Quarterly Journal of Political Science
2006 - 2023
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Volume 18, issue 4, 2023
- Social Conflict and the Predatory State pp. 437-468

- Brenton Kenkel
- The Reputation Politics of the Filibuster pp. 469-511

- Daniel Gibbs
- Ban the Box? Information, Incentives, and Statistical Discrimination pp. 513-542

- John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn
- Locally Controlled Minimum Wages Leapfrog Public Preferences pp. 543-570

- Gabor Simonovits and Julia Payson
Volume 18, issue 3, 2023
- Why (Some) Immigrants Resist Assimilation: US Racism and the African Immigrant Experience pp. 295-338

- Claire L. Adida and Amanda Lea Robinson
- Social Norms and Social Change pp. 339-363

- Ethan Bueno de Mesquita and Mehdi Shadmehr
- How Does Kompromat Affect Politics? A Model of Transparency Regimes pp. 365-402

- Monika Nalepa and Konstantin Sonin
- Lobbyists into Government pp. 403-435

- Benjamin C. K. Egerod and Joshua McCrain
Volume 18, issue 2, 2023
- Overreacting and Posturing: How Accountability and Ideology Shape Executive Policies pp. 153–182

- Peter Bils
- Ruling the Ruling Coalition: Information Control and Authoritarian Power-Sharing pp. 183–213

- Zhaotian Luo and Arturas Rozenas
- Polarization and Group Cooperation pp. 215–241

- Andrea Robbett and Peter Matthews
- Executive Absolutism: The Dynamics of Authority Acquisition in a System of Separated Powers pp. 243–275

- William G. Howell, Kenneth A. Shepsle and Stephane Wolton
- The Manchin Paradox pp. 277–293

- Keith Krehbiel and Sara Krehbiel
Volume 18, issue 1, 2023
- A Letter from the Editors-in-Chief pp. 1-3

- Anthony Fowler and Stephane Wolton
- Political Interventions in the Administration of Justice pp. 5-38

- Carlo M. Horz and Hannah K. Simpson
- When the Sorting Hat Sorts Randomly: A Natural Experiment on Culture pp. 39-73

- Joan Ricart-Huguet and Elizabeth Levy Paluck
- Disfavor or Favor? Assessing the Valence of White Americans' Racial Attitudes pp. 75-103

- Alexander Agadjanian, John Carey, Yusaku Horiuchi and Timothy J. Ryan
- Democracy and its Vulnerabilities: Dynamics of Democratic Backsliding pp. 105-130

- Zhaotian Luo and Adam Przeworski
- A Gap in Our Understanding? Reconsidering the Evidence for Partisan Knowledge Gaps pp. 131-151

- Carolyn E. Roush and Gaurav Sood
Volume 17, issue 4, 2022
- From the Editors in Chief: A Farewell Message pp. 449-450

- Scott Ashworth and Joshua D. Clinton
- Local Labor Markets and Party Elite: Crafting Trade Policy in the United States House of Representatives pp. 451-489

- Adrienne Hosek and Lauren Peritz
- Affective Polarization Did Not Increase During the COVID-19 Pandemic pp. 491-512

- Levi Boxell, Jacob Conway, James N. Druckman and Matthew Gentzkow
- The Oligarch Vanishes: Defensive Ownership, Property Rights, and Political Connections pp. 513-546

- John Earle, Solomiya Shpak, Anton Shirikov and Scott Gehlbach
- The Rank Effect in Multimember District Elections pp. 547-575

- B. K. Song
Volume 17, issue 3, 2022
- Selective Civilian Targeting: The Unintended Consequences of Partial Peace pp. 317-354

- Mounu Prem, Andrés F. Rivera, Dario Romero and Juan Vargas
- How Does the Rising Number of Women in the U.S. Congress Change Deliberation? Evidence from House Committee Hearings pp. 355-387

- Pamela Ban, Justin Grimmer, Jaclyn Kaslovsky and Emily West
- Out of Step and Still in Congress? Electoral Consequences of Incumbent and Challenger Positioning Across Time pp. 389-420

- Brandice Canes-Wrone and Michael R. Kistner
- Communication in Collective Bargaining pp. 421-448

- Jidong Chen
Volume 17, issue 2, 2022
- Policing Ethnicity: Lab-in-the-Field Evidence on Discrimination, Cooperation, and Ethnic Balancing in the Liberian National Police pp. 141-181

