic Freedom: Do Objective and Subjective Data Reflect the Same Tendencies? pp. 11-26

- Burak Erkut
- Who Doesn't Want to be an Entrepreneur? The Role of Need for Closure in Forming Entrepreneurial Intentions of Polish Students pp. 27-39

- Aleksandra Wąsowska
- University Business Incubators: An Institutional Demand Side Perspective on Value Adding Features pp. 41-56

- Sven Dahms and Suthikorn Kingkaew
- The Concept of Technological Entrepreneurship: The Example of Business Implementation pp. 57-72

- Ewa Badzińska
- Positive Leadership and Corporate Entrepreneurship: Theoretical Considerations and Research Propositions pp. 73-84

- Przemysław Zbierowski
- The Potential of Business Environment Institutions and the Support for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises pp. 85-101

- Renata Lisowska
- Enhancing SMEs’ Growth by Investing in Organizational Capital pp. 103-116

- Urban Pauli
- Measuring Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Social Context pp. 117-129

- Rafał Kusa
- Involving Young People in Polish and Lithuanian Social Enterprises by Fostering Entrepreneurial Skills and Abilities as Entrepreneurial Opportunity at University pp. 131-152

- Jolita Greblikaite, Włodzimierz Sroka and Neringa Gerulaitiene
- Innovative Behaviour of High-Tech Internationalized Firms: Survey Results from Poland pp. 153-165

- Krzysztof Wach
- Backshoring in Light of the Concepts of Divestment and De-internationalization: Similarities and Differences pp. 167-180

- Michał Młody
- Corporate Reputation and Performance: A Legitimacy Perspective pp. 181-193

- Honggui Li, Zhongwei Chen and Guoxin Ma
- Relationships between Talent Management and Organizational Performance: The Role of Climate for Creativity pp. 195-205

- Tomasz Ingram
Volume 4, issue 2, 2016
- Editorial: Real Estate and Construction Economics pp. 7-8

- Michał Głuszak and Bartłomiej Marona
- Building Customers' Re-Patronage Intention through Service Quality of Community Mall in Bangkok pp. 9-25

- Supeecha Panichpathom
- The impact of green areas on dwelling prices: the case of Poznań city pp. 27-35

- Radosław Trojanek
- Skyscraper indicator and its application in the UK pp. 37-49

- Arvydas Jadevicius
- Tenant mix structure in shopping centres: some empirical analyses from Poland pp. 51-65

- Bartłomiej Marona and Anna Wilk
- Selection of Façades Finishing Technology for a Commercial Building Using Multi-Criteria Analysis pp. 67-79

- Agnieszka Leśniak and Jakub Balicki
- The Perception of Critical Success Factors for PPP Projects in Different Stakeholder Groups pp. 81-92

- Joanna Węgrzyn
- Policies towards the OFDI and IFDI in the European Union after the 2008+ crisis pp. 93-103

- Marta Götz
- The Effectual Approach in Born Global Firms: Current State of Research pp. 105-115

- Elena Pawęta
- Utilisation of Business Advice in Small Innovative Firms: the Role of Trust and Tacit Knowledge pp. 117-138

- Katarzyna Łobacz, Paweł Głodek, Edward Stawasz and Piotr Niedzielski
- Entrepreneurial Behaviour in Periods of Deterioration of Small Firms' Condition pp. 139-156

- Jarosław Ropęga
Volume 4, issue 1, 2016
- Editorial: Dilemmas of Modern Economy and Business pp. 7-8

- Jan Brzozowski and Marco Cucculelli
- Accountability of University: Transition of Public Higher Education pp. 9-21

- Łukasz Sułkowski
- Historical and Theoretical Framework of the Relation between Higher Education Institutions and the Process of Regional Economic Development pp. 23-42

- Alexandru Cristian Fotea and Corneliu Guțu
- The Role of the Polish Higher Education System in the Development of Entrepreneurship pp. 43-59

- Hanna Nowak
- Entrepreneurship Education at Secondary Level in Transition Economies: A Case of Poland pp. 61-81

- Tomasz Rachwał, Sławomir Kurek and Marta Boguś
- Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Poland in the View of Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour pp. 83-94

- Krzysztof Wach and Liwiusz Wojciechowski
- Parametric and Non Parametric Methods for Efficiency Assessment of State Higher Vocational Schools in 2009-2011 pp. 95-112

- Lesław Rządziński and Anna Sworowska
- Trends in the International Academic Migration: A Case of Spain pp. 113-128

- Antonio Mihi-Ramirez
- The Determinants of Sustainable Entrepreneurship of Immigrants in Lapland: An Analysis of Theoretical Factors pp. 129-159

- Nafisa Yeasmin
- The Emergence and Effects of Culturally Congruent Leadership: Current Status and Future Developments pp. 161-180

- Ghulam Mustafa and Rune Lines
- Proactive and Reactive Attitude to Crisis: Evidence from European Firms pp. 181-191

- Jan Brzozowski and Marco Cucculelli
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