The Review of Economic Studies
1933 - 2025
Current editor(s): Thomas Chaney, Xavier d’Haultfoeuille, Andrea Galeotti, Bård Harstad, Nir Jaimovich, Katrine Loken, Elias Papaioannou, Vincent Sterk and Noam Yuchtman From Review of Economic Studies Ltd Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 92, issue 1, 2025
- Labour Market Screening and the Design of Social Insurance: An Equilibrium Analysis of the Labour Market for the Disabled pp. 1-39

- Naoki Aizawa, Soojin Kim and Serena Rhee
- Optimal Allocation via Waitlists: Simplicity Through Information Design pp. 40-68

- Itai Ashlagi, Faidra Monachou and Afshin Nikzad
- Inefficient Automation pp. 69-96

- Martin Beraja and Nathan Zorzi
- Migration and the Value of Social Networks pp. 97-128

- Joshua E Blumenstock, Guanghua Chi and Xu Tan
- Private Sector Provision as an “Escape Valve”: The Mexico Diabetes Experiment pp. 129-161

- Ari Bronsoler, Jonathan Gruber and Enrique Seira
- Adaptive Estimation and Uniform Confidence Bands for Nonparametric Structural Functions and Elasticities pp. 162-196

- Xiaohong Chen, Timothy Christensen and Sid Kankanala
- Information Spillovers and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets the Eurozone Crisis pp. 197-237

- Harold L Cole, Daniel Neuhann and Guillermo Ordoñez
- Partially Linear Models under Data Combination pp. 238-267

- X D’Haultfœuille, Christophe Gaillac and Arnaud Maurel
- Too Domestic to Fail: Liquidity Provision and National Champions pp. 268-298

- Emmanuel Farhi and Jean Tirole
- The Climate in Climate Economics pp. 299-338

- Doris Folini, Aleksandra Friedl, Felix Kübler and Simon Scheidegger
- Good Politicians: Experimental Evidence on Motivations for Political Candidacy and Government Performance pp. 339-364

- Saad Gulzar and Muhammad Yasir Khan
- International Comovement in the Global Production Network pp. 365-403

- Zhen Huo, Andrei Levchenko and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar
- Transhumant Pastoralism, Climate Change, and Conflict in Africa pp. 404-441

- Eoin F McGuirk and Nathan Nunn
- Reservation Raises: The Aggregate Labour Supply Curve at the Extensive Margin pp. 442-475

- Preston Mui and Benjamin Schoefer
- Robust Implementation with Costly Information pp. 476-505

- Harry Pei and Bruno Strulovici
- The Causal Impact of Socio-Emotional Skills Training on Educational Success pp. 506-552

- Giuseppe Sorrenti, Ulf Zölitz, Denis Ribeaud and Manuel Eisner
- Surviving Competition: Neighbourhood Shops versus Convenience Chains pp. 553-585

- Miguel Talamas Marcos
- Estimating Equilibrium in Health Insurance Exchanges: Price Competition and Subsidy Design under the ACA pp. 586-620

- Pietro Tebaldi
Volume 91, issue 6, 2024
- A Model of Online Misinformation pp. 3117-3150

- Daron Acemoglu, Asuman Ozdaglar and James Siderius
- Decomposing Duration Dependence in a Stopping Time Model pp. 3151-3189

- Fernando Alvarez, Katarína Borovičková and Robert Shimer
- Strategic Foundations of Efficient Rational Expectations pp. 3190-3216

- Paulo Barelli, Srihari Govindan and Robert Wilson
- Motives and Consequences of Libor Strategic Reporting: How Much Can We Learn from Banks’ Self-Reported Borrowing Rates? pp. 3217-3252

- Pietro Bonaldi
- Revisiting Event-Study Designs: Robust and Efficient Estimation pp. 3253-3285

- Kirill Borusyak, Xavier Jaravel and Jann Spiess
- Outside Options in the Labour Market pp. 3286-3315

- Sydnee Caldwell and Oren Danieli
- Marriage Market and Labour Market Sorting pp. 3316-3361

- Paula Calvo, Ilse Lindenlaub and Ana Reynoso
- The Work-From-Home Technology Boon and its Consequences pp. 3362-3401

- Morris Davis, Andra C Ghent and Jesse Gregory
- Voluntary Disclosure in Asymmetric Contests pp. 3402-3422

- Christian Ewerhart and Julia Lareida
- Information Aggregation Under Ambiguity: Theory and Experimental Evidence pp. 3423-3467

- Spyros Galanis, Christos Ioannou and Stelios Kotronis
- Measuring Diffusion Over a Large Network pp. 3468-3503