- Robert A. Blair, Sabrina M. Karim, Michael J. Gilligan and Kyle Beardsley
- Strategic Civil War Aims and the Resource Curse pp. 183-221

- Jack Paine
- The Unintended Effects of Bottom-Up Accountability: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Peru pp. 223-257

- Renard Sexton
- Can the Political Ambition of Young Women Be Increased? Evidence from U.S. High School Students pp. 259-281

- Joshua Kalla and Ethan Porter
- Accountability and Inclusion in Customary Institutions: Evidence from a Village-Level Experiment in Zimbabwe pp. 283-315

- Kate Baldwin, Shylock Muyengwa and Eric Mvukiyehe
Volume 17, issue 1, 2022
- A Theory of Power Wars pp. 1-30

- Helios Herrera, Massimo Morelli and Salvatore Nunnari
- Third-Party Intervention and Strategic Militarization pp. 31-59

- Adam Meirowitz, Massimo Morelli, Kristopher W. Ramsay and Francesco Squintani
- Coordination and Innovation in Judiciaries: Correct Law versus Consistent Law pp. 61-89

- Mehdi Shadmehr, Sepehr Shahshahani and Charles Cameron
- Parents, Infants, and Voter Turnout: Evidence from the United States pp. 91-119

- Angela Cools
- Transparency and Stability pp. 121-139

- Mehdi Shadmehr and Dan Bernhardt
Volume 16, issue 4, 2021
- "Leakage" in International Regulatory Regimes: Did the OECD Anti-bribery Convention Increase Bribery? pp. 387-427

- Terrence L. Chapman, Nathan M. Jensen, Edmund J. Malesky and Scott Wolford
- Contemporary U.S. Policymaking pp. 429-465

- David P. Baron
- Lobbying, Inside and Out: How Special Interest Groups Influence Policy Choices pp. 467-503

- Stephane Wolton
- Do Newspapers Benefit Incumbents? Evidence from Denmark 1849–1915 pp. 505-532

- Alexander Fouirnaies
- Friends Don't Let Friends Free Ride pp. 533-557

- Nicholas Eubank and Dorothy Kronick
Volume 16, issue 3, 2021
- Protest Puzzles: Tullock's Paradox, Hong Kong Experiment, and the Strength of Weak States pp. 245-264

- Mehdi Shadmehr
- Viral Voting: Social Networks and Political Participation pp. 265-284

- Nicholas Eubank, Guy Grossman, Melina R. Platas and Jonathan Rodden
- Political Corruption Cycles in Democracies and Autocracies: Evidence from Micro-data on Extortion in West Africa pp. 285-323

- Jasper Cooper
- Party Bans: Deterrence or Backlash? Evidence from the Basque Country pp. 325-358

- Andreu Arenas
- Insights from the Blinder–Oaxaca Decomposition on Polarization in the US Senate pp. 359-386

- Daniel M. Butler
Volume 16, issue 2, 2021
- Polarized Extremes and the Confused Centre: Campaign Targeting of Voters with Correlation Neglect pp. 139-155

- Gilat Levy, Moreno de Barreda, Inés and Ronny Razin
- Optimal Size of Rebellions: Trade-off Between Large Group and Maintaining Secrecy pp. 157-183

- Congyi Zhou
- Local Representation and Voter Mobilization in Closed-list Proportional Representation Systems pp. 185-213

- Jon Fiva, Askill Halse and Daniel M. Smith
- Presidents and the Status Quo pp. 215-244

- Kenneth Lowande
Volume 16, issue 1, 2021
- Does the Media Cover the Economy Accurately? An Analysis of Sixteen Developed Democracies pp. 1-33

- Mark A. Kayser and Michael Peress
- Do Reelection Incentives Improve Policy Implementation? Accountability versus Political Targeting pp. 35-69

- Anderson Frey
- Trumping Hate on Twitter? Online Hate Speech in the 2016 U.S. Election Campaign and its Aftermath pp. 71-104

- Alexandra A. Siegel, Evgenii Nikitin, Barberá, Pablo, Joanna Sterling, Bethany Pullen, Richard Bonneau, Jonathan Nagler and Joshua A. Tucker
- A Model of Interest Group Influence and Campaign Advertising pp. 105-137

- Zuheir Desai and John Duggan
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