2006 - 2021
Current editor(s): Klemen Kavcic From University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Alen Jezovnik (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 1, 2021
- Analysis of the Success of Programs to Promote Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Koèevje pp. 11-16

- Vladimir Komljenoviæ
- Students Beware! pp. 17-20

- Igor Rižnar
- The Organization and Operation of the University Library during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of the UP FM and UP PEF Libraries pp. 21-26

- Tanja Gregoriè
- Central Bank Digital Currencies and the Case of China pp. 27-32

- Barbara Švagan, Tinkara Godec and Helena Beznec
Volume 16, issue 2, 2021
- The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Regional Development of Slovenia: The Case of the Coastal-Karst Region pp. 47-51

- Bojan Mevlja and Dane Podmenik
- Employee Satisfaction as a Key Factor in the EFQM Business Excellence Model pp. 53-61

- Bor Pogacnik and Aleksander Janeš
- Networking of Companies with Supporting Institutions Affects Innovation Performance pp. 63-67

- Petra Lazar
- European Legislation on the Protection of Whistleblowers Also Introduces New Obligations for Companies pp. 69-74

- Elizabeta Zirnstein
- The Efficiency of Ports and Airports in Emerging Markets Measured by Key Performance Indicators: The Case of Hong Kong and Durban pp. 75-81

- Philipp Asen, Vito Bobek and Tatjana Horvat
Volume 16, issue 1, 2021
- Balanced Communication between Education and Economy Must Become the Future pp. 3-9

- Borut Likar, Žiga Cepar and Petra Kunc
- Factoring as a Form of Company Financing: The Factoring Market in Slovenia pp. 11-15

- Anita Koren
- Entrepreneurial Intention of Students and Their Perception of Obstacles in the Environment pp. 17-23

- Jana Hojnik, Tina Bratkovic Kregar and Doris Gomezelj Omerzel
- A Holistic Shopping Experience on the Brink of Change pp. 25-30

- Polona Dakic
- The Emergence of the Multipolar Global Order and the Role of the People’s Republic of China pp. 31-38

- Primož Šterbenc
Volume 15, issue 4, 2020
- A Cross-Border Acceleration Program: The Case of Slovenia and Italy pp. 241-264

- Tina Bratkovic Kregar and Mitja Ruzzier
- Employment of Foreigners from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in Slovenia pp. 265-289

- Katjuša Kostanjšek and Gregor Jagodic
- Relationship between Generic Skills and Employability Skills: An Exploratory Study in the Context of New Zealand Postgraduate Education pp. 291-307

- Zhenfeng Zhao and Indrapriya Kularatne
- Germany – Tail Light Position in Digitisation: An Analysis of a Decentralised Tax Administration Based on the Digital European Society Index pp. 309-323

- Daniel Simon Schaebs
Volume 15, issue 3, 2020
- Foreign Languages: The Key Factor in Employability pp. 161-178

- Fitnete Martinaj
- Internal Communicationn in Global Project Teams pp. 179-206

- Martin Bizjak and Armand Faganel
- Characterizing Safety Leadership Based on the Seven Skills of Effective People Model pp. 207-219

- Paula Nicoleta Neag, Alin Gaureanu and Draghici Anca
- The Factors Influencing the Buying Decision of Customers Behaviour pp. 221-233

- Aleš Lukman and Tina Vukasovic
Volume 15, issue 2, 2020
- Exploring the Training Needs for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Consumption in the Case of Public Local Authorities pp. 87-97

- Iudit Bere – Semeredi, Draghici Anca and Gabriela Fistis
- In Search for Balance between Constitutional Human Rights and Their Limitations: Management of Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis in Slovenia pp. 99-120

- Saša Zupan Korže
- Case Study of the Insured Persons Satisfaction with the Assistance Centre pp. 121-136

- Aleksander Janeš and Martina Franceškin
- Business Maturity Models for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 137-155

- Peetu Virkkala, Martti Saarela, Kai Hänninen, Jaakko Kujala and Anna-Mari Simunaniemi
Volume 15, issue 1, 2020
- Bibliometric Assessment of Research on Risk Attitude of Entrepreneurs pp. 3-17

- Andreea Chitimiea, Carmen Ciocoiu, Bogdan Stefan Stoica and Adina Liliana Prioteasa
- Understanding the Consumers’ Personal Characteristics as the Starting Point for Targeted Marketing pp. 29-41

- Tina Vukasovic
- Employee Training and Education pp. 43-56

- Katjuša Kostanjšek and Gregor Jagodic
- Understanding FDI Spillover Effects: Evidence from North Macedonia pp. 58-79

- Snezhana Hristova and Dusica Stevcevska-Srbinoska
Volume 14, issue 4, 2019
- Experimental Research on Schools as Learning Organisations: The Case of Romania pp. 257-270

- Gabriela Alina Paraschiva and Draghici Anca
- An Institutional Foundation for the Knowledge Economy in Central and East European Countries pp. 271-287

- Matjaz Nahtigal and Isaac Stanley
- Competence Development in Theory and Practice: Competence, Meta-Competence, Transfer Competence and Competence Development in Their Systematic Context pp. 289-304

- Christoph Bach and Rozalia Sulikova
- Early Warning Systems: A Risk of Increasing Managerial Myopia? pp. 305-323

- Michele Bertoni, Bruno De Rosa and Laura Peressin
- The Role of Venture Capital in the Commercialization of Cleantech Companies pp. 325-339

- Shah Rukh Shakeel and Oskar Juszczyk
Volume 14, issue 3, 2019
- Relationship between Human Capital and National Culture pp. 173-184

- Valerij Dermol
- Dynamics of Enterprises in the Slovenian Textile Industry pp. 185-203

- Barbara Jernejcic Dolinar and Štefan Bojnec
- Strategy Implementation in Organizations: A Conceptual Overview pp. 205-218

- Pushpa Rani
- Measuring Impacts of Science and Research on the Society: Development, Issues and Solutions pp. 219-236

- Dusan Lesjak
- The Strategic Management as a Factor of Customer Satisfaction in the Foodservice Industry in Sarajevo Canton pp. 238-248

- Ferda Gursel, Senad Busatlic, Sonja Ketin and Semsudin Plojovic
Volume 14, issue 2, 2019
- IFRS 9: Initiator of Changes in Management Accounting Processes pp. 95-116

- Mojca Gornjak
- Organizational Trauma: A Phenomenological Study of Psychological Organizational Trauma and Its Effect on Employees and Organization pp. 117-136

- Larissa Winter
- The Influence of Audit and Hospital Council on Financial Statements’ Results in Slovenian Hospitals pp. 137-149

- Tatjana Horvat and Darko Cander
- Flow at Work, Work Satisfaction and Big Five Personality Traits among Slovenian Primary School Teachers pp. 151-163

- Maša Tavcar and Ana Arzenšek
Volume 14, issue 1, 2019
- Does Industry 4.0 Have the Same Impact on Employment in the Sectors? pp. 5-17

- Roman Chinoracky, Stanislava Turska and Lucia Madlenakova
- Benford’s Law As a Useful Tool to Determine Fraud in Financial Statements pp. 19-31

- Mateja Gorenc
- Understanding Pseudo-Profound Statements pp. 33-57

- Igor Riznar and Jana Suklan
- Core Business Process Management and Company Performance pp. 59-86

- Dusan Gosnik
Volume 13, issue 4, 2018
- CSR in Developing Countries: Case Study in Vietnam pp. 287-300

- Phan Van Thanh and Szilárd Podruzsik
- Family Business Succession: Does Experience Gained in Family Firm Really Count? pp. 301-322

- Predrag Ljubotina and Jaka Vadnjal
- Improving Direct Marketing Activities Effectiveness Using Analytical Models: RFM vs. Logit Model on a Casino Case pp. 323-334

- Tjasa Tabaj and Danijel Bratina
- Modelling of Construction Products and Services for Effective Productisation pp. 335-353

- Janne Harkonen, Arto Tolonen and Harri Haapasalo
- Smart Factories from Business, Management and Accounting Perspective: A Systemic Analysis of Current Research pp. 355-365

- Andrej Jerman and Gandolfo Dominici
Volume 13, issue 3, 2018
- Financial Performance in the Public Administration Sector: Comparison Between Hungary and Romania pp. 197-211

- Matei Tamasila, Ilie Mihai Taucean, Alin Emanuel Artene and Claudiu Albulescu
- Could the Suitability of the Existing Accounting System be Argued? pp. 213-225

- Franko Milost and Ziga Cepar
- Challenges and Opportunities of Finnish Defence Equipment Projects: Changes over a Decade pp. 227-245

- Ilkka Ikonen, Lauri Kananoja and Juha-Matti Lehtonen
- The Influence of Parents on Female Entrepreneurs in Three Career Development Phases pp. 247-263

- Mateja Vadnjal
- Organizational Values as the Basis for Business Excellence pp. 265-279

- Ivan Malbasic, Bruno Beluzic and Nikolina Posaric
Volume 13, issue 2, 2018
- Model of Excellence: From Individuals to Dynamic Capabilities pp. 97-109

- Jaakko Sivusuo, Henry Sivusuo and Josu Takala
- The Importance of Employee Satisfaction: A Case Study of a Transportation and Logistics Service Company pp. 111-136

- Eneja Sila and Klemen Širok
- The Effect of Work-Life Balance on Organizational Commitment of Accountants pp. 137-159

- Cem Berk and Fatih Gundogmus
- Digital Business Value Creation with Robotic Process Automation (rpa) in Northern and Central Europe pp. 161-174

- Damian Kedziora and Hanna-Maija Kiviranta
- The Definitions of Sharing Economy: A Systematic Literature Review pp. 175-189

- Georgina Görög
Volume 13, issue 1, 2018
- Compulsive Buying Behavior and Its Impact on Borrowing Habit pp. 3-17

- Supramono and Iwi Rambu Kareri
- The Expansion of the Brand through the Establishment of the Mobile Kitchen System pp. 19-31

- Tina Vukasovic, Bojana Korez and Sonja Porekar Petelin
- Is a Mid-Sized Town Enough for the Generation Z? What is Needed to Keep the Young People in Their (Home)Town? pp. 33-48

- Nikoletta Tóth-Kaszás
- Global Value Chains: Government Policies for Enhancing the Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Global Value Chains – A Case Study of Slovenia pp. 49-70

- Sabina Koleša
- The People, Process and Goal Model versus the Sand Cone Model of Transformational Leadership: Critical Evaluation pp. 71-90

- Thanh Ha-Vikström
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