- Xiaoqi He and Kyungchul Song
- Designing Interrogations pp. 3504-3531

- Alessandro Ispano and Péter Vida
- Stability in Large Markets pp. 3532-3568

- Ravi Jagadeesan and Karolina Vocke
- Granular Search, Market Structure, and Wages pp. 3569-3607

- Gregor Jarosch, Jan Sebastian Nimczik and Isaac Sorkin
- A Dynamic Model of Input–Output Networks pp. 3608-3644

- Ernest Liu and Aleh Tsyvinski
- Credit Allocation and Macroeconomic Fluctuations pp. 3645-3676

- Karsten Müller and Emil Verner
- Information and Bargaining through Agents: Experimental Evidence from Mexico’s Labour Courts pp. 3677-3711

- Joyce Sadka, Enrique Seira and Christopher Woodruff
Volume 91, issue 5, 2024
- Fixed Effects and the Generalized Mundlak Estimator pp. 2545-2571

- Dmitry Arkhangelsky and Guido W Imbens
- Unequal Expenditure Switching: Evidence from Switzerland pp. 2572-2603

- Raphael Auer, Ariel Burstein, Sarah Lein and Jonathan Vogel
- Informality, Consumption Taxes, and Redistribution pp. 2604-2634

- Pierre Bachas, Lucie Gadenne and Anders Jensen
- Repayment Flexibility and Risk Taking: Experimental Evidence from Credit Contracts pp. 2635-2675

- Marianna Battaglia, Selim Gulesci and Andreas Madestam
- Exploiting Growth Opportunities: The Role of Internal Labour Markets pp. 2676-2716

- Giacinta Cestone, Chiara Fumagalli, Francis Kramarz and Giovanni Pica
- Evaluating the Accuracy of Counterfactuals: Heterogeneous Survival Expectations in a Life Cycle Model pp. 2717-2743

- Jochem de Bresser
- Multi-Dimensional Screening: Buyer-Optimal Learning and Informational Robustness pp. 2744-2770

- Rahul Deb and Anne-Katrin Roesler
- Bargaining as a Struggle Between Competing Attempts at Commitment pp. 2771-2805

- Rohan Dutta
- Contingent Thinking and the Sure-Thing Principle: Revisiting Classic Anomalies in the Laboratory pp. 2806-2831

- Ignacio Esponda and Emanuel Vespa
- How Credit Constraints Impact Job Finding Rates, Sorting, and Aggregate Output pp. 2832-2877

- Kyle Herkenhoff, Gordon Phillips and Ethan Cohen-Cole
- Dollar Safety and the Global Financial Cycle pp. 2878-2915

- Zhengyang Jiang, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Hanno Lustig
- Path Dependency in Physician Decisions pp. 2916-2953

- Lawrence Jin, Rui Tang, Han Ye, Junjian Yi and Songfa Zhong
- Competition and Career Advancement pp. 2954-2980

- Julian V Johnsen, Hyejin Ku and Kjell G Salvanes
- Single-Crossing Differences in Convex Environments pp. 2981-3012

- Navin Kartik, SangMok Lee and Daniel Rappoport
- Incorporating Diagnostic Expectations into the New Keynesian Framework pp. 3013-3046

- Jean-Paul L’Huillier, Sanjay R Singh and Donghoon Yoo
- Capital Regulation and Shadow Finance: A Quantitative Analysis pp. 3047-3084

- Hyunju Lee, Sunyoung Lee and Radoslaw Paluszynski
- Endogenous Uncertainty and Credit Crunches pp. 3085-3115

- Ludwig Straub and Robert Ulbricht
Volume 91, issue 4, 2024
- Minimum Wage Employment Effects and Labour Market Concentration pp. 1843-1883

- José Azar, Emiliano Huet, Ioana Marinescu, Bledi Taska and Till von
- When Less Is More: Experimental Evidence on Information Delivery During India’s Demonetisation pp. 1884-1922

- Abhijit Banerjee, Emily Brez, Arun G Chandrasekhar and Benjamin Golub
- The Transmission of Commodity Price Super-Cycles pp. 1923-1955

- Felipe Benguria, Felipe Saffie and Sergio Urzua
- Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from Retail Sales pp. 1956-1987

- Alan Benson, Simon Board and Moritz Meyer
- Continuous-Time Games with Imperfect and Abrupt Information pp. 1988-2052

- Benjamin Bernard
- Reserve Accumulation, Macroeconomic Stabilization, and Sovereign Risk pp. 2053-2103

- Javier Bianchi and César Sosa-Padilla
- The Brexit Vote, Productivity Growth, and Macroeconomic Adjustments in the U.K pp. 2104-2134

- Ben Broadbent, Federico Di Pace, Thomas Drechsel, Richard Harrison and Silvana Tenreyro
- On the Use of Outcome Tests for Detecting Bias in Decision Making pp. 2135-2167

- Ivan Canay, Magne Mogstad and Jack Mount
- Taxes and Growth: New Narrative Evidence from Interwar Britain pp. 2168-2200

- James Cloyne, Nicholas Dimsdale and Natacha Postel-Vinay
- Negative Nominal Interest Rates and the Bank Lending Channel pp. 2201-2275

- Gauti Eggertsson, Ragnar E Juelsrud, Lawrence H Summers and Ella Getz
- How Exporters Grow pp. 2276-2306

- Doireann Fitzgerald, Stefanie Haller and Yaniv Yedid-Levi
- Sources and Transmission of Country Risk pp. 2307-2346

- Tarek A Hassan, Jesse Schreger, Markus Schwedeler and Ahmed Tahoun
- Superiority-Seeking and the Preference for Exclusion pp. 2347-2386

- Alex Imas and Kristof Madarász
- Which Investors Matter for Equity Valuations and Expected Returns? pp. 2387-2424

- Ralph S J Koijen, Robert J Richmond and Motohiro Yogo
- Strategic Exploration: Pre-emption and Prioritization pp. 2425-2461

- Qingmin Liu and Yu Fu Wong
- Model Complexity, Expectations, and Asset Prices pp. 2462-2507

- Pooya Molavi, Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi and Andrea Vedolin
- Market Power in Coal Shipping and Implications for U.S. Climate Policy pp. 2508-2537

- Louis Preonas
Volume 91, issue 3, 2024
- Resolving Failed Banks: Uncertainty, Multiple Bidding and Auction Design pp. 1201-1242

- Jason Allen, Robert Clark, Brent Hickman and Eric Richert
- Deadly Debt Crises: COVID-19 in Emerging Markets pp. 1243-1290

- Cristina Arellano, Yan Bai and Gabriel Mihalache
- Is the Social Safety Net a Long-Term Investment? Large-Scale Evidence From the Food Stamps Program pp. 1291-1330

- Martha Bailey, Hilary Hoynes, Maya Rossin-Slater and Reed Walker
- Changes in Social Network Structure in Response to Exposure to Formal Credit Markets pp. 1331-1372

- Abhijit Banerjee, Emily Breza, Arun G Chandrasekhar, Esther Duflo, Matthew Jackson and Cynthia Kinnan
- The Darwinian Returns to Scale pp. 1373-1405

- David Baqaee, Emmanuel Farhi and Kunal Sangani
- Dynamic Opinion Aggregation: Long-Run Stability and Disagreement pp. 1406-1447

- Simone Cerreia-Vioglio, Roberto Corrao and Giacomo Lanzani
- Trust in Risk Sharing: A Double-Edged Sword pp. 1448-1497

- Harold L Cole, Dirk Krueger, George J Mailath and Yena Park
- Selfish Corporations pp. 1498-1536

- Emanuele Colonnelli, Niels Gormsen and Tim McQuade
- Bilateral Trade Imbalances pp. 1537-1583

- Alejandro Cunat and Robert Zymek
- The Effect of Wealth on Worker Productivity pp. 1584-1633

- Jan Eeckhout and Alireza Sepahsalari
- The Slaughter of the Bison and Reversal of Fortunes on the Great Plains pp. 1634-1670

- Donna Feir, Rob Gillezeau and Maggie Jones
- How Responsive Are Wages to Firm-Specific Changes in Labour Demand? Evidence from Idiosyncratic Export Demand Shocks pp. 1671-1710

- Andrew Garin and Filipe Silvério
- Experimentation in Endogenous Organizations pp. 1711-1745

- German Gieczewski and Svetlana Kosterina
- Heterogeneous Paths of Industrialization pp. 1746-1774

- Federico Huneeus and Richard Rogerson
- Memory and Markets pp. 1775-1806

- Sergey Kovbasyuk and Giancarlo Spagnolo
- Vacancy Durations and Entry Wages: Evidence from Linked Vacancy–Employer–Employee Data pp. 1807-1841

- Andreas Mueller, Damian Osterwalder, Josef Zweimüller and Andreas Kettemann
Volume 91, issue 2, 2024
- Equilibrium Analysis in Behavioural One-Sector Growth Models pp. 599-640

- Daron Acemoglu and Martin Kaae Jensen
- Price Discrimination in International Airline Markets pp. 641-689

- Gaurab Aryal, Charles Murry and Jonathan W Williams
- Security Design in Non-Exclusive Markets with Asymmetric Information pp. 690-719

- Vladimir Asriyan and Victoria Vanasco
- Using Disasters to Estimate the Impact of Uncertainty pp. 720-747

- Scott Baker, Nicholas Bloom and Stephen Terry
- Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions pp. 748-784

- Debopam Bhattacharya, Pascaline Dupas and Shin Kanaya
- The 2000s Housing Cycle with 2020 Hindsight: A Neo-Kindlebergerian View pp. 785-816

- Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Adam Guren and Timothy J McQuade
- Financial Cycles with Heterogeneous Intermediaries pp. 817-857

- Nuno Coimbra and Helene Rey
- Income Growth and the Distributional Effects of Urban Spatial Sorting pp. 858-898

- Victor Couture, Cecile Gaubert, Jessie Handbury and Erik Hurst
- The Economic Geography of Global Warming pp. 899-939

- José-Luis Cruz and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- House Price Dynamics, Optimal LTV Limits and the Liquidity Trap pp. 940-971

- Andrea Ferrero, Richard Harrison and Benjamin Nelson
- Diversity in Schools: Immigrants and the Educational Performance of U.S.-Born Students pp. 972-1006

- David Figlio, Paola Giuliano, Riccardo Marchingiglio, Umut Ozek and Paola Sapienza
- The Value of Data Records pp. 1007-1038

- Simone Galperti, Aleksandr Levkun and Jacopo Perego
- Mortgage Design and Slow Recoveries: The Role of Recourse and Default pp. 1039-1084

- Pedro Gete and Franco Zecchetto
- Optimal Long-Term Health Insurance Contracts: Characterization, Computation, and Welfare Effects pp. 1085-1121

- Soheil Ghili, Ben Handel, Igal Hendel and Michael D Whinston
- Follow the Money pp. 1122-1161

- Marco Grotteria
- Fair Matching under Constraints: Theory and Applications pp. 1162-1199

- Yuichiro Kamada and Fuhito Kojima
Volume 91, issue 1, 2024
- How the Other Half Died: Immigration and Mortality in U.S. Cities pp. 1-44

- Philipp Ager, James Feigenbaum, Casper W Hansen and Hui Ren Tan
- Misspecified Moment Inequality Models: Inference and Diagnostics pp. 45-76

- Donald W K Andrews and Soonwoo Kwon
- International Spillovers and Bailouts pp. 77-128

- Marina Azzimonti and Vincenzo Quadrini
- Diagnostic Business Cycles pp. 129-162

- Francesco Bianchi, Cosmin Ilut and Hikaru Saijo
- Beyond Dividing the Pie: Multi-Issue Bargaining in the Laboratory pp. 163-191

- Olivier Bochet, Manshu Khanna and Simon Siegenthaler
- Energy Efficiency and Directed Technical Change: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation pp. 192-228

- Gregory Casey
- Monetary Policy and Birth Rates: The Effect of Mortgage Rate Pass-Through on Fertility pp. 229-258

- Fergus Cumming and Lisa Dettling
- The Size and Life-Cycle Growth of Plants: The Role of Productivity, Demand, and Wedges pp. 259-300

- Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger and Nicolas Urdaneta
- The Cost of Wage Rigidity pp. 301-339

- Ester Faia and Vincenzo Pezone
- Liberty, Security, and Accountability: The Rise and Fall of Illiberal Democracies pp. 340-371

- Gabriele Gratton and Barton Lee
- Job Matching with Subsidy and Taxation pp. 372-402

- Fuhito Kojima, Ning Sun and Ning Neil Yu
- Salience and Taxation with Imperfect Competition pp. 403-437

- Kory Kroft, Jean-William Laliberté, René Leal-Vizcaíno and Matthew Notowidigdo
- A Macro-Finance Model with Sentiment pp. 438-475

- Peter Maxted
- Inference for Ranks with Applications to Mobility across Neighbourhoods and Academic Achievement across Countries pp. 476-518

- Magne Mogstad, Joseph P Romano, Azeem Shaikh and Daniel Wilhelm
- Are Executives in Short Supply? Evidence from Death Events pp. 519-559

- Julien Sauvagnat and Fabiano Schivardi
- Human Capital, Female Employment, and Electricity: Evidence from the Early 20th-Century United States pp. 560-594

- Daniela Vidart
